


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ly with presentation to the right hemifield (left hemisphere).
2 here), and fast profiles (all but one in the left hemisphere).
3 onses in temporal-perisylvian areas of their left hemisphere.
4 ls in the region responsive to words, in the left hemisphere.
5 en Broca's and Wernicke's territories in the left hemisphere.
6  as lateral temporal-parietal regions in the left hemisphere.
7  face and tongue are greatly expanded in the left hemisphere.
8 ctural and resting state connectivity in the left hemisphere.
9 se to the Broca's or Wernicke's areas of the left hemisphere.
10 ponding locations in the structurally intact left hemisphere.
11 hey are also specifically lateralized to the left hemisphere.
12 in the right hemisphere and semantics in the left hemisphere.
13 on and recruitment of eloquent cortex in the left hemisphere.
14 ented on the right producing activity in the left hemisphere.
15 sual analysis, which performed better in the left hemisphere.
16  of which were unilaterally activated in the left hemisphere.
17 nd revealed TOJ activation in the TPJ of the left hemisphere.
18 citation of neural pathways in the undamaged left hemisphere.
19 icits observed after posterior damage to the left hemisphere.
20       Activations were more extensive in the left hemisphere.
21 mporal features (20-50 Hz) lateralize to the left hemisphere.
22 ile following the envelope compared with the left hemisphere.
23 reflecting recruitment of the nonspecialized left hemisphere.
24 differs from that with a functionally normal left hemisphere.
25 ctivated in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere.
26 t majority of behavioral effects seen on the left hemisphere.
27  cingulum and uncinate--predominantly in the left hemisphere.
28 tric gene expression assigns language to the left hemisphere.
29 gions of the fronto-thalamic circuits in the left hemisphere.
30 nal connectivity of these regions within the left hemisphere.
31 terior parietal cortex, predominantly in the left hemisphere.
32 rain activation is mostly lateralised to the left hemisphere.
33 eserved contralateral representations in the left hemisphere.
34 illions of cells distributed over the entire left hemisphere.
35 n learning, with a transient bias toward the left hemisphere.
36 d or enhanced contralateral dominance in the left hemisphere.
37 ed to be computed in the dominant, typically left hemisphere.
38 4-year follow-up period in the right but not left hemisphere.
39 cerebral commissure connecting the right and left hemispheres.
40 ditory cortical activation in both right and left hemispheres.
41 anopia, with no difference between right and left hemispheres.
42 oteinopathy in the language-dominant (mostly left) hemisphere.
43 irectly introduced to the language-dominant (left) hemisphere.
44 ferential permeability between the right and left hemispheres; (2) altered social behavior with incre
45 eir breadth of semantic activation, with the left hemisphere activating a narrow, focused semantic fi
46 , stronger lateralization resulted from more left hemisphere activation in both regions as well as re
47          In contrast to strongly lateralized left hemisphere activations for language in neurotypical
48 n contrast, in the later stages after stroke left hemisphere activations predict chronic aphasia; spe
49             Subjects with BDD showed greater left hemisphere activity relative to controls, particula
50 l fusion elicited activity biased toward the left hemisphere, although failed cross-modal binding rec
51 , usually consistent with a reduction in the left hemisphere and a relative increase in the right hem
52 nates of right NAc pcore and pshell onto the left hemisphere and examined structural and resting stat
53 espread temporal/frontal lobe regions of the left hemisphere and expressive aphasia; and (iv) bilater
54  in December or May/June, lateralized to the left hemisphere and specific to behaviorally relevant st
55 al, middle temporal, and angular gyri of the left hemisphere and the lingual and inferior temporal gy
56 d to identify critical language areas in the left hemisphere and then to quantify each stroke survivo
57 ry inputs (the right visual hemifield in the left hemisphere and vice versa) is a fundamental feature
58 ft hemispheres, hippocampus in the right and left hemispheres and cerebellum.
