


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sulting in plants with dramatically enhanced light sensitivity.
2 rements in TOC1 gene dosage clearly enhanced light sensitivity.
3 s to produce similar shifts in ganglion cell light sensitivity.
4  100-fold shift in the threshold for far-red light sensitivity.
5 nd demonstrate that its truncation causes UV light sensitivity.
6  photoreceptors with outer-segment discs and light sensitivity.
7 50-fold, resulting in a >10-fold decrease in light sensitivity.
8 ow on- and off-latencies, and relatively low light sensitivity.
9 ponse to light, positive masking, has normal light sensitivity.
10 seven-TM protein structure for retinal-based light sensitivity.
11 in bipolar cells dynamically control retinal light sensitivity.
12 tions 10-fold higher than required to impart light-sensitivity.
13 er time than players without these symptoms: light sensitivity (16.0 vs 3.0 days, P = .001), emotiona
14 rminus plays an important role in modulating light sensitivity and activity of the protein.
15  phosphodiesterase (LAPD) with complementary light sensitivity and catalytic activity by recombining
16 Many of the humans demonstrated increases in light sensitivity and in visual acuity.
17  (a proxy for cell size) and IR, and between light sensitivity and IR, with larger and more sensitive
18 nd higher input resistance, yet showed lower light sensitivity and lower maximal light responses than
19 this study is responsible for increasing the light sensitivity and operational range of rod bipolar c
20 Here we report a mechanism that controls the light sensitivity and operational range of rod-driven bi
21 hodopsin actuator, CheRiff, which shows high light sensitivity and rapid kinetics and is spectrally o
22 ide-mediated photocurrents that maintain the light sensitivity and reversible, step-like kinetic stab
23 lar specialization and show an extremely low light sensitivity and sluggish kinetics.
24  mediated by viral gene therapy, can restore light sensitivity and some vision to mice blind from out
25 ogenetic inhibition tools with unprecedented light sensitivity and temporal precision.
26                                              Light sensitivity and the involvement of unstable protei
27 h the appropriate illumination, AAQ restores light sensitivity and visual behavior.
28 the electroretinogram was normal in terms of light sensitivity and waveform, but the light threshold
29 se variants have altered spectral responses, light sensitivity, and channel selectivity.
30 n vision), in 99% for ocular symptoms (pain, light sensitivity, and discomfort), and in 95% for dryne
31 s also resulted in leaf chlorosis, increased light sensitivity, and dwarfism due to decreased levels
32 ates under high light intensities, increased light sensitivity, and lower PSII efficiency, without af
33 utant shows: (i) slower growth rates, higher light sensitivity, and reduced amounts of PS I; (ii) a r
34 s to use existing neuronal tissue to restore light sensitivity, and to augment existing strategies to
35                               Interestingly, light sensitivity appeared to correlate with the concent
36 n, with ChR2-EYFP and Arch-ER2 demonstrating light sensitivity approaching that of in utero or virall
37                                        These light sensitivities are virtually identical to those of
38 -year-old child had nearly the same level of light sensitivity as that in age-matched normal-sighted
39            Pld(null) flies exhibit decreased light sensitivity as well as a heightened susceptibility
40                             Furthermore, the light sensitivity associated with levels of the TIM prot
41                             The differential light sensitivities at the 10 most sensitive locations f
42 on of retinal dopamine in goldfish increases light sensitivity at photopic backgrounds.
43 nstructed a hypothesis for the regulation of light sensitivity at the level of rod synapse.
44  slowing of visual processing would increase light sensitivity but should also reduce movement respon
45 synaptic lateral inhibition to ganglion cell light sensitivity by measuring the effects of surround i
46 led theoretical ChR2 variants with augmented light sensitivity (ChR2+), red-shifted spectral sensitiv
47 nical visual assessment, were used to assess light sensitivity, contrast sensitivity and spatial acui
48 roperties do not contribute to the intrinsic light sensitivity differences between rods and cones.
