


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed fungal biomass-specific respiration (leaf litter).
2 ensity of woody debris, but decrease that of litter.
3  in adjacent soils that receive recalcitrant litter.
4  concentrations in live leaves, wood or leaf litter.
5  silver accumulation in the decomposing leaf litter.
6 h despite receiving similar amounts of Pinus litter.
7 l to characterize DOM extracted from poultry litter.
8 dex (LAI) and underestimated cumulative leaf litter.
9 c and structural components within the plant litter.
10 onal differences were larger in soil than in litter.
11  its influence on the rate of N release from litter.
12 but not to the chemical compositions of leaf litter.
13  on large-scale trait variation for riparian litter.
14 hanced subsequent biotic degradation of leaf litter.
15 t C stocks, particularly in moss, shrubs and litter.
16 hrough the effect of fire on plants and leaf litter.
17 poultry feed as roxarsone ends up in poultry litter.
18 - and macro-fauna that break down plant leaf litter.
19 delay to first litter and decreased pups per litter.
20  placed inside deadwood, tree holes and leaf litter.
21 ight, dam AGD and percentage of males in the litter.
22 re, Gammarus pseudolimnaeus, feeding on leaf litter.
23 s mean litter size to about nine piglets per litter.
24 h normal in utero milieu) and NOS3(+/+) (WT) litters.
25 female pups were recruited in the new males' litters.
26 ted (3.8 vs. 16.4 oocytes/ovary) and smaller litters (4.29 +/- l.02 vs. 8.50 pups/dam).
27 astics had a size of <50 mum in the original litter, 90 percent of the microplastics in the casts was
28 ng plastic, yet a prominent share of plastic litter accumulates on the seafloor.
29 he responses of AM fungi in a long-term leaf litter addition and removal experiment in a tropical for
30 sition was altered by litter removal but not litter addition.
31 ween decomposition and fire, for example via litter amounts, litter decomposition stage, community-le
32 neous mixture of above and belowground plant litter and animal and microbial residues at various degr
33 type, including a significant delay to first litter and decreased pups per litter.
34                    We also compared how leaf litter and fine root biochemistry responded to long-term
35 ince nutrient resorption can cause traits of litter and green leaves to diverge.
36 eground biomass (AGB), coverage, height, and litter and negatively correlated with air temperature, t
37 3) C- and (15) N-labeled Andropogon gerardii litter and py-OM at both an annually burned and an infre
38 example, the impacts of CO2 fertilization on litter and SOC dynamics can be easily decomposed into th
39 microbial decomposers, we conclude that both litter and soil communities can adapt their C:N:P stoich
40  constrained than C:nutrient ratios for both litter and soil microbial communities, suggesting that s
41       The matrix equation exactly reproduces litter and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics of the sta
42 oil C storage by reducing the decay of plant litter and soil organic matter (SOM).
43  microbial stoichiometry were strong in both litter and soil, without any fundamental difference in p
44                Past tracer studies show that litter and soils dominate the short-term fate of added (
45 at the influence of ectomycorrhizal fungi on litter and SOM decomposition is much more variable than
46 wly mineralize from its main initial fate in litter and surface soil, with some (15) N moving to tree
47      About 10 to 30% of gilts never farrow a litter and the most common reasons for removal are anest
48                            Responses of leaf litter and wood respiration to temperature and the combi
49 over of natural organic carbon, such as leaf litter and woody debris that accumulate in soils and sub
50 gta(-/-) breeders were subfertile with small litters and higher neonatal death (P < 0.02).
51 sioning the female is associated with larger litters and shorter lactation.
52 bination with nitrogen type (URAN or chicken litter) and application method, biochar, or denitrificat
53 clude paddy- and wheat-residue burning, leaf litter, and garbage burning.
54  simulating the littermates' position in the litter, and spontaneous whisker movements efficiently tr
55 ns between the air concentrations and, soil, litter, and tree components indicated the interaction of
56 y, observed as early vaginal opening, larger litters, and early reproductive senescence.
57                           Median fluxes over litter- and snow-covered soils were lower than over bare
58                                  While plant litters are the main source of soil organic matter (SOM)
59                   Reduction of Taxodium leaf litter as a source material to SRFA confirmed the preval
60 K326X) animals were found in the 45 analyzed litters, assessed as early as embryonic day 8.5 (e8.5).
61  results highlight a distinct sensitivity of litter-associated microbial communities in streams to ch
62 to microplastics (Polyethylene, <150 mum) in litter at concentrations of 7, 28, 45, and 60% dry weigh
63 , especially at the lowest dose (i.e., 7% in litter) because that dose had the highest proportion of
64 to how much was respired or in the amount of litter biomass stabilized.
