


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 given twice weekly over 50 weeks (half their lifespan).
2 al variability in the human brain across the lifespan.
3  mature early, but vision changes across the lifespan.
4 survival and rescued behavioral deficits and lifespan.
5  and, potentially, to improve healthspan and lifespan.
6 ay or prevent lethal pathologies will extend lifespan.
7 mediary metabolism, antibody production, and lifespan.
8  oligodendrocyte (OL) cells across the human lifespan.
9 s refined, automatized and retained over the lifespan.
10 ng-like physiological changes or a shortened lifespan.
11 bling symbiont retention throughout the host lifespan.
12 te a healthy active lifestyle over the whole lifespan.
13 ated with that of ID1 and ID3 throughout the lifespan.
14 ental curve of cognitive complexity over the lifespan.
15 restriction consistently results in extended lifespan.
16 ress activates UPR(mt) reporters and extends lifespan.
17 ion underlying behavioral changes across the lifespan.
18  to severe mental deficiencies and decreased lifespan.
19 rexpression of SFA-1 is sufficient to extend lifespan.
20 n (CR), a dietary paradigm known to increase lifespan.
21 merous neurological disorders throughout the lifespan.
22 se unbiased methods to look at change across lifespan.
23 neration, locomotor dysfunction, and reduced lifespan.
24 r mammals with a prolonged post-reproductive lifespan.
25  during adolescence than other phases of the lifespan.
26 ted (CR) diets can improve health and extend lifespan.
27 t adult environment, more than double median lifespan.
28 e-scale networks decreased linearly over the lifespan.
29 , and dietary MUFAs are sufficient to extend lifespan.
30 nd calculate citations/year over each SDAR's lifespan.
31  morphology and functionality, and shortened lifespan.
32 ts against pathogenic infection and prolongs lifespan.
33 an whereas increasing BMI negatively affects lifespan.
34 the food-responsiveness in the modulation of lifespan.
35  senescent cells can also improve health and lifespan.
36 eity in SEP differences in health across the lifespan.
37 tamorphosis, and very strongly reduced adult lifespan.
38 arin also reduces nucleolar size and extends lifespan.
39 ys several pathologies and increases healthy lifespan.
40 ouble mutants displayed a severely shortened lifespan.
41 ts on homeostasis of tissue T cells over the lifespan.
42 ations for prevention and control across the lifespan.
43  mice are strikingly normal, including their lifespan.
44 in performance in each task across the adult lifespan.
45 healthspan and reduce frailty independent of lifespan.
46 xertion, and for the associated extension in lifespan.
47 r offspring's mental state across the entire lifespan.
48 ice, but have a negligible effect on maximal lifespan.
49  ageing, especially in the last third of the lifespan.
50 diovascular comorbidities that shorten their lifespan.
51 , reversing locomotor defects, and extending lifespan.
52 euron transmission in a live animal over its lifespan.
53 ed, for example, by conditions that increase lifespan.
54 ed bilingual cognitive advantages across the lifespan.
55 n controlling both reproductive function and lifespan.
56 s the process that marks the end of a leaf's lifespan.
57 apy can fail, threatening patient health and lifespan.
58  by overexpression is sufficient to increase lifespan.
59 types such as motor dysfunction or decreased lifespan.
60 ecific deficiency of PTP1B in mice decreases lifespan.
61  with key impact on growth, development, and lifespan.
62 ife are associated with female-bias in adult lifespan.
63 rved role for RBM6 and SULT1A1 in modulating lifespan.
64 mproves muscle regeneration, and extends the lifespan.
65 sponse, cellular homeostasis, and organismal lifespan.
66 ct spatiotemporal-specific manners to extend lifespan.
67 , and clearing protein aggregates across the lifespan.
68  potential target to extend healthy cellular lifespan.
69  differences in adult mortality and expected lifespan.
70 half of these cells survive the entire mouse lifespan.
71 ocyte counts and concomitantly shortened RBC lifespans.
