


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ased model to perform variant and gene-based linkage analysis.
2  SCA-affected Italian family by whole-genome linkage analysis.
3 us on chromosome 2p11.1-q12.2 by genome-wide linkage analysis.
4 memory performance were used for genome-wide linkage analysis.
5 ty in this family using exome sequencing and linkage analysis.
6 pG ODN defect, we have performed genome-wide linkage analysis.
7 a causal RBM20 mutation without the need for linkage analysis.
8  on a 0.3-Mb region of mouse chromosome 4 by linkage analysis.
9 ly inherited traits otherwise intractable by linkage analysis.
10 portant data sources for mapping QTL through linkage analysis.
11  the rgt mutants were elucidated by glycosyl linkage analysis.
12 implicated in essential hypertension by gene linkage analysis.
13 onstrating its potential for oligosaccharide linkage analysis.
14 lized along with disease status in bivariate linkage analysis.
15  design, the authors conducted nonparametric linkage analysis.
16 pported as the causal mutation by parametric linkage analysis.
17 nd reduced digests that facilitate disulfide linkage analysis.
18 BD) probabilities is the key in family-based linkage analysis.
19 s can be used for non-parametric genome-wide linkage analysis.
20 orical information compared with traditional linkage analysis.
21             A founder effect was excluded by linkage analysis.
22 f common CD-associated risk variants and for linkage analysis.
23  cleft lip and/or palate through genome-wide linkage analysis.
24 were used to select high-quality markers for linkage analysis.
25 e 2H on chromosome 8q13-21.1 was excluded by linkage analysis.
26 from the same family and was integrated with linkage analysis.
27          We genotyped the mice and performed linkage analysis.
28 e glycotope were based on mass spectrometry, linkage analysis, (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectr
29 whereby QTL were detected using a sire-based linkage analysis, a sparse SNP marker map and exploiting
30 riants were found at both loci identified by linkage analysis: a homozygous stop codon in PI3-kinase
31 onal statistical genetics approaches such as linkage analysis and association studies have limited po
32                         We performed genetic linkage analysis and candidate gene sequencing on 13 pat
33  candidate mutations, which were narrowed by linkage analysis and confirmed by Sanger sequencing and
34 e gene mutation was determined by genomewide linkage analysis and DNA sequencing.
35 with calf weakness, we identified by genetic linkage analysis and exome sequencing a heterozygous mis
36                                 The combined linkage analysis and exome sequencing in the index famil
37                                      We used linkage analysis and exome sequencing of a multiplex fam
38                                 Whole-genome linkage analysis and exome sequencing of distant relativ
39                                      We used linkage analysis and exome sequencing to identify the ca
40                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis and exome sequencing were performed in
41                                           By linkage analysis and exome sequencing, we identified a p
42                                           By linkage analysis and exome sequencing, we unexpectedly i
43  albumin-to-creatinine ratio, we performed a linkage analysis and explored gene-by-diabetes, -hyperte
44 Pakistani families, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis and fine mapping and identified linkage
45                                        Using linkage analysis and fine mapping, we identified the dis
46                                              Linkage analysis and genetic-complementation testing ind
47 soriasis, for which application of classical linkage analysis and genome-wide association investigati
48 guineous family with five affected siblings, linkage analysis and genomic sequencing revealed the gen
49                                              Linkage analysis and homozygosity mapping combined with
50 relevant genes and complementing traditional linkage analysis and homozygosity mapping.
51                           We applied genetic linkage analysis and next-generation sequencing and func
52 mined the individual genotypes by SNPlex for linkage analysis and parental transmission disequilibriu
53 esis-independent genetic studies of CRS (ie, linkage analysis and pooling-based genome-wide associati
54            Here, we review the principles of linkage analysis and provide practical guidelines for ca
55 ich is not used by current methodologies for linkage analysis and QTL mapping.
56                     We performed genome-wide linkage analysis and refined the linkage area with micro
57                                 Here we used linkage analysis and targeted deep sequencing to detect
58           Further evaluation of one group by linkage analysis and targeted sequencing identified rece
59 ci associated with 49 DCPs were confirmed by linkage analysis and tests of genetically modified paras
60  an unbiased genome-wide approach using both linkage analysis and variant filtering across the exome
61   We have demonstrated that a combination of linkage analysis and whole exome sequencing can be used
62                                              Linkage analysis and whole exome sequencing revealed a h
63                                              Linkage analysis and whole exome sequencing were perform
64                   Using combined genome-wide linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing (WES), we id
65 TE-affected families by performing SNP-array linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing and identifi
66                                              Linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing identified a
67                                              Linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing identified a
68                      We performed genomewide linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing in a family
69 ions, we identified through a combination of linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing KCTD17 c.434
70                                        Using linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing of DNA sampl
71                                        Using linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing on samples f
72          We performed sequential genome-wide linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing to evaluate
73                                      We used linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing to identify
74                                        Using linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing, we identifi
75                                      We used linkage analysis and whole-genome sequencing of a consan
76                                      We used linkage analysis and whole-genome sequencing of a multip
77 sted to be involved in schizophrenia through linkage analysis, and duplications at 1p36.33 and CGNL1.
