


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s by manipulating symbiont load according to light intensity.
2 mediate light levels and were lowest at high light intensity.
3  and respond to the daily changes in ambient light intensity.
4 em I for the first seconds after a change in light intensity.
5  cell elicited exocytosis that was graded to light intensity.
6 preventing state transitions upon changes in light intensity.
7 ntal factors such as temperature and average light intensity.
8 anism for enabling visual orientation at any light intensity.
9 -resolution imaging of living cells with low light intensity.
10 sponse to nitrogen starvation and changes in light intensity.
11 n pupillary constriction with increasing log light intensity.
12 ctor of approximately 5, independent of bias light intensity.
13 with control plants under conditions of high light intensity.
14 takes place when plants are shifted to lower light intensity.
15 rent growth-associated pathways to increased light intensity.
16 preventing state transition upon increase in light intensity.
17  not associated with acclimation to changing light intensity.
18 lized to transmit graded signals that encode light intensity.
19 ws plants to respond to fast fluctuations in light intensity.
20 synaptic responses that emphasize changes in light intensity.
21 ficiency increased linearly as a function of light intensity.
22 CO2 levels, is also influenced by changes in light intensity.
23 otyl elongation increases incrementally with light intensity.
24 contributions do not change as a function of light intensity.
25 quinol is possible after a rapid increase in light intensity.
26 to reconstruct historical changes in surface light intensity.
27 red in the dark just prior to an increase in light intensity.
28 erated during abrupt short-term increases in light intensity.
29 iod and appeared to be related to changes in light intensity.
30 ing in near complete photoinhibition at high light intensity.
31 wed an increased growth rate with increasing light intensity.
32 rate can be tuned: it is linearly related to light intensity.
33 me and how the response kinetics varies with light intensity.
34 enerally expected to respond to the absolute light intensity.
35 which is continuously adjusted to changes in light intensity.
36 of qE in improving plant fitness in variable light intensity.
37 ssion could also be controlled by modulating light intensity.
38 serving PSI upon rapid fluctuations in white light intensity.
39 ich are likewise strictly regulated by white light intensity.
40 ound that the mode of inhibition depended on light intensity.
41 otosynthesis-related processes to changes in light intensity.
42  to reduced recombination loss under diluted light intensity.
43 tyl elongation depends on the day length and light intensity.
44 ative demand as well as dynamic responses to light intensity.
45  narrowband gamma oscillation increased with light intensity.
46 initiate reversals in response to changes in light intensity.
47 roplast function to unpredictable changes in light intensity.
48 ght intensity, or combined high CO2 and high light intensity.
49 of reaction can be controlled by varying the light intensity.
50 al D1 protein turnover under moderate growth light intensity.
51 bute to the response over several decades of light intensity.
52 enters in var1 or var2 under moderate growth light intensity.
53 the rate of the reaction is dependent on the light intensity.
54 in response to environmental fluctuations in light intensity.
55 of reactions by which rods signal changes in light intensity.
56 states allowing plants to survive under high light intensities.
57 mals must operate under an enormous range of light intensities.
58 s may be achieved using higher (16-33%) blue light intensities.
59 r natural viewing conditions and at moderate light intensities.
60 siological hyperpolarization of cells at low light intensities.
61 itch exclusively to polarized light at lunar light intensities.
62 on over an approximately 6-log-unit range of light intensities.
63 anglion cells (ipRGCs) are active at daytime light intensities.
64 l efficiencies for growth at low versus high light intensities.
65 ls easily outcompete D1:1-PSII cells at high light intensities.
66 ame sample to a sequence of distinct actinic light intensities.
67 osynthetic organisms can adapt to changes in light intensities.
68 he photocycle and high pump turnover at high light intensities.
69 e first steps in vision over a wide range of light intensities.
70  simulate the kinetics of qE at low and high light intensities.
71 (RWCs), COS concentrations, temperatures and light intensities.
72 de irradiance across a wide range of ambient-light intensities.
73  cells to encode motion over a wide range of light intensities.
