


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 4), and 62.2% (278) of values, respectively, lay within +/-0.05 U.
2 nation, in which the vast majority of values lay within 1 sd of the consensus value, irrespective of
3    We designed over 300 ZF-TFs whose targets lie within 1 kb of the transcriptional start sites (TSSs
4 rt of a greater than 550-kb contig that must lie within 1 of the 11 sequence gaps currently remaining
5 iginal model that achieves tumor values that lie within 1% of the theoretically optimal values.
6 , with the majority of laboratories' results lying within 1 sd of their consensus mean.
7 ally preferred conformer with the boat-chair lying within 1.4 kcal/mol.
8 ng N-linked glycosylation sites predicted to lie within 10 A of CD4 contact sites, the infectivity of
9 9% of the remaining area of tropical forests lies within 100 m of a forest edge.
10 s that are predicted by homology modeling to lie within 2.8 A of each other at the interface between
11                              CRKL (CRK-Like) lies within 22q11.21, and Crkl-/- mice have phenotypic f
12 cies, the majority of open chromatin regions lie within 3 kb upstream of a transcription start site i
13 rgy; several other isomers and conformations lie within 3 kcal/mol of 4a(*-).
14 tronic instances of their reverse complement lie within 380,084 nonoverlapping regions, typically 60-
15 regulatory functions in the murine C3aR gene lie within 50 bp of the transcription start site.
16        Forty-three percent of the genes that lie within 50 kb to an ERalpha-binding site were regulat
17                      Six C/EBP binding sites lie within 500 bp of the Scgb3a2 gene promoter, of which
18     Furthermore, this alcohol binding pocket lies within 7 A of Leu-120 and Gly-121, residues in whic
19 ferred directions or biases, with directions lying within 90 degrees of the bias direction nearly alw
20 netrating capability have been identified to lie within a 35-amino-acid region containing the nuclear
21 constraints, such as requiring GC-content to lie within a certain range, requiring the number of stro
22     Most planetary rings in the Solar System lie within a few radii of their host body, because at th
23 the 15q13.1 locus (rs1129038 and rs12913832) lie within a genomic region that has profound effects on
24       A potential reason to explain this may lie within a key lipid class of the cell's plasma membra
25 all segment of roughly a dozen residues that lie within a natively unstructured sub-domain of RNase E
26 pG loci associated with later risk of asthma lie within a NF-kappaB binding site and that methylation
27 to affinity cross-linking, was determined to lie within a periplasmic loop between transmembrane heli
28 ns either project into the predicted pore or lie within a predicted extracellular loop.
29 imated from previous theoretical studies but lie within a reasonable range for phenyl rotation in hyd
30                 Forty of these neighborhoods lie within a relatively small area that contains 3 of th
31 s of cellular tropism and receptor targeting lie within a short peptide in the Vr1 region of the enve
32 pitopes were mapped, but all of the epitopes lie within a single major antigenic site, suggesting tha
33  mapped 12-amino acid immunodominant epitope lies within a "hinge" region between the N-terminal intr
34              The site of photo-cross-linking lies within a 14 kDa C-terminal domain of the alpha-subu
35                                   Serine 291 lies within a 23-amino acid insert located within the li
36  involved in minus-strand DNA synthesis that lies within a 27-nucleotide region between DR2 and the 3
37  SVG-CRFR1 complex, residue 17 of the ligand lies within a 9 angstroms distance from residue 117 of t
38            In the classical T state, Gly(B8) lies within a beta-turn and exhibits a positive phi angl
39                                         S889 lies within a C-terminal region of the SMARCAL1 protein.
40                             The CLPTM1L gene lies within a cancer susceptibility locus at chromosome
41   The genetic lesion in the frimousse mutant lies within a connexin gene (cx-11) that is transiently
42                                         D304 lies within a conserved NPXXY motif in transmembrane dom
43            Moreover, we show that rs10748842 lies within a DNA ultraconserved element and homedomain
44     In particular, the 85 ms switching speed lies within a factor of two of video rate.
45              Our results suggest the W locus lies within a few centimorgans of markers GM354, UNH168,
46  (LOD score = 7.5 at reduced penetrance) and lies within a founder haplotype that is also shared by 3
47  two C. sordellii strains revealed that tcsR lies within a genomic region that encodes TcsL, TcsH, an
48                                 This variant lies within a genomic region that includes IL12B and is
49 ase-associated mutation in VAPB, VAPB(P56S), lies within a highly conserved N-terminal region of the
50 gle nucleotide polymorphism rs6983267, which lies within a MYC enhancer and confers colorectal cancer
51 abnormal thyroid hormone function in humans, lies within a novel, bipartite RNA-binding domain.