78                      Genome-wide SNP-typing, linkage analysis, and exome sequencing revealed a homozy
79                       By genomic sequencing, linkage analysis, and functional validation, we identifi
80  included incorporation of radiolabeled Glc, linkage analysis, and imaging of cellulose microfibril f
81      AR families are generally too small for linkage analysis, and length of homozygous regions is un
82 cluding monosaccharide analysis, methylation linkage analysis, and mass spectrometry of native LM spe
83      In this study, deep sequencing, genetic linkage analysis, and transcriptome data were used to pr
84                                     The Utah linkage analysis approach of using singly informative ex
85                    Here we describe a global linkage analysis approach, GLINT, for rapid discovery of
86 ative to dystonia, large families suited for linkage analysis are exceptional.
87                                 We performed linkage analysis, association analysis and haplotype ana
88                                Additionally, linkage analysis based on sibling structure within the c
89                                      We used linkage analysis, based on arrays with single-nucleotide
90 LINK, a novel application that performs MCMC linkage analysis by spreading the computational burden b
91 240 mutation was determined by a genome-wide linkage analysis by use of simple sequence length polymo
92 ton/deuterium exchanges, the composition and linkage analysis can be determined in a single step.
93 traditional gene mapping techniques, such as linkage analysis, can help identify the genetic basis of
94                                  The primary linkage analysis coded persons with either ASD or specif
95     We utilised a genome-wide marker set for linkage analysis combined with cytological mapping of cr
96                                   Parametric linkage analysis combined with exome sequencing in a FH4
97                                              Linkage analysis combined with whole-exome sequencing in
98                    A population-based record-linkage analysis compared psychiatric patients with the
99     Here we report a genetic segregation and linkage analysis conducted on F2 progeny of a reciprocal
100               Combining the four families in linkage analysis confirmed a significant genome-wide lin
101 t Xyl levels decreased in uxs3 uxs5 uxs6 and linkage analysis confirmed that the xylan content in uxs
102                                              Linkage analysis confirmed the region with a logarithm o
103 uage impairment as "affected." The secondary linkage analysis consisted of quantitative metrics of au
104                                              Linkage analysis defined Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs)
105  Using whole-exome sequencing, SNPchip-based linkage analysis, DNA microarray, and Sanger sequencing,
106                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis, DNA sequencing, and an allelic test we
107  enzyme degradation, permethylation glycosyl linkage analysis, electron microscopy, and mutagenesis s
108 d not have been identified using traditional linkage analysis, emphasizing the need for exome sequenc
109                                              Linkage analysis excluded all variants except a Phe93Leu
110   In a large Dutch FEVR family, we performed linkage analysis, exome sequencing, and segregation anal
111                                      Genetic linkage analysis, exome sequencing, tumor studies, and f
112 ion of an excised corneal button, genomewide linkage analysis, fine mapping linkage and haplotype ana
113 tic abnormality in this family, we performed linkage analysis followed by whole-exome capture and nex
114                                              Linkage analysis for BMI was performed on 657 subjects i
115                    This report confirms that linkage analysis for common disorders can be successful
116    We consider the problem of multiple locus linkage analysis for expression traits of genes in a pat
117 AF4, carbohydrate composition and glycosidic linkage analysis for the dominating population was perfo
118                                   Genomewide linkage analysis generated one significant LOD score of
119                    When used in concert with linkage analysis, haplotyping can help delineate a locus
120                                 Family-based linkage analysis has been a powerful tool for identifica
121 eal model organisms for such approaches, but linkage analysis has been only modestly successful due t
122 s has been extensively studied, conventional linkage analysis has failed to locate the factors that c