72 etroviral therapy currently have near-normal lifespans.
73 rged brains, complex sociality, and extended lifespans.
74 ions: (1) persistent vs transient across the lifespan; (2) context independent vs dependent; (3) dimo
75 demonstrate that hydralazine extends healthy lifespan ( 25%) in wild type and tauopathy model C. eleg
76 terior insula) increased linearly across the lifespan across datasets.
77 onse (UPR(mt)) has been associated with long lifespan across metazoans.
78 croRNAs were robustly associated with strain lifespan, after correction for multiple statistical test
79 r mechanisms underlying variation in maximal lifespan among mammals.
80                                              Lifespan analyses suggest that, in the absence of well p
81           Mice lacking IMP2 exhibit a longer lifespan and a reduced tumor burden at old age.
82 lations are significant for traits including lifespan and cancer.
83 estriction (CR) without malnutrition extends lifespan and delays the onset of age-related disorders i
84 7L) mutation conditions, which increased the lifespan and dominant frequency of re-entry in 3D human
85 th a deletion in atfs-1 results in decreased lifespan and dopamine neuronal loss in pdr-1 and pink-1
86  mainstay of aging research due to its short lifespan and easily manipulable genetics.
87         Here we show that tomatidine extends lifespan and healthspan in C. elegans, an animal model o
88 sm, dietary or endogenous MUFAs could extend lifespan and healthspan in other species, including mamm
89 during ageing may be linked to the increased lifespan and healthspan of long-lived mouse mutants.
90 se mutations act mechanistically to increase lifespan and healthspan, and accordingly whether mechani
91  conditions, for short-term survival and for lifespan and healthspan.
92 rial fission-in midlife, prolongs Drosophila lifespan and healthspan.
93 high-dose intraperitoneal rapamycin extended lifespan and improved markers of neurological disease, v
94  injury (TBI) is extremely common across the lifespan and is an established risk factor for dementia.
95 eostasis plays a critical role in health and lifespan and its dysregulation contributes to inflammati
96 t NCL-1/TRIM2/Brat tumour suppressor extends lifespan and limits nucleolar size in the major C. elega
97  pathways that have been linked to extending lifespan and promoting health span in a wide range of or
98 stone-related disease progression across the lifespan and survival in patients with Duchenne muscular
99 ge-related methylation drift correlates with lifespan and that caloric restriction in mice and rhesus
100 s can occur on proteins at any time in their lifespan and through alterations of target protein activ
101 iming of epigenetic modifications during the lifespan and transgenerational inheritance of an organis
102        Tsc2cKO(Prrx1-cre) mice had shortened lifespans and extensive hamartomas containing abnormal t
103 evity (both juvenile period and reproductive lifespan) and social group size, although longevity is g
104 volume, longevity (specifically reproductive lifespan), and social group size, correcting for researc
105 y quiescent in the bloodstream, have a short lifespan, and exit the circulation to carry out innate i
106 ecessary and sufficient to extend Drosophila lifespan, and identify Phosphoglycerate Mutase 5 (PGAM5)
107  with accelerated cognitive decline, shorter lifespan, and increased admission to residential care th
108 ent to improve organismal health and prolong lifespan, and observe a midlife shift toward a more elon
109 r signal-regulated kinase (pERK) and reduced lifespan, and of virus-specific exhaustion, such as CD21
110 RC1 is the best-known intervention to extend lifespan, and recent evidence suggests that clearance of
111 ry T cells, CD4(+) T cell marker expression, lifespan, and Th/regulatory T cell function.
112 onsivity supports cognition across the adult lifespan, and the maintenance of this, along with mainta
113 ion (Rd ) in 22 plant species that varied in lifespan (annual and perennial), photosynthetic pathway
114 nclassical monocytes have longer circulating lifespans ( approximately 4 and approximately 7 d, respe
115 egulating the brain and behaviour across the lifespan are poorly understood.
