


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 of tyrosine residues on the long form of the leptin receptor.
2 e that express Cre in neurons expressing the leptin receptor.
3 mitochondrial function in the absence of the leptin receptor.
4 tional characteristics of neurons expressing leptin receptor.
5 e has prominent astrocytic expression of the leptin receptor.
6 ue to a recessive, autosomal mutation in the leptin receptor.
7 that express both short and long isoforms of leptin receptor.
8  an 80-fold increased serum level of soluble leptin receptor.
9 ng (Ob-Rb), and soluble (Ob-Re) forms of the leptin receptor.
10 different species of leptin binding to mouse leptin receptor.
11 reted but neither binds to nor activates the leptin receptor.
12 ing and gene transcription downstream of the leptin receptor.
13 s related to lipid metabolism, including the leptin receptor.
14 ent and blocked by targeted knockdown of the leptin receptor.
15 sis is associated with a polymorphism in the leptin receptor.
16 was compromised despite normal activation of leptin receptors.
17 t all astrocytes in the hypothalamus express leptin receptors.
18 in inhibiting signaling from the insulin and leptin receptors.
19 red weights in db/db mice with no functional leptin receptors.
20 re seen in aged ENTPD1-null mice with normal leptin receptors.
21  a key negative regulator of the insulin and leptin receptors.
22 hich express both short and long isoforms of leptin receptors.
23 plants from ZDF(fa/fa) donors with defective leptin receptors.
24 severe obesity due to the genetic absence of leptin receptors.
25 t adrenocortical cells coexpress CYP11B2 and leptin receptors.
26 itopes, was supported by RT-PCR detection of leptin receptor-a and -b mRNAs in primary hypothalamic a
27                             We conclude that leptin receptor activation and JAK2/PI3K signaling may b
28                         We hypothesized that leptin receptor activation in other neuronal subtypes wo
29 xcitability in some hypothalamic neurons via leptin receptor activation of the JAK2 and PI3K intracel
30 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) has been shown to link leptin receptor activation to stimulation of large condu
31 , whereas no such association was found with leptin receptor, adiponectin, or C-reactive protein.
32  hypothalamus, we crossed mice with a floxed leptin receptor allele (Leprfl) to mice transgenic for N
33 nstrated that humans with the ancestral Q223 leptin receptor allele were nearly four times less likel
34 g of the complex relationships among leptin, leptin receptor and diabetes-related traits.
35 s in control (db/-) mice with one functional leptin receptor and dramatically lowered weights in db/d
36 , monocarboxylate transporters-1 and -2, and leptin receptor and GAD mRNAs were expressed less freque
37                Using histological mapping of leptin receptor and ghrelin receptor expression, we foun
38 r the skeletal stem cell markers Nestin-GFP, Leptin receptor and Gremlin1.
39 ression, we found that cells containing both leptin receptors and ghrelin receptors are mainly locate
40 ons that innervated the CA3 region expressed leptin receptors and these cells were not activated by s
41  shown higher affinity upon binding with the leptin receptor, and similarly to native hormone activat
42                   Intestinal mucosa contains leptin receptors, and leptin inhibits galactose absorpti
43                                              Leptin receptor antagonism would be a promising approach
44 We tested whether treatment with a pegylated leptin receptor antagonist (PLA) attenuates cachexia in
45                    However, treatment with a leptin receptor antagonist failed to alter DMH NPY expre
46                                              Leptin receptor antagonist, PESLAN-1, increased G-CSF- o
47 effects of leptin, kinase inhibitors, and/or leptin receptor antagonists (LPrA2) on 4T1 mouse mammary
48                      Although leptin and the leptin receptor are found in fish, the hormone is not ex
49                                              Leptin receptors are also expressed in extrahypothalamic
50                                              Leptin receptors are also found in other brain regions,
51 e in mice, but, unlike what is observed when leptin receptors are deleted from hypothalamic neurons,
52 ts of leptin to regulate energy balance, but leptin receptors are distributed throughout the brain, a
53 ogether, our data suggest that 5-HT(2C)R and leptin receptors are expressed by distinct subpopulation
54                                              Leptin receptors are expressed on mesolimbic dopamine ne
55                   We hypothesized that since leptin receptors are found on the liver and the liver pl
56                                     However, leptin receptors are more widely expressed in the brain
57                     To ascertain how central leptin receptors are regulated, the effects of leptin ch
58 ecade of research has not only revealed that leptin receptors are widely expressed in the CNS, but ha
59 to leptin and recent evidence has shown that leptin receptors are widespread throughout the developin
60  showed similar changes, but the increase of leptin receptor (+) astrocytes was barely seen in ob/ob
61 h-fat diet, there was a striking increase of leptin receptor (+) astrocytes, most prominent in the do
62  mammary tumor model, the lack of peripheral leptin receptors attenuated tumor progression and metast
63  mice resistant to obesity by overexpressing leptin receptor-b on the aP2-Lepr-b promoter.
