


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mple ionic complexes with the nucleic acids (lipoplexes).
2 molecules came into close association in the lipoplex.
3  influences the biological properties of the lipoplex.
4  the excess component was separated from the lipoplex.
5 on the type of PEG conjugate employed in the lipoplex.
6 on in the liver of mice injected with EC-SOD lipoplexes.
7 the rate of fusion of anionic liposomes with lipoplexes.
8 of only approximately 2 is determined in SUV lipoplexes.
9 hate was found to be unique in its effect on lipoplexes.
10 es, HXBDeltaBgl or pNL4-3, using transferrin-lipoplexes.
11 om fetal calf serum that are associated with lipoplexes.
12 ng of viral/exosomal RNAs and MBs within the lipoplexes.
13 ead groups and caused the aggregation of the lipoplexes.
14 g normal saline, liposomes alone, or control lipoplexes.
15 drugs reduced the gene silencing activity of Lipoplex, a complex of small interfering RNA (siRNA) and
16 umor-bearing mice via a tail vein, and these lipoplexes accumulated sufficiently in both angiogenic v
17 n and enhanced membrane fluidity in both the lipoplex and cellular membranes.
18 rties of a lipopolyplex formulation with its lipoplex and polyplex equivalents to assess the role of
19 ding and endocytosis of fluorescence-labeled Lipoplex and the amount of siRNA at its site of action R
20  RNA that has no mRNA targets, from its PCat lipoplex and/or endosomes/lysosomes.
21 and depends on the lipid composition of both lipoplexes and anionic liposomes.
22 opolyplexes combined the optimal features of lipoplexes and polyplexes showing optimal cell uptake, e
23 ith previous finding for the role of DOPE in lipoplexes and support the hypothesis regarding the func
24  importance of the lipid composition of both lipoplexes and target membranes and suggests optimal tra
25  dynamic interactions between polyanions and Lipoplex, and the use of QP modeling to delineate the co
26 m a foundation for the future use of topical lipoplex applications to alter hair follicle phenotype a
27                               Although siRNA lipoplexes are easily formulated, several of the most ef
28 the protein corona that occur as DOTAP-based lipoplexes are formulated with different amounts of chol
29 i) differences in the extents to which these lipoplexes are internalized by cells and (ii) changes in
30                          Thus, C18:1/C10-EPC lipoplexes are likely to easily fuse with membranes, and
31       Several studies have demonstrated that lipoplexes are two-phase systems over most mixing lipid/
32                            We have developed lipoplexes as a versatile nanoparticle carrier system fo
33 sed the same pegylated cationic (PCat)-siRNA lipoplexes as in the intraperitoneal study to treat mice
34               Initial results indicated that lipoplexes, but not polyplexes based on polyethylenimine
35 vironment (i.e., prior to internalization of lipoplexes by cells).
36                          Characterization of lipoplexes by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and
37 e glycol (PEG) to prepare APRPG-PEG-modified lipoplexes carrying miR-499 (APRPG-miR-499).
38              Among the nonviral vectors, the lipoplexes (complexes of cationic liposome/pDNA) are the
39 xidized BFDMA with ascorbic acid resulted in lipoplexes composed of reduced BFDMA, as characterized b
40 al transfection may be obtained by tailoring lipoplex composition to the lipid composition of target
41       Cationic lipid-nucleic acid complexes (lipoplexes) consisting of dioleoyltrimethylammoniumpropa
42       X-ray diffraction studies suggest that lipoplexes containing analogue 4 display increased stabi
43 8h after treatment with anti-SP-C-conjugated lipoplexes containing the test microRNA miR-486, express
44 nce of cells by addition of ascorbic acid to lipoplex-containing media in which cells are growing.
45 plex (PCL) platform consisting of a cationic lipoplex core and a biocompatible, pH-responsive polymer
46 ignificant mRNA transfection was achieved by lipoplex delivery in quiescent (passage 0) human umbilic
47 ity to develop a deeper understanding of DNA lipoplex delivery through the cell.
