


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ism to explain this unexpected finding would lend support to a causal effect.
2 tion, and evidence of a dose-response effect lend support to a causal link.
3                               These findings lend support to a causal relation between being overweig
4                                  Our results lend support to a general mechanism for the evolution of
5                                 Our findings lend support to a genetic basis for modulation of intest
6                               These findings lend support to a hypothesis implicating global systemic
7                                These results lend support to a link between prenatal exposure to traf
8                                These results lend support to a model for a higher-order receptor comp
9                                 SEM analyses lend support to a model in which CBT is associated with
10                                   These data lend support to a model in which increased gastric capac
11 origins of metanephric kidney structures and lend support to a model where Osr1 function is limited t
12 r subtypes have therapeutic implications and lend support to a personalized approach to NSCLC managem
13 rmational changes upon ligand binding but do lend support to a proposed outward movement of the hybri
14                                These results lend support to a role for NAC in the development of neu
15                                   These data lend support to a role of GPx1 activity in acute noise-i
16 ch occurred prior to changes in body weight, lending support to a causal relationship between loss of
17  and eastern Europe than previously thought, lending support to a Pangaea B-type continental reconstr
18  effects of niclosamide on mTORC1 signaling, lending support to a possible role for cytoplasmic pH in
19 r nucleolar stress and activate p53, thereby lending support to a RP-Mdm2-p53 ribosome biogenesis sur
20 eeded many other duplications in the genome, lending support to a two-step model of segmental duplica
21 e to identify specific subtypes of PTCL, and lends support to a bipartite model of PTCL development,
22                                         This lends support to a causal role of apoprotein B-containin
23 of TM/PML(-/-) and p53(-/-) compound mutants lends support to a model by which the RARalpha and PML b
24 e, oxidized cluster with a His(-) ligand and lends support to a previously proposed mechanism of coup
25 ndividuals with the -1173 C-->T polymorphism lends support to a protective role for NO against these
26 imaging, biomarker, and experimental studies lends support to a strong relation between delirium and
27 fresh surgical isolates of malignant gliomas lent support to a new paradigm in cancer biology--the ca
28 ovel (mainly recessive) causative genes have lent support to a predominantly collagen-related pathoph
29                                 Our findings lend support to adoption of this patient-responsive appr
30                                     The data lend support to an aim to deliver women vaginally, unles
31                                  Our results lend support to an emerging direction of research on the
32                               These findings lend support to an emerging view that there is a loss of
33                        Moreover, our results lend support to an existing model in which these forces
34                               These findings lend support to an extension of the neurobiology of auti
35 roliferative activity and tolerability, thus lending support to an ongoing phase 1 trial for the trea
36 correlates to the AlkA excision rates, which lends support to an AlkA mechanism wherein the enzyme pr
37                                These results lend support to and extend observations from other micro
38                                 Our findings lend support to anecdotal reports of increased rates of
39     Recent studies manipulating mitochondria lend support to both of these models [9-13].
40              This overall regression pattern lends support to careful testing of a wait-and-see appro
41 xamining chromosome structure, these results lend support to certain models of DNA catenation organiz
42                  These images of fibers have lent support to chromonema fiber models of tertiary stru
43                                         This lends support to claims that putative cultural tradition
44 age manufacturers of new anticancer drugs to lend support to clinical trials of cancer in childhood.
45                                 The findings lend support to consideration of screening imaging of th
46                                     Our data lend support to current guidelines, suggesting that trea
47 ediately postoperatively but most are minor, lending support to current practices in live liver donat
48 tions provide partially conflicting results, lending support to different models of transport, which
49      Evidently, the Y-chromosome data do not lend support to either of the prevailing hypotheses.
50                               These findings lend support to further assessment of gene therapy in th
51                            Our findings also lend support to further investigation of the role of inf
52  pretreated patients with advanced melanoma, lending support to further studies at a dose of 10 mg/kg
53 eliminary but promising data have emerged to lend support to gene-diet interaction in determining wei
54 ch larger than the volcanic outgassing rate, lending support to hypotheses that either ocean volume h
55 was probably common in euharamiyidans, which lends support to idea that there was a major adaptive ra
56 ccord with detailed full atomic simulations, lending support to its utility as a multiscale hybrid me
57 gh rate of regression recorded in this study lends support to observation by cytology in the manageme
58 er with the results of first two experiments lend support to our hypothesis that furosemide-induced n
59                                   These data lend support to our hypothesis that SM metabolism contro
60                                   These data lend support to our hypothesis that the influenza virus
61 n in the absence and presence of IHF binding lend support to our model in which DNA bending proteins,
62 idue in the C terminus of the E5 protein and lend support to our proposed model for the complex betwe