64             These high levels of circulating leptin receptor bind leptin and likely alter its clearan
65 aldosterone, whereas deficiency in leptin or leptin receptors blunted obesity-induced increases in CY
66 neurons coexpress neurotensin as well as the leptin receptor but do not coexpress other peptide neuro
67  diet-induced obese mice, desensitization of leptin receptors caused by hyperleptinemia is believed t
68                                              Leptin receptor clusters in the vicinity of the cilium o
69                  Exogenous expression of the leptin receptor conferred resistance in susceptible cell
70 quent validation of data for adiponectin and leptin receptors confirmed that receptors for both are e
71 ryonic and adult hippocampal neurons express leptin receptors coupled to activation of STAT3 and phos
72                    Mice lacking a functional leptin receptor (db/db) had decreased clearance of C. di
73 of metabolic syndrome attributable to double-leptin receptor defect (obese ZSF1) with the combined tr
74 tudied high-fat-diet-induced obese (DIO) and leptin receptor-defective (LepR(-/-)) rodents with and w
75  levels were increased both in wild-type and leptin receptor-defective db/db mice after hyperoxia.
76                                 In addition, leptin receptor deficiency in T cells inhibits Th17 diff
77 was elevated in mice with astrocyte-specific leptin receptor deficiency.
78                                   Congenital leptin-receptor deficiency should be considered in the d
79  serum leptin cannot be used as a marker for leptin-receptor deficiency.
80 gical antagonists and mouse models including leptin receptor deficient (db/db) and diet-induced obese
81 gnalling on taste responses in lean control, leptin receptor deficient db/db, and diet-induced obese
82 stinct models to test our hypothesis: 1) the leptin receptor deficient mouse (dbdb) model of diabetic
83                                              Leptin-receptor deficient (Lepr(db/db) ) and C57BL/6 mic
84                 Leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) female mice compared w
85                           Here, we show that leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mice lacking MKP-1 are
86 thalamic cells into hypothalami of postnatal leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mice that develop morb
87 lso occurred in leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mice, and was parallel
88                                      In male leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mice, treatment with R
89  ineffective in leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mouse models.
90 al nephrectomy (N) or sham operations in WT, leptin receptor-deficient (db/db), and MC4-R knockout (M
91      Materials and Methods In this study, 20 leptin receptor-deficient and three MPO knockout mice we
92 e gut peptide cholecystokinin (CCK) in these leptin receptor-deficient animals suggests a critical ro
93 blished animal model of type 2 diabetes, the leptin receptor-deficient db(-)/db(-) mouse, and also th
94 e effects in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice and leptin receptor-deficient db/db mice.
95 to inhibit synaptic responses in slices from leptin receptor-deficient db/db mice.
96 matically investigated skeletal pathology in leptin receptor-deficient diabetic mice on a C57BLKS bac
97                                     However, leptin receptor-deficient larvae have increased numbers
98                                              Leptin receptor-deficient mice (db/db mice) are more vul
99        Skin wounds were made on the backs of leptin receptor-deficient mice and treated with AMD3100
100 dipose tissue from SFRP5-deficient mice into leptin receptor-deficient mice indicated that the effect
101                         Conversely, longform leptin receptor-deficient mice were protected from sepsi
102         Saline-injected and control diet-fed leptin receptor-deficient mice were used as respective c
103 ated suppression of excitation was absent in leptin receptor-deficient obese Zucker rats.
104 tion of exogenous IL-22 in genetically obese leptin-receptor-deficient (db/db) mice and mice fed with
105 ow that adult zebrafish lacking a functional leptin receptor do not exhibit hyperphagia or increased
106 k place in bone marrow (BM) chimeras lacking leptin receptor exclusively in BM-derived cells, indicat
107 inst amebiasis and that polymorphisms in the leptin receptor explain differences in susceptibility of
108 iprocal to ARC(AgRP) neurons, ARC-projecting leptin receptor-expressing GABAergic vDMH neurons exhibi
109                                        Thus, leptin receptor-expressing GABAergic vDMH neurons form p
110                               We report that leptin receptor-expressing neurons (LepRb neurons) in th
111 d to chemically characterize a population of leptin receptor-expressing neurons in the midbrain.
