


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rometry after direct infusion (i.e., shotgun lipidomics).
2 on mass spectrometry (DIMS) metabolomics and lipidomics.
3  on the brain lipidome, we performed Shotgun Lipidomics.
4 e ionization detection and mass spectrometry lipidomics.
5 ification remains a significant challenge in lipidomics.
6 idimensional mass spectrometry-based shotgun lipidomics.
7 uantification of lipids is a primary goal in lipidomics.
8 with serum total and LDL cholesterol, and AT lipidomics.
9 t often used for untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics.
10 hogenesis of diseases but are challenging in lipidomics.
11 tleneck in high-throughput bottom-up shotgun lipidomics.
12 quencing, targeted metabolomics, and shotgun lipidomics.
13 on; this presents an analytical challenge in lipidomics.
14    In direct infusion/injection (or shotgun) lipidomics, accurate downstream identification and quant
15              To examine the possibility that lipidomic actions of PLIN2 deletion contribute to suppre
16                             Metabolomics and lipidomics aim to profile the wide range of metabolites
17              Current mass spectrometry-based lipidomics aims to comprehensively cover wide ranges of
18                      Mass-spectrometry-based lipidomics aims to identify as many lipid species as pos
19                                              Lipidomics aims to quantitatively define lipid classes,
20                             Although shotgun lipidomics allows for high-throughput analysis, low-abun
21 f native lipids and their modifications make lipidomic analyses challenging.
22                                          Our lipidomic analyses identified 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetrano
23                                              Lipidomic analyses indicate that TAG lipolysis releases
24                                  Comparative lipidomic analyses of 19 euryarchaeal and crenarchaeal s
25                                              Lipidomic analyses of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana)
26 nce, quantitative RT-PCR, enzyme assays, and lipidomic analyses of endocannabinoid content to uncover
27                             Through detailed lipidomic analyses of liver metabolites in DIOs, we demo
28                                              Lipidomic analyses of released NEFAs from lipoproteins d
29 nd (13) C-acetate labeling and comprehensive lipidomic analyses of these mutants showed a selective d
30                                              Lipidomic analyses reveal that endoplasmic reticulum mem
31                                  Comparative lipidomic analyses revealed qualitative and quantitative
32 ys using immunohistochemistry, proteomic and lipidomic analyses show a massive accumulation of hemogl
33                                              Lipidomic analyses showed that 8% of the phospholipid mo
34   Transcriptomic and LC-MS/MS-based targeted lipidomic analyses were conducted to identify the effect
35                           Transcriptomes and lipidomics analyses indicate that Notch activation suppr
36                                 Accordingly, lipidomics analyses show increased PE levels in yeast su
37                                  Hormone and lipidomics analyses showed higher levels of JA, JA-isole
38                 Fatty acid incorporation and lipidomics analyses showed that LPIN1 knockdown blocks p
39 , and fatty acids were determined by using a lipidomic analysis and gas chromatography-mass spectrome
40                               Interestingly, lipidomic analysis indicates that both PLs and glyceroli
41                                        Liver lipidomic analysis of 3-week-old IR-exposed males reveal
42                      We performed a targeted lipidomic analysis of a variety of phospholipids, sphing
43                                              Lipidomic analysis of adipose tissue revealed the existe
44                                              Lipidomic analysis of annexin A2-deficient mouse cells i
45                                              Lipidomic analysis of AT identified a structurally uniqu
46 proach for high-throughput and comprehensive lipidomic analysis of biological samples using ultrahigh
47                                              Lipidomic analysis of exposed D. magna supported the hyp
48                                              Lipidomic analysis of knockout mutant lines of these fiv
49 ate UHPSFC/ESI-MS method is suitable for the lipidomic analysis of large sample sets in the clinical
50                                              Lipidomic analysis of Madin-Darby canine kidney cell mem
51 ing these PA sensors and was combined with a lipidomic analysis of PA in intracellular compartments.