49                     The unit of differential light sensitivity (DLS) in perimetry is the decibel.
50                                 Differential light sensitivity (DLS) in white-on-white perimetry is u
51 r evidence that the mutation mainly enhances light sensitivity downstream of phytochrome A (phyA) and
52 t RP patients demonstrated possible improved light sensitivity during the initial months of follow-up
53                               The acceptable light sensitivity, favorable spectral sensitivity, and s
54 account for the persistence of the increased light sensitivity following retinal dopamine depletion.
55 ready published by Medeiros et al. combining light sensitivities from SAP and retinal thickness from
56                  Due to its high operational light sensitivity, iChloC makes it possible to inhibit n
57          The general hypothesis of increased light sensitivity in bipolar patients was not supported.
58             We also show that restoration of light sensitivity in rd10 rods is attributable to assemb
59 s of constitutive skin color and ultraviolet light sensitivity in relation to risk of cutaneous malig
60 prolonged dark adaptation leads to increased light sensitivity in rods by dissociating RGS9-1 from R9
61 ed expression of a ChR2 variant with greater light sensitivity in SGNs reduced the amount of light re
62 ll responses in these animals have a reduced light sensitivity in the dark-adapted state.
63 improvements in mean mobility and full-field light sensitivity in the injected eye by day 30 that per
64 low luminance deficit, contrast sensitivity, light sensitivity in the macula, and rod-mediated dark a
65 hotoreceptors, is widely assumed to regulate light sensitivity in the rod outer segment through inter
66 s of opsins evolved a seven-TM structure and light sensitivity independently.
67  conceptual design strategies for installing light sensitivities into the immune signaling network an
68                                  Engineering light-sensitivity into proteins has wide ranging applica
69                                              Light sensitivity is restored to the resulting apo-opsin
70                                              Light sensitivity is restored when apo-opsin combines wi
71 RH1 and RH2 visual pigments with the optimum light sensitivities (lambdamax) at 478 nm and 485 nm, re
72 y, the data indicate that sex differences in light sensitivity might play a key role for ensuring the
73 rate that zTrpa1b/ligand pairing offers high light sensitivity, millisecond-scale response latency in
74 ted Arabidopsis plants with greatly enhanced light sensitivity, mutants variably altered in Pfr-to-Pr
75                            We found that the light sensitivities of presynaptic, inhibitory pathways
76 protoporphyrin IX dramatically increased the light sensitivity of both TRPA1 and TRPV1 via generation
77                                          The light sensitivity of cone ERGs of BALB/c mice, which had
78 n is explained by natural alleles that alter light sensitivity of GI, specifically in the evening, an
79 t pulses and for orders-of-magnitude-greater light sensitivity of inhibited cells.
80 reased the rate of maintained firing and the light sensitivity of ON ganglion cells.
81           Chromophore regeneration kinetics, light sensitivity of photoreceptors, and phototransducti
82 receptor co-action mechanism to sustain blue light sensitivity of plants under the broad spectra of s
83 multiple molecular mechanisms regulating the light sensitivity of rods and cones.
84                           G90D decreased the light sensitivity of rods but spared them from severe re
85 s effects, 67RuvC constructs suppress the UV light sensitivity of ruvA, ruvAB and ruvABC mutant strai
86 at the photopigment underlying the intrinsic light sensitivity of SCN-projecting RGCs has an absorpti
87    This response pattern paralleled the blue light sensitivity of stomatal opening in the two leaf su
88  leucine-rich repeats-that result in reduced light sensitivity of the circadian clock.
89 er surround illumination further reduced the light sensitivity of the ganglion cell.