112 ocs3 in either proopiomelanocortin (POMC) or leptin receptor-expressing neurons, at levels similar to
113 ction for the hormone leptin have focused on leptin receptor-expressing neuropeptidergic neurons.
114 s a physiologic signal that acts directly on Leptin-Receptor-expressing mesenchymal stromal cells in
115 olic changes in obese mice can rapidly alter leptin receptor expression and astrocytic activity, and
116 e taste cells show a significant decrease in leptin receptor expression and elevated expression of gl
117 at diet-induced obesity increases astrocytic leptin receptor expression and function in the hypothala
118                          Interestingly, both leptin receptor expression and ghrelin receptor expressi
119  liver plays an important role in control of leptin receptor expression and shedding.
120                            Direct control of leptin receptor expression by insulin could also be demo
121 ptin and IGF1 levels in serum, and IGF1R and leptin receptor expression in tissues.
122 t feeding is unrelated to down-regulation of leptin receptor expression or number and does not involv
123  of LRP6 allele is associated with increased leptin receptor expression, which is a likely cause of h
124                           Ob-R (all forms of leptin receptor) expression in the choroid plexus (CP) w
125             His group also defined roles for leptin receptor feedback inhibition and hypothalamic mTo
126                                              Leptin receptor-free tumor cells display reduced STAT3 t
127                                   Removal of leptin receptors from AGRP neurons diminishes fasting-in
128 dress this, we and others have been removing leptin receptors from candidate first-order neurons.
129                                  By deleting leptin receptors from distinct brain regions and neurona
130                    Mice carrying a defective leptin receptor gene (db/db mice) are metabolically chal
131 interval: 1.14, 3.55, 9 studies, I(2) = 0%), leptin receptor gene (LEPR) polymorphism rs1137100 (odds
132  levels (P < 5 x 10(-8)); all mapping to the leptin receptor gene (LEPR).
133 which obesity results from a mutation in the leptin-receptor gene (LEPR), but the prevalence of such
134                       Leptin-mediated leptin/leptin-receptor gene expression likely amplifies leptin
135 lesteryl ester transfer protein (TaqIB), and leptin receptor (Gln223Arg)] and with respect to equol p
136 b/db mice, bearing a natural mutation in the leptin receptor, have a markedly increased bacterial loa
137 pocyte-specific, the OB gene, as well as the leptin receptor, have been found in a variety of other t
138 he female mouse by selective ablation of the leptin receptor in each neuronal population: Vgat-Cre;Le
139            Given the established role of the leptin receptor in leukemia cells, the data suggest an i
140                      The localization of the leptin receptor in limbic structures suggests a potentia
141 R reveals the liver as the source of soluble leptin receptor in LIRKO mice, with an increase in expre
142 e mRNA encoding the long (Ob-Rb) form of the leptin receptor in liver.
143 mouse genetic studies that a deletion of the leptin receptor in neurons results in an increase in bon
144 ion and diabetes, we studied the role of the leptin receptor in regulating distinct immune cells duri
145 ed by leptin deficiency, inactivation of the leptin receptor in serotonergic neurons recapitulates th
146 n treatment induced expression of the leptin/leptin receptor in the lung epithelial cells via activat
147     Several reports describe the presence of leptin receptor in the solitary nucleus, and there is fu
148     Despite the markedly increased levels of leptin receptor in their circulation, LIRKO mice exhibit
149 e JCI, Scott et al. demonstrate that loss of leptin receptors in a subset of hindbrain neurons increa
150  with enhanced signaling through insulin and leptin receptors in animal models of diet-induced obesit
151 he native leptin and LepNPEG5K and activated leptin receptors in hypothalamus at lower dose than nati
152 gnitive processes that involve activation of leptin receptors in limbic structures, such as the hippo
153                                              Leptin receptors in the hypothalamus are known to signal
154            Intratracheal pretreatment with a leptin receptor inhibitor attenuated leptin-induced lung
155 oung age may affect the hypothalamus causing leptin receptor insensitivity, we hypothesized that a po
156 ouse, in which obesity arises as a result of leptin receptor insensitivity.
157  this is lost, leading to markedly increased leptin receptors into the circulation.
