


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 yeless fish, excluding a role for nonretinal light senses.
2 siological processes not directly related to light sensing.
3 etinal, flavins, or linear tetrapyrroles for light sensing.
4 -1) and its partner WC-2 are central to blue-light sensing.
5 lly similar protein modules involved in blue-light sensing.
6 a significant role in the modulation of blue light sensing.
7 s of the Acinetobacter genus, was named blue-light-sensing A (blsA).
8                         We report 'broadband light-sensing' all-polymer phototransistors with the nan
9  the well-established mechanisms that govern light sensing and photoperiodic flowering control.
10                             Several putative light sensing and signaling proteins were associated wit
11 rotein bound chromophore is the basis of the light sensing and signaling responses of many photorecep
12                                          For light sensing and signaling, phytochromes need to associ
13 h the expansion of gene networks involved in light sensing and signaling.
14 3 isoforms upsilon and mu display defects in light sensing and/or response.
15 ts, as well as bi-functional devices such as light-sensing and light-emitting transistors, are discus
16 ons including energy conversion, solid-state lighting, sensing, and information technology are underg
17 ideal component for various medium-intensity light sensing applications requiring spectrally tailored
18  of BphPs with potentially opposing roles in light sensing are present.
19                       First, we identified a light-sensing B12-binding transcriptional regulator and
20 arther through seawater than the red/far-red light sensed by land plant phytochromes.
21                                   Blue/green light sensing by a well-studied subfamily of CBCRs proce
22                                              Light sensing by Arabidopsis thaliana phots is predomina
23                                              Light sensing by photoreceptors controls phototropism, c
24 ed for essential cellular activities and for light sensing by phytochromes.
25                                              Light sensing by the phototropins is mediated by a repea
26    Background adaptation is known to involve light sensing by the retina and subsequent regulation of
27  results presented in this work suggest that light, sensed by R-LOV-HK, is an important environmental
28 Homologous high-resolution structures of the light-sensing chromophore binding domain (CBD) and the c
29 es this isomer particularly effective as the light-sensing chromophore in all visual pigments.
30 e natural selection of 11-cis-retinal as the light-sensing chromophore in visual pigments.
31 in B12 derivative, adenosylcobalamin, as the light-sensing chromophore to mediate light-dependent gen
32 ism regulating polarized protein delivery in light-sensing cilia, raising the possibility that Numb p
33 r segment (OS) of the rod photoreceptor is a light-sensing cilium containing ~1,000 membrane-bound di
34         These data represent the first known light-sensing circuit in the vertebrate hindbrain.
35 ed a comprehensive proteomic analysis on the light-sensing compartment of photoreceptors called the o
36                                The UV-A/blue light sensing cryptochromes and the red/far-red sensing
37 cates that LOV2 functions as the predominant light-sensing domain for phot1.
38 tropins, a group of kinases that contain two light-sensing domains (LOV, light-oxygen-voltage domains
39 Rs, and many family members contain multiple light-sensing domains.
40 ing (p-type) polymer and near infrared (NIR) light-sensing electron-accepting (n-type) polymer.
41 heterojunction (BHJ) layers of visible (VIS) light-sensing electron-donating (p-type) polymer and nea
42 iconductor photodiode and photomultiplier as light sensing elements.
43                        Our findings reveal a light-sensing function for mammalian OPN5, until now an
44 ive activity of rhodopsin, distinct from its light-sensing function.
45 evolved in vertebrates to subserve nonvisual light-sensing functions, such as the pupillary reflex an
46 en associated with mutations in rhodopsin, a light-sensing G protein-coupled receptor and phospholipi
47 d for genetic dissection of the mechanism of light sensing in eubacteria.
48                 To explore the potential for light sensing in this phototroph, we measured its global
49                                              Light sensing is one of the most important capabilities
50                     We show that directional light sensing is possible because Synechocystis cells ac
51       Phytochromes are a major family of red-light-sensing kinases that control diverse cellular func
52 otoreceptors, preferentially confined to the light-sensing lobe.