52 vious studies suggested that the active site lies within a positively charged cleft formed at the sub
53                                    rs4148941 lies within a potential microRNA-513a-5p (miR-513a-5p) b
54                                   Lysine 164 lies within a predicted CD36 binding domain for FA and o
55                                 The promoter lies within a previously uncharacterized CpG island ~55
56       A conserved charged residue (Lys(842)) lies within a putative CaM binding helix in the middle o
57 ies, the predicted optimal number of spacers lies within a range that agrees with experimentally-obse
58 mosome, but is unusual in that the attB site lies within a redundant repetitive element (REP13E12) of
59 nly deleted region indicates that the PWS-IC lies within a region of 4.3 kb.
60                                 The 13q peak lies within a region previously linked strongly to panic
61                       Although phCENH3-Ser50 lies within a region that lacks homology to any other kn
62 h an LOD of greater than 1 on chromosome 15q lies within a region that showed genome-wide significant
63                                   rs11118883 lies within a region with strong evidence of transcripti
64                                      Hinge 2 lies within a three-way helix junction that extends to t
65 iability, model shortcomings, and because CA lies within a transition zone, where mid-latitude region
66  report that this high-affinity binding site lies within a unique extracytosolic, carboxyl-terminal d
67  that the highly conserved lower half of TM7 lies within a water-filled cavity easily accessible from
68 ion events on Thr171 and Ser175 of BLM which lies within a well-defined phosphodegron, a sequence whi
69  sensitive to transient point-source stimuli lying within a range of angles that are oblique with res
70 tial caspase consensus motifs in HDAC4, both lying within a region containing proline-, glutamic acid
71 Noting that the activities of many compounds lie within achievable blood concentrations, these result
72 ct the NMR spectrum of roughly 1 pl of fluid lying within adjacent nanograting grooves.
73 1, indicating that leukotoxin binding domain lies within amino acids 1 to 291 of bovine CD18.
74 GWAS-related single-nucleotide polymorphisms lie within an essential erythroid enhancer of the BCL11A
75 e genome sequences revealed that CYP1A genes lie within an extended region of conserved fine-scale sy
76                       Papillary muscles that lie within an infarct zone might give rise to ventricula
77 bility locus for psoriasis vulgaris (PV) and lies within an approximately 200 kb segment of the major
78 in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR), which lies within an AUUUA RNA stability motif.
79 the 8q24 cancer-associated variant rs6983267 lies within an in vivo prostate enhancer whose expressio
80          Intriguingly, a promoter for MCM3AP lies within an intron of GANP.
81 tent (respectively, extinction prone) models lies within an open set of persistent (resp. extinction
82  Inpp5f_v2, a paternally expressed retrogene lying within an intron of Inpp5f.
83                  Further, while a LyF-1 site lies within and overlaps a transcription start site in t
84 By contrast, mRNA isoforms with 3' ends that lie within annotated 5'-UTRs were overrepresented in pol
85 x-ray structure, Asp68 and Lys131 (helix IV) lie within approximately 4.2 A of each other.
86         The carboxylate side chain of Asp186 lies within approximately 3.2 A of the C-2 hydroxyl grou
87 determined that a second and a third hotspot lie within blade 5 of the SEMA domain and IPT domains 2-
88 also observe that the RNAP II molecules that lie within BMP4 have inappropriate persistence of serine
89 arge genes with multiple regulatory elements lying within both introns and intergenic regions.
90                    Six singlet C4H2S isomers lie within ca. 30 kcal/mol above butatrienethione (6), t
91 T cells to a nonpersistent virus (influenza) lie within CCR7(+)CD45RA(-) central memory, whereas memo
92                           In addition, UBE3A lies within chromosome 15q11-q13 region, where maternal,
93 ough the causal variants in the 16p13 region lie within CLEC16A, DEXI is an unappreciated autoimmune
94 at less common, functional polymorphisms may lie within common haplotypes and drive gene-environment
95 ent results from flexing at two hinge points lying within conserved elements of 16S rRNA.
96 l defect, we demonstrate that the impairment lies within conventional dendritic cells (cDCs).
