


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gregation by a tetravalent model lectin: the leguminous agglutinin Con A, which is structurally relat
2  artificial fertilizers, fossil fuel use and leguminous agriculture worldwide has increased the amoun
3                              The use of rice/leguminous blend may be nutritionally convenient in glut
4 y was essential in the domestication of many leguminous crops to promote the production of their high
5 nitrogenous fertilizers is the production of leguminous crops, which fix atmospheric nitrogen via sym
6 rogen fixation--a major ecosystem service of leguminous crops--was shut down at high nano-CeO(2) conc
7 ly distant clubmoss genus Lycopodium and the leguminous genus Ononis, which makes the biosynthesis of
8 iosis between Sinorhizobium meliloti and its leguminous host plant Medicago truncatula occurs in a sp
9 oil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti and its leguminous host plant, alfalfa, bacterial nodulation (no
10 tli might be essential during symbiosis with leguminous host plants.
11 tional impact parasitic plants have on their leguminous hosts' carbon budget in terms of effects on h
12 ct of a native parasite on overall growth of leguminous hosts.
13 es its way through the soil in search of its leguminous plant host, Medicago sativa (alfalfa).
14                                          The leguminous plant Medicago truncatula exhibits dissected
15 ese salt, MnSO4 (MS) at recommended doses on leguminous plant mung bean (Vigna radiata) under laborat
16                                  In rhizobia-leguminous plant symbioses, the current model of nitroge
17                   Moringa oleifera Lam. is a leguminous plant, originally from Asia, which is cultiva
18 rhizobia that are able to interact with most leguminous plants (Fabaceae) but also with the non-legum
19 ixing rhizobial bacteria that associate with leguminous plants also signal to their hosts via LCOs, t
20                                              Leguminous plants and bacteria from the family Rhizobiac
21                 Rhizobia infect the roots of leguminous plants and establish a mutually beneficial sy
22 g hormone, 2) symbiotic interactions between leguminous plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and 3) h
23               Symbiotic associations between leguminous plants and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia culminate
24                        The symbiosis between leguminous plants and soil rhizobia culminates in the fo
25  Triterpenoid saponins, which are present in leguminous plants and some marine animals, possess a bro
26               Under low nitrogen conditions, leguminous plants associate with soil bacteria and devel
27                                              Leguminous plants can enter into root nodule symbioses w
28         Under conditions of nitrogen stress, leguminous plants form symbioses with soil bacteria call
29 oligosaccharides that induce root nodules on leguminous plants have many of the structural requiremen
30                    Symbiotic root nodules in leguminous plants result from interaction between the pl
31 form or as a nitrogen-fixing endosymbiont of leguminous plants such as Medicago sativa (alfalfa).
32                                           In leguminous plants such as pea (Pisum sativum), alfalfa (
33                                           In leguminous plants such as the forage legume alfalfa, pro
34 e a group of secondary metabolites common to leguminous plants that play roles in nodulation and defe
35 emingly distinct chemical substrates allowed leguminous plants to use homologous enzymes for two diff
36 ms nitrogen-fixing symbioses with compatible leguminous plants via intracellular invasion and establi
37  bacteria enter a symbiotic association with leguminous plants, resulting in differentiated bacteria
38 igated in molecular terms exclusively in non-leguminous plants, such as Crassulacean-acid-metabolism
39                   S. meliloti, a symbiont of leguminous plants, synthesizes multiple flagella and no
40          Isoflavonoids are commonly found in leguminous plants, where they play important roles in pl
41  the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on leguminous plants.
42 stablishes a symbiosis with a limited set of leguminous plants.
43 icellular compartment involved in defense of leguminous plants.
44 c rhizobia into nitrogen-fixing symbionts of leguminous plants.
45 Y protein complexes to control nodulation in leguminous plants.
46      Vigna mungo (blackgram) is an important leguminous pulse crop, which is grown for its protein ri
47 t uptake and represent the infection site on leguminous roots by rhizobia, soil bacteria that establi
48 herms from cotyledon and axis tissue of five leguminous seeds, the strength of water binding and the
49 ulation, but the lack of genetic data from a leguminous species has restricted its direct assessment.
50  them to isolate homologous genes from other leguminous species including red clover, white clover, h
51          This may be important for selecting leguminous species with potential use in anti-cancer die
52 e a better understanding of the evolution of leguminous species.
53 ic diversity in Albizia lebbeck, an invasive leguminous tree in the dry forest of southwestern Puerto

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