116          In p35 mutants, basal autophagy and lifespan are reduced, but restored to near wild-type lev
117 complexity of exposures faced throughout the lifespan, both traditional and nontraditional biomonitor
118 dy included 174 participants from the Dallas Lifespan Brain Study who were 40 to 89 years old at the
119 ater number of protective factors across the lifespan but warrants further investigation.
120 hromatin and metabolic states both influence lifespan, but how they interact in lifespan regulation i
121 ABAergic synaptic proteins change across the lifespan, but most synapses in V1 are excitatory leaving
122 increase of one body mass index unit reduces lifespan by 7 months while 1 year of education adds 11 m
123 6 mouse strains with different median strain lifespans by quantitative real-time PCR.
124     We propose a genomic program generates a lifespan calendar of gene regulation that times age-depe
125                                          The lifespan calendar predicted the characteristic age of on
126              The effects of interventions on lifespan can be broken down into changes in the frequenc
127  age and that cellular aging and replicative lifespan can be uncoupled in a eukaryotic cell.
128 PI3K signaling, contributing to extension of lifespan, cardioprotection, and tumor inhibition.
129 s, improved glucose homeostasis and extended lifespan, despite increased energy intake.
130 uggest that proteostasis may be an important lifespan determinant in vertebrates.
131 l mechanisms have been proposed as conserved lifespan determinants, the loss of proteostasis - where
132  contraception for their entire reproductive lifespan, disrupted vaginal cycling, and hypergonadotrop
133                           However, extending lifespan does not result in concomitant extension in hea
134                              Pol III acts on lifespan downstream of TORC1, and limiting Pol III activ
135             Here we show that Pol III limits lifespan downstream of TORC1.
136 (-/-) and Asxl2(+/-) BM cells have shortened lifespan due to the development of MDS-like disease or m
137 , we assess the relationship between maximal lifespan duration and concentrations of more than 20,000
138  I-IV) in the neocortex throughout the human lifespan, examined whether tissue-specific regulation of
139 has important implications for the design of lifespan experiments as autotoxins can influence the reg
140                        This study shows that lifespan-extending conditions can slow molecular changes
141 additional methylomes from mice subjected to lifespan-extending conditions, including Prop1(df/df) dw
142        We found that mice treated with these lifespan-extending interventions were significantly youn
143 n factor deficiency attenuates autophagy and lifespan extension across mechanistically distinct longe
144 show that SFA-1 is specifically required for lifespan extension by dietary restriction and by modulat
145  cascades, especially the DAF-16 cascade, on lifespan extension by LAB.
146 rones, many of which have been implicated in lifespan extension in flies.
147                    Accordingly, the observed lifespan extension is prevented on a high-protein diet a
148            We show that hydralazine-mediated lifespan extension is SKN-1 dependent, with a mechanism
149 isability, that is, benefits of success, but lifespan extension might expand disability of physical a
150 e accumulation of MUFAs is necessary for the lifespan extension of H3K4me3 methyltransferase-deficien
151 intestinal autophagy significantly abrogated lifespan extension only in glp-1 mutants.
152 oforms, and both may play a critical role in lifespan extension through insulin signaling.
153                                              Lifespan extension via the suppression of IGF-1/insulin-
154           Conversely, ageing retardation and lifespan extension were achieved in mid-aged mice that w
155  increase in oxidative stress resistance and lifespan extension.
156 egans via a mechanism that is independent of lifespan extension.
157 tics of stress and glucocorticoids along the lifespan: first, the presence of distinct life periods,
158 eir pubic hair 11 times or more during their lifespan had an increased risk for grooming injury (adju
159 olution of large brains, sociality, and long lifespans has promoted reliance on culture, with relianc
160 data spanning up to half of the median adult lifespan in a gregarious primate, we found that some mea
161  occurring regulatory variants of blw affect lifespan in a sex-specific manner.