158 al insulin resistance, and we show here that leptin receptor is required for this response.
159 expression and astrocytic activity, and that leptin receptor is responsible for leptin-induced calciu
160 n db/db mice, mRNA for the short isoforms of leptin receptors is constitutively expressed in the kidn
161        P200 disrupts (whereas P110 promotes) leptin receptor isoform b clustering in the vicinity of
162 educed expression of Fto or Rpgrip1l affects leptin receptor isoform b trafficking and leptin signali
163           A concomitant increase was seen in leptin receptor isoform expression and activation of the
164 Y (NPY), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and the leptin receptor isoform Ob-Rb, in the hypothalamus of ad
165 erate conditional knockouts (KOs) in mice of leptin receptor (L(2.1)KO), insulin receptor (I(2.1)KO),
166 is known about the structure of the liganded leptin receptor (LEP-R) complex.
167  appetite Cartpt) and to LAC responsiveness (leptin receptors Lepr, metabotropic glutamate receptors-
168 pid GE, we studied mice with mutation of the leptin receptor (Lepr(db/db)), which in our colony had a
169        Humans and mice lacking leptin or the leptin receptor (LepR) (ob/ob and db/db mice, respective
170 l residues under selection are away from the leptin receptor (LEPR) binding site.
171                                        While leptin receptor (Lepr) function has been well studied in
172  associations between 32 tagging SNPs in the leptin receptor (LEPR) gene and pancreatic cancer risk.
173 , we hypothesized that a polymorphism in the leptin receptor (LEPR) gene, Gln223Arg, might influence
174 mmon exonic variants in the leptin (LEP) and leptin receptor (LEPR) genes modify the effects of regul
175                                We found that Leptin Receptor (LepR) is a marker that highly enriches
176 o major neurotransmitters in the brain, from leptin receptor (LepR) neurons, we used mice with disrup
177          This study investigated the role of leptin receptor (Lepr) signaling in determining the bone
178 , we show that BBS proteins are required for leptin receptor (LepR) signaling in the hypothalamus.
179 vestigated the influence of Leptin (LEP) and leptin receptor (LEPR) SNPs on habitual physical activit
180 ing conformation between mutant LEP(I14) and LEPTIN receptor (LEPR) suggests that the conformation of
181  generated mice that carry a neuron-specific leptin receptor (LEPR) transgene whose expression is dri
182  produced mice in which the long form of the leptin receptor (Lepr) was selectively ablated using Cre
183 pericytes, distinct from sinusoid-associated leptin receptor (LEPR)(+) cells.
184                   However, GnRH neurons lack leptin receptor (LepR), indicating that leptin must indi
185 en Scf was deleted from endothelial cells or leptin receptor (Lepr)-expressing perivascular stromal c
186  insulin receptor tyrosine kinase (IRTK) and leptin receptor (LEPR)-Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) in hypothal
187 es have suggested that MSPCs are observed as leptin receptor (LepR)-positive cells, whereas osteoblas
188 arly growth response factor 3, vinculin, and leptin receptor (LepR).
189 for genetic variants in leptin (LEP) and the leptin receptor (LEPR).
190  and adipocytes in adult bone marrow express leptin receptor (LepR).
191 signaling-3, increased 22-fold in WAT, while leptin receptor (Lepr-b) mRNA gradually disappeared, imp
192               The importance of B-isoform of leptin receptor (LEPR-B) signaling in the hypothalamus,
193 ellular activity of PMV neurons that express leptin receptors (LepR PMV neurons).
194 n the arcuate nucleus are GABAergic, express leptin receptors (LepR), and are known to influence repr
195 s not seen in animals deficient in leptin or leptin receptors (LepR).
196    Mechanistically, we found that attenuated leptin-receptor (LEPR) expression is essential for the d
197 matopoietic progenitors, megakaryocytes, and Leptin Receptor(+) (LepR(+)) stromal cells.
198 ng neurons are inhibitory and some coexpress leptin receptor (lepR1).
199  JNK3 deficiency in neurons that express the leptin receptor LEPRb was sufficient to cause HFD-depend
200 ere coexpressed with the long isoform of the leptin receptor LepRb.