97              Interestingly, the DMDs in Tsix lie within CTCF binding sites.
98  as to data from other source databases that lie within ENCODE regions; this provides the user a comp
99                     Five of these seven loci lay within enhancer or DNase I hypersensitivity regions
100                           For sequences that lie within enhancers or promoters of transcription, it i
101 stant from the genes they regulate, but many lie within evolutionarily conserved regions (ECRs).
102                                All mutations lie within five previously identified rod domain hotspot
103      Structural models suggest that Arg(436) lies within five cytoplasmic portals of the 5-HT(3A) rec
104 pitope and the previously identified epitope lie within fragments contained in different vaccines, th
105                     Of the novel loci, three lie within genes (ASTN2, DPP4 and MAST4) and one is foun
106 in monogenic or syndromic diabetes and genes lying within genomic regions associated with T2D common
107 e and normal phenotypic variation, but those lying within heavily duplicated, highly identical sequen
108                                      As N464 lies within heptad repeat B, these results contrast with
109 he NvAMD-associated synonymous polymorphisms lie within HtrA1's putative insulin-like growth factor 1
110 -331, the hydroxyl groups of the hexose only lie within hydrogen bonding distance to ordered water mo
111             However, many genes are known to lie within interstitial/proximal regions of low recombin
112             The Ku-binding function of UvrD1 lies within its C-terminal 270 amino acid segment.
113                       Several of these genes lie within known type 1 and 2 diabetes loci.
114             One solution to this problem may lie within naturally occurring microdiversity; varying n
115                        Most disease variants lie within noncoding genomic regions, making their funct
116 jority of suppressor mutations were found to lie within nsrR, which encodes a nitric oxide (NO)-sensi
117 repetitious DNAs but more than expected (7%) lie within nuclear gene protein-coding regions.
118 possible to say whether these multiple sites lie within one receptor or on two linked receptors of a
119                       Papua New Guinea (PNG) lies within one of the largest areas of contiguous tropi
120 nzymes and that these residues are likely to lie within or immediately adjacent to the transmembrane
121                                  This region lies within or close to the fMRI signal-dropout zone pro
122 radil block, supporting the idea that Asn406 lies within or near the mibefradil binding site.
123 d V232F) associated with hMYH polyposis that lie within, or adjacent to, the putative hMSH6 binding d
124 at fail to bind to the ligand-occupied state lie within, or very close to, the integrin-fibronectin i
125 es Y263, C265, and K267 of the alpha1 region lie within overlapping ComA- and Spx-binding sites for a
126 fects are responsible, and often these genes lie within pathways managing sodium homeostasis.
127     The vast majority of bacterial diversity lies within phylum-level lineages called "candidate phyl
128 iously identified visual map, is observed to lie within posterior IPS and to share a foveal represent
129                  These newly associated SNPs lie within predicted keratinocyte regulatory elements an
130 ity of the system being in an attractor that lies within prescribed boundaries decreases approximatel
131                                These lysines lie within previously predicted actin-binding sites, and
132 olecule within PrP-(23-33); the second motif lies within PrP-(98-110); and the third is contained wit
133 1) and 1,140 nmol L(-1) d(-1), respectively, lie within ranges of published values.
134 that phrH expression is driven by a promoter lying within rapH.
135 mmunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) vaccine lies within reach.
136 iants are untaggable, primarily because they lie within recombination hotspots.
137 iants that affect disease susceptibility may lie within regulatory elements that influence gene expre
138 nd in many cases the final structural models lie within root mean square deviation of 1 approximately
139 was initially attributed to MYLIP, rs6924995 lies within RP1-13D10.2, an uncharacterized long noncodi
140  The endings of sensory receptor cells often lie within specialized compartments formed by glial cell
141  extensive tidal flats and salt marshes that lie within specific ranges of elevation, whereas interme
142  promoters; the beta-globin promoters do not lie within such islands.
143  The dendrites of A- and B-group motoneurons lay within the oculomotor nucleus, but those of the C-gr
144 cts showed that the NGF-responsive sequences lay within the proximal -392 base pairs (bp) of PNMT pro
145 ore linear, and the KBC values approached or lay within the range of KOC values reported for SMT in 1
146                          Six of the proteins lay within the same small region of the interactome iden
147         85% of all experimental observations lie within the 90% uncertainty intervals indicating reas
148 cks exist, no currently known Archean strata lie within the appropriate thermal maturity window for s
149 mline-derived PTEN missense mutations, which lie within the ATP-binding motifs, result in mutant PTEN
150 g in human and mouse ESCs and preferentially lie within the boundaries of topological domains for hum
151       The -35 hexamer of this promoter would lie within the C boxes.
152  for function-blocking monoclonal antibodies lie within the C-C' loop of EIIIA.