90             Microperimetry allows mapping of light sensitivity of the macula and provides topographic
91               To measure and analyze retinal light sensitivity of the macula in STGD1 using fundus-co
92 e examined light signaling by exploiting the light sensitivity of the Neurospora biological clock, sp
93                                              Light sensitivity of the opsin pigment is restored throu
94 on and amacrine cells without destroying the light sensitivity of the retina by maximally activating
95 sitive detection of GFP while preserving the light sensitivity of the retina, and can be used to obta
96                Because of the selective blue light sensitivity of the retinal ganglion cells governin
97                                              Light sensitivity of this organ is epitomized in the flu
98                                DENAQ confers light sensitivity on a hyperpolarization-activated inwar
99  Melanopsin is the photopigment that confers light sensitivity on intrinsically photosensitive retina
100   Brief application of AAQ bestows prolonged light sensitivity on multiple types of retinal neurons,
101   Photoswitch compounds such as DENAQ confer light-sensitivity on endogenous neuronal ion channels, e
102      Here we describe a method for bestowing light sensitivity onto endogenous ion channels that does
103         We showed that PAL treatment confers light sensitivity onto endogenous K+ channels in isolate
104              Azobenzene photoswitches confer light sensitivity onto retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in
105 llular Mg2+ has no significant effect on the light sensitivity or the kinetics of the photoresponse.
106 e mechanisms will maximize a photoreceptor's light sensitivity range and therefore may be common in o
107                              We characterize light sensitivity recovery in continuously illuminated w
108 dividual traits, such as sex-differences, on light sensitivity remains to be established.
109                               Restoration of light sensitivity requires chemical re-isomerization of
110                               Restoration of light sensitivity requires chemical reisomerization of r
111 ion could overcome nearly all of the loss of light sensitivity resulting from the biochemical blockad
112                                  Dryness and light sensitivity scales were then calculated, summed, a
113             The arr mutants show altered red light sensitivity, suggesting a general involvement of t
114 ications, and newer issues such as Transient Light Sensitivity Syndrome are safety concerns of flap c
115 ons of femtosecond lasers included transient light-sensitivity syndrome, rainbow glare, opaque bubble
116  as diffuse lamellar keratitis and transient light-sensitivity syndrome.
117 rd mice showed significantly lower pupillary light sensitivity than rd/rd mice alone.
118 t length on the basis of circadian rhythm of light sensitivity that is set from dusk, early flowering
119  included two symptom questions (dryness and light sensitivity) that inquired about frequency and int
120                                   To restore light sensitivity, the all-trans-retinaldehyde must be c
121 ons and clinical measures such as full-field light sensitivity threshold for white, red, and blue col
122 ular pattern of axonal connections, enhances light sensitivity through the principle of neural superp
123 e developed a new chemical gate that confers light sensitivity to an ion channel.
124                                    Restoring light sensitivity to apo-opsin requires thermal re-isome
125 retinal ganglion cells, primarily conferring light sensitivity to bipolar cells.
126 onstrate the utility of TULIPs by conferring light sensitivity to functionally distinct components of
127 er with earlier studies linking variation in light sensitivity to photoreceptor genes, our work sugge
128 e cells as a possible strategy for imparting light sensitivity to retinas lacking rods and cones.
129                               Restoration of light sensitivity to the apo-opsin involves the conversi
130                               Restoration of light sensitivity to the bleached opsin requires chemica
131                               Restoration of light sensitivity to the bleached opsin requires chemica
132 orhodopsin, a rod photopigment, and restored light sensitivity to the electroretinogram.
133 ed by gene therapy, we related the degree of light sensitivity to the level of remaining photorecepto
134 etic small molecule photoswitch, can restore light sensitivity to the retina and behavioral responses
135 e assays, we further show that JB253 bestows light sensitivity upon rodent and human pancreatic beta
136                                This enhanced light sensitivity was more exaggerated in a relatively l
137                                     However, light sensitivity was reduced by approximately fourfold
138                In single cell recordings rod light sensitivity was shown to be a function of the amou
139 125A mutant, which exhibited slow growth and light sensitivity, was used to isolate suppressor strain
140 constitutive skin color and skin ultraviolet light sensitivity were assessed by colorimetry and minim
141 -retinaldehyde and the recovery rate for rod light sensitivity were faster in FATP4-deficient mice th
142      Somewhat surprisingly, dark current and light sensitivity were normal in individual rods (record
143 ated Ca(2+) release from internal stores and light sensitivity were strongly attenuated.
144 ese two changes may be of importance for dim light sensitivity, which is consistent with our proposal

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