74 ntum yield was as high as 0.73, and moderate light intensity (10(2) mumol.m(2).s(-1)) is sufficient f
75                         Salt stress and high light intensity accelerated biosynthesis of the pigments
76 N cells are capable of reporting the average light intensity across the whole visual field.
77 vior, with additional benefit conferred from light-intensity activities and sleep duration when reall
78 sis model assessment of beta-cell function), light-intensity activity (1.9% lower triglycerides, 2.4%
79 r-based measurements suggest that increasing light-intensity activity and reducing sedentary time are
80 moderate-intensity activity over one day and light-intensity activity over three days induce a transi
81 amounts of time spent in sedentary behavior, light-intensity activity, and moderate-to-vigorous physi
82 summer conditions of cycling temperature and light intensity, an additional prominent afternoon (A) c
83         They operate over a similar range of light intensities and adapt to backgrounds and bleaches
84 rctic domain, fungal parasitism is linked to light intensities and algal stress that can elevate dise
85 nities and are linked in their occurrence to light intensities and algal stress.
86  and absorbance spectroscopy under different light intensities and CO2, to test predictions of the mo
87 cus on seeking planets with similar incident light intensities and environments.
88 cy in the whole plant, conditional upon high light intensities and low relative humidity.
89            Growing conditions combining high light intensities and low temperatures lead to anthocyan
90 dtii-PSII WOC cycles less efficiently at all light intensities and produces less O(2) than either cya
91 ranching or tillering in response to varying light intensities and ratios of red and far-red light ca
92 rotenoid protein (OCP) serves as a sensor of light intensity and an effector of phycobilisome (PB)-as
93 CC 6803 moves with Type IV pili and measures light intensity and color with a range of photoreceptors
94 e evaporation rate increased with increasing light intensity and decreased with increasing salinity.
95 uired the combination of two factors: higher light intensity and habituation to the testing chamber.
96  is known about the neural representation of light intensity and how it covers the necessary range.
97 PQ allows for a rapid response to changes in light intensity and in vascular plants, is primarily tri
98 onveys information about changing background light intensity and increases the signal:noise for fast
99 antly influenced by the interactions between light intensity and maternal wing morphs.
100                                   The higher light intensity and NO3-N concentration in Muskegon Lake
101 on and CO(2) isotope exchange in response to light intensity and O(2) were used to determine the effi
102 smonic metallic nanostructures increase with light intensity and operating temperature.
103              In mammals, daily variations in light intensity and other cues are integrated by a hypot
104 s been implicated in the dynamic response to light intensity and plays a role in switching off the OC
105 n by measuring the dependence of its rate on light intensity and point mutations.
106       Reversals were modulated by changes in light intensity and preceded by the migration of HmpF-GF
107 ell-known dose-response relationship between light intensity and pupil contraction.
108 sed to characterize the relationship between light intensity and pupillary response.
109                        Depending also on the light intensity and regardless of the package permeabili
110                               To improve the light intensity and resolution of TRUE focus, we develop
111 MT9 gene was found to be upregulated by high light intensity and salt stress.
112 of plants responds dynamically to changes in light intensity and temperature, leading to the modifica
113 tially underlying the computation of ambient light intensity and temporal light changes already withi
114                                   The higher light intensity and total nitrogen concentration may hav
115 na membranes occurs under conditions of high light intensity and triggers a major photoprotection mec
116  with (11) CO(2) and examined the effects of light intensity and water stress on metabolism by using
117                                   Tuning the light intensity and wavelength of the irradiation can re
118 . PCC 6803 under different nitrogen sources, light intensities, and CO2 concentrations.
119   We assessed the dependence on temperature, light intensity, and atmospheric [CO2].
120 oduction at different conditions of voltage, light intensity, and electrolyte pH.
121 s method is capable of reducing the required light intensity, and thus minimizing the photothermal da
122  simple linear regression model based on UVB light intensity appears to be a useful tool for predicti
123             However, cells acclimated to low light intensity are indeed able to produce more biomass
124 y investigated, particularly when changes in light intensity are too fast to allow the phosphorylatio
125              The traditional ELISA employing light intensity as the sensing signal often encounters l
126 g the OS does not increase linearly with the light intensity as with diffuse light.
127 mproved in carbon-limited cultures at higher light intensities, as they did in the DeltaCpcC1C2:pcpcT
128      The sample temperature and the incident light intensity at 355 nm tune the characteristic switch
129 ckscattering configuration and show that the light intensity at the focus is progressively enhanced b
130                                              Light intensity at the time an experimental sample is co
131                          Irrespective of the light intensity at time of harvest, the highest leaf dry
132 o reversible phosphorylation upon changes in light intensity (being under control of redox-regulated
133 the transmission of a physical quantity, say light intensity-between any two points in space is ident
134 rs are then used to causally estimate random light intensities both at the front and back end of the
135 ow visual neurons enhance sensitivity at low light intensities, but they could pose a challenge for m
136  not respond to a spatiotemporal gradient in light intensity, but rather they directly and accurately
137  Photosynthetic organisms flourish under low light intensities by converting photoenergy to chemical
138 near unity quantum efficiency and under high light intensities by safely dissipating excess photoener
139 cumulation during exposure of plants to high light intensity by modulating the expression of transcri
140  shoot-to-root ratio in response to changing light intensities, by modulating root growth.