52                                              Lipidomic analysis of patients with microbial invasion o
53                          Here we report on a lipidomic analysis of pollen lipids that can serve as a
54                                A comparative lipidomic analysis of the crfad7 mutant and the wild typ
55 d cell parasite stages and the comprehensive lipidomic analysis of this organelle.
56  These findings validate a new organism-wide lipidomic analysis platform for drug-resistant mycobacte
57                                              Lipidomic analysis revealed differences between plasma l
58                                              Lipidomic analysis revealed that the steatosis was assoc
59                                  An unbiased lipidomic analysis reveals significant differences in en
60                                              Lipidomic analysis showed that this compound was in fact
61                                              Lipidomic analysis shows a marked increase of diacylglyc
62                               We conducted a lipidomic analysis to identify serum lipids associated w
63                                              Lipidomic analysis was performed in the same samples by
64 id species (310) were measured by a targeted lipidomic analysis with liquid chromatography electrospr
65  approaches, as well as in vitro and in vivo lipidomic analysis, and determined that fully saturated
66                               Using a global lipidomic analysis, we found that 12,13-diHOME was incre
67   Here we highlight a variety of methods for lipidomics analysis at the tissue, cellular and subcellu
68                                  Comparative lipidomics analysis identified more than 1,000 molecular
69                                 Using global lipidomics analysis in experimental traumatic brain inju
70 ss spectrometry (MS) have made comprehensive lipidomics analysis of complex tissues relatively common
71                                 A systematic lipidomics analysis of LPO in the interaction of Arabido
72                                              Lipidomics analysis of lungs from post-natal day 7, day
73 s a primary hallmark of NPC1 deficiency, our lipidomics analysis revealed the buildup of several spec
74 otein level, mass spectrometry-based shotgun lipidomics analysis showed significant differences in th
75 of the lipid concentration levels in shotgun lipidomics analysis was tracked over a period of 3.5 yea
76  extraction is usually the first step toward lipidomics analysis.
77  Serum and synovial fluid were collected for lipidomic and adipokine analyses.
78                         We combined detailed lipidomic and biochemical analyses to characterize the f
79                                 We performed lipidomic and functional analyses of MFSD2A in mucosal b
80                                              Lipidomic and gene array analyses revealed that caveolin
81                   In this study, we employed lipidomic and metabolomic approaches to identify the pla
82 synthetic functionality with transcriptomic, lipidomic and metabolomic approaches.
83      In this study, we followed the genomic, lipidomic and metabolomic changes associated with the se
84 st tumors exhibit features on the proteomic, lipidomic and metabolomic level that are distinct from n
85 atty acid (PUFA) to the corresponding diols, lipidomic and metabolomic targets of EPHX2 were assessed
86  support the involvement of EPHX2-associated lipidomic and oxylipin dysregulations in AN, and reveal
87 ography/mass spectrometry-based profiling of lipidomic and primary metabolism changes in the liver an
88                                      In situ lipidomic and proteomic analyses on brain tissue section
89                                              Lipidomic and proteomic analysis of exosomes from mouse
90                              Taken together, lipidomic and proteomic data thus show that a large part
91                                              Lipidomic and proteomic profiles implicated these 3 very
92                                              Lipidomic and transcriptomic measurements and analyses r
93 o investigate this relationship, we utilized lipidomic and transcriptomic methods to evaluate the eff
94                                   Using both lipidomics and a sterol response element reporter assay,
95                      HDLs were isolated, and lipidomics and differential proteomics tests were perfor
96                      Mass spectrometry-based lipidomics and enzymatic assays demonstrate the targetin
97           We applied mass spectrometry-based lipidomics and gene and protein expression measurements
98 ights the hypothesis generating potential of lipidomics and identifies novel region-specific lipid an
99 nalytical approach will be extended to other lipidomics and metabolomics applications.
100 ratio in direct-MS analyses (e.g., "shotgun" lipidomics and MS imaging).