59 he same linguistic functions as those in the left-hemisphere and only indirectly contribute to preser
60 e effect of lesion location (in the affected left hemisphere) and grey matter density (in the unaffec
61 insula, and extending into occipital cortex (left hemisphere) and orbitofrontal cortex (right hemisph
62  cortex (9 out of 10 Brodmann's areas in the left hemisphere) and temporal lobe (10 out of 11 Brodman
63  (three tasks selected to probe the right or left hemisphere), and (11)C-flumazenil positron emission
64 er parieto-frontal network in the right than left hemisphere, and a significant correlation between t
65 ly, Broca's area is most often larger in the left hemisphere, and functional imaging studies in human
66  The P1 and N1 latencies were shorter in the left hemisphere, and the N1 and P2 amplitudes were large
67 s of interhemispheric inhibition, we applied left hemisphere anodal-excitatory and right hemisphere c
68 lation between attentional control and FA in left hemisphere anterior corona radiata, as well as the
69 tentional control and FA within a ROI in the left hemisphere anterior corona radiata.
70 articipants showed greater activation in the left hemisphere anterior extent of MT/V5 when motion wor
71               In addition, we found over the left hemisphere, anterior to primary auditory cortex, a
72                         The integrity of the left hemisphere appears predictive of a better clinical
73 1 subjects with focal hemisphere lesions (15 left hemisphere) as well as 16 normal controls on a batt
74                                  There was a left-hemisphere association of motor ability in the cont
75        Paired-pulse TMS was delivered to the left hemisphere at the following interstimulus intervals
76 hree characteristics: greater atrophy of the left hemisphere; atrophy of anterior components of the p
77                                       In the left hemisphere, attending to the stimulus also resulted
78 peech has long been considered the domain of left-hemisphere auditory areas.
79 es by rate-specialized neurons in right- and left-hemisphere auditory cortex.
80 ctor of longitudinal aphasia severity in the left hemisphere [beta = -0.630, t(-3.129), P = 0.011].
81 lly specific relationships, primarily in the left hemisphere, between atrophy and impairments in lang
82         Individuals suffering from posterior left hemisphere brain injury often exhibit temporal proc
83 reorganize to the right-hemisphere following left-hemisphere brain damage.
84 case of the high grade glioma (HGG) only the left hemisphere Broca's area was activated (LI=1).
85  controls, syntactic processing co-activated left hemisphere Brodmann areas 45/47 and posterior middl
86  real-life narrative is not localized to the left hemisphere but recruits an extensive bilateral netw
87  network and language-related regions in the left hemisphere but to attention networks in the right h
88 this specific error type in 45 patients with left hemisphere chronic stroke.
89         Dendritic length measurements in the left hemisphere confirm that males have greater overall
90 he control sample demonstrating rapid within-left hemisphere connectivity increases and the traumatic
91       Here, we show that mPFC neurons in the left hemisphere control stress effects on social behavio
92 eached levels of smoothness (associated with left hemisphere control), acceleration time (associated
93 sal premotor cortex (PMd) of the nondominant left hemisphere correlated with the left-to-right shift
94 and found the amount of FOXP2 protein in the left hemisphere cortex of 4-year-old boys was significan
95 f different, but overlapping, regions of the left hemisphere cortex, such that the distribution of ti
96                                Patients with left hemisphere damage and concomitant aphasia usually h
97 r integrity and performance in patients with left hemisphere damage and healthy participants to ask w
98  in differentiating between individuals with left hemisphere damage and right hemisphere damage where
99 amage produce different effects on movement: Left hemisphere damage produces deficits in specifying f
100 e right hemisphere in aphasia recovery after left hemisphere damage remains unclear.
101 ts indicated a double dissociation; although left hemisphere damage was associated with greater error
102 the right hemisphere has been observed after left hemisphere damage.
103 sphere areas supports aphasia recovery after left hemisphere damage.
104 l neglect syndrome), but only for right (not left) hemisphere damage.
105        However, patients with right, but not left, hemisphere damage showed significantly larger erro
106 onger in patients with right- as compared to left-hemisphere damage and were independent of lesion vo
107                            We predicted that left-hemisphere damage would produce deficits in specifi
108 ity and lesion size are properly controlled, left-hemisphere-damaged patients and control participant
109 ues, whereas average volume elsewhere in the left hemisphere deviated from control values by only 8%.