141                         Spatial variation in light intensity, called spatial contrast, comprises much
142 ereas hosts benefited from symbiosis at high light intensity, carrying endosymbionts was costly to ho
143 vation energy and super-linear dependence on light intensity cause the unheated photocatalytic methan
144 ng in thylakoid protein phosphorylation upon light intensity changes, the excitation balance between
145 ed, such as under salt stress or upon sudden light intensity changes.
146       The ability to control reactivity with light intensity combined with the orthogonality of ATRA
147  action potentials while using 9 times lower light intensity compared with other Arch-based voltage s
148 s lost after prolonged incubation under high light intensity conditions.
149 motif that enhances sensitivity to different light intensity contrasts.
150 ere well correlated to the daily average UVB light intensity corrected for light screening incorporat
151 that transcriptional responses to changes in light intensity could occur within seconds, rates for wh
152 hanisms for intensity encoding to a range of light intensities covering 6 log10 units were investigat
153 lysed with a bioluminescent method using the light intensity decay constant.
154                                 High and low light intensities, delivered via a realistic dynamic flu
155 so exhibited the quadratic increase with the light intensity, demonstrating the effectiveness of the
156 c tract (RHT) was stimulated to simulate the light intensity-dependent discharges of intrinsically ph
157 ange of rod vision is thought to depend upon light intensity-dependent switching between two parallel
158             The formation of NPQ in soq1 was light intensity-dependent, and it exhibited slow relaxat
159 ient light sensor (ALS) of the smartphone as light intensity detector and its LED flash light as an o
160               Here, we present evidence that light intensity determines the subtype of AMPAR that is
161 rent signals exhibit similar patterns to the light-intensity distribution of the waveguide calculated
162  that the recruitment of CI-AMPARs at higher light intensity does not require cone stimulation.
163 exhibits lower WOC cycling efficiency at low light intensities due to a 40% faster charge recombinati
164 re likely to experience caused by changes in light intensity during daylight.
165  a dynamic response to small fluctuations in light intensity during the day.
166 ff cells respond more strongly to changes in light intensity during the subjective night than during
167  the local environment, such as temperature, light intensity, electrochemistry, and mechanical force.
168 xposure of ch1 plants to moderately elevated light intensities eliminated photooxidative damage witho
169 1 mm thick chicken tissue and cartilage, and light intensity enhancements of the same order were also
170 ve fields and preclude any bias toward local light-intensity fluctuations.
171 fibers on a rotating benchtop apparatus, the light intensity from different angles of incident light
172      Animals use vision over a wide range of light intensities, from dim starlight to bright sunshine
173 can be controlled by three parameters: input light intensity, gain and loss amplitude, and input beam
174 es such as heat and drought or cold and high light intensity have profound effects on crop performanc
175     It is demonstrated that the influence of light intensity I can be included in the model in a powe
176                       Coding a wide range of light intensities in natural scenes poses a challenge fo
177  chamber experiments irradiated with varying light intensities in order to mimic realistic indoor lig
178 ent-voltage (J-V) characteristics at various light intensities in the BHJ solar cell layer reveals th
179 chiometry, evolutionarily adapted to the low light intensities in the habitat of purple bacteria, is
180 phenotypic growth defects observed under low light intensities in the presence of glucose, whereas un
181 ent to control LH4 expression in response to light intensity in conjunction with other signal transdu
182 ruitment of NMDARs is important for encoding light intensity in retinal ganglion cells.
183 response and 50% modulation of the reflected light intensity in the near infrared part of the spectru
184 rons excited by increments and decrements of light intensity in the visual scene, respectively.
185      The pace of the clock is insensitive to light intensity in YHB plants, indicating that light inp
186 mouse retinas under physiologically relevant light intensities, in an intensity-dependent manner, wit
187 racea L.) over a 24 h period to determine if light intensity (including dark periods) at time of harv
188 axis that desensitizes the eyespot when blue light intensities increase.
189                                As background light intensity increased, the RB's role changed from en
190 e transitions from extrinsic to intrinsic as light intensity increases.