63         Combined efficacy and safety results lend support to our selection of oral cabotegravir 30 mg
64                               These findings lend support to our suggestion that growth of transport
65                                  This result lends support to our hypothesis that the 1st hidden laye
66                                         This lends support to our physical picture of turbulence, a p
67      Results from analyses of V-HeFT II data lent support to our findings.
68                   Among the few studies that lend support to precautionary guidelines, most provide l
69                                These results lend support to present recommendations to optimise medi
70                               These findings lend support to previous work assessing drug harms, and
71              This quantitative investigation lends support to previous evidence from histopathology a
72 ries with low income and low health-spending lends support to proponents of major increases in health
73 blished photochemical cross-linking data and lend support to recent aggregation mechanisms proposed b
74                                     Our data lend support to recent proposals that Cu(II)-superoxide
75                               These findings lend support to recent studies predicting that implement
76                                These results lend support to recent work on the zero viscosity limit
77 rrhage; however, evidence is insufficient to lend support to recommendations for its use.
78                               These findings lend support to related reports that cortisol-induced di
79 roscopic studies of the intermediate species lend support to such a model, which also turns out to be
80                         Together, these data lend support to the application of 5ECdsAP1 aptamer for
81                               These findings lend support to the concept of ACVs as physiologic struc
82                  Collectively, these results lend support to the concept that all compounds acting on
83                                  Recent data lend support to the concept that women with POP, but no
84                         This explanation may lend support to the criticisms by Leggett and others to
85 portance of a cost-effectiveness analysis to lend support to the decision of policy makers.
86 re describing crotamine-DNA interactions may lend support to the design of more effective nucleic aci
87                      Together, these results lend support to the differential role of the parietal an
88                               Thus, the data lend support to the existence of species-specific subcel
89 of the coordinated solvent molecule and thus lend support to the experimental observations.
90 on, inspired by models of genetic evolution, lend support to the former and do not generate trajector
91                                These results lend support to the further assessment of a 12 week sofo
92                                 Our findings lend support to the further assessment, in phase 2 and 3
93                               These findings lend support to the growing body of literature concernin
94  nonplanar geometry, a conclusion that could lend support to the heterogeneity model of the origin of
95                               These findings lend support to the hygiene hypothesis in that the odds
96                                   These data lend support to the hypotheses that KD results from infe
97 h lesioned and normal-appearing white matter lend support to the hypothesis of the existence of an un
98                                 Our findings lend support to the hypothesis that a national mechanica
99 r, depending on context of the promoter, and lend support to the hypothesis that aberrant transcripti
100 led to activate gene expression, our results lend support to the hypothesis that activation of gene t
101                               These findings lend support to the hypothesis that both the mechanism o
102                                   EM studies lend support to the hypothesis that C. koseri uses morph
103                      In summary, our results lend support to the hypothesis that CD4(+) T cells are i
104                                  Our results lend support to the hypothesis that changes in cytoskele
105                            These data do not lend support to the hypothesis that chromosome 8p12-p22
106                                These results lend support to the hypothesis that corticosteroid recep
107                                  The results lend support to the hypothesis that CpG methylation func
108                                 Our findings lend support to the hypothesis that differences in biolo
109                                These results lend support to the hypothesis that divalent metals modu
110                                These results lend support to the hypothesis that genes and hormones m
111                                  The results lend support to the hypothesis that glial cells play an
112  the cellular level in rat liver in vivo and lend support to the hypothesis that hypoxia is involved
113                      Overall, these findings lend support to the hypothesis that immature mutant SOD1
114                       The data in this study lend support to the hypothesis that inappropriate trigge
115 ains to be determined whether these findings lend support to the hypothesis that MCI is a prodromal s
116                                     Our data lend support to the hypothesis that palindrome-mediated
117                               These findings lend support to the hypothesis that risk of affective di
118                                These results lend support to the hypothesis that specific ingrowth pa
119 tion of tyrosine sites on NR2B receptors and lend support to the hypothesis that STEP may be required
120                                These results lend support to the hypothesis that telomere shortening
121                               These findings lend support to the hypothesis that that loss of FGF-R2(
122                                These results lend support to the hypothesis that the expanded project
123                                   These data lend support to the hypothesis that the exquisite contro
124                     These findings therefore lend support to the hypothesis that the mutational mecha
125                           These observations lend support to the hypothesis that the primate lentivir
126                                   These data lend support to the hypothesis that the pulvinar could a
127 f compounds needs to be tested, our findings lend support to the hypothesis that there is only one qu
