


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 regulation by lysosome-disrupting agents and leupeptin.
2  of falcipain-3 in complex with the aldehyde leupeptin.
3  A and tunicamycin, but not by wortmannin or leupeptin.
4 n but not by the active site-binding peptide leupeptin.
5 p. DU-145 tumor xenografts were treated with leupeptin.
6 ase in proteolytic activity was inhibited by leupeptin.
7 ) and was relatively insensitive to EDTA and leupeptin.
8  was not inhibited by the protease inhibitor leupeptin.
9 eated with trypsin or the protease inhibitor leupeptin.
10 resence or absence of the protease inhibitor leupeptin (10 microM).
11 1 mm), phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (3 mm), leupeptin (100 microm), antipain (IC(50) = 2 microm), Hg
12  (0.2 microM) or with the protease inhibitor leupeptin (100 microM).
13 um iodide uptake, was partially prevented by leupeptin (5 mM) and completely prevented by antipain (2
14 c trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), benzamidine, and leupeptin affinities and activity and pH-rate profiles o
15 reover, these mutations decrease kcat/Km and leupeptin affinity in parallel with the decrease in stab
16 lpain inhibitor I, calpain inhibitor II, and leupeptin all provided significant protection of SGNs ag
17  MDL28,170, calpain inhibitors I and II, and leupeptin (all 1-100 microM) had little effect on the de
18                Treatment of PS-/- cells with leupeptin, an inhibitor of cysteine proteases, led to si
19                                              Leupeptin and a mixture of proteinase inhibitors also at
20 y mixed-type inhibition with the affinity of leupeptin and aprotinin to the factor XIa-factor IX comp
21                                 As expected, leupeptin and aprotinin were competitive with respect to
22  XIa heavy chain affects the interactions of leupeptin and aprotinin with the active site.
23 ssay, we found that the peptidic inhibitors, leupeptin and aprotinin, exhibited similar potencies in
24   Inhibitors of tryptase activity, including leupeptin and benzamidine hydrochloride, significantly d
25 s inhibited by subtilase-specific inhibitors leupeptin and chymostatin.
26  cells in ammonium chloride, concanamycin A, leupeptin and E-64.
27 rs, but not by lysosomal protease inhibitors leupeptin and E64.
28 eas prior exposure of P. gingivalis cells to leupeptin and especially acetyl-Leu-Val-Lys-aldehyde (wh
29                       Lysosomotrophic agents leupeptin and pepstatin A were ineffective in inhibiting
30 l inhibition of cathepsins was achieved with leupeptin and pepstatin A.
31 oteinases (aprotinin), cysteine proteinases (leupeptin) and urokinase (amiloride), altered mandibular
32 es have been discovered such as chymostatin, leupeptin, and fellutamide; however, the biosynthetic or
33 to the cysteine protease inhibitors E-64 and leupeptin, and over 50-fold more sensitive to the aspart
34  and serine protease inhibitors, i.e., E64d, leupeptin, and zinc chloride, inhibited viral RNA synthe
35             Recombinant PRCP is inhibited by leupeptin, angiotensin II, bradykinin, anti-PRCP, diisop
36 SF, aprotinin, pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, leupeptin, antipain, and EDTA could not prevent histatin
37 e prostasins resist antiproteases, including leupeptin, aprotinin, serpins, and alpha2-macroglobulin,
38 system that was inhibited by E-64, EDTA, and leupeptin but not inhibitors of serine and aspartic prot
39   Pancreasin is inhibited by benzamidine and leupeptin but resists several classic inhibitors of tryp
40 protease inhibitors aprotinin, pepstatin, or leupeptin but was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner b
41  blocked by the cysteine protease inhibitor, leupeptin, but not by proteasome inhibitors, which is op
42         Cathepsin K is inhibited by E-64 and leupeptin, but not for by pepstatin, EDTA, phenylmethyls
43        Incubation with either chloroquine or leupeptin, but not lactacystin, led to intracellular sta
44 owever, the addition of protease inhibitors, leupeptin, calpain inhibitor I, E-64, or pepstatin (0.5
45 at certain protease inhibitors, particularly leupeptin, can block, by up to 95%, the anti-HIV activit
46  parasites carrying this mutation survived a leupeptin challenge significantly better than a transfec
47 , pyrroloindole alkaloids, angucyclines, and leupeptins chemical families.
48 the preferential-but-less-specific inhibitor leupeptin decreased transmigration of both cell lines ac
49                        In Ringer's solution, leupeptin delayed globulization without significantly af
50                                 z-VAD-FMK or leupeptin delayed, but did not inhibit, cell detachment
51 king constitutive lysosomal degradation with leupeptin did not induce significant changes in KCC2 pro
52 differential sensitivity of Ag processing to leupeptin, different duration required for epitope gener
53  protease inhibitors that includes bestatin, leupeptin, E64, AEBSF, and aprotinin.