123                                      Genetic linkage analysis has identified loss-of-function mutatio
124                          By a combination of linkage analysis, homozygosity mapping, and exome sequen
125                                      Genetic linkage analysis identified 14 loci that were associated
126                                              Linkage analysis identified 2 disease-associated loci.
127                                        Joint-linkage analysis identified 32 quantitative trait loci (
128                     Homozygosity mapping and linkage analysis identified a candidate region on chromo
129                                              Linkage analysis identified a peak (LOD = 4.29) on chrom
130                  Whole-genome sequencing and linkage analysis identified a variant in a gene that exp
131                                  Genome wide linkage analysis identified an approximately 18 Mb disea
132                                              Linkage analysis identified five regions of the genome t
133                                              Linkage analysis identified potential modifier-gene loci
134                                              Linkage analysis identified the multi-allelic locus Sen1
135                                      Genetic linkage analysis identified three loci with an LOD score
136                     Comparative genomics and linkage analysis identify candidate genes associated wit
137              We have combined polysaccharide linkage analysis, immuno-labeling, and transcriptome pro
138 s of the remaining cases of DC, we undertook linkage analysis in 20 families and identified a common
139                  We thus perform an unbiased linkage analysis in 3A9 TCR F2 (NOD.H2(k) x B10.BR) mice
140 Here we combine whole genome sequencing with linkage analysis in a 3-generation family affected by ca
141                               A whole-genome linkage analysis in a Finnish pedigree of eight cases wi
142                      Here we use genome-wide linkage analysis in a large ALS/FTD kindred to identify
143 rformed genome-wide expression profiling and linkage analysis in a large F2(DA x PVG) intercross, whi
144 erformed a genome-wide association study and linkage analysis in a sample of 3456 young healthy indiv
145                   We conducted a preliminary linkage analysis in a subset of 487 participants with av
146                   Using exome sequencing and linkage analysis in a three-generation family with a uni
147                                              Linkage analysis in a three-generation family with affec
148                         We performed genetic linkage analysis in consanguineous families affected by
149                            Using genome-wide linkage analysis in consanguineous families, we mapped t
150                                              Linkage analysis in F2 intercross (B6 x MSM) progeny ide
151                                 Whole-genome linkage analysis in five informative families identified
152                                              Linkage analysis in MF5L6 identified a chromosome 3 locu
153                   We performed a genome-wide linkage analysis in patients with cardiac laterality def
154          We performed whole-genome SNP-based linkage analysis in seven consanguineous families with P
155                     We carried out a genetic linkage analysis in the extended DYT4 family that spanne
156                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis in this family revealed a new locus for
157                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis in two families identified a 7.5-Mb loc
158 utosomal sex-determining gene was mapped via linkage analysis in two families with 46,XY DSD to the l
159                                              Linkage analysis, including an enantiomeric specific pro
160                                              Linkage analysis indicated that IDF was composed of homo
161                                              Linkage analysis indicates that SecA dimerization is cou
162                                    Nonlinear linkage analysis indicates that this unusual behavior ca
163                                Thermodynamic linkage analysis indicates that TRAPP weakens nucleotide
164 xample for the concept that population-based linkage analysis is a useful strategy to identify comple
165 reased use of whole-genome sequencing (WGS), linkage analysis is again emerging as an important and p
166                                              Linkage analysis is useful in investigating disease tran
167 udies in dogs have primarily employed either linkage analysis, leveraging the typically large family
168                               Non-parametric-linkage analysis, linkage-disequilibrium-model analysis,
169 locus, was identified on chromosome 16 using linkage analysis (logarithm of the odds, 9.1).
170                                      Genetic linkage analysis mapped loci with lod scores of 5 to 7 o
171                      METHODS AND Genome-wide linkage analysis mapped the SND+AVB disease locus to chr
172                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis mapped two equally plausible loci to ch
173 as performed by the Markov chain Monte Carlo linkage analysis method, MCLINK, and a set of SNPs was f
174 sociation methods including mixed models and linkage analysis methods.
175                    Genetic analysis included linkage analysis (n = 17) with exome sequencing (n = 7).
176                       Using a combination of linkage analysis, next-generation sequencing, and modeli
177                                              Linkage analysis of >13,500 single-nucleotide polymorphi
178 y new CAD genetic loci through a large-scale linkage analysis of 24 large and multigenerational famil
179 oma in some but not all cases in the family, linkage analysis of 31 families subsequently identified
180 also successfully replicated in our previous linkage analysis of 428 nuclear families.