48                          Second, both caused Lipoplex destabilization to release double- and single-s
49                                  Products of Lipoplex destabilization were separated, identified, and
50 t differences in the nanostructures of these lipoplexes (determined by cryo-TEM) and their zeta poten
51  cell surface binding and internalization of Lipoplex, diminished the siRNA concentration in RISC, an
52 ing free energy was determined by monitoring lipoplex dissociation under conditions of increasing sal
53 se findings indicate that ATII cell-targeted lipoplexes exhibit all the desired characteristics of an
54  lead analogue DS(14-yne)TAP (4):cholesterol lipoplexes exhibits double the transfection level with l
55                            Lipoplex/virus or lipoplex/exosome fusion leads to the mixing of viral/exo
56      The exception was DOTAP:DOPE-containing lipoplex for which the enthalpy of formation was exother
57                                   The use of lipoplexes for the intracellular delivery of nucleic aci
58 ifferences of the liposomes used, a model of lipoplex formation is proposed.
59                                          DNA lipoplexes formed from DNA with a range of 21 bp to 5.5
60 nanostructures, properties, and behaviors of lipoplexes formed using BFDMA and macromolecular plasmid
61 quence-specific gene silencing in cells, but lipoplexes formed using oxidized BFDMA do not.
62 cal properties and control the activities of lipoplexes formed using siRNA-based constructs.
63   The level of cell transfection mediated by lipoplexes formed using the ferrocenyl lipid bis(11-ferr
64 is possible to chemically transform inactive lipoplexes (formed using oxidized BFMDA) to "active" lip
65         Specifically, the accessible pDNA in lipoplexes formulated with cytofectins containing a gamm
66 or selecting possible "helper" lipids in the lipoplex formulations, and in searches for correlations
67 ee siRNA or siRNA-loaded non-acid-degradable lipoplex formulations, respectively.
68 ivo delivery of naked plasmid DNA (pDNA) and lipoplex formulations.
69 ce the biological activity of naked pDNA and lipoplex formulations.
70 elease of transfection-competent siRNA-DOTAP lipoplexes from the LPNs.
71 n contrast, the separated negatively charged lipoplexes had a prominent internal 5.9 +/- 0.1-nm perio
72                        In the present study, lipoplexes having the identical lipid composition were f
73 on and dispersion of nanoparticles and siRNA-lipoplexes in 3-dimensional tumor histocultures, and pro
74 nt, composition, and structure of individual lipoplexes in a population evolve over time, starting at
75 usogenicity and membrane permeation of their lipoplexes in endosomes via the formation of inverted he
76                     The main hurdle to using lipoplexes in gene therapy lies in their immunostimulato
77 roparticle-based transfection of plasmid DNA lipoplexes in several primary human cell types.
78  carcinoma cells were transfected with these lipoplexes in vitro.
79 er the nanostructures and behaviors of siRNA lipoplexes in ways not possible using conventional lipid
80 lasmid accumulation in tumors as compared to lipoplexes in which the ligand was excluded from the dom
81                                              Lipoplexes induced no weight loss, hypoxemia, lung dysfu
82 he kinds of lipid phases that may arise when lipoplexes interact with cellular lipids during DNA tran
83                             DNA release from lipoplexes is an essential step during lipofection and i
84 t and relatively safe DNA transfection using lipoplexes makes them an appealing alternative to be exp
85 and co-lipid combinations currently used for lipoplex-mediated gene delivery reflects the fact that t
86 ent a novel assay by which tethered cationic lipoplex nanoparticles containing molecular beacons (MBs
87                                     Cationic lipoplex nanoparticles linked onto the surface of a thin
88         We measured the stoichiometry of the lipoplex, noted its colloidal properties, and observed i
89                                              Lipoplexes of oxidized BFDMA can be activated in situ to
90                                 Treatment of lipoplexes of oxidized BFDMA with ascorbic acid resulted
91 es and aspects of redox control observed for lipoplexes of plasmid DNA are maintained in complexes fo
92                                Specifically, lipoplexes of siRNA and reduced BFDMA lead to high level
93                                              Lipoplexes of the optimal formulation were relatively mo
94                                    Lipid/DNA lipoplexes, on the other hand, produced aggregated masse
95 re efficient transfection agents than binary lipoplex or polyplex formulations.
96 d cytosolic release of siRNAs, formulated in lipoplexes or lipid nanoparticles, by live-cell imaging
97 r chemical structure and virtually identical lipoplex organization.
98             An acid-degradable polymer-caged lipoplex (PCL) platform consisting of a cationic lipople
99 ct of ligand microenvironment by utilizing a lipoplex possessing a cholesterol domain.