162 n progressive locomotion defects and shorter lifespan in adult flies, while ALS-causative PFN1 mutant
163 ption factor overexpression extends nematode lifespan in an autophagy-dependent manner.
164       Importantly, KYNA levels did not alter lifespan in any of the conditions tested.
165 y chemicals tested, six significantly extend lifespan in at least one strain.
166 LFs as important regulators of autophagy and lifespan in C. elegans, a role that may extend to the mo
167 ic neurons encode food abundance to modulate lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans, and uncovered cross-
168  lysine 4 on histone H3 (H3K4me3), regulates lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans.
169 urvival of older animals beyond their normal lifespan in diverse longevity pathways.Mitochondria can
170 small molecules associated with extension of lifespan in diverse organisms.
171 t aspects of health during aging and extends lifespan in diverse species, including rodents.
172  improve skeletal muscle function across the lifespan in humans.
173 5p may be implicated in pathways determining lifespan in mammals.
174 loric restriction has been shown to increase lifespan in mammals.
175 se that epigenetic drift is a determinant of lifespan in mammals.Caloric restriction has been shown t
176 idative stress and plays a role in extending lifespan in many organisms, including humans.
177 f neurological manifestations, and increased lifespan in mouse and cat models of NPC1.
178 ug rapamycin, which has been shown to extend lifespan in multiple animal models, and which was previo
179 -sugar diet has been associated with reduced lifespan in organisms ranging from worms to mammals.
180 havior coevolved with sociality and extended lifespan in primates.
181       We observed a significant reduction in lifespan in PTPA(+/gt) mice compared with wild-type mice
182 mportantly, caloric restriction (CR) extends lifespan in several organisms and rewires circadian meta
183   While limiting ribosome biogenesis extends lifespan in several systems, we show that increased ribo
184 ng platelet shedding and constrains platelet lifespan in the circulation.
185     We show that 4E-BP determines Drosophila lifespan in the context of temperature changes, revealin
186 roduce during her approximately 4- to 6-week lifespan in the laboratory [2].
187    W i doubled or even tripled over a trees' lifespan in three broadleaf species due to changes in tr
188 ronological lifespan in yeast and organismal lifespan in worms and flies.
189 tor (IGF) signaling (IIS) can extend healthy lifespan in worms, flies, and mice, but it can also have
190 a reduction in Pol III extends chronological lifespan in yeast and organismal lifespan in worms and f
191 es in brain volume, cognitive abilities, and lifespans in some primate lineages.
192 adult worms or flies is sufficient to extend lifespan; in flies, longevity can be achieved by Pol III
193                        More importantly, the lifespan increased significantly in female Tsc1 (tg) mic
194  ovulation prior to the end of their natural lifespan is a long-standing evolutionary puzzle [1-4].
195 ween early adversity and outcomes across the lifespan is apparent in a striking range of measures.
196              The enormous variation in human lifespan is in part due to a myriad of sequence variants
197 enetic variation contributes to variation in lifespan is poorly understood.
198   We suggest that the effect of education on lifespan is principally mediated through smoking while t
199                                       Animal lifespan is regulated by conserved metabolic signalling
200 K transplantation, about 1 year of allograft lifespan is traded so that sicker patients, that is, SLK
201 course analyses in control mice and a middle lifespan knockout, respectively.
202                                      A major lifespan landmark was the peak change in trajectories oc
203 nvolving leaf mass per unit area (LMA), leaf lifespan, leaf nitrogen, and leaf respiration may explai
204 and found that loss of Atg9 led to shortened lifespan, locomotor defects, and increased susceptibilit
205 ow-to-fast pace-of-life continuum, with long lifespans, low reproductive and metabolic rates, and ele
206 ere, we describe a multiplexed fission yeast lifespan micro-dissector (multFYLM) and an associated im
207 rely impaired locomotor activity and reduced lifespan, mirroring patient pathology, and these phenoty
208                                  Exploratory lifespan modelling suggested a delay of maturation and a
209 anently reduce the fertility and shorten the lifespan of adult females.