101                     Using mass spectroscopic lipidomics and subcellular fractionation, we demonstrate
102                                   A combined lipidomics and transcriptomics analysis was performed on
103                  proresolving lipid mediator lipidomics and/or protein expression, and identifying as
104 ions, multiomic studies combining proteomic, lipidomic, and metabolomic analyses are vastly increasin
105                 High-throughput metabolomic, lipidomic, and proteomic analyses were performed, as wel
106 hensively assessed differences in metabolic, lipidomic, and transcriptomic profiles between paired hu
107                      Longitudinal proteomic, lipidomics, and metabolomic analyses revealed that hepat
108             The combination of metabolomics, lipidomics, and phosphoproteomics that incorporates trip
109 S) has been used to support metabolomics and lipidomics applications to facilitate the separation and
110                          In addition to such lipidomics applications, the exchange method should have
111 m (Waters) specifically for metabolomics and lipidomics applications; extracting polar metabolites an
112                      This robust, systematic lipidomic approach constitutes a rich, new source of bio
113                                            A lipidomic approach showed the lack of enhancement of ste
114                      Herein, we describe our lipidomic approach to detecting preclinical Alzheimer's
115      Here, we used a mass spectrometry-based lipidomic approach to evaluate the impact of a chronic u
116                   Here we adapted a targeted lipidomic approach using mass spectrometry and have dete
117                       Therefore, an unbiased lipidomic approach was used to profile the arachidonic a
118 quid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry lipidomic approach.
119                         The assessed shotgun lipidomics approach showed to be remarkably robust and r
120                Herein, we describe a shotgun lipidomics approach that exploits charge-switch derivati
121                Herein, we describe a shotgun lipidomics approach that utilizes a single-phase methyl
122                          Using a nontargeted lipidomics approach, we demonstrate that plants lacking
123                                      Using a lipidomics approach, we demonstrated that eicosanoid pro
124     Using a targeted mass spectrometry-based lipidomics approach, we found that in db/db mice, PGE2/D
125                             Using a targeted lipidomics approach, we observed that Toll-like receptor
126 lets, then an overview of the new generation lipidomic approaches, their recent application to platel
127  brain lipids using a variety of traditional lipidomic approaches.
128             Two recent studies in Cell apply lipidomics approaches to identify bioactive lipid mediat
129 mistry) and high throughput metabolomics and lipidomics approaches using mass spectrometry.
130 mers, particularly in an approach of shotgun lipidomics, are still missing.
131                       Here, we used targeted lipidomics-based approaches to profile the time course o
132      All samples were differentiated using a lipidomics-based data workup employing multivariate data
133 s and developed a sensitive, facile, shotgun lipidomics-based method for quantification of these comp
134  available yet in some other "omics" fields, lipidomics being one of them.
135 ncil Human Nutrition Research, and Cambridge Lipidomics Biomarker Research Initiative.
136 presents a tremendous improvement for tissue lipidomics by integrating genetics, fluorescence microsc
137      Time-course data of transcriptomics and lipidomics can be queried or downloaded from http://www.
138        To exploit the specificity of LCM for lipidomics, catapulted tissue patches were directly coll
139 cted a mass spectrometry-based survey of the lipidomic changes associated with symbiosis in the sea a
140 modelling, which is associated with specific lipidomic changes in mouse and human HDL.
141 strate that hypercholesterolemia induces HDL lipidomic changes, losing phosphatidylcholine-lipid spec
142  Although the hippocampus presented relevant lipidomic changes, the amygdala and, to a greater extent
143                                      We used lipidomics combined with genetic and biochemical assays
144                                          The lipidomics community is in need of benchmark reference v
145 gest that patch clamp-assisted single neuron lipidomics could be broadly applied to investigate neuro
146                             This nontargeted lipidomics CTS approach was applied in both positive- an
147                               We used plasma lipidomic data (1202 pedigreed individuals, 319 lipid sp
148                              We investigated lipidomic data acquisitions across nine different MS ins
149 e, and concentration features generated with lipidomic data showed high recognition capability with m
150 ddition, associations with the metabolic and lipidomic data with aspartate amino transaminase (AST),
151 n integrative analysis of transcriptomic and lipidomic data, revealing large-scale coordination betwe
152                                              Lipidomics data also show an overall reduction in lipid
153                          We demonstrate that lipidomics data generated in samples from three differen
154 ocessing and visualization of LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics data.