110                                       In the left hemisphere, differential visual processing occurred
111 sistently suggest that the normal pattern of left hemisphere dominance of language processing is sign
112 e right middle cerebral arteries, indicating left hemisphere dominance.
113 s for auditory recognition and that there is left-hemisphere dominance for processing information der
114                                          The left-hemisphere dominance for S-R mapping could be relat
115 ns, the approximately 0.5 Hz coupling became left-hemisphere dominant, compared with bilateral coupli
116 raphy imaging shows a clinically concordant, left-hemisphere-dominant pattern of deposition in primar
117 maging showed that microstructural damage to left hemisphere dorsal tracts--the superior longitudinal
118 identify a structural brain marker-volume of left hemisphere dorsolateral prefrontal cortex-associate
119 ith right-side onset of motor symptoms (RPD, left hemisphere dysfunction) would be impaired at local
120 ght-hemisphere dysfunction; RPD, predominant left-hemisphere dysfunction) would display distinct patt
121 a common network strongly lateralized to the left hemisphere especially during planning but also acti
122 erior temporal atrophy, predominantly in the left hemisphere, especially along the superior temporal
123                                          The left hemisphere exhibited load-dependent activity only f
124 ocampal and fusiform gyri, and predominantly left hemisphere extra-temporal activations within the in
125 nts with schizophrenia by a reduction in the left hemisphere (F = 7.7, df 1,32, P < 0.01).
126 span (right hemisphere: F = 7.69, P < 0.001; left hemisphere: F = 8.69, P < 0.001).
127 zure onset with temporal lateralization, and left hemisphere focus with a unilateral right pattern.
128  and must subsequently be transferred to the left hemisphere for language processing than when it is
129  for different aspects of motor control: the left hemisphere for predicting and accounting for limb d
130 misphere, affording it an advantage over the left hemisphere for the activation of distantly related
131 200 ms, ISI and this difference was over the left-hemisphere for linguistic probes and over the right
132  may prevent fronto-parietal networks in the left hemisphere from resolving the activity imbalance wi
133                                  Recovery of left hemisphere frontoparietal metabolic activity was fu
134 rrelated with chunk concatenation, whereas a left-hemisphere frontoparietal network was correlated wi
135 tegrated from signs using the same classical left hemisphere frontotemporal network used for speech i
136 is is a failure of segregation of right from left hemisphere functions.
137 c problems have abnormal volume of posterior left hemisphere grey matter.
138 etry was attributable to a right slower than left hemisphere growth rate mapped in COS patients (P =
139  responses, suggesting that most ACFs in the left hemisphere had greater resilience against reduced c
140 spitalization for schizophrenia, MMN indexed left hemisphere Heschl gyrus gray matter volume, consist
141      Only schizophrenia evinced longitudinal left hemisphere Heschl gyrus reduction (P=.003), highly
142 ispheres, the basal ganglia in the right and left hemispheres, hippocampus in the right and left hemi
143 ht-hemisphere tangle density despite greater left-hemisphere hypoperfusion and atrophy during life.
144 sities in another and frontal atrophy of the left hemisphere in a third patient.
145 indings challenge consensus that because the left hemisphere in neglect is pathologically over-excite
146 ally depends on posterior brain areas of the left hemisphere in proficient adult readers.
147      This establishes the unique role of the left hemisphere in syntax, a core component in human lan
148 n important role for anterior regions of the left hemisphere in the selection of semantic information
149 significant difference between the right and left hemispheres in the overall size of the dorsolateral
150  Broca's area was present- in 2 cases in the left hemisphere, in 1 case in the right hemisphere and i
151 p, particularly along the mesial wall of the left hemisphere, in the same region where we previously
152 ht temporal cortex, (2) increased HFA in the left hemisphere including the medial temporal lobe (MTL)
153 es of human brain functions in the right and left hemispheres, including sensory, motor, and language
154 isphere, and the cuneus and precuneus in the left hemisphere, independent of familial risk.
