


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 edures, such ascriptions should not be taken lightly.
2  interface while the remainder of J2 stained lightly.
3 associated with Big Data should not be taken lightly.
4 bles approaching those who remained at least lightly active.
5 idal neurons in the primary visual cortex of lightly anaesthetized and awake mice, during sensory pro
6 he doping induced charge carrier profiles in lightly and moderately doped organic semiconductor thin
7 atty acid metabolism is not to be undertaken lightly and needs a clear understanding of the normal ro
8          The decision to die cannot be taken lightly, and the activity of many genes influence a cell
9 eurons in somatosensory cortex are silent in lightly anesthetized and even awake animals, making it d
10 ty was evaluated using wide-field imaging in lightly anesthetized Emx1-creXRosa26-GCaMP3 mice express
11 us nociceptive heat stimulation of digits in lightly anesthetized monkeys.
12 rate that moderate local cortical cooling of lightly anesthetized or naturally sleeping mice disrupts
13 mice under 1 of 2 conditions: unstressed and lightly anesthetized or restrained and awake.
14 ate/deep layers of the OT were recorded from lightly anesthetized owls confronted with arrays of bars
15 mol) decreased EEG indices of arousal in the lightly anesthetized preparation.
16                                       In the lightly anesthetized rat, seven ON and five OFF cells we
17 systemic phenylephrine administration in the lightly anesthetized rat.
18 eir slow and steady discharge pattern in the lightly anesthetized rat.
19                                           In lightly anesthetized rats, micturition was favored, beca
20 selectively stimulate Adelta nociceptors) in lightly anesthetized rats.
21 ar microelectrode recording was conducted in lightly anesthetized rats.
22 ection of mustard oil (MO) was quantified in lightly anesthetized rats.
23 lick responses to noxious radiant heating in lightly anesthetized rats.
24 awal responses to noxious radiant heating in lightly anesthetized rats.
25 (1, 2.5, or 10 micrograms/min for 21 min) in lightly anesthetized rats.
26                         Fifty-four rats were lightly anesthetized with halothane during spontaneous b
27 roinjected directly into the VLPO of a mouse lightly anesthetized with isoflurane, dexmedetomidine in
28  head impacts using two different weights to lightly anesthetized, completely unrestrained mice estab
29                                    They were lightly anesthetized, followed by paralysis to prevent e
30 al grafts, a valuable organ offer should not lightly be declined for reasons of anatomic imperfection
31                      Here, oxygen-terminated lightly boron-doped diamond (BDDL) thin films were synth
32 cles: they become liquid-like when perturbed lightly, but harden when driven strongly.
33 riant with the polymer topology for long and lightly charged chains and (2) elongated conformations w
34 us DNA in nearly all samples, except for one lightly-charred maize cob.
35              The observation of receptors in lightly coated membrane invaginations suggests that, des
36 value thus can be effectively separated from lightly coked compounds.
37  overall solid content was 90% cellulosic, a lightly colored, transparent hydrogel was formed instant
38 tions from nasal retinal sectors were always lightly constructed in the aberrant terminal field, wher
39 sive vapor bubble, which rapidly punctures a lightly contacting cell membrane via high-speed fluidic
40 with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine Chromogen Kit and lightly counterstained with Mayer's hematoxylin.
41 and are considered to be derived from young, lightly cratered volcanic regions, such as the Tharsis p
42 ly in the aqueous/low-solid environment to a lightly cross linked polysaccharide network in the high
43                   In this study, we report a lightly cross-linked (2%) N-isopropyl acrylamide (NIPAm)
44 ls and an approximately 30-fold increase for lightly cross-linked crystals.
45 erein highly cross-linked dots embedded in a lightly cross-linked matrix provide access to nearly con
46 yrene latex particles are polymerized within lightly cross-linked polyacrylamide hydrogels.
47                       We added graphene to a lightly cross-linked polysilicone, often encountered as
48 se resins are buried inside the interiors of lightly cross-linked polystyrene beads.