155 of nine different multivariate metabolic and lipidomics datasets with classical toxicological paramet
156                                        GC-MS lipidomics demonstrate that this reduction correlated wi
157                 Comparative metabolomics and lipidomics demonstrated that acetate is used as a nutrit
158                                     We found lipidomics (Direct Infusion-Mass Spectrometry) data the
159                                              Lipidomic discovery and multivariate analysis (MVA) were
160                                              Lipidomics enables the assessment of hundreds of lipid s
161                                           In lipidomics epidemiological studies should avoid mixed-ge
162 g transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, lipidomics, epigenetic modifications, and the microbiome
163  assignment of identifications in untargeted lipidomics experiments.
164 hromatography (LC)-MS-based metabolomics and lipidomics experiments.
165                                      Shotgun lipidomics exploits the unique chemical and physical pro
166        We established that gender is a major lipidomic factor, whose impact is strongly enhanced by h
167  of (1) traditional risk factors only or (2) lipidomic features and traditional risk factors.
168                                 Inclusion of lipidomic features in multivariate analyses significantl
169 assessed the ability of models incorporating lipidomic features to improve stratification of patient
170                                    Combining lipidomic features with traditional risk factors signifi
171 e in 2003 and the ensuing development of the lipidomics field have revealed that lipid metabolites ar
172 ing platforms continue to spur growth in the lipidomics field, more structurally unique lipid species
173 rometry (TWIM-MS) is of high interest to the lipidomics field.
174 ted roles of mitochondrial bioenergetics and lipidomic flux in modulating mPTP opening promoting the
175  synthase results in accelerated cardiolipin lipidomic flux that impacts multiple aspects of mitochon
176 his review, we will discuss the potential of lipidomics for cardiovascular research.
177 idimensional mass-spectrometry-based shotgun lipidomics for global analysis of fatty acids including
178                                 The field of lipidomics has been significantly advanced by mass spect
179                                              Lipidomics has emerged as a powerful technique for large
180                                              Lipidomics has experienced rapid progress, mainly becaus
181 ophospholipid (LPL) species based on shotgun lipidomics has not been established.
182 mass spectrometry analysis of lipids (termed lipidomics) has begun to alter our understanding of how
183                           Recent advances in lipidomics have led to identification of plentiful lipid
184               We conclude that comprehensive lipidomics images generated by MALDI-MSI report accurate
185  supports both targeted and untargeted LC-MS lipidomics, implementing data acquisition, user-friendly
186 ples of the power of mass spectrometry-based lipidomics in addressing cell biological questions.
187 her, by exploiting the principles of shotgun lipidomics in combination with a novel strategy of sampl
188 -MS/MS offers new possibilities for targeted lipidomics in lipoproteins as well as for oxidative stre
189 hiatry, neurology, and neuro-oncology and of lipidomics in neurology will be reviewed.
190 nges in DNA methylation, gene expression and lipidomics in response to DR and aging in female mouse l
191                      Using LC-UV-MS-MS-based lipidomics in tandem with functional screening at the si
192     The results demonstrated that untargeted lipidomics, in conjunction with chemometric tools has a
193 us mean concentrations derived from the NIST Lipidomics Interlaboratory Comparison Exercise.
194 nt an inflation-fixation method that enables lipidomic investigations of whole lung samples and resec
195                                              Lipidomics is a novel and emerging research field that m
196                                        Thus, lipidomics is an efficient discovery tool that informs g
197                                              Lipidomics is an emerging field in biomedical research t
198                                       Modern lipidomics is largely dependent upon structural ontologi
199                                              Lipidomics is the comprehensive analysis of molecular li
200  most significant challenges in contemporary lipidomics lies in the separation and identification of
201  a seasoned community of wet lab scientists, lipidomics lies significantly behind proteomics in the a
202                                              Lipidomic mass spectrometry, in vitro coculture and cond
203  the isotopic distribution in the context of lipidomics, metabolomics, glycoscience, or even space ex
204                                      Using a lipidomic method, we show that thrombin, collagen, or io
205 peripheral organs as determined via targeted lipidomics methods.