153 unction and that the site of interaction may lie within the C-terminal portion that is common to all
154 .413A>C (p.Glu138Ala); these three mutations lie within the coiled-coil domain of CARD14.
155 we report that two genes, DSCR1 and DYRK1A , lie within the critical region of human chromosome 21 an
156 lent mutation, NPC1(I1061T), is predicted to lie within the cysteine-rich luminal domain and is assoc
157               Two genes, KCNC2 and ATXN7L3B, lie within the deleted region.
158                 Only 10-15% of the ribosomes lie within the densest part of the nucleoid lobes, and a
159 g conditions on both aluminium and titanium, lie within the different ranges predicted for each metal
160 motaxis in vivo, suggesting that these sites lie within the docking site of an adaptation enzyme, Che
161 ssing neurons of the abdominal ganglion that lie within the expression pattern of the enhancer-trap l
162                       However, both residues lie within the final docking site for the protease in th
163  and the interaction between CD44 and merlin lie within the first 50 amino acids of merlin.
164 teria and the majority of conserved residues lie within the folded domain.
165 east two types of amacrine cell whose somata lie within the ganglion cell layer.
166 nd radial wrist, forearm, and upper arm also lie within the homogeneously stained field in CN.
167 ntal data imply that the regulatory elements lie within the interface between the FAD- and FMN-bindin
168 gar and cation binding sites are proposed to lie within the internal cavity.
169 cPINK1 explains how PD-linked mutations that lie within the kinase domain result in hPINK1 loss-of-fu
170 Remarkably, retinopathy-associated mutations lie within the mechanical hinges of the conformational c
171               The fatty acyl tails of PIP(2) lie within the membrane and the head group extends downw
172 gh a pair of activation-energy barriers that lie within the membrane dielectric, near the inner (alph
173 containing 1913 alternative amino acids that lie within the molecular weight range of the encoded ami
174 ore conserved bases, though they did not all lie within the most broadly conserved portions of the re
175                                  These genes lie within the most evolutionary recent segments of the
176 to distinguish thin-section CT findings that lie within the normal range from those that represent ea
177 ins, the sorting determinants of proglucagon lie within the ordered hormone domains of glucagon and G
178 pid spike-inactivation cells, preferentially lie within the periventricular zone; the other cell type
179 ble for dimerization, folding, and stability lie within the predicted coiled-coil region of HBHA, whi
180     Three functional LEF-1/TCF binding sites lie within the promoter of the hAR gene as shown by CHIP
181 that Eeff(0) values for CoOx, MnOx, and NiOx lie within the range 1.9-2.1 V vs reversible hydrogen el
182                    The (13)C chemical shifts lie within the ranges delta 21 +/- 0.5, 99 +/- 0.7, 99 +
183     Aspects of symbolic arithmetic therefore lie within the reach of children who have learned no alg
184 ion is shifted between multiple stimuli that lie within the receptive field.
185 neous ways, depending on where those stimuli lie within the receptive fields of neurons.
186 glycosylation substrate recognition features lie within the reducing-end moiety of the O repeat and t
187 g complementation between two mutations that lie within the same gene.
188   The majority of the constitutive mutations lie within the same residues of the N-terminal regulator
189 ues, such as piglet mortality, are likely to lie within the scientific disciplines of environmental d
190 dentified a suppressor mutation predicted to lie within the second periplasmic loop of TatC, a region
191 tion for post-transcriptional regulation can lie within the sequence or structure of the RNA transcri
192 f this deglacial deep-water warming does not lie within the tropics, nor can its early onset between
193                  These ERK2 phosphoacceptors lie within the unstructured N-terminal region of Ets1, i
194  positively selected sequence is expected to lie within the wealth of functional 'dark matter' presen
195 T-Box transcription factor gene, Tbx1, which lies within the 22q11.2 region and is responsible for mo
196                                      One set lies within the activation loop, and the other lies with
197 rmation of Michael adducts on His 173, which lies within the active site catalytic triad of hDDAH-1.