100                                              Lipoplexes prepared at a threefold or greater excess of
101 r by characterizing the assembly of cationic lipoplexes prepared from 1-[2-(oleoyloxy)ethyl]-2-oleyl-
102 ds to the nucleic acid effectively and whose lipoplexes promote long-lasting inhibition, have high bi
103          First, these agents altered several Lipoplex properties (i.e., reduced particle size, change
104    This may be due to the greater ability of lipoplexes relative to polyplexes to promote endosomal e
105                  It is likely that these two lipoplexes represent structures with different lipid and
106 ximately 4.5 and 9 are found in LUV and sMLV lipoplexes, respectively, a final (+/-) ratio of only ap
107 e shown that gene silencing assays employing lipoplexes result in a high rate of false negatives (~90
108                       The negatively charged lipoplex showed increased transfection activity compared
109 d were examined to determine their effect on lipoplex structure and biological activity.
110    While many studies have demonstrated that lipoplex structure and function can be dramatically comp
111 ns, and in searches for correlations between lipoplex structure and transfection activity.
112                              The macroscopic lipoplex structure was assessed using a dye-binding assa
113 y and measurements of the zeta potentials of lipoplexes suggested that these large differences in cel
114 ranasally-administered, anti-SP-C-conjugated lipoplexes targeted mouse ATII cells with >70% specifici
115 lar vesicles (sMLV), as opposed to SUV, form lipoplexes that exist as a single phase over a relativel
116                                              Lipoplexes that included the ligand within the cholester
117 es (formed using oxidized BFMDA) to "active" lipoplexes that mediate high levels of transfection by t
118 vis spectrophotometry, and lead to activated lipoplexes that mediated high levels of transgene expres
119                                           In lipoplexes, the lipid membranes as observed in freeze-fr
120 esign parameters for effective permeation of lipoplexes through the skin layers and deposition at the
121 exceptional pH-sensitivity and triggered its lipoplex to permeate model biomembranes within the time
122                The ability of the formulated lipoplexes to internalize into melanoma cells, knockdown
123 cal administration of liposome-DNA mixtures (lipoplex) to mouse skin and to human skin xenografts res
124                 A comprehensive model of DNA lipoplex trafficking through live cells has yet to be de
125 that there was less cell death in the EC-SOD lipoplex-treated group.
126 erum superoxide dismutase activity in EC-SOD lipoplex-treated mice was higher than in the control gro
127 elivery and transfection efficiency of siRNA-lipoplexes under the locoregional setting in vivo (i.e.,
128 M) revealed changes in the nanostructures of lipoplexes upon the addition of ascorbic acid, from aggr
129 act spontaneously with nucleic acids to form lipoplexes used for gene delivery.
130                                              Lipoplex/virus or lipoplex/exosome fusion leads to the m
131 contrast, transfection activity of different lipoplexes was cell type and vehicle dependent and did n
132 ion of 53.7 nM, and the performance of these lipoplexes was not impeded by serum.
133 cial lipid-based transfection reagent (siRNA lipoplex) was less functional following microneedle coat
134 the vehicle and cytofectin components of the lipoplex were uncovered, they did not extrapolate to tre
135          Relevant physical properties of the lipoplexes were also examined; specifically, membrane fu
136 nary localization and ATII cell specificity, lipoplexes were conjugated to an antibody directed again
137                                              Lipoplexes were formed by mixing cholesterol-grafted miR
138                                              Lipoplexes were formulated in three different vehicles c
139                                              Lipoplexes were formulated using two injection vehicles
140 e receiving portal vein injections of EC-SOD lipoplexes were much lower than in those receiving norma
141              The colloidal properties of the lipoplexes were principally determined by the cationic l
142 ysical properties and biological activity of lipoplexes were systematically examined.
143  when cationic lipid-nucleic acid complexes (lipoplexes) were formulated at a nitrogen:phosphorothioa
144 nt, which dictate the structure of resulting lipoplex (whether lamellar complex or DNA-coated vesicle
145 re consistent with structural changes in the lipoplex, which correlated with alterations in the formu
146 riably associated with administration of the lipoplexes, which must be avoided in the clinical applic
147 amphiphilic nature of reduced BFDMA leads to lipoplexes with physical properties resembling those for
148 a small library of liposome-siRNA complexes (lipoplexes) with different physicochemical properties.

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