201 he parabrachial nucleus (PBN) that coexpress leptin receptor (LepRb) and cholecystokinin (CCK) (PBN L
202 l signal of body energy stores, acts via the leptin receptor (LepRb) on neurons in multiple brain reg
203         Leptin acts via the long form of the leptin receptor (LepRb) on specialized sets of neurons i
204  mammals, NTS-producing neurons that express leptin receptor (LepRb) regulate the function of hypocre
205                       Here we show that mNTS leptin receptor (LepRb) signaling also reduces appetitiv
206 hypothalamic circuits, we examined roles for leptin receptor (LepRb) signals in neonatal mice.
207 erous different cell types via the long-form leptin receptor (LepRb) to elicit its effects.
208  previous results suggest that GABAergic LHA leptin receptor (LepRb)-containing and neurotensin (Nts)
209 dy weight by activating the long form of the leptin receptor (LEPRb).
210       A subpopulation of POA neurons express leptin receptors (LepRb(POA) neurons) and modulate repro
211                The functional isoform of the leptin receptor, LepRb, and the glucocorticoid receptor
212              The expression of the long form leptin receptor, LepRb, was detected in hippocampal prog
213                                     However, leptin receptors (LEPRs) are expressed in other sites as
214 bserved that AT1A receptors colocalized with leptin receptors (LEPRs) in the ARC.
215 ins energy balance by acting on hypothalamic leptin receptors (Leprs) that act on the signal transduc
216  is indirect, as GnRH neurons do not express leptin receptors (LEPRs).
217 nergy stores, acts through multiple types of leptin receptor long isoform (LepRb)-expressing neurons
218                                      Leptin, leptin receptor (long isoform), and PTH mRNA transcripts
219 nd functional characterization of leptin and leptin receptor (LR) in Xenopus.
220           Obese (f/f) Koletsky rats lack the leptin receptor (LR), whereas their lean (F/?) counterpa
221 /db mice devoid of the signaling form of the leptin receptor (LRb) and s/s mice that express LRb(S113
222                                          The leptin receptor, LRb, and other cytokine receptors are d
223 gal cholecystokinin-A receptors (CCKARs) and leptin receptors (LRbs) mediates short term satiety.
224 that both direct and indirect (hypothalamic) leptin receptor-mediated actions of hyperleptinemia are
225               These results demonstrate that leptin receptor-mediated ERK activation plays an essenti
226                  In this report, we assessed leptin receptor-mediated ERK activation, a pathway that
227  amplified by the action of leptin through a leptin receptor-mediated production of phosphoinositol-t
228      We recently reported that disruption of leptin receptor-mediated STAT3 activation augmented host
229 tudy, the hypothesis that the short forms of leptin receptors might offer protection against endotoxi
230                                              Leptin receptor mRNA and protein were expressed in fetal
231                                              Leptin receptor mRNA levels were reduced in the hypothal
232 wild-type mice revealed a marked increase in leptin receptor mRNA levels, which had not previously be
233 thelial interactions were increased in obese leptin receptor mutant mice (Lepr(db/db),Psgl-1(+/+)) bu
234          Unexpectedly, Socs3 upregulation in leptin receptor neurons results in increased expression
235 of obesity in mice with upregulated Socs3 in leptin receptor neurons suggests that Socs3's effect on
236                                       Twenty leptin receptor null (db/db) mice underwent treatment wi
237                                   Adult male leptin receptor null, homozygous db/db, or wild type mic
238 diet, fasting and refeeding were measured on leptin receptor number and gene expression.
239     However, the regulated expression of the leptin receptor (Ob-R) has not been studied in detail.
240                                              Leptin receptor (Ob-R) was evaluated by quantitative PCR
241 -NS5A together stimulated TLR4-NANOG and the leptin receptor (OB-R)-pSTAT3 signaling pathways, result
242  signaling; IGF-I induced phosphorylation of leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) and leptin induced phosphorylati
243 gnaling 3 (SOCS-3), we show that blockade of leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) phosphorylation blocks leptin-in
244 vels of both leptin and the long form of the leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) were substantially increased wit
245  which are deficient in the long isoforms of leptin receptors (Ob/Rb), demonstrate lower mortality ra
246  juxtapositional cytoplasmic sequence of the leptin receptor ObR is responsible for leptin transport.
247 fined by elevated cell surface levels of the leptin receptor (OBR(hi)).
248                 We report in this study that leptin receptor (ObR) is expressed on resting normal mou
249 nd/or function, we created pancreas-specific leptin receptor (ObR) KOs using mice expressing Cre reco
250 phatase is a critical signaling component of leptin receptor ObRb in the hypothalamus.
