


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  tetragonal rubidium leucite or cubic cesium leucite.
2 mal expansion and inversion temperature than leucite.
3 s observed in the specimens containing cubic leucite.
4 n occurred in the specimens containing cubic leucite.
5                                Both rubidium leucite and pollucite exhibit a lower coefficient of the
6 lt of the thermal expansion mismatch between leucite and the surrounding glass matrix.
7                        The potassium ions in leucite are exchangeable for rubidium or cesium ions, le
8 erimental glass-ceramics showed an increased leucite crystal number and decreased crystal size with g
9 f tangential compressive stresses around the leucite crystals when cooled is responsible for a signif
10 aphic transformation, the contraction of the leucite crystals would be lower, thereby limiting the fo
11 ragonal leucite was characterized by twinned leucite crystals, whereas no twinning was observed in th
12 rystals as well as larger rubidium or cesium leucite crystals.
13    The group corresponding to 22.2 wt% added leucite fired at 1150 degrees C exhibited a mean biaxial
14                                              Leucite glass-ceramics (< 1 microm) showed minimal matri
15                             Manufacturing of leucite glass-ceramics often leads to materials with inh
16                    Fine-grained, translucent leucite glass-ceramics were synthesized and produced hig
17    The high thermal expansion of the mineral leucite has been exploited to regulate porcelain expansi
18                                              Leucite, however, has been observed to convert to the sa
19 lize increasing amounts of the cubic form of leucite in a leucitereinforced dental porcelain, evaluat
20 nalyses showed that the amount of stabilized leucite increased with the amount of pollucite added.
21                                              Leucite (KAlSi2O6) is used as a reinforcing agent in som
22 tions by mixing increasing amounts of either leucite (KAlSi2O6) or pollucite (CsAlSi2O6) with Optec H
23 3 reinforced glass-ceramics (fluormica [FM], leucite [LR], and lithium disilicate [LD]) and a dense s
24 e particle surface area per unit volume, and leucite mean volume-surface diameter, D3,2, were determi
25  evaluate the effects of rubidium and cesium leucites on thermal expansion, microstructure, crack def
26 rubidium or cesium ions, leading to rubidium leucite or cesium leucite (pollucite).
27  transformed into either tetragonal rubidium leucite or cubic cesium leucite.
28  thermal coefficient of thermal expansion of leucite over the range of 25 degrees to 700 degrees C is
29  can be minimized by a reduction of the mean leucite particle diameter to less than 4 microm.
30 icles compared with the porcelains with mean leucite particle diameters above Dc (p < 0.05).
31                     The porcelains with mean leucite particle diameters below Dc had a significantly
32  partitioned according to whether their mean leucite particle diameters, D3,2, fell above or below Dc
33 sent study was to determine whether the mean leucite particle size of a dental porcelain influences t
34                          Microcrack density, leucite particle surface area per unit volume, and leuci
35                                          The leucite particles in dental porcelains are often partial
36       The microcracks that form around these leucite particles when cooled during porcelain manufactu
37                              The fraction of leucite particles with microcracks around them, f(mc), w
38 f tangential compressive stresses around the leucite particles.
39  ions, leading to rubidium leucite or cesium leucite (pollucite).
40          Overall, the stabilization of cubic leucite reduced the flexural strength and the number of
41  was concluded that the thermal expansion of leucite-reinforced porcelain can be lowered by ion-excha
42 lection patterns, and flexural strength of a leucite-reinforced porcelain.
43 ength and the number of crack deflections in leucite-reinforced porcelain.
44 orcelain from the microcrack density and the leucite surface area.
45 sanidine is substantially lower than that of leucite (the effective linear thermal coefficient of the
46 ated the critical particle diameter, Dc, for leucite to be 4 microm.
47 s rely on the high-thermal-expansion mineral leucite to elevate their bulk thermal expansion to level
48 s C is 28 x 10(-6) K(-1)), the conversion of leucite to sanidine during porcelain heat treatments wou
49 n showed that after ion-exchange and firing, leucite transformed into either tetragonal rubidium leuc
50 when feldspathic dental porcelain is cooled, leucite undergoes a transformation from cubic to tetrago
51 cture of the specimens containing tetragonal leucite was characterized by twinned leucite crystals, w

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