


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ll as the ability to induce rapid gravity or light stimulation.
2 DOPAC/DA ratio is observed following in vivo light stimulation.
3 use retina, activated by proximal and distal light stimulation.
4 unction that can be triggered to twitch upon light stimulation.
5 s and neurogenesis at time points beyond the light stimulation.
6 (NO) synthesis in the retina is triggered by light stimulation.
7 old change in binding affinity for SspB with light stimulation.
8 s its affinity for SspB by over 50-fold with light stimulation.
9 ctivity will not be recorded simultaneous to light stimulation.
10  in the dark and became phosphorylated after light stimulation.
11  required for recycling endocytosed Rh1 upon light stimulation.
12 and responded with sustained fashion to step-light stimulation.
13 n modulate the kinetics of recovery from dim light stimulation.
14 ficantly less inactivation during persistent light stimulation.
15 ive in dissociation from the membrane during light stimulation.
16 s its hydrogen bonding pattern with FMN upon light stimulation.
17 undus reflectance changes induced by visible light stimulation.
18  Ca2+ that enters photoreceptor cells during light stimulation.
19 rs in the isolated rat retina in response to light stimulation.
20  are phosphorylated by protein kinase C upon light stimulation.
21 play strong phototropic responses to lateral light stimulation.
22 ements were performed, both with and without light stimulation.
23 rements were performed both with and without light stimulation.
24  corneal electrode and ganzfeld (full-field) light stimulation.
25 sing the same time-course paradigm as visual light stimulation.
26 etained the ability to die after ultraviolet light stimulation.
27 orphology at hatching but fail to respond to light stimulation.
28             Circadian clocks can be reset by light stimulation.
29 he synthesis of proteins for about 4 h after light stimulation.
30 al fibers (TOFs) to deliver highly localized light stimulations.
31 e surround during both stationary and moving light stimulations.
32 thelium by becoming activated upon TLR or UV light stimulations.
33                          In addition, pulsed light stimulation (10 Hz) elicited a 1:1 repetitive depo
34                                    Following light stimulation, 73% more cis-retinyl esters were stor
35 arely engaged when neurons were activated by light stimulation alone, pairing norepinephrine release
36 ive in the ability to recover from prolonged light stimulation and caused photoreceptor degeneration
37                                We found that light stimulation and glial cell stimulation can both ev
38 n cell temporal properties using ultraviolet light stimulation and linear systems analysis.
39  SACY activity, bPAC restored motility after light-stimulation and, thereby, enabled sperm to fertili
40 ations in pupil size occurred independent of light stimulation, and spontaneous eye movements made it
41 opus tadpoles showed that repetitive dimming-light stimulation applied to the contralateral eye resul
42  cone and rod visual pigments in response to light stimulation, but also as a chaperone for normal tr
43 eceptor cells depolarized normally following light stimulation, but failed to activate postsynaptic n
44                         We propose that upon light stimulation, Crag is required for trafficking of R
45                                     Finally, light stimulation did not change the Mg2+ concentration
46       The present study suggests that paired light stimulation differently modulates On and Off EPSPs
47                                              Light stimulation evoked in all ipRGCs both synaptically
48                                       Bright light stimulation evoked ON and OFF L-IPSCs in axotomize
49                                              Light stimulation evokes neuronal activity in the retina
50 h precisely follow the ChR2 activation up to light stimulation frequencies of 20 Hz.
51 n to fire with high spike fidelity with blue-light stimulation frequencies up to 40 Hz for periods of
52  suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) to respond to light stimulation in a phase-specific manner constitutes
53 recordings demonstrate impaired responses to light stimulation in SynCAM 1 knockout (KO) mice.
54 ted in the presence of D-serine, followed by light stimulation in the presence of dichlorokynurenic a
55 vgf mRNA levels are induced as a response to light stimulation in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), t
56 The mice showed increased freezing only upon light stimulation, indicating light-induced fear memory
57                                              Light stimulation induced translocation of PKCalpha immu
58                                         Upon light stimulation, interdomain interactions weaken to fa
59                   Recent studies showed that light stimulation is required for the maturational segre
60 show a large change in binding affinity upon light stimulation, it should not cross-react with other
61                                  With paired light stimulation, latencies of ON L-IPSCs increased at
62 n alone, pairing norepinephrine release with light stimulation markedly enhanced astrocyte Ca(2+) sig
63                         We present a visible light stimulation method for modulating the firing patte
64                            In the absence of light stimulation, mice showed a conditioned place avers
65 ucible promoters and that, after exposure to light stimulation, NGF-1-associated HAT activity leads t
66                                              Light stimulation of both genotypes during the dark peri
67 ical activation of IPN GABAergic neurons via light stimulation of channelrhodopsin elicited physical
68 ablation of DVC or activation of DVC through light stimulation of channelrhodopsin-2 specifically exp
69                                 In contrast, light stimulation of corticothalamic terminals induced s
70                                  Using focal light stimulation of GCs that express optogenetic light-
71                                 Furthermore, light stimulation of hESC-derived neurons transplanted t
72                                       Direct light stimulation of ipRGCs can regulate many nonimage-f
73          In loss of function studies, yellow light stimulation of keratinocytes that express halorhod
74 y within organoids could be controlled using light stimulation of photosensitive cells, which may off
75 n in the transduction of brief environmental light stimulation of the retina into molecular changes i
76 e membrane-proximal domain, and in addition, light stimulation of the SRII inhibition of HtrII cross-
77 ctrophysiological recordings of responses to light stimulation of the transplanted cells were made fr
78  white-opsin in response to repetitive white light stimulation of varying pulse width was observed.
79              The inhibition is released upon light-stimulation of photoreceptor cells.
80 we pharmacologically mimicked the effects of light stimulation on mouse On bipolar cells, thus avoidi
81 of a subset of visual inputs evoked by local light stimulation on the retina.
82 Responding with an unusually long latency to light stimulation, OND RGCs respond earlier as the visua
83                              However, bright light stimulation or application of the D1 agonist SKF38
84                                      Visible light stimulation over a 200-fold intensity range caused
85  is required for motility and fertilization: light-stimulation rapidly elevates cAMP, accelerates the
86      However, it is not clear to what extent light stimulation regulates the maturation of RGC dendri
87 these receptors in the intact circuit during light stimulation remains unclear.
88                                 Paired-pulse light stimulation resulted in a depression of On-, and a
89                                     Although light stimulation showed that FLI expression was very si
90  the minimal responses observed following UV light stimulation suggest only a limited role for the no
91 lfhydryls were available for MTSES following light stimulation, suggesting that light itself could no
92 gs indicate that ChR2 expression methods and light stimulation techniques influence synaptic response
93                                       For UV light stimulation, the ON pathway inputs to the OFF path
94                                         Upon light stimulation, these cells exhibit calcium/cyclic AM
95 mes faster than HEI-OC1 cells, which allowed light stimulation up to rates of 10/s to elicit correspo
96                                              Light stimulation was most likely to induce behavioral a
97 d by low-intensity blue light, and this blue-light stimulation was suppressed in three different RNAi
98                                              Light stimulation was used to trigger the assembly of na
99 ipolar cell (BC) terminals with paired-pulse light stimulation, we isolated and quantified the short-
100  pyramidal neurons in vitro and in vivo upon light stimulation, with ChR2-EYFP and Arch-ER2 demonstra

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