49    To compensate for this the hydrogel NP is lightly cross-linked resulting in chain flexibility that
50 on of alpha-olefins are prepared by treating lightly cross-linked, chloromethylated polystyrene beads
51                                           By lightly cross-linking the ionic liquid stationary phase
52                                              Lightly crosslinked, soft hydrogels are produced from pr
53  branched block copolymer nanoparticles with lightly-crosslinked hydrophobic core and hydrophilic sur
54 ndicates two stable real poles, and two very lightly damped and nearly unstable complex poles describ
55            Mucosal reflexes were elicited by lightly depressing the mucosa with a sponge.
56 ique, based on deep paired-end sequencing of lightly digested chromatin, to assess footprints of nucl
57 ered by scanning tunneling microscopy in the lightly doped cuprate superconductor Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2.
58 inges are observed for silver films grown on lightly doped n-type substrates or p-type substrates, al
59 tions at interfaces between highly doped and lightly doped or undoped layers.
60 oscopy, and demonstrate its applicability to lightly doped thermoelectric bulk insulator PbSe.
61 ttice parameters, c/a) in BiMnO3 thin films, lightly doped to optimize lattice dimensions, was determ
62  present an experimental study of the EQL in lightly-doped single crystals of strontium titanate.
63  to secondhand smoke (SHS) (0.5-13.9 ng/mL), lightly exposed to SHS (0.05-0.49 ng/mL), or unexposed (
64                           Endogenous NS1 and lightly expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-NS1 en
65 permit independent computational entities to lightly federate their capabilities as desired while mai
66             After removing a small number of lightly fished ecosystems, stark interregional differenc
67 c level species will only be supported under lightly fished scenarios.
68                                    They were lightly fixed and stored in a solution that minimized sw
69 in situ tetramer technique can be applied to lightly fixed as well as frozen tissue, thus extending t
70 e injected parasol cells with Neurobiotin in lightly fixed baboon retinas.
71 ombined with intracellular dye injections in lightly fixed cortical slices revealed many similarities
72                              We also labeled lightly fixed rabbit retinas with antisera to choline ac
73 nule cells by intracellular dye filling in a lightly fixed slice preparation.
74 eated with either vehicle or estradiol, were lightly fixed, and VMH neurons were iontophoretically fi
75 somata, fibers, and varicosities and stained lightly for AChE.
76 P) division stained darkly for calbindin and lightly for CO and AChE.
77 ral, regions of the medial belt stained more lightly for parvalbumin than the caudomedial area or the
78 ndicate that the side walls of the SWNT were lightly functionalized by the nitric acid treatment and
79 -Fab accumulated less in the kidney than the lightly glyco-Fab.
80 oderately glycosylated extensins (EXTs), and lightly glycosylated proline-rich proteins (PRPs).
81 finding virtually identical phenomena in two lightly hole-doped cuprates: Ca(1.88)Na(0.12)CuO(2)Cl2 a
82 tions and lower N : P ratios in heavily than lightly human-impacted environments, further evidenced b
83   Layer IV, in contrast, contained only very lightly immunostained neurons which mostly lacked extens
84 ad between 1,850 and 1,950 m depth, was more lightly impacted.
85 he posterior pallial division (Dp); and more lightly in the lateral pallial division (Dl).
86                   Malarial TCTP was found in lightly infected human volunteers and in heavily infecte
87  localization of labeled axons to layer 1 in lightly innervated regions to the presence of axons in a
88                                         When lightly irradiated, adult C.B-17 SCID mice injected with
89                 When comparisons between the lightly labeled (d(0)) and heavily labeled (d(2)) forms
90  cells, but B-type horizontal cells are also lightly labeled by this antibody.
91                                 In contrast, lightly labeled cells were found in both the central and
92 tex, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord; few lightly labeled cells were occasionally seen in the hipp
93 beled thick and thin stripe compartments and lightly labeled interstripe compartments.