181  any compelling associations, but parametric linkage analysis of 460 families (1062 affected individu
182                                              Linkage analysis of 486 sibling pairs from the family ba
183              We further carried out combined linkage analysis of 53 multiplex families with AP and 36
184                                      Through linkage analysis of a cross-intercross of these two pare
185                                              Linkage analysis of AD identified the strongest linkage
186                                              Linkage analysis of affected families, including a very
187                                A genome-wide linkage analysis of backcrossed animals with EAG reveale
188  and asthma and that has been identified via linkage analysis of BMI in a population ascertained on a
189                                      Through linkage analysis of crosses between the C57BL/6J (B6), B
190 Study and performed a model-free genome-wide linkage analysis of fibromyalgia with 341 microsatellite
191                   We conducted a genome-wide linkage analysis of IGRA phenotypes in families from a t
192 n Leishmania, opening the way toward genetic linkage analysis of important traits and providing stron
193        A multipoint posterior probability of linkage analysis of multiplex families from the Philippi
194 ral phenotyping of the families also enabled linkage analysis of quantitative measures, including nor
195                                     However, linkage analysis of seed carotenoids in Arabidopsis thal
196 e controlled by a large number of genes, and linkage analysis of several traits implicates a 'common
197 antitative refraction and refractive errors, linkage analysis of spherical equivalent, myopia, and hy
198  is, to our knowledge, the first genome-wide linkage analysis of the extended Utah high-risk CMM pedi
199                                     Combined linkage analysis of the two families confirmed that RTTN
200                         Through the parallel linkage analysis of the two NAM panels, both common and
201                                  Comparative linkage analysis of these differences is currently under
202 assical univariate and bivariate genome-wide linkage analysis of TNF production using the data from b
203      We identified the disease locus through linkage analysis on 15q21.2, and exome sequencing reveal
204                Here, by exome sequencing and linkage analysis on a Chinese family with autosomal domi
205 ld dataset, performing parametric multipoint linkage analysis on a highly consanguineous pedigree wit
206 K cell functional maturation, we performed a linkage analysis on F2 (B6.Rag1(-/-) x NOD.Rag1(-/-) int
207  a variant-level and a gene-level parametric linkage analysis on nine PNTM families (16 affected and
208 ple members affected with focal epilepsy and linkage analysis on one of these.
209 three different inbred strains and performed linkage analysis on the DPOAE data obtained from the sec
210 ring cleavage ions are potentially useful in linkage analysis, one of the most critical steps of glyc
211 me a widely used epidemiological method like linkage analysis or genome-wide association analysis.
212     Compared with traditional approaches for linkage analysis, our new model can efficiently infer IB
213 ool capable of modeling genetic association, linkage analysis, polygenic effects, shared environment,
214                                              Linkage analysis produces two separate complementary mar
215 version and a 109x speed-up over the popular linkage analysis program SIMWALK.
216                                              Linkage analysis ranked the TTN region as falling under
217                                              Linkage analysis remains an important tool in elucidatin
218                The observed heterogeneity in linkage analysis results may just be a reflection of the
219   Here, in the four-generation family UW-AP, linkage analysis revealed four regions that provided the
220                          Initial genome-wide linkage analysis revealed suggestive linkage to chromoso
221                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis revealed that EEM was linked to the 6q2
222                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis revealed two small candidate regions on
223                                              Linkage analysis, reverse genetic approaches, and molecu
224  Model) and SOLAR-MGA (Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines -Major Gene Analysis) have sim
225 ODS AND We used SOLAR (Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines) to evaluate heritability of A
226  as implemented in the Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines, was used to estimate heritabi
227 Unfortunately, methods to perform multipoint linkage analysis scale poorly with either the number of
228                                              Linkage analysis showed a 7-Mb candidate interval on chr
229                                    Two-point linkage analysis showed positive linkage between cold so
230                                 Results from linkage analysis showed strong evidence that a region of
231 s of the TbGnTII null mutants by methylation linkage analysis suggests that, in wild-type parasites,
232                     Genetic studies included linkage analysis, targeted Sanger sequencing, and next-g
233                             The steps of the linkage analysis (testing for distorted segregation, clu
234 Here, we describe an alternative approach to linkage analysis that makes use of a nonreversible deute
235        In this study, we perform an unbiased linkage analysis to determine the genetic loci that may
236 and assess a statistical design that deploys linkage analysis to estimate and test the pattern and ex
237          As a proof of concept, we have used linkage analysis to identify 36 high-confidence novel ed
238                           We previously used linkage analysis to identify a major HIVAN susceptibilit
239 xome sequencing, array-based genotyping, and linkage analysis to identify putative pathogenic variant
240 n 221 C57BL/6xBALB/c F2 progeny, followed by linkage analysis to identify quantitative trait loci (QT
241                                 Here, we use linkage analysis to map the chromosomal location of the
242 ode of discovery has been the application of linkage analysis to mouse crosses.