210 r and the cloned dog was close to the median lifespan of Afghan hounds which is reported to be 11.9 y
211 s have evolved the longest post-reproductive lifespan of all non-human animals.
212                               Given the long lifespan of Amazonian trees, many forest inventory and r
213 ogeny to maintain homeostasis throughout the lifespan of an individual.
214   Since the RPE cells persist for the entire lifespan of an organism, we believe that RPE-choroid pre
215 ase depletes glycogen stores and extends the lifespan of animals fed a high glucose diet in an AMPK-d
216 s in the gut, resulting in an almost tripled lifespan of Apc(Min/+) mice (an animal model of human in
217 re shed into the environment and shorten the lifespan of both sexes.
218                                          The lifespan of brain microglia, however, remains uncertain,
219       Calorie restriction (CR) increases the lifespan of C57Bl/6 mice, but not in the shorter-lived D
220 duced steatosis in murine models and extends lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans.
221 ting this druggable process could extend the lifespan of current frontline treatments.
222 onged exposure to BQCA markedly extended the lifespan of diseased mice.
223 bly, eIF5A may be involved in regulating the lifespan of Drosophila during long-term hypoxia.
224  the IMS-UPRmt could be linked to the longer lifespan of females in the G93A-SOD1 mouse.
225 ent excessive tissue damage and elongate the lifespan of flies, under pathological and physiological
226 tion and mitophagy increases the fitness and lifespan of GMC101 worms and reduces amyloid aggregation
227 d a range of group-level outcomes across the lifespan of groups.
228 stigate the complexity trajectory across the lifespan of human responses to five common RIG tasks, us
229 the interactome, localization, activity, and lifespan of its target proteins.
230  few weeks during development influences the lifespan of long-lived Ames dwarf and normal littermate
231                                      Maximal lifespan of mammalian species, even if closely related,
232                                          The lifespan of nematodes increased by 28% after worms were
233                                          The lifespan of neutrophils is plastic and highly responsive
234 ons, our findings suggest that extending the lifespan of normal human cells due to inactivation of ST
235 ncing the specificity and increasing working lifespan of olfactory biosensors capable of detecting ex
236                       The mean loss of adult lifespan of orphans who had lost their father before bir
237 ukocytes, yet it remains unclear whether the lifespan of pathogen-engaged neutrophils is regulated di
238  therapeutic options that notably extend the lifespan of patients with glioblastoma.
239 icrobial dysbiosis and autoimmunity over the lifespan of scurfy (SF) mouse.
240                              With an average lifespan of several months, they are major contributors
241 axon death in several types of axons for the lifespan of the fly and block the pro-degenerative effec
242  IgE humoral immunity over almost the entire lifespan of the mouse (18-20 months).
243 onal NPC1 expression can further augment the lifespan of the Npc1-/- mice after systemic AAV gene del
244 lated traits and display differences in mean lifespan of up to 7.5 years.
245 ts premature plant death, thus extending the lifespan of virus reservoirs and particle production.
246 in significantly improved the healthspan and lifespan of wild-type, but not Sir-2.1-deficient, C. ele
247 ti-malaria drug chloroquine (CQ) extends the lifespan of ZIKV-infected interferon signalling-deficien
248  and demonstrate the importance of assessing lifespans of discrete cohorts across repeat studies to c
249 eficit, with half the sites having projected lifespans of less than 350 years at current rates of sea
250 ly may last 3 and 4 years giving an overall 'lifespan' of 7 years for sequential use.
251 , defined as posttransplant kidney allograft lifespan, of this practice.
252                Rather, mutations that extend lifespan often reduce healthspan and increase frailty.
253 anner without detectable side effects on the lifespan or behavior of the animal.
254  cellular health and extension of organismal lifespan or due to specific neural mechanisms.