94                                          The lightly labeled LRCs, located in the central and germina
95                                        A few lightly labeled neurons were occasionally noted in the d
96                            A small number of lightly labeled somata was occasionally noted in the dor
97                                         KCC2 lightly labeled the plasma membrane of Purkinje cell som
98 e cell bodies consisted of two types: large, lightly labeled, pyramidal-shaped cell bodies in lamina
99 whereas the CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells were lightly labeled.
100                TPEN had most effect in cells lightly loaded with fura-2, suggesting the presence of a
101 scens exhibited classical Kranz anatomy with lightly lobed mesophyll cells having low chloroplast cov
102                                          For lightly maculated eggs, females chose a substrate that b
103 nting single-species management in currently lightly managed and highly exploited multispecies fisher
104 egion, which is highly methylated in JAR and lightly methylated in MCF-7 cells.
105 mic B-capsids were classified accordingly as lightly, moderately, or heavily tegumented.
106 ied cellular tRNAs and the unmodified or the lightly modified mitochondrial tRNAs (mt-tRNA).
107                MR-Tandem is implemented as a lightly modified X!Tandem C++ executable and a Python sc
108 mplementation: MR-Tandem is implemented as a lightly modified X!Tandem C++ executable and a Python sc
109 are a group of disorders in which the small, lightly myelinated and unmyelinated autonomic nerve fibr
110 d that treatment with anti-DH-SAP spared the lightly myelinated neurones with no tyrosine hydroxylase
111                 Immediately rostral to S1, a lightly myelinated rostral field (R) also contained a re
112 minantly expressed by RVLM BSBS neurons with lightly myelinated spinal axons.
113 r, multimodal, association cortices are more lightly myelinated, but there are notable exceptions in
114 polar transistors, consisting of heavily and lightly n-doped nanowires crossing a common p-type wire
115 ble-negative zones, NADH-negative zones, and lightly NADH-staining zones were measured.
116 minifera responded with a population boom at lightly oiled sites with [TPAH] near 1,100 ng/g.
117 middle marsh at sites classified as unoiled, lightly oiled, and heavily oiled based on concentrations
118 H)(2) hexagonal nanoplates directly grown on lightly oxidized, electrically conducting graphene sheet
119  whose properties are analogous to wet clay, lightly packed snow and wet or dry sand.
120  the slender regenerating neurites should be lightly phosphorylated and densely packed (similar to NF
121 axons (> 10 microns), whereas antibodies for lightly phosphorylated NFs labeled medium-sized and smal
122                             In addition, the lightly phosphorylated NFs of the small axons in the dor
123 vi can manifest as a darkly pigmented (65%), lightly pigmented (19%) and completely nonpigmented (16%
124 ow a strong mate preference for females with lightly pigmented abdomens, and that this discrimination
125 rown on lung or brain homogenate agar became lightly pigmented and also yielded particles similar to
126                                              Lightly pigmented cells attached and spread in a substan
127 enhanced barrier function in comparison with lightly pigmented cultures.
128                                              Lightly pigmented daughter cells (type 2) bound and inge
129             However, retinal illumination of lightly pigmented eyes is relatively independent of entr
130  the RAPD and also greater susceptibility of lightly pigmented eyes to light toxicity.
131 nt for enhanced function, because acidifying lightly pigmented human SC resets barrier function to da
132                                              Lightly pigmented human skin (L* >65) was exposed up to
133 LM was classified amelanotic in 10 patients, lightly pigmented in 9, and partially pigmented in 18.
134 onse to repeated low-dose UV-A1 exposures in lightly pigmented individuals does not prevent UV-A1-ind
135  P. drummondii and P. cuspidata than between lightly pigmented P. drummondii and P. cuspidata.
136 an antagonist of the Wnt pathway produced in lightly pigmented skin, on melanocyte gene expression.
137 rier function in comparison with humans with lightly pigmented skin.