206                                              Lipidomics of human blood plasma is an emerging biomarke
207                                              Lipidomics of Pxmp2(-/-)mammary fat pad showed a decreas
208 ts can be used for comprehensive, untargeted lipidomics of the most abundant lipid species in whole b
209                                      Because lipidomics offers a biologically and analytically attrac
210                                              Lipidomics on platelet membrane extracts showed that pso
211 ids that accumulate in obesity, we performed lipidomics on quadriceps muscles from obese mice with im
212 trometry, either by direct infusion (shotgun lipidomics) or coupled with liquid chromatography.
213 ads to highly comprehensive and quantitative lipidomic outputs through rapid profiling analyses, such
214                                       Marked lipidomic perturbations occurred within 24 h post-irradi
215  lipids were performed using the established lipidomics platform based on ultra-performance liquid ch
216 s rationale, this study presents a validated lipidomics platform to map the fecal lipidome, which int
217 ation and the application of high-throughput lipidomics platforms.
218            Moreover, Lipostar integrates the lipidomic processes with a full metabolite identificatio
219                                              Lipidomic profile comparisons of LNM versus the primary
220 trometry to characterize the metabolomic and lipidomic profile of 39 human EC and 17 healthy endometr
221                                          The lipidomic profile of CSLCs revealed increased levels of
222 levels of M1/M2 polarization markers and the lipidomic profile of eicosanoids were analyzed.
223 ss spectrometry images utilizing the average lipidomic profile of esophageal adenocarcinoma.
224 try imaging (DESI-MSI) to provide an in situ lipidomic profile of genetically modified tissues from a
225  terms of agronomic performance and also the lipidomic profile of seed oil.
226 s are characterized by a distinct cord blood lipidomic profile that includes reduced major choline-co
227 roorganisms is associated with a stereotypic lipidomic profile, and that analysis of AF may help in t
228                     Resveratrol modifies the lipidomic profile, increases oxidative capacities and de
229                      In Bayesian models, the lipidomic profiles (over 1,700 lipids) accounted for >60
230                          While comprehensive lipidomic profiles have been generated for D. melanogast
231 ariate analysis illustrates normalization of lipidomic profiles in recovered ANs.
232 crease in plasma NEFA, but shifts the plasma lipidomic profiles in ways that reflect the biochemical
233                 The MSIs revealed consistent lipidomic profiles of individual tissue types found with
234 pectrometry enabled rapid capture of precise lipidomic profiles, providing 319 unique species.
235                                       Plasma lipidomic profiling (n = 126, >95% Caucasian, 48-65 year
236                                            A lipidomic profiling approach led to the identification o
237                     We applied proteomic and lipidomic profiling approaches to Pten-null NASH liver a
238 A expression, (1)H NMR-based metabolomic and lipidomic profiling at 1/10 LC50 revealed distinct patte
239 ion, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry lipidomic profiling of 141 lipid species was performed o
240 d screening, but comprehensive acyl-specific lipidomic profiling of dried blood spots has yet to be e
241 e activation of MYC, used here as a tool for lipidomic profiling of MYC-dependent lung tumors formed
242                                              Lipidomic profiling of skeletal muscle from HFD-fed mice
243                                  In summary, lipidomic profiling of the effect of chronic stress allo
244 these observations, we applied comprehensive lipidomic profiling to specimens collected from healthy
245  chain FA uptake, shifts in FA distribution (lipidomic profiling), and metabolic turnover, specifical
246 ds for use in laboratories for comprehensive lipidomic profiling.
247  a yield and purity permitting proteomic and lipidomic profiling.