155 athways to all calculated PFC regions in the left hemisphere, indicating stronger pathways for person
156 ession abilities associated with blurring in left hemisphere inferior frontal cortex and temporal pol
157 that better language outcome following early left hemisphere injury relies on the contribution of the
158 ch is typically more severe after right than left hemisphere injury, includes deficits of spatial att
159                This suggests that, following left hemisphere injury, language-related processing in t
160 ntral tegmental areas and nucleus accumbens, left-hemisphere insula, orbitofrontal cortex, and ventro
161            Lateralization of language to the left hemisphere is considered a key aspect of human brai
162 n contrast to adults and older children, the left hemisphere is larger than the right hemisphere, and
163 characteristics support a model in which the left hemisphere is more sensitive to temporal and the ri
164 ory, which predicts that the right-eye (i.e. left-hemisphere) is used to categorize stimuli while the
165               We evaluated 331 patients with left hemisphere ischemic stroke with various spelling te
166 o controls before training comprised damaged left hemisphere language areas, right precentral and sup
167 language homologues compensate for damage in left hemisphere language areas, the current prevailing t
168 epsy (n = 21, 5-12 years, nine females) with left hemisphere language dominance.
169 iform network (resulting in agnosia) and the left hemisphere language network (resulting in profound
170 s characterised by dysfunction of the normal left hemisphere language network and also implicates abn
171 yndrome that causes a gradual atrophy of the left hemisphere language network, leading to impairments
172 tional MR hemisphere activation and definite left-hemisphere language dominance.
173 tional MR hemisphere activation and definite left-hemisphere language dominance.
174 tional MR hemisphere activation and definite left-hemisphere language dominance.
175                  These findings suggest that left-hemisphere language processing emerges from early b
176 s associated with activation of a network of left-hemisphere language regions, such as the angular gy
177                                Moreover, the left hemisphere lateralization of this operation remains
178                     Asymmetry in the form of left-hemisphere lateralization is a striking characteris
179               Finally, we show that the more left hemisphere-lateralized the pedunculopontine nucleus
180 MRI study, we assessed the hypothesis that a left-hemisphere-lateralized system including the inferio
181 ontribute to language function after a focal left hemisphere lesion.
182                               Both right and left hemisphere lesioned patients were significantly imp
183 he differential deficits induced by right or left hemisphere lesions to enhance post-stroke rehabilit
184        Thirty-eight stroke patients (16 with left-hemisphere lesions) underwent MRI anatomical brain
185 ioral data in 21 human patients with chronic left hemisphere (LH) lesions and a range of language imp
186 ablished that in human speech perception the left hemisphere (LH) of the brain is specialized for pro
187  of the unambiguous conditions; however, the left hemisphere (LH) showed less facilitation for the we
188 onal targets across the visual field; in the left hemisphere (LH), IPS0-2 codes primarily contralater
189    In adults, color CP is lateralized to the left hemisphere (LH), whereas in infants, it is laterali
190 ior temporal white matter connections of the left hemisphere likely involved in semantic and lexical
191 rior-posterior topography of P3 amplitude at left hemisphere, midline, and right hemisphere scalp loc
192 ion with perceiving actions in videos, while left-hemisphere MNS showed a supramodal association with
193 at asymmetric NPTN expression may render the left hemisphere more sensitive to the effects of NPTN mu
194 f 1.53 x 10(5) neurons/mm(3) (greater in the left hemisphere), more glia (72% of all cells) than neur
195  features of human hand movements within the left-hemisphere motor network.
196                                      Largely left-hemisphere MZS showed a supramodal association with
197                          Greater post-stroke left hemisphere network fragmentation and higher modular
198 posed to rely on areas outside the classical left-hemisphere network for alphabetic reading.
199           While healthy controls activated a left-hemisphere network of correlated activity including
200 together, and the degree of fragmentation of left hemisphere networks.
201 al regions of the right hemisphere (with the left hemisphere not analyzed given artifacts arising fro
202 th normally developing controls, significant left-hemisphere occipitotemporal deficits in cortical th
203                      Compared with controls, left-hemisphere occipitotemporal thickness correlations
204 edial prefrontal cortex of the right but not left hemisphere of CVT-performing animals.