138                                              Lightly platinized (platinized for 1 hr) centers display
139 d longer half-lives than the lower-affinity, lightly polymerized Abs.
140 ench Frigate Shoals and along the relatively lightly populated Kona Coast of Hawai'i Island are matur
141                         MTDs for heavily and lightly pretreated patients were 100 and 150 mg/m(2), re
142 pecific enzymatic alpha-d-glucosylation of a lightly protected non-natural disaccharide acceptor, int
143                       Anomalocaridids, giant lightly sclerotized invertebrate predators, occur in a n
144   The new species provides insights into the lightly sclerotized ventral anatomy of Xandarellida, and
145 sions, participants were nonsedated (awake), lightly sedated (a slowed response to conversation), and
146                                 Patients are lightly sedated and ventilated with the lowest pressure
147 ces pain and sedation doses in unsedated and lightly sedated colonoscopy.
148 nificantly higher proportion of patients was lightly sedated on days 1, 2, and 3 (12/19 [63.2%], 19/2
149 nary procedures are best accomplished in the lightly sedated patient, who is breathing spontaneously,
150                                           In lightly sedated rats, we found that focal enhancement of
151 omatose" (-5), "deeply sedated" (-4 to -3), "lightly sedated" (-2 to 0), and "agitated" (+1 to +4).
152 urther, neurovascular coupling was intact in lightly sedated, responsive mice genetically lacking ast
153 ) signaling on cortical blood flow in awake, lightly sedated, responsive mice using multiphoton laser
154 vascular coupling in visual cortex of awake, lightly sedated, responsive mice.
155 monstrated phytoplankton community shifts to lightly-silicified diatoms and non-silicifying plankton
156 ial obstacle is overcome by bulk crystals of lightly Sn-doped Bi1.1Sb0.9Te2S grown by the vertical Br
157 ned lanes indicated the presence of a single lightly stained band at the same position as the immunop
158 eveloped as a zymogram to visualize clear or lightly stained bands in a dark background.
159 sages (LDPs), most of the 29 clones produced lightly stained early-stage transformed foci when grown
160  of GFAP immunoreactivity in contrast to the lightly stained glial cells in normal retinas.
161                        Area 35 contains only lightly stained neuropil and few CB-IR cells.
162 e found star-like segmentation consisting of lightly stained septa separating darkly stained patches
163 e body of the root remains unstained or only lightly stained.
164 ere seen: type 1, intensely stained; type 2, lightly stained; and type 3, DAT-immunonegative neuromel
165 es, differentially labeled rods and cones by lightly staining rod cell bodies, axons, and synaptic pe
166 l (water dip appear before anions) only with lightly sulfonated columns.
167 his level of performance is close to that of lightly supervised IS methods and has proven sufficient
168 nducting cells (1 to 7 m/second) were either lightly TH-ir (n = 12) or not detectably TH-ir (n = 11).
169 were measured while patients were exercising lightly, that is, during a cool-down period.
170  ganglion cells; the ganglionic neurons were lightly to moderately labeled.
171                           The BSTam projects lightly to thalamocortical feedback loops (via the media
172   The dorsal bank cortex (area 36) projected lightly to the lateral entorhinal cortex and more strong
173 d cortical pallial nuclei, but, by contrast, lightly to the subpallial nuclei.
174 nclude: 1) In the midbrain, the PVH projects lightly to the ventral tegmental area, Edinger-Westphal
175 mpathetic efferents and project at best very lightly to the VRC.
176 eyes closed, subjects used the right hand to lightly touch, forcefully support, or imagine holding ea
177                                              Lightly touching normal skin near a site of itch can eli
178 med a comparative transcriptomic analysis of lightly versus darkly pigmented HEMs and found 16 genes
179                      Myofibrils were labeled lightly with rhodamine-phalloidin, placed on coverslips
180  providing heavy innervation, and terminated lightly within layer 3 of the olfactory tubercle.

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