248   This study applied mass spectrometry-based lipidomics profiling to population-based cohorts and ide
249                                              Lipidomic, proteomic, and cell biologic approaches uncov
250                       Here, we have combined lipidomic, proteomic, and transcriptomic studies of avoc
251                               Using combined lipidomics, proteomics and bioinformatics, we isolated a
252                                 Contemporary lipidomics protocols are dependent on conventional tande
253  means: (1) the comparison with conventional lipidomic quantitation using SRM scans on a triple quadr
254                                              Lipidomic regulation of mitochondrial cardiolipin conten
255                                      Shotgun lipidomics relies on the direct infusion of total lipid
256 velopment and observe dramatic developmental lipidomic remodeling during the first 60 postnatal days,
257  main limitations for LC-MS-based untargeted lipidomics reside in the lack of adequate computational
258            Within a gender-restricted cohort lipidomics revealed a compositional signature that indic
259                                     Targeted lipidomics revealed that LEI105 concentration-dependentl
260 ion with a dedicated high-resolution shotgun lipidomics routine enables both quantification and in-de
261 alysis of porcine brain extract as a complex lipidomic sample, where 24 lipid classes containing 436
262                                 An extensive lipidomic screen of choline derivatives showed that tota
263  Through an unbiased mass spectrometry-based lipidomic screening, we quantified hundreds of lipid spe
264 t ideal for high-throughput metabolomics and lipidomics screening-e.g., for clinical phenotyping, dru
265                                      Shotgun lipidomics showed that MUFAs were significantly reduced
266 nt study a combination of RNA-sequencing and lipidomic strategies.
267                Using untargeted and targeted lipidomics strategies, we identify two long-chain satura
268                                  A "shotgun" lipidomics strategy consisting of sequential functional
269         A novel mass spectrometry (MS)-based lipidomics strategy that exposes glycerophospholipids to
270 C-MS based fatty acid profiling with shotgun lipidomics strategy.
271                              Metabolomic and lipidomic studies measure and discover metabolic and lip
272  samples is an essential requirement for the lipidomic studies.
273 ent with the oxygenation pattern observed in lipidomics studies.
274               This integrative proteomic and lipidomic study from mouse to human and from liver to bl
275 ovel aspects of COX pathway metabolism, this lipidomic study revealed a dramatic increase in epoxygen
276                                This unbiased lipidomic survey detected quantitative alterations (>2-f
277                                     Emerging lipidomic technologies have enabled researchers to disse
278                             We show by using lipidomics that thrombin-activated human platelets gener
279 metry-based workflow for enhanced structural lipidomics that, in a single experiment, can yield almos
280  in combination with mass spectrometry-based lipidomics to discover that DDHD2 regulates brain trigly
281                 Here, we used targeted serum lipidomics to identify a new panel of GPCs, and tested w
282                  Although the application of lipidomics to platelet biology is still in its infancy,
283                    We used (13)C tracers and lipidomics to probe fatty acid metabolism, including des
284 onal activation could be maintained, we used lipidomics to quantify AAMvarphi-derived eicosanoids, po
285  in combination with chemical proteomics and lipidomics, to determine the impact of acute DAGL blocka
286                                 By extending lipidomic UPLC-MS/MS approaches to simultaneously quanti
287           Eventually, the potential of fecal lipidomics was exemplified within a clinical context of
288 on remains a bottleneck of modern untargeted lipidomics, we developed LipidHunter, a new open source
289             Here, by employing comprehensive lipidomics, we identify omega-3 (omega-3) fatty acid epo
290 ric data were collected, and biochemical and lipidomics were measured in plasma samples from particip
291 erent lipid classes were profiled by shotgun lipidomics with the use of a triple-quadrupole mass spec
292                          Here, we describe a lipidomics workflow and open-source software package for
293 of the DMS separation in this unique shotgun lipidomics workflow is its ability to separate many isob
294                When integrated into a larger lipidomics workflow, LipidMatch may increase the probabi
295 ctable separation technique within a shotgun lipidomics workflow, with a special focus on phospholipi
296 into traditional LC-MS-based metabolomic and lipidomic workflows.
297 and isomeric lipids that by standard shotgun lipidomics workflows are difficult to assess precisely,
298 to conventional LC-MS-based metabolomics and lipidomics workflows has been shown to enhance peak capa
299 nce values to assess the validity of various lipidomics workflows in providing accurate quantitative
300 ts indicate that adding CCS to databases and lipidomics workflows increases the specificity and selec

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