255  in H3K4me3 methyltransferase, which extends lifespan, promotes fat accumulation in worms with a spec
256 of individual microglia throughout the mouse lifespan provides an explanation for how microglial prim
257  can be hastened by conditions that decrease lifespan, raising the question of whether it can also be
258 present and its dependence upon long product lifespans, recycling end-of-life products is expected to
259 influence lifespan, but how they interact in lifespan regulation is largely unknown.
260 DNA expression and a significant decrease in lifespan relative to the GT promoter haplotype, in male
261 ually depleted during a woman's reproductive lifespan, resulting in menopause.
262  regulates these rhythms is dynamic over the lifespan: rhythmic activities such as sleep/wake pattern
263                              The replicative lifespan (RLS) of a cell-defined as the number of cell d
264 nslational humanized mouse model to test the lifespan, safety, and functionality of adoptively transf
265 tion in response to cognitive challenge in a lifespan sample of healthy human adults.
266 visual development and plasticity across the lifespan.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Anatomical structure of
267 ycin was sufficient to extend Tk2KI/KI mouse lifespan significantly, and did so in the absence of det
268 , reduced adipose tissue mass, and increased lifespan, similar to S6K1-deficient mice and mice with a
269 ylation, change reliably with age across the lifespan, such that DNA methylation can be used as an "e
270               Using genetic data of parental lifespan, the authors identify associations at HLA-DQA/D
271                                During normal lifespan, the mammalian heart undergoes limited renewal
272 c, dietary and drug interventions can extend lifespan, their impact on the epigenome is uncharacteris
273 nhibiting mitochondrial fusion reduces their lifespans to wild-type levels.
274 rovides a means to generate hypotheses about lifespan trajectories in brain phenotypes.
275             These results demonstrate unique lifespan trajectories of BOLD variability related to spe
276 1 transcripts (8A, 8B, I80 and I86) showed a lifespan trajectory expression pattern that is anticorre
277 POEepsilon4+) individuals exhibit an altered lifespan trajectory in the ability of the brain to dynam
278                         However, whether the lifespan trajectory of gyrification over the brain is al
279                                We found that lifespan transcriptome trajectories describe a calendar
280  regulation, we examined Caenorhabditis male lifespan under solitary, grouped, and mated conditions.
281 sotropy were regionally localized across the lifespan using permutation testing and cluster-based inf
282 year of education adds 11 months to expected lifespan.Variability in human longevity is genetically i
283 tion; (iv) marked prolongation of eosinophil lifespan (via a NF-kappaB and Class I PI3-kinase-depende
284 r worms were fed BB68, and this extension of lifespan was completely lost in backgrounds containing a
285                       Surprisingly, however, lifespan was extended in Atg7 cKO; SOD1(G93A) double-mut
286   The adjusted 10-year mean kidney allograft lifespan was higher in Ki/SPK compared with SLK transpla
287                    Nevertheless, CalpTG mice lifespan was not extended, due to the development of let
288                                        Adult lifespan was not reduced when the father's death occurre
289                                       Median lifespan was significantly extended from 19 weeks in Slc
290           Since metabolic rate may influence lifespan, we investigated whether alternative haplotypes
291 porting the idea that city birds have longer lifespans, we predict that urban birds have a slower pac
292 rred high transpiration rates and short leaf lifespans, were replaced in the Early Jurassic by forest
293 pecies and the rate of drift correlates with lifespan when comparing mice, rhesus monkeys, and humans
294 native haplotypes in the blw promoter affect lifespan when expressed in a co-isogenic background.
295 ational attainment have a positive effect on lifespan whereas increasing BMI negatively affects lifes
296  of rapid change in sex differences is human lifespan, which has become increasingly female-biased in
297 ree of ischemic sensitivity throughout their lifespan, which is not fully explained by hormonal or ge
298  most positively genetically correlated with lifespan while susceptibility to coronary artery disease
299                                              Lifespans will increase further in the next decade, but
300 ependent behavioral decline and extended the lifespan without affecting the UPR gene expression netwo

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