198                                      Tyr-330 lies within the adenosine-binding motif in the C-termina
199             The major T-cell insulin epitope lies within the amino acid 9-23 peptide of the beta-chai
200 he right superior temporal sulcus (STS) that lies within the auditory cortex, and is activated by aud
201                                        S1PR2 lies within the autosomal-recessive nonsyndromic hearing
202                                        G465D lies within the B' domain in the region that contacts th
203                          The Ala-673 residue lies within the beta-secretase recognition sequence and
204 on 55 of the rat alpha7 nAChR subunit, which lies within the beta2 strand, was studied by mutating it
205 fficient for cellular adherence and invasion lies within the C-terminal 12 to 24 amino acids and is c
206  show that specificity toward UBA6 and UBE2Z lies within the C-terminal CYCI tetrapeptide in FAT10.
207 (HP) determined the polar localization motif lies within the central domain of the protein and that t
208 t property, or perception, whose "pacemaker" lies within the CNS.
209  glial over neuronal fate, a difference that lies within the combined properties of amino terminal an
210 pB (residues 51-59), which reveals that PopB lies within the concave face of PcrH, employing mostly b
211 istent with the hypothesis that this residue lies within the conduction path, but the observed reacti
212 up to a plateau at approximately 1100, which lies within the consensus equilibrium range, 1000 +/- 10
213 onine (Thr-38) on the substrate Ets-1, which lies within the consensus sequence 36phi-chi-Thr-Pro39 (
214                                 This variant lies within the consensus SH3 protein-binding motif by w
215 y change for KChIP2 gene expression in heart lies within the CpG island core promoter.
216                                        SETD5 lies within the critical interval for 3p25 microdeletion
217 ly, because the locus encoding human SHROOM2 lies within the critical region for two distinct forms o
218 tralia's Flat Rocks locality (121-112.5 Ma), lies within the crown clade Monotremata, as a basal plat
219  in G:A at position 10 of the serT gene that lies within the D-stem of the essential tRNA((cmo)5)UGA(
220       We show that the core CSA-binding site lies within the DBL2X domain and parts of the flanking i
221        The second finger pair domain (ZF3/4) lies within the DNA-binding domain, and it stably binds
222          Because the CRP-binding site in CFH lies within the domain containing the Y402H polymorphism
223 h-dependent floor plate while Boc expression lies within the dorsal limit of Shh signaling.
224 lopment, the bulk of the dendritic structure lies within the electrode, underneath the polymer/electr
225 ted with a distinct root of the Archaea that lies within the Euryarchaeota, challenging the tradition
226 ion) of thigh muscle tissue (112-124 mmol/L) lies within the expected range.
227 as also been implicated in receptor binding, lies within the Fab footprint.
228                The fragile site FRA3B, which lies within the FHIT tumor-suppressor gene, is a site of
229                           Orf64 DUB activity lies within the first 205 residues of the protein, and d
230                              One titin locus lies within the genetic linkage interval and its express
231 ne H3 lysine 56 (H3K56) is unique in that it lies within the globular core domain near the entry-exit
232  We also find that the G134R mutation, which lies within the glycine zipper packing interface and cau
233                                         E329 lies within the glycine-rich loop region of the kinase.
234 2 has similarity to ylmF which, like divIVA, lies within the Gram-positive bacterial ylm gene cluster
235 how here that a second binding site for HapR lies within the hapR promoter from which it functions to
236 Furthermore, we show that this rearrangement lies within the homogeneous staining regions (HSR) in IM
237                         A proposed Ni source lies within the huge Noril'sk nickel ore deposits, which
238  encoding 12/15-LO (gene designation Alox15) lies within the Idd4 diabetes susceptibility interval in
239 ding domain for BoNT was selected because it lies within the immunodominant H chain as a beta-trefoil
240 Our results now reveal that the CHD6 protein lies within the infrastructure of multiple transcription
241 s during motivational and affective behavior lies within the interactions of anterior cingulate, insu
242              The third variant, p.Pro214Leu, lies within the internal linker domain, which regulates
243                                      The SNP lies within the intronic region of SLC30A10, another tra
244 ng RNA SPRIGHTLY (formerly SPRY4-IT1), which lies within the intronic region of the SPRY4 gene, is up
245 ditary erythromelalgia mutation (N395K) that lies within the local anaesthetic binding site of the ch
246  domain within the N-terminal of the protein lies within the lumen and is thought to represent the se
247 icate that the principal binding site for C9 lies within the MACPF domain of C8alpha.
