


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ity limit of 8 fmol has been established for leucine enkephalin.
2 a transmitters gastrin-releasing peptide and leucine-enkephalin.
3 des tested, only N, N-dibenzyl[Phe(p-NCS)(4)]leucine enkephalin (2) exhibited wash-resistant inhibiti
4 ne exception was N, N-dibenzyl[Phe(p-NCS)(4)]leucine enkephalin (2) which exhibited a 2-fold increase
5                         Dilator responses to leucine enkephalin and dynorphin, endogenous delta and k
6                                              Leucine enkephalin and dynorphin-induced pial artery dil
7 milar inhibition by NOC/oFQ was observed for leucine enkephalin and dynorphin.
8 d as the biologically active conformation of leucine enkephalin and its methyl ester in the nonpolar
9                      An equimolar mixture of leucine enkephalin and maltopentaose was studied to veri
10 molecules in droplets containing bradykinin, leucine enkephalin and myoglobin, but loss of the heme g
11           In this study Tyr residues of both leucine enkephalin and salmon calcitonin (sCT) were targ
12 FPI attenuated PACAP, methionine enkephalin, leucine enkephalin, and dynorphin induced elevations in
13                                              Leucine enkephalin- and dynorphin-induced dilation and a
14                                        Using leucine enkephalin as a diagnostic molecule, the fragmen
15                              Mass spectra of leucine enkephalin, bradykinin, substance P, and polylys
16                                            A leucine enkephalin-coated surface demonstrated good line
17 s opiate receptor to the agonist D-alanine-5-leucine-enkephalin (DADLE) in wild-type and T149A mutant
18 ons of the opioids methionine enkephalin and leucine enkephalin during hypoxia in the newborn pig.
19                The transport of radiolabeled leucine enkephalin exhibits saturable kinetics, with a K
20                       Here we present SID of leucine enkephalin, fibrinopeptide A, melittin, insulin
21 ine enkephalin and N,N-diallyl[Aib(2),Aib(3)]leucine enkephalin (ICI-174, 864) were substituted with
22 ion as shown by Perls' iron stain as well as leucine-enkephalin immunoreactivity, both markers for th
23 rijuana, releases endogenous dynorphin A and leucine enkephalin in the production of analgesia.
24 port, and chromatographic data indicate that leucine enkephalin is not hydrolyzed in the extracellula
25            Methionine-enkephalin (M-ENK) and leucine-enkephalin (L-ENK) are small endogenous opioid p
26 e also dually labeled for the opioid peptide leucine-enkephalin (L-ENK).
27                        The delta-OPR agonist leucine-enkephalin (LE, 10(-8) mol/L) markedly inhibited
28 er methionine enkephalin (met-enkephalin) or leucine enkephalin (leu-enkephalin), we observed enkepha
29 stigated the effect of exposure to exogenous leucine-enkephalin (Leu-Enk), methionine-enkephalin (Met
30 ion in levels of the endogenous DOR peptide, leucine enkephalin, normally seen during SH, thus protec
31                      Under these conditions, leucine-enkephalin present at concentrations as low as 1
32 tapeptides, including the endogenous opioids leucine enkephalin (Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu) and methionine
33 res produced more methionine enkephalin than leucine enkephalin under basal conditions.
34 ptimal derivatization conditions for 1microM leucine-enkephalin were achieved when 10mM cysteine and
35                             Somatostatin and leucine-enkephalin were homogeneously distributed throug
36  glycine and the fluorescamine derivative of leucine enkephalin, with the peak excitation cross secti
37 h of the five different residues of (Ala(2))-leucine enkephalin (YAGFL).
38 ed protonated C-terminally methyl esterified leucine enkephalin [YGGFL-OMe+H](+).

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