205 r synaptic activity in the right than in the left hemisphere of females, mediating timely neuroendocr
206 , neocortical NFTs were more numerous in the left hemisphere of PPA/AD.
207 that were confined almost exclusively to the left hemisphere of the brain and that involved almost it
208 , language is processed predominantly by the left hemisphere of the brain, but we do not know how or
209                                          The left hemisphere of the human cerebral cortex is dominant
210                                       In the left hemispheres of PSCs we found a negative correlation
211 sphere was not correlated with damage in the left-hemisphere or with performance.
212 only a 1.3% per year trend for growth in the left hemisphere (P = 0.066).
213 1755, associating with thinner cortex in the left hemisphere (P=1.12 x 10(-)(7)), particularly in the
214                       Second, regions in the left hemisphere (particularly within temporal and subcor
215            As expected, deaf signers engaged left-hemisphere perisylvian language areas during the pe
216         Neural connectivity was reduced in a left-hemisphere pre-language region, and the degree to w
217 under both movement conditions namely in the left hemisphere precentral gyrus (BA 4), the left hemisp
218 e correlation between total PANESS score and left hemisphere primary motor and premotor white matter
219 triking pattern of underconnectivity between left-hemisphere pSTS and distributed nodes of the dopami
220  Lesion-symptom mapping showed that specific left hemisphere regions related to different language ab
221 n these two groups occurred in homologues of left hemisphere regions that sustained task activation.
222 o 15-year-olds) in effective connectivity in left hemisphere regions were examined using dynamic caus
223 g a model language network consisting of six left hemisphere regions, the DCM analysis demonstrated r
224 ho stutter exhibited deactivation over these left hemisphere regions.
225                                       In two left-hemisphere regions (pars opercularis, planum polare
226 re activation in homologous regions to those left-hemisphere regions typically involved in the young.
227 symmetry in the brain's coding of space: the left hemisphere represents the right side, whereas the r
228                                       In the left hemisphere, residual noise variance strongly correl
229 nd processed in the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere, respectively.
230 ater diagnosed as autistic display deficient left hemisphere response to speech sounds and have abnor
231 ust responses than the American listeners at left hemisphere scalp sites that probably index activity
232 nvoluntary orienting were more frequent with left-hemisphere seeds.
233                                          The left hemisphere seems to perform faster processing to re
234           We studied 45 patients, all with a left hemisphere seizure focus (mean age 22.8, seizure on
235 t, only patients with parietal damage in the left hemisphere showed a clear deficit in movement adapt
236  vs. the right cerebral hemisphere, with the left hemisphere showing a preference to interact more ex
237 calization judgments of two individuals with left hemisphere somatosensory damage subsequent to strok
238 thermore, our lateralization results suggest left hemisphere specificity for the processing of phonol
239 that the recovery of speech production after left hemisphere stroke not only depends on the integrity
240 sed lesion-symptom mapping with data from 71 left hemisphere stroke participants to assess the critic
241    10 healthy adults and 10 individuals with left hemisphere stroke participated.
242                       We report data from 43 left hemisphere stroke patients in two action recognitio
243 lesion-symptom mapping (VLSM) in a series of left hemisphere stroke patients to identify brain region
244 miliar and novel objects was assessed in six left hemisphere stroke patients, two of whom exhibited d
245 s, 27 patients (aged 59 +/- 11 years) with a left hemisphere stroke performed behavioural assessments
246 anisms underlying recovery of language after left hemisphere stroke remain elusive.
247 l anatomical whole-brain connectomes from 90 left hemisphere stroke survivors using diffusion MR imag
248                                   Thirty-two left hemisphere stroke survivors with aphasia underwent
249           To confirm this result, 10 chronic left hemisphere stroke survivors with no history of apha
250 ognition tests were obtained from 67 chronic left hemisphere stroke survivors.