248                      One genetic determinant lies within the major histocompatibility complex class 1
249 c risk for developing adult and juvenile IIM lies within the major histocompatibility complex, recent
250 in Ae. tauschii that also produces miRW1 and lies within the marker-based location of Iw2 We propose
251 egion with the strongest evidence of linkage lies within the minimum critical region for FTLD-U.
252 n of S708, a known Aurora B target site that lies within the motif bound by 14-3-3.
253 stin domain required for binding to atlastin lies within the N-terminal 80 residues of the protein, a
254 es within the activation loop, and the other lies within the N-terminal acidic region (N region).
255 n, indicating that the binding site for SsrA lies within the N-terminal nucleotide-binding domain.
256         The T-box transcription factor TBX1, lies within the nested 1.5 Mb interval and is a strong c
257 5L and F35V) at residue F35 of Kir6.2, which lies within the NH(2)-terminus.
258 a conserved methionine residue, M1727, which lies within the Notch1 transmembrane domain.
259         The most remarkable feature revealed lies within the paratope and is a novel six-amino-acid a
260 , adding further evidence that hyperglycemia lies within the pathogenic pathway.
261 layer, the pK(a2) of Cer-1-P, 7.39 +/- 0.03, lies within the physiological pH range.
262 g domain on amino acids 40-49 of YpkA, which lies within the previously identified membrane localizat
263 ase I footprinting showed that this sequence lies within the protected regions of the pfr and hydA pr
264                          The NOD1/CARD4 gene lies within the putative inflammatory bowel disease (IBD
265 phosphorylation as serine 304 of POSH, which lies within the Rac-binding domain.
266 out one degree of latitude per decade, which lies within the range of estimates of the observed expan
267 of 5-7 years, the distribution parameter rho lies within the range that indicates infinite variance.
268 no acids 355 and 735 (of 903), a range which lies within the RdRP domain.
269 leotide polymorphism (SNP) affecting aa(325) lies within the region of highest ZnT8 autoantibody (ZnT
270            Signy Island, maritime Antarctic, lies within the region of the Southern Hemisphere that i
271 g energy of approximately 0.3 eV/H favorably lies within the reversible adsorption range.
272 e site mutants, strongly suggesting that A32 lies within the RT pol-active site.
273 One common missense variant in DISC1 (L607F) lies within the second DISC1 UVR-like domain.
274       We hypothesize that the true dew point lies within the second region.
275 evealed that the central binding determinant lies within the segment of residues 293-380, also known
276                Since this Hst 5 binding site lies within the Ssa2p ATPase domain near the ATP-binding
277 edicted that Ser-309 of the archaeal protein lies within the substrate binding site.
278 he lytic cycle of the virus and its promoter lies within the terminal repeat which contains the bindi
279                    The PfRh4 attachment site lies within the three N-terminal complement control prot
280         In addition, the confidence interval lies within the timeframe dating the dawn of Homo sapien
281                                           It lies within the upwelling systems and subpolar waters of
282    We explored whether the zinc-binding site lies within the vestibules running down the central axis
283 cle, we confirmed that the functional domain lies within the VP3 portion of the capsid.
284 vated by phosphorylation of a serine residue lying within the activation loop signature sequence S-E-
285  pattern showing clear 2/3 PL preference and lying within the alpha band was observed exclusively abo
286 fine a single AzBCQ covalent attachment site lying within the digestive vacuolar-disposed loop betwee
287 ified a primary disease susceptibility locus lying within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC),
288 se data also suggest that a boundary element lying within the PWS critical region prevents UBE3A-ATS
289              The widely expressed Rnf32 gene lying within the Shh domain evades enhancer activities b
290 ononuclear cells, with the nonutilized sites lying within the V4 loop.
291 SULT isoforms to respond to metabolites that lie within their metabolic domains.
292  Hsp72 with regard to tau clearance kinetics lies within their C-terminal domains, which are essentia
293 ed that residues critical for gH/gL function lie within this deleted region.
294                     Fifteen monitored amides lie within this range, providing an opportunity to asses
295 autoimmune diabetes in mouse and human, UBD, lies within this region.
296 s highly conserved among YidC homologs; most lie within transmembrane domains.
297  The packaging signals in each of these RNAs lie within two separate regions at the 3' and 5' termini
298            These methods work well when CNVs lie within unique genomic regions.
299 ividuals against background sets of variants lying within VDR-binding regions that had been matched i
300 n event revealed that the causative mutation lay within Zbtb1 (zinc finger and BTB domain containing

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