251              While ARH-NPY neurons expressed leptin receptor (ObRb) and displayed the activation of S
252 is factor alpha (TNF-alpha), leptin, and the leptin receptor (OBRb).
253 halamo-pituitary-gonadal axis is mediated by leptin receptors on AgRP neurons.
254                                  In summary, leptin receptors on POMC neurons are required but not so
255 al gene therapy to express either functional leptin receptors or a reporter gene in the area of the A
256 t fasting-associated increased expression of leptin receptor overlapping transcript (LEPROT) and LEPR
257 ) is a negative regulator of the insulin and leptin receptor pathways and thus an attractive therapeu
258 irst to illuminate the downstream effects of leptin receptor polymorphisms on intestinal infection by
259                    Nearly all HSCs contacted leptin receptor positive (Lepr(+)) and Cxcl12(high) nich
260 lial cells, CXCL12-abundant reticular cells, leptin-receptor-positive stromal cells, and nestin-green
261                                   The marked leptin receptor protein expression in the astrocytes, sh
262 d the remaining four loci are in or near the leptin receptor protein gene, the apolipoprotein E gene,
263                 A common polymorphism in the leptin receptor (Q223R) that increases susceptibility to
264  how individual phosphorylation sites on the leptin receptor recruit distinct signaling molecules.
265 uction of 61%) and by the biomarkers soluble leptin receptor (reduction of 43%) and glycated hemoglob
266                         The long form of the leptin receptor resembles cytokine receptors, which incl
267 vation of STAT3 signaling by mutation of the leptin receptor (s/s mice) leads to reduced adipose mass
268 3) as a leptin-induced negative regulator of leptin receptor signaling and potential mediator of lept
269 anced weight loss and increased hypothalamic leptin receptor signaling in response to exogenous lepti
270 sed in response to leptin and decreased with leptin receptor signaling inhibition by AG490, a JAK2/ST
271                                  A series of leptin receptor signaling mutants showed that resistance
272 mpared to db/db mice (complete abrogation of leptin receptor signaling).
273 ss the blood-brain barrier (BBB), defects in leptin receptor signaling, and blockades in downstream n
274 e formation as db/db mice, which lack normal leptin receptor signaling, have a reduced number of dend
275                       The blockade of leptin/leptin receptor signaling, induced by genetic means or b
276                            In the absence of leptin receptor signaling, the metabolic phenotype is le
277 is by activating JAK2, an initial trigger of leptin receptor signaling.
278 g alpha-AR signaling as well as by enhancing leptin receptor signaling.
279 educing adiposity under conditions of failed leptin receptor signaling.
280 egulatory effects of leptin depend on intact leptin receptor signaling.
281 t that RIIbeta-PKA modulates the duration of leptin receptor signalling and therefore the magnitude o
282 find that the negative feedback regulator of leptin receptor signalling, Socs3, is inhibited in the h
283 we also observed induction of plasma-soluble leptin receptor (SLR) protein by leptin administration,
284 served elevated levels of leptin and soluble leptin receptor (sLR).
285                               Plasma soluble leptin receptor (sOB-R) levels were inversely associated
286                                      Soluble leptin receptor (sOB-R) may regulate leptin's physiologi
287 examined plasma levels of leptin and soluble leptin receptor (sOB-R), as well as their interactions w
288 of leptin action on POMC neurons by deleting leptin receptors specifically from these cells in mice.
289 n mice with a whole-pancreas knockout of the leptin receptor that exhibit improved glucose tolerance
290 he seven-span somatostatin receptor 3 or the leptin receptor that interacts with all subunits of the
291 t NAG neurons do indeed express a functional leptin receptor throughout the early postnatal period in
292 se-derived hormone that acts on hypothalamic leptin receptors to regulate energy balance.
293  mutation of the tyrosine 985 residue in the leptin receptor, to determine its role in host defense a
294 sity in BBS mutant mice is due to defects in leptin receptor trafficking and leptin resistance.
295 ssess both TRH type 1 receptor and long-form leptin receptor [TRHR1; LepRb, respectively].
296 naling harboring a Y985L substitution in the leptin receptor, we show that leptin signaling inhibits
297                                              Leptin receptors were deleted from GABA and glutamate ne
298                                We found that leptin receptors were expressed in hypothalamic astrocyt
299 hly correlated with the expression levels of leptin receptor, which is ubiquitously expressed in most
300 report that mice deficient in the peripheral leptin receptor, while harboring an intact central lepti

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