128                                   These data lend support to the idea of partial-breast radiotherapy.
129 nism in graphite intercalation compounds and lend support to the idea of realizing superconducting gr
130 f DNA immunization against leishmaniasis and lend support to the idea of using a single polygenic pla
131 racteristics of beta3A-adaptin reported here lend support to the idea that AP-3 is a structural and f
132                           These results also lend support to the idea that clathrin-mediated endocyto
133                            Thus our findings lend support to the idea that high levels of NMDA recept
134 lar target for therapeutic intervention, and lend support to the idea that nonapoptotic modes of cell
135 ications for public health, in that it would lend support to the idea that prevention of obesity, and
136 rger area of Africa (and exclusively Africa) lend support to the idea that Ptolemaiida may have an an
137                               These findings lend support to the idea that RNA secondary structure is
138                      Together, these results lend support to the idea that the C. elegans HIL genes a
139                           These observations lend support to the idea that the enzyme may use substra
140                            The findings also lend support to the idea that the subjective process of
141                   Collectively, our findings lend support to the idea that transfusions may be causal
142                                 Our findings lend support to the idea that treatment regimens can low
143                                   These data lend support to the labeling by the International Agency
144 s case, show excellent agreement and thereby lend support to the method.
145 obiome, our findings on the Hadza metabolome lend support to the notion of an alternate microbiome co
146                                These results lend support to the notion that BLyS is a candidate for
147 tes receptor endocytosis and degradation and lend support to the notion that cAMP signaling sensitize
148                                Further, they lend support to the notion that in some cases, genetic i
149                    The findings of the study lend support to the notion that introversion is associat
150                                These results lend support to the notion that loss of ndh gene functio
151  this work produced unexpected results which lend support to the notion that regulation, mechanisms,
152 milial aggregation for the 2 parasomnias and lend support to the notion that sleepwalking and sleep t
153                                   These data lend support to the notion that tau may be involved in t
154                   Additionally, our findings lend support to the notion that tau phosphorylation is a
155                                   These data lend support to the notion that the biology of hormone r
156                                    Some data lend support to the notion that vivax malaria relapse fo
157                               These findings lend support to the notion that, in addition to the dege
158  of joint infection to antibiotic treatment, lend support to the notions that Agr functionality and P
159 he shape of double-stranded DNA in vitro and lend support to the notions that the right-handed knotti
160                               These findings lend support to the novel concept that factors in additi
161                                  The results lend support to the possibility that autoantibody-mediat
162                                These results lend support to the possibility that the microfluidic pl
163                            These experiments lend support to the possibility that the reactions of th
164                               These findings lend support to the postulate of a conserved molecular g
165                                   These data lend support to the present recommendation to promptly t
166                        Phylogenetic analyses lend support to the previous overall subclassification o
167  Both the updated BODE and ADO indices could lend support to the prognostic assessment of patients wi
168                                These results lend support to the proposal that the minor tautomeric f
169 specific human antibodies to PPS 3, and they lend support to the proposal that these animals represen
170                           Thus, our findings lend support to the proposal that Treg cell homeostasis
171                           Our results do not lend support to the proposal to increase the existing WH
172                                  The results lend support to the proposed mechanisms and provide new
173 The effects of substituent on all six probes lend support to the proposed photoelectrochemical model.
174 otion and its correlation to enzyme activity lend support to the reaction-driven ring flip hypothesis
175 acting with another E. coli protein and also lend support to the recently discovered role of nucleosi
176 ts with FMD has yet to be proven, these data lend support to the recommendation that all patients wit
177                       Secondly, the findings lend support to the stem cell hypothesis of cancer devel
178                                  Our results lend support to the traction or translational motion dep
179                                 Our findings lend support to the use of aggressive medical management
180                                  Our results lend support to the use of corticosterone as a rapid qua
181                                 Our findings lend support to the use of mIPV2HD as an option for stoc
182                            These data do not lend support to the use of thigh-length GCS in patients
183 curacy and sensitivity of these measurements lend support to the use of this approach in applications
184 ival and growth of the pathogen; our results lend support to the view that fatty acid metabolism is e
185                               The data hence lend support to the view that higher-order integration s
186                              Our data do not lend support to the view that the outcome for renal func
187 inal membrane from a post-ER compartment and lend support to the view that the virus undergoes de-env
188                   Taken together, these data lend support to the view that transcription factors invo
189                                 Our findings lend support to the widespread dissemination of maintena
190 ick and thin filaments within the sarcomere, lending support to the "sliding" mechanism in heart musc
191 al protein in their blood without detriment, lending support to the belief that administration of the
192 nd -6pi electrocyclization in these systems, lending support to the bifurcated mechanistic hypothesis
193 KAP-1 with M31 and M32 in interphase nuclei, lending support to the biochemical evidence that M31 and
194 n the spatially heterogeneous cell membrane, lending support to the carpet model for the association
195 nd to at least 10 mouse olfactory receptors, lending support to the combinatorial model for odor perc
196 d PAM(3)CSK(4) mediated NF-kappaB activation lending support to the computerized predictions.