53                             Phytochromes are light-sensing macromolecules that are part of a two comp
54                               Cyanobacterial light sensing may have been facilitated by regulators pr
55                               Rhodopsin, the light-sensing molecule in the outer segments of rod phot
56 complex array of potential neurohormones and light-sensing molecules.
57 s), we have identified and characterized the light-sensing mutant elm1 (elongated mesocotyl1).
58  a role for phytochrome C as part of the red light sensing network that modulates phytochrome B signa
59 he otolith, the pigmented sister cell of the light-sensing ocellus.
60 alyzed gene expression patterns in the major light-sensing organ (cotyledons) and in rapidly elongati
61 essing, and occurs in the outer segment, the light-sensing organelle of the photoreceptor cell.
62                                          The light-sensing organelle of the vertebrate rod photorecep
63 uction signaling proteins into a specialized light-sensing organelle, the rhabdomere, is required for
64  animals living in dark environments without light-sensing organs may not be presumed to be light ins
65 different rhodopsins (RH) are present in the light-sensing organs.
66 ehavior is commonly observed in animals with light-sensing organs.
67  a thin bridge linking the cell body and the light-sensing outer segment.
68 e consistent with the persistence of a novel light sensing pathway in the TKO retina that originates
69 vations indicate that there is an additional light-sensing pathway in fly pacemaker neurons.
70 mportant for proper phasing, whereas the two light-sensing pathways can mediate efficient adjustments
71 hat might modulate core circadian rhythms or light-sensing pathways.
72 ng and molecular inhibition experiments with light-sensing phenotype studies to examine the signaling
73            A striking example is observed in light-sensing photoreceptors, in which the apical sensor
74 The proteins are structurally divided into a light-sensing photosensory module consisting of PAS, GAF
75                                The UV-A/blue light sensing phototropins mediate several light respons
76  photoreceptors, among which the red/far-red light-sensing phytochromes have been extensively studied
77 diation with 670 nm light, the inactive, red light sensing Pr form is converted to the active Pfr for
78 e molecular templates for the development of light-sensing probes.
79  the protein and chromophore components of a light-sensing protein interact to create a light cycle,
80 d glycosylation-interfering mutations in the light-sensing protein rhodopsin.
81 n its natural habitat, the majority of known light-sensing proteins are absent from its genome.
82 cadian rhythms in higher organisms relies on light-sensing proteins that communicate to cellular osci
83 ain proteins are an important family of blue light-sensing proteins which control a wide variety of f
84 with formation of a similar species in other light-sensing proteins.
85                  Here we show that the green-light sensing receptor rhodopsin 6 (Rh6) acts to exclude
86             Bacteriophytochromes (BphPs) are light-sensing regulatory proteins encoded by photosynthe
87  pleiotropic defects in growth, conidiation, light sensing, responses to stresses and plant infection
88 their terminal differentiation by expressing light-sensing Rhodopsin (Rh) proteins.
89         R8 photoreceptors express one of two light-sensing Rhodopsins, Rh5 or Rh6.
90 hromes perform critical light-harvesting and light-sensing roles in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms
91  a designed chimeric protein that connects a light-sensing signaling domain from a plant member of th
92 and the morphogenesis of the rhabdomere, the light sensing structure of the cell.
93  use cGMP as an internal messenger and their light-sensing structure is also of ciliary origin.
94 sion of a key structural gene in a primitive light-sensing system.
95 BlaC contains a BLUF domain involved in blue-light sensing using FAD and a nucleotidyl cyclase domain
96 photoexcitation of a photosensing BLUF (blue light sensing using FAD) domain protein have been invest
97 his study, we demonstrate that the PixD blue light-sensing using FAD (BLUF) photoreceptor that govern
98 kDa protein that contains an N-terminal blue-light-sensing-using flavin (BLUF) domain and lacks a det

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