191 ON) and outer (OFF) sublayers in response to light intensity increments and decrements, respectively.
192                                   Changes in light intensity induce a complex set of molecular events
193 nimals estimate visual motion by integrating light intensity information over time and space.
194 s highest level for the 24 h period when the light intensity initially increased, then decreased to i
195                                   Background light intensity (irradiance) substantially impacts the v
196 ut very high amplitude changes in background light intensity (irradiance).
197  at 25 degrees C, and in parallel under high light intensity irradiation (30 W/m(2)) at 3 different t
198 , an accelerated test carried out under high light intensity irradiation that can be related to norma
199  of total internal reflection, the reflected light intensity is attenuated when the incident frequenc
200 TP production rate as a function of incident light intensity is determined after identifying quinol t
201  with induction/relaxation kinetics (actinic light intensity is fixed and the response is followed ov
202 ole of LHCII phosphorylation upon changes in light intensity is less thoroughly investigated, particu
203 is to respond rapidly to these variations in light intensity is restricted by the relatively slow ope
204                          In particular, high light intensity is shown to affect lipid biosynthesis, i
205 by combining the measurement of LCs (actinic light intensity is varied while measuring time is fixed)
206 generating significant photocurrent at white light intensity levels close to ambient daylight conditi
207 ocation in photoreceptors in response to low light intensity levels, and protection from light induce
208 selected leafy vegetables in relation to the light intensity (low and high Photosynthetically Active
209                      In adults, IR peaked at light intensities matching irradiation from the evening
210  ostreatus were illuminated with UV-B with a light intensity maximum at 310-320 nm and 11.5 W/m(2) fo
211 modulation of TCP15 activity in vivo by high light intensity may serve to adjust anthocyanin accumula
212 m yielded OH radical peak values at moderate light intensity measured at evenings of 1.8 x 10(6) cm(-
213 s, a situation that is exacerbated at higher light intensity measurements; and (2) that an alternativ
214 s (typically considered to encode background light intensity) modestly over that encountered during s
215                           Conversely, higher light intensities, most likely carried by secondary rod
216 hough direction selectivity is robust across light intensities, motion discrimination for OFF signals
217                        For this, the applied light intensity must be sufficient to guarantee the stat
218 nt voltage analysis of the EPSC we show that light intensities near RGC threshold, intensities that t
219 ectors with a minimum detectable ultraviolet light intensity of 2.6 photons/mum(2)s at room temperatu
220 min illumination with an 808 nm laser in the light intensity of 4 W/cm(2).
221                                  At a growth light intensity of 600 mumol m(-2) sec(-1) , the carboxy
222 es a fast tuning time of 0.36 ns, a low pump light intensity of 9.6 muW/mum(2), and a large tunable w
223 tion temperature) in just 0.37 ns with a low light intensity of 95 nW/mum(2), owing to the enhanced b
224  to the enhanced levels of oxygen and excess light intensity of land environments.
225 endence of the response of NPQ to changes in light intensity on the presence and accumulation of zeax
226  addition appears to reinforce the effect of light intensity on the quantity of photoassimilates avai
227                                   Changes in light intensity or quality induce changes in the reducti
228 rrupted sitting and sitting interrupted with light-intensity or moderate-intensity walking every 20-m
229 tabolism was limiting, such as low CO2, high light intensity, or combined high CO2 and high light int
230 th the LEP 19 GG genotype spent more h/wk in light intensity PA (39.7 +/- 1.6) than A allele carriers
231 where it experiences daily extremes of heat, light intensity (PAR) and high vapour pressure deficit (
232 asil (2777 ppm) occurred around 3h after the light intensity peaked and had low values (165-574 ppm)
233                                              Light intensity photocurrent measurements, charge select
234                                              Light intensities (photons s(-1) mum(-2) ) in a natural
235                            Above a threshold light intensity, photosynthetic electron transport rates
236  (haze) was measured from the confocal image light intensity profile.
237  accumulation dynamics over a broad range of light intensities proves that the classic Keller-Segel m
238 ilms in microcosms grown under a gradient of light intensities (range: 5-152 mumole photons s(-1) m(-
239 e photoreceptors support vision across large light intensity ranges.
240                                              Light intensities required to drive behavior were low (a
241  currents at less than one-thousandth of the light intensity required by previously available optogen
242  kinetics at less than one-thousandth of the light intensity required by the most efficient currently
243      The acclimation of plants to changes in light intensity requires rapid responses at several diff
244 thod provides a powerful alternative for low light intensity RESOLFT nanoscopy, which enables biologi
245 es for photosynthetic growth at low and high light intensities, respectively.