197 d with a lower risk of recurrent CHD events, lending support to the concept that achieving low TG may
198 nous DNA binding domain alone were constant, lending support to the conclusion that regulation of AML
199  was enriched in beta-beta and beta-5 units, lending support to the contention that tricin acts to in
200                                              Lending support to the hygiene hypothesis, epidemiologic
201 f generally low levels of immune activation, lending support to the hypothesis of multifactorial cont
202  APEC's ability to cause disease in mammals, lending support to the hypothesis that APEC strains have
203  were often visualized associated with RBCs, lending support to the hypothesis that direct interactio
204  right DLPFC targeted in the TMS experiment, lending support to the hypothesis that dopamine phasic s
205 D4 T cells appears to be early in infection, lending support to the hypothesis that early events in M
206  absence of sulfate as the terminal oxidant, lending support to the hypothesis that interspecies extr
207 ely similar to that seen in the sac3 mutant, lending support to the hypothesis that Sac3 kinase activ
208  molecules bind near the 2'-hydroxyl of A-1, lending support to the hypothesis that solvent may play
209 VieS and VieA biochemically and genetically, lending support to the hypothesis that these proteins fu
210 iated with the amelioration of vasculopathy, lending support to the idea of the pathogenetic role of
211 17-4 may play similar roles in both tissues, lending support to the idea that chemical attraction is
212                This Review will present data lending support to the idea that if complete surgical me
213 d monkeys, Old World monkeys, and hominoids, lending support to the idea that primate brain architect
214 her virulence and greater transmission, thus lending support to the idea that selection for parasite
215 GPCRs and are found to be in good agreement, lending support to the idea that the desensitization pro
216 m distribution for all the proteins studied, lending support to the idea that the PSD is systematical
217 nostic information in older adults with AML, lending support to the incorporation of MRD detection to
218 e of control runs of coupled models, thereby lending support to the models' value as estimates of low
219 st the diastereoselective formation of 1syn, lending support to the notion of template-directed synth
220 NA), suggesting bona fide T-DNA transfer and lending support to the notion that Agrobacterium transfo
221 re consistent than their corresponding PPIs, lending support to the notion that analyses of DDIs may
222 rprisingly high rate of somatic mutation and lending support to the notion that point mutations const
223 apoptosis and activation of the Fas pathway, lending support to the novel finding of distal tubule ce
224 binding element within the Os-11N3 promoter, lending support to the predictive models for TAL effecto
225 re solvent-exposed zinc ion (2.5 A), thereby lending support to the presumed catalytic mechanism invo
226 did not reveal significant differences, thus lending support to the proposal not to include steatosis
227 ecent data for a series of cobalt complexes, lending support to the proposed regeneration pathway.
228 ion precedes water-cellulose spin diffusion, lending support to the single-network model of plant pri
229 nt items shared between conditions, possibly lending support to the spreading activation theory.
230 ween most culture and metagenomic sequences, lending support to the structural conservation.
231 hboring Fe(3+) ions are strongly correlated, lending support to the superparamagnetism.
232 ed to greater performance on the final exam, lending support to the testing effect in creative proble
233 sociated with other autoimmune diseases, and lends support to the "common gene, common pathway" hypot
234 ween various semiclassical estimates of T(1) lends support to the applicability of those expressions.