54 inhibitors, including antipain, chymostatin, leupeptin, elastatinal, and microbial alkaline protease
55 frontal and entorhinal cortex suggested that leupeptin exacerbated Abeta40 toxicity.
56                               Chloroquine or leupeptin had no effect on the apical to basolateral tra
57                                              Leupeptin has been characterized as a slow binding inhib
58 f 0.5 mM of the protease inhibitors E-64 and leupeptin increased the globulization time to 60 and 100
59    Inhibition of the proteolytic activity by leupeptin increases T:(g) without affecting the gain in
60 132 or lactacystin or high concentrations of leupeptin, indicating involvement of ubiquitin-proteasom
61                   Intriguingly, Abeta40 plus leupeptin induced intracellular accumulation of the more
62                                              Leupeptin-induced autophagic impairment increased the nu
63 letely degraded and complexes containing the leupeptin-induced fragment of Ii (LIP) and class II mole
64 ss II-associated invariant chain peptide and leupeptin-induced protein in the 43(HIV) cells.
65                                              Leupeptin infusion previously has been reported to inter
66 l and lactacystin but not lysosome inhibitor leupeptin inhibited the degradation of Y611H mutant chan
67 lization of the ligand, both chloroquine and leupeptin inhibited the intracellular degradation of 125
68                                     A single leupeptin injection resulted in a rapid massive accumula
69 ensitive to the lysosomal protease inhibitor leupeptin, insensitive to proteasome inhibition, and att
70 ed by the cysteine protease inhibitors E-64, leupeptin, Mu-Np2-HphVS-2Np, Mu-Leu-HpHVSPh and the cath
71 itors Ni2+ and Zn2+, and protease inhibitor, leupeptin, Na+-free and K+-free media and Ca2+-containin
72 and fibripositors and there was no effect of leupeptin on fibricarrier or fibripositor number and siz
73         This effect is partially reversed by leupeptin or MG132, indicating that both the lysosomal a
74 ctivity by using a serine protease inhibitor leupeptin or two structurally different protease-activat
75  cysteine proteases (E64), serine proteases (leupeptin), or metalloproteases (1, 10-phenanthroline) h
76 xysuccinyl-l-leucylamido-4-guanidino butane, leupeptin, pepstatin-A, chloroquine, and NH(4)Cl did not
77 ntrast, inhibitors of lysosomal degradation (leupeptin/pepstatin) and endocytosis (chloroquine) had l
78                                              Leupeptin plus Abeta40 caused limited but significant ne
79 hosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase inhibitor, and leupeptin plus E64 (inhibitors of lysosomal proteases).
80 showing that the cysteine protease inhibitor leupeptin prevented Sp1 degradation.
81 stration of the cysteine protease inhibitor, leupeptin, promoted accumulation of autophagic vacuoles
82  by another mechanism, in a chymotrypsin- or leupeptin protease-inhibitable manner.
83              Pretreatment of CD8+ cells with leupeptin reduces CNAR, further supporting an inhibitory
84 s directly to both altered PSAC activity and leupeptin resistance.
85        A single CLAG3 mutation (A1210T) in a leupeptin-resistant PSAC mutant falls within this transm
86                               Treatment with leupeptin restored flurazepam lowered receptor surface l
87 Abeta40 with the cysteine protease inhibitor leupeptin resulted in increased extracellular and intrac
88 ization studies performed in the presence of leupeptin revealed that WNK4 enhanced the accumulation o
89               Cleavage measured in vitro was leupeptin sensitive and dependent on calcium.
90 was delivered to lysosomes and degraded by a leupeptin-sensitive pathway.
91 was endocytosed and subsequently degraded by leupeptin-sensitive proteases.
92  constitutive endocytosis and degradation by leupeptin-sensitive proteases.
93             The lysosomal protease inhibitor leupeptin slowed ferritin turnover and also retarded MC
94 ed after culture with the protease inhibitor leupeptin, suggesting that one or more endoproteases oth
95 heat inactivation and the protease inhibitor leupeptin, suggesting that the proteolytic activity of t
96 d 0.5 mM of the cysteine protease inhibitor, leupeptin, T:(g) increased to 100 minutes, without affec
97  Using z-VAD-FMK to inhibit Kgp activity and leupeptin to inhibit Rgp activity in gingipain-active W8
98          Such complexes are only observed in leupeptin-treated cells in which Ii fails to be complete
99 r invasion into the diaphragm was reduced by leupeptin treatment for both the PA and wild-type DU-145
100 as monitored as a function of time after the leupeptin treatment with quantitative ultrastructural an
101              Over a 12-week period after the leupeptin treatment, the amounts of inclusion material a
102 al, but not the lysosomal protease inhibitor leupeptin, were found to effectively inhibit the proteol
103                        Furthermore, E64D and leupeptin, which are able to function as inhibitors of a
104 vitreal injections of the protease inhibitor leupeptin, which induces a rapid accumulation of lipofus
105                      Treatment of cells with leupeptin, which inhibits invariant chain degradation, l

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