246 mitation, quorum sensing, light quality, and light intensity (self-shading) were not the main factors
247 or copious numbers of pair creation requires light intensities several orders of magnitude higher tha
248 sing scheme to quantify consistent reflected light intensity signals under variable lighting and chan
249                            A power function (light intensity) simulation of elastic Mie scatter confi
250 cy of electron transport in a broad range of light intensities, simultaneously ensuring high photosyn
251 rotein provides the required nonlinearity at light intensities six orders of magnitude lower than tho
252                                              Light intensity, spectra, and timing are important for S
253 rescence parameters under a range of actinic light intensities (steady-state fluorescence yields, Ft
254 orine concentration is confirmed by variable light intensity studies, a plausibly suppressed geminate
255       We demonstrate that natural changes in light intensity substantially affect the expression of h
256 rostheses, allowing them to be used at lower light intensities such as those encountered in everyday
257     The OCP-TMR complex was sensitive to the light intensity, temperature, and viscosity of the solve
258 phonull animals is only observed at brighter light intensities that activate melanopsin phototransduc
259 anopsin phototransduction, but not at dimmer light intensities that activate only the rod/cone pathwa
260                               Using ultralow light intensities that are well suited for investigating
261 ntrc is highly sensitive to rapidly changing light intensities that probably do not involve the chlor
262 ," a specific nonlinear response function to light intensity that drives algae toward beneficial ligh
263 h after dawn and in response to decreases in light intensity that occurred >10 h after dawn.
264                 When grown under fluctuating light intensities, the Arabidopsis MET1 null mutant (met
265 der constant-light conditions, regardless of light intensity, the Flv1 and Flv3 proteins are dispensa
266                                      At each light intensity, the green laser return intensity (GLRI)
267                       Following decreases in light intensity, the rate of accumulation of starch decl
268                               For increasing light intensity, the treated pupil started to show reduc
269 sis is accelerated in response to increasing light intensity, thereby enhancing the carbon fixation a
270 e in enabling plants to adapt to fluctuating light intensity through a mechanism distinct from photos
271 s information about fast and slow changes in light intensity through separate neural pathways.
272 an sample more information from naturalistic light intensity time series (NS) than from Gaussian whit
273  it requires no special fluorophores or high light intensities to achieve twice diffraction-limited r
274 leaves from five plant species to increasing light intensities to induce NPQ and de-epoxidation of vi
275 nversion rate and require a 2.5 times higher light intensity to reach maximum photosynthetic efficien
276 al. (2017) show that increases in background light intensity trigger proportional increases in narrow
277                                     At laser-light intensities typical of conventional wide-field flu
278                                     At laser-light intensities typical of localization-based nanoscop
279 tures showed two-fold increase in diffracted light intensity under monochromatic light illumination.
280 trees, grasses, and shrubs, under a range of light intensities, using mid-infrared laser spectroscopy
281 urons in the retina signal graded changes in light intensity via sustained release of neurotransmitte
282  equilibria of the two open states depend on light intensity, voltage, and the ionic composition of t
283 hree days of either uninterrupted sitting or light-intensity walking interruptions (n = 5).
284                                              Light intensity was a strong predictor of pupillary resp
285   Over time (1992-2012), an increase in mean light intensity was found for the ranges of the majority
286 s of starch occurred if the same decrease in light intensity was imposed more than 10 h after dawn.
287 at a chloroplast transcriptional response to light intensity was mediated by SIG5; a chloroplast tran
288 s grown for various times under a variety of light intensities, we demonstrate that AHA2 localization
289  Cultivars capable of higher ETR at midrange light intensities were shown to produce greater leaf are
290 inity as well as orbitally-driven changes in light intensity were all responsible for the observed te
291                           The changes in the light intensity were measured by a photodiode at the rea
292                                    Under low light intensities, where only synaptically driven rod/co
293 rella densities increased monotonically with light intensity, whereas per-host symbiont load and symb
294 mination were measured on plants under a low light intensity, which is considered to affect C4 operat
295           Rods operate in the lower range of light intensities while cones operate at brighter intens
296         Nitrate was correlated to changes in light intensity with a 3h lag time.
297 , rods and cones, which signal increments in light intensity with graded hyperpolarizations.
298  development to integrate photosynthesis and light intensity with requirements for access to water an
299         These responses could be elicited at light intensities within the physiological range and sub
300 target PIF3 degradation under wide ranges of light intensity without affecting the abundance of phyB.

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