235 rimental animal and observational human data lends support to the argument that predictability of mat
236                                         This lends support to the assertion that ALS arises within a
237  of the identified positively selected genes lends support to the association between human Mendelian
238 ruence between these data and our prediction lends support to the cliff-edge model of obstetric selec
239 sensitive to mitogenic stimulations in vitro lends support to the concept that the hyperproliferation
240                                 This finding lends support to the DS microdomain hypothesis.
241                                         This lends support to the experimental evidence that Tyr265'
242  small populations of this experiment, which lends support to the fixation of multiple beneficial mut
243 al pigments form a monophyletic clade, which lends support to the hypothesis from comparative physiol
244  of widespread methylation of homeobox genes lends support to the hypothesis that a substantial fract
245                                  Our finding lends support to the hypothesis that ibuprofen may inter
246                          This in vitro study lends support to the hypothesis that increased hormones
247 at extent the human intranasal OT literature lends support to the hypothesis that intranasal OT consi
248  mammalian metal-binding proteins, this work lends support to the hypothesis that NO may regulate/dis
249 s in fossils of the family Vauxiidae, and it lends support to the hypothesis that some early demospon
250 me domain of the natural composite structure lends support to the hypothesis that syntax processing i
251                               This discovery lends support to the hypothesis that the earliest metalw
252 y and emergence of interlimb reflex activity lends support to the hypothesis that this activity repre
253 ibution of distinct neurochemical phenotypes lends support to the idea of functional differentiation
254                                 This finding lends support to the idea that the characteristics of hu
255 k of Zn mixing onto the kagome lattice sites lends support to the idea that the electronic ground sta
256                                 This finding lends support to the modeling assumptions and provides m
257 ted by figures of culture-proven sepsis, and lends support to the need for prevention strategies.
258          On the other hand, synteny analysis lends support to the notion that the absence of Hox and
259 t pre-transfer editing is optional in IleRSs lends support to the notion that the conserved post-tran
260 ophrenia group in bipolar brains, which thus lends support to the notion that the disorders share com
261                                    This also lends support to the notion that the total daily resting
262                                         This lends support to the positive clinical outcomes seen in
263 d neuroprotective effects of these drugs and lends support to the potential importance of NMDA and es
264                Viral inhibition of CD30 also lends support to the potential therapeutic value of targ
265 at NSP2 can exist in different conformations lends support to the previously proposed hypothesis of i
266                                         This lends support to the proposal that an appropriately plac
267 he development of atherosclerotic plaque and lends support to the proposal that LXR agonists might pr
268                                 This finding lends support to the proposal, based on studies of irrad
269 ds with the function of outer hair cells and lends support to the recent hypothesis that inner hair c
270 g the outbreak of ZIKV infection in Colombia lends support to the role of the infection in the develo
271  baboon omental tissue and human lymphocytes lends support to the strategy of using lymphocyte gene e
272                       The available evidence lends support to the use of enteral over parenteral feed
273                                         This lends support to the use of oral alpha-1 agonists in the
274                                         This lends support to the use of sestamibi as a myocardial vi
275 tances with experimentally determined values lends support to the validity of the simulations.
276                        Collectively our data lends support to the view that pathogenic versus truly c
277  the differentiation of murine ES cells, has lent support to the idea that there is a progressive 'op
278 are in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma has lent support to the increased use of antiangiogenic ther
279 ese procedures do amount to torture, thereby lending support to their prohibition by international la
280  carotenoids in ROS of the perifoveal retina lends support to their proposed protective role in age-r
281 he structural critiques because our findings lend support to these critiques.
282                          Recent studies have lent support to these models, but additional theories in
283 e risk-benefit profile, and unpublished data lend support to this finding.
284 nvertebrate, and mammalian models exist that lend support to this half-century-old hypothesis.
285 ot precisely identify this coactivator, they lend support to this hypothesis.
286 f scleroderma and reviews early studies that lend support to this hypothesis.
287  in vitro experiments using isolated gametes lend support to this model, recent in vivo studies of ge
288 simulations of the thermodynamic data, which lend support to this model.
289 ce daughters depleted of active mitochondria lend support to this notion.
290                                              Lending support to this idea, the solvent-exposed amino
291 undaries of broader gene expression domains, lending support to this idea.
292 e down the side of the putative alpha-helix, lending support to this structural prediction.
293 Bioinformatics analysis of natural collagens lends support to this because, where present, there is g
294 -4 at the time of induction of such activity lends support to this hypothesis.
295     A study in this issue (Hoogeboom et al.) lends support to this notion, showing that cancer cells
296                    To determine whether CNAR lends support to this recommendation for initiation of a
297 ults of randomised trials have not generally lent support to this practice, but this absence of benef
298                            Strauss and Maher lent support to this proposal in 1994 by demonstrating t
299                                 Our findings lend support to those of studies that reported no associ
300 tion of the physics of degenerate matter and lends support to white dwarf evolutionary theory.

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