251  to language production abilities in chronic left hemisphere stroke, and that these areas may undergo
252  reasoning test) in 64 patients with chronic left hemisphere stroke.
253 o receptive language outcome following early left hemisphere stroke.
254 he sSTR support sensory discrimination after left hemisphere stroke.
255 comprehension in patients with aphasia after left hemisphere stroke.
256 ontributes to aphasia outcomes after chronic left hemisphere stroke.
257 th speech comprehension impairment following left hemisphere stroke: (1) phonological training using
258  Here, we analysed longitudinal change in 28 left-hemisphere stroke patients, each more than a year p
259 ho were investigated at least 1 year after a left-hemisphere stroke.
260 f the disorder following right compared with left hemisphere strokes.
261 cessing is considered to be dominated by the left hemisphere, studies have indicated that both left a
262 d 8 right-handed patients who had suffered a left-hemisphere subcortical ischemic stroke with paresis
263 ex white matter volume in both the right and left hemispheres, such that increased white matter volum
264 left hemisphere precentral gyrus (BA 4), the left hemisphere superior parietal lobe (BA 7), and the b
265 ng early inferential processing, whereas the left hemisphere superior temporal gyrus is particularly
266                                          The left hemisphere superiority for language, then, must be
267                                          The left hemisphere temporal and parietal regions remained s
268 ned present in a large cluster involving the left hemisphere temporal and precuneus regions.
269 rived from a steeper decline with age in the left hemisphere than in the right on the mesial surface.
270  and PFt and this cluster was greater in the left hemisphere than in the right.
271  reveal a frontal-subcortical circuit in the left hemisphere that is simultaneously associated with e
272             There are several regions in the left hemisphere that show greater activation to one's ow
273 dorsal and ventral processing streams in the left hemisphere that underlie core linguistic abilities
274 ionally defined visual word form area in the left hemisphere that was activated for words relative to
275                                       In the left hemisphere, the supramarginal gyrus was thinner in
276 locations: the frontal lobe in the right and left hemispheres, the basal ganglia in the right and lef
277              Reduced neural integrity in the left-hemisphere through brain damage or healthy ageing r
278 o stutter that were found primarily in major left hemisphere tracts (e.g. superior longitudinal fasci
279                                Patients with left hemisphere tumors generally performed worse than th
280 ical surface area of planum temporale in the left hemisphere (usually asymmetrically larger) was posi
281 ns by supporting disrupted processing in the left hemisphere via interhemispheric connections.
282 predictors including preinjury intelligence, left hemisphere volume loss, and dorsolateral PFC volume
283 T (r = 0.541, P = 0.005), and the larger the left hemisphere volume, the faster the switching attenti
284                     Higher Abeta load in the left hemisphere was associated with reduced glucose meta
285 on, hypothalamus, and septum/striatum of the left hemisphere was correlated with social status.
286             For each subject, the SLF of the left hemisphere was reconstructed from diffusion tensor
287                                Even when the left hemisphere was relatively spared, subjects with dis
288  volume of the thalamus (including right and left hemispheres) was measured (in cubic centimeters) an
289 s, FD values of the lesion-free areas of the left hemisphere were associated with better FM scores; w
290  the nonspecialized right to the specialized left hemisphere when the latter did not have direct acce
291 in the anterior and posterior regions of the left hemisphere, whereas damage to the posterior portion
292 language is predominantly lateralized to the left hemisphere, whereas the degree of lateralization of
293 onal connectivity is better preserved in the left hemisphere while prefrontal DTI fiber pathways are
294 l lobe (10 out of 11 Brodmann's areas in the left hemisphere) while the pulvinar correlated only with
295                             The magnitude of left hemisphere white matter disturbances mediated the s
296                                      Reduced left hemisphere white matter was associated with slower
297 urban youth by disrupting the development of left hemisphere white matter, whereas postnatal PAH expo
298 l delta brushes which were associated in the left hemisphere with ipsilateral BOLD activation in the
299 dic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, mainly in the left hemisphere, with a strong trend (P=0.06) towards re
300 an elicit larger responses in the right than left hemisphere within these areas, depending on task de

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