243 ker panel, a subset of which may be used for linkage analysis to reduce computational burden and to l
244                           Here, we have used linkage analysis to show that both mRNA editing and alte
245         We used whole-genome sequencing with linkage analysis to study a consanguineous family with e
246      We have employed cysteine labelling and linkage analysis to the full length of Bak in mitochondr
247                           Quantitative trait linkage analysis using 261 microsatellite markers identi
248                The genome-wide variant-level linkage analysis using 4,328 independent common variants
249     To identify candidate loci, we performed linkage analysis using 5 p.G206A carrier families (n = 5
250                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis using Affymetrix GeneChip Mapping 10K d
251                           We did genome-wide linkage analysis using data from multi-incident Arab-Ber
252                                              Linkage analysis using inbred mouse strains identified a
253                                              Linkage analysis using this growth inhibition phenotype
254 omosome 6 were then tested in the gene-level linkage analysis, using the collapsed haplotype pattern
255                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis was carried out in 14 family members fo
256                                 Joint family linkage analysis was conducted with 7,386 markers in the
257                                              Linkage analysis was largely supplanted by the wide adop
258                                              Linkage analysis was performed and the disease locus nar
259                                              Linkage analysis was performed by testing for associatio
260                                      Genetic linkage analysis was performed in a family with a PCD su
261              A genome-wide STR and SNP based linkage analysis was performed in one large family that
262                        Parametric genomewide linkage analysis was performed on 10 affected family mem
263         Single-nucleotide polymorphism-based linkage analysis was performed on DNA samples from the 4
264                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis was performed to map the locus.
265                                         Data linkage analysis was performed with the Office for Natio
266                              For many years, linkage analysis was the primary tool used for the genet
267                                              Linkage analysis was then broadened to comprise 25 addit
268 iants shared in all affected individuals and linkage analysis was used to further filter shared varia
269 us on chromosome 3, originally identified by linkage analysis, was in fact due to three closely linke
270                        Through a genome-wide linkage analysis, we detected a locus for autosomal-domi
271                                        Using linkage analysis, we have mapped the position of this mu
272                                        Using linkage analysis, we identified a 13-Mb locus on mouse c
273                                 Using family linkage analysis, we identified a keratoconus susceptibi
274 by analyzing families with recurrent SPTB in linkage analysis, we identified a linkage peak close to
275                     Using quantitative trait linkage analysis, we identified Id2, a homolog of Id3, t
276  Using a combination of exome sequencing and linkage analysis, we investigated an English family with
277                                           By linkage analysis, we mapped a locus at 1p36.22 containin
278                                Using genetic linkage analysis, we mapped a new locus for the disease
279                            Using genome-wide linkage analysis, we mapped the AR-GPS gene to a 9.4-Mb
280                                        Using linkage analysis, we mapped the rd11 locus to mouse chro
281                                           By linkage analysis, we mapped the Tsk2 gene mutation to <3
282                          In combination with linkage analysis, we performed whole-genome sequencing o
283 tural amino acid substitution and a standard linkage analysis, we show that a His97' NH(epsilon2)...O
284 iously, using quantitative trait locus (QTL) linkage analysis, we showed that D3Tx-AOD is controlled
285 atients followed by homozygosity mapping and linkage analysis were performed.
286                                 We performed linkage analysis, whole-exome and whole-genome sequencin
287 sease-associated mutations were sought using linkage analysis, whole-exome sequencing, and copy numbe
288  Exclusion of known ADTKD genes coupled with linkage analysis, whole-exome sequencing, and targeted r
289                        Multipoint parametric linkage analysis with 13 members of this family identifi
290                      We combined genome-wide linkage analysis with exome sequencing and identified 14
291                                   Parametric linkage analysis with general dominant and recessive mod
292 h PauR were also suggested by chemical cross-linkage analysis with glutaraldehyde.
293 ither through follow-up interviews or record linkage analysis with hospital discharge and PD outpatie
294 rhosis in the cohort was ascertained through linkage analysis with nationwide death registry.
295 n of the pedigree was performed, followed by linkage analysis with the redefined disease statuses, an
296                   In this study, we combined linkage analysis with whole-exome sequencing of two indi
297                              Here we combine linkage analysis with whole-genome resequencing in patie
298 ed all 49 heritable phenotypes using genetic linkage analysis, with special emphasis on phenotypes ju
299  disease gene to be on chromosome 19p13, and linkage analysis yielded a combined multipoint log(10) o
300                                  Genome-wide linkage analysis yielded a maximum two-point logarithm o

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