


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r liver, 0.22 for right kidney, and 0.20 for left kidney).
2 for pairs with >5% glomerulosclerosis in the left kidney).
3 0.33 (liver), 0.30 (right kidney), and 0.22 (left kidney).
4  location indenting the superior pole of the left kidney.
5 rmal right kidney and a cystic lesion in the left kidney.
6  abdominal surgeries and a single functional left kidney.
7   Renal uptake was between 1% and 3% for the left kidney.
8 d the presence of tumor size 29x45 mm in the left kidney.
9 abdomen demonstrated a mass arising from the left kidney.
10 nors with contraindications for donating the left kidney.
11  between liver and right kidney or right and left kidney.
12 of the parental strain, PRV-Bartha, into the left kidney.
13 owed by autotransplantation of the preserved left kidney.
14 ity of donor operations are performed on the left kidney.
15 ere implanted under the renal capsule of the left kidney.
16 es virus (PRV) injections were made into the left kidney.
17 lion cells from T8 to L2 innervate the rat's left kidney.
18  calculated for liver, spleen, and right and left kidneys.
19 or the detection of calculi in the right and left kidneys.
20 y and surgical excision of both poles of the left kidney (75% reduction of renal mass), right unineph
21 onths were 1.2 mg/dl in the recipient of the left kidney and 1.62 mg/dl in the recipient of the right
22 put were 68.0 mL/min/100 g and 560 mL in the left kidney and 59.9 mL/min/100 g, 430 mL in the right,
23   This latter technique also minimized right-left kidney and interobserver variability in the measure
24 then assessed in healthy nude mice using the left kidney and spleen as reference organs.
25 ysis apparatus was inserted into the remnant left kidney and the left kidney of sham-treated control
26 ney and of total uptake in spleen to that in left kidney, and differential uptake, the difference in
27 between mRNA expression in uninephrectomized left kidneys at 2 weeks of age and renal disease severit
28 (si)Caspase-3-labeled human islets under the left kidney capsule and MN-treated islets under the righ
29 thousands islets were transplanted under the left kidney capsule of a streptozocin-induced diabetic L
30 e right kidney was slightly enlarged and the left kidney could not be localized.
31 inoperable mass in the mid-lower pole of the left kidney diagnosed as clear cell RCC with vascular in
32 er, in which it is not practical to take the left kidney due to vascular anomalies or asymmetric func
33                                              Left kidney GFR (polyfructosan clearance), in microl/min
34                In rats that drank tap water, left kidney GFR averaged (in microliter/min per 100 g bo
35        In one cadaveric donor, the liver and left kidney had been transplanted before the discovery o
36 region, vascular territory, and right versus left kidney had no consistently significant effect (P <
37 rectomy, the right kidney is selected if the left kidney has multiple renal arteries or anomalous ven
38            As in open donor nephrectomy, the left kidney has remained the preferred organ for LDN bec
39                        Before sacrifice, the left kidney in each animal was acutely (ie, with a short
40 n ADC values were observed between right and left kidneys in all three orthogonal directions; however
41                                          The left kidney is preferred for live donation.
42       As in open live donor nephrectomy, the left kidney is preferred for LLDN; however, not all pote
43                                  LLDN of the left kidney is technically easier.
44 d to AKI (uninephrectomy (UNX) and 35 min of left kidney ischaemia-24 h reperfusion, IR).
45 resented herein GN stricktly adjoined to the left kidney mimicking renal mass.
46                                          The left kidney of 17 healthy rabbits was sonicated by using
47                                          The left kidney of experimental animals was treated with eit
48 nserted into the remnant left kidney and the left kidney of sham-treated control animals, for measure
49                                          The left kidney of the donor is the preferred allograft beca
50 alysis of TSC2 in five tumors (four from the left kidney, one from the right) showed loss of heterozy
51 ney region, vascular territory, right versus left kidney, or subject age were found for acceleration
52 in total uptake gradients between spleen and left kidney (P =.014) but not between liver and right ki
53 le Lewis rats were uninephrectomized and the left kidney perfused in situ with 10 ml of iced Universi
54  was associated with a higher probability of left kidney procurement (P < 0.001).
55                   After transplantation, the left kidney recipient had serologic and molecular eviden
56                              The recipient's left kidneys, removed to accommodate the donor kidneys,
57                                 The infected left kidney showed a significant bacterial proliferation
58        Histologic examination of the excised left kidney tissue stained with hematoxylin and eosin an
59                                       Of the left kidneys transplanted, 31 had multiple renal arterie
60                                          The left kidney underwent 16 hr of HPP, and ureteral effluen
61 er in situ cold perfusion and retrieval, the left kidney underwent 16 hr of HPP.
62 ity was similar to PET liver variability and left kidney uptake may be able to serve as an internal m
63 her than reported with (18)F-FDG PET, though left kidney variability was similar to PET liver variabi
64 or pairs with 0-5% glomerulosclerosis in the left kidney vs. 42.5% for pairs with >5% glomerulosclero
65                                          The left kidney was grossly enlarged, with multiple cystic s
66 it, interstitial hydrostatic pressure in the left kidney was increased in anesthetized rats for 1.5 h
67                                          The left kidney was isolated in a uninephrectomized host and
68 duced hypertension over 2 wk, the RPP to the left kidney was maintained at control levels (125 +/- 2
69                   Partial nephrectomy of the left kidney was performed.
70  and immediately before transplantation, the left kidney was perfused at a mean temperature of 33.9 d
71                            The graft-bearing left kidney was removed after 100 days in rats with func
72                                          The left kidney was retrieved from 250-g Lewis rats.
73                                          The left kidney was retrieved from 300-g Lewis rats after in
74                                          The left kidney was then autotransplanted into the right ili
75 nd segmental infarction of two thirds of the left kidney were fed standard chow for 4 wk and then ran
76  of liver and right kidney and of spleen and left kidney were obtained intermittently for 5 minutes w
77                                              Left kidneys were removed from donor rats, infused with
78                                          The left kidneys were used to determine lipid peroxidation,
79 iver and right kidney and between spleen and left kidney, were calculated.
80 sneuronal tracing following infection of the left kidney with pseudorabies virus (PRV).
81                                              Left kidneys with multiple arteries or anomalous venous

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