65         Here, we synthesized 1025 records of litter breakdown in streams and rivers to quantify its t
66                                         Leaf litter breakdown rates are expected to increase as water
67                   Temperature sensitivity of litter breakdown varied among twelve plant genera for wh
68                The cKO males sired up to two litters but became infertile due to collapse of spermato
69 ues of Ea were correlated with lower-quality litter, but these correlations were influenced by a sing
70 , but increased the decomposition of AM leaf litter by c. 43%, suggesting that, in control plots, AM
71 ad a much greater litter N content and lower litter C : N in the invaded than the reference community
72 ts in how biotic and abiotic factors control litter C and N dynamics during decomposition.
73 decomposer communities and soil moisture for litter C and N loss at different stages throughout the d
74 microbial and nematode communities regulated litter C and N loss in the early decomposition stages, s
75 ally segregated rooting environments: aerial litter caches, aerial decayed wood, organic root mounds
76 nt involves increased accessibility to plant litter carbohydrates for microbial enzymes.
77             The net effect will be a smaller litter carbon pool due to higher rates of decomposition,
78 namely, soil temperature (19%), pH (17%) and litter carbon:nitrogen (C:N; 17%).
79 M with greater efficiency than 'low-quality' litters characterized by low N concentrations, high C/N
80                                 High-quality litters, characterized by high N concentrations, low C/N
81 o tropics, we determined the abundance of 11 litter chemical constituents that were grouped into waxe
82 ed, litter decomposer activity was driven by litter chemical quality rather than tissue density and s
83 n assay showed that domestication effects on litter chemistry affected the availability of soil N and
84 lts highlight the complex interactions among litter chemistry, soil biota, and minerals in mediating
85  air humidity, we estimated that most of the litter CO2 efflux and decay occurring in the dry season
86  three sites across the Mediterranean Basin, litter CO2 efflux was largely explained by litter moistu
87 g environmental problems for the P. oceanica litter community.
88                           Only the metabolic litter component was found in the sand, silt, or clay fr
89 rescence (EEM-PARAFAC) indicated the chicken litter contained a biologically reactive fluorescent DOM
90 ntains predominately roxarsone, whereas aged litter contains predominately inorganic arsenic.
91                                        Fresh litter contains predominately roxarsone, whereas aged li
92 y the finding that higher labile C in bamboo litter contributed the higher ratios of labile C to SOC
93 of P leaching losses, we estimated that leaf litter could contribute 80% of winter total dissolved ph
94 to track nitrogen through both the frass and litter cycling pathways.
95 s decomposition; the earliest stages of leaf litter decay are associated with a net import of N from
96 wever, the impact of forest fragmentation on litter decay is poorly understood.
97 trum' (PES) links biochemistry traits to the litter decomposability of different fine organs.
98 We found that among the parameters measured, litter decomposer activity was driven by litter chemical
99 nity structure of fungal and bacterial plant litter decomposers as central players in stream ecosyste
100                 Our results suggest that the litter-decomposing machinery at our coniferous forest si
101 le ecosystem consequences through impacts on litter decomposition and further biogeochemical processe
102 he consequences of kin interactions for root litter decomposition and negative feedback between plant
103 ystem functioning by enhancing productivity, litter decomposition and resistance to natural enemies.
104                                              Litter decomposition and SOM formation are expected to h
105 CO2 ) uptake, which depends largely on plant litter decomposition and the subsequent release of CO2 b
106                       Further results from a litter decomposition assay showed that domestication eff
107 il heterotrophs during the initial stages of litter decomposition despite a higher elemental N conten
108                                        Plant litter decomposition is an important first step for carb
109                                  Aboveground litter decomposition is one of the main processes that f
110 ase pathways for dead plant material: slower litter decomposition leads to fuel accumulation.
111                     However, N recycling via litter decomposition provides most of the nutrition for
112                    Our results indicate that litter decomposition rate per se is not a pathway by whi
113 ed into leaves, wood, and roots; and initial litter decomposition rates.
114 on and fire, for example via litter amounts, litter decomposition stage, community-level biotic inter
115 ow based on the results of a colocated woody litter decomposition study.
116  O and A soil layers when N was derived from litter decomposition than from mineral N additions (60%
117 s expressed slightly more (15) N tracer from litter decomposition than from simulated mineral NDEP (7
118 al degradation, but they only partly explain litter decomposition under dry conditions, suggesting th
119 ng the effects of two plant trait spectra on litter decomposition vs fire, provides a promising new r
120  of microbial endpoints, as well as rates of litter decomposition, were strongly affected.
121 limate, litter quality and decomposers drive litter decomposition.
122 uld increase nutrient cycling through faster litter decomposition.
123 ed by precipitation as the main mechanism of litter decomposition.
124                         The stoichiometry of litter-derived C vs. N within individual SOM fractions r
125                                      Poultry litter-derived DOM generated lower concentrations of rea
126                 Solutions containing poultry litter-derived DOM generated similar levels of (3)DOM* a
127 f cultural medium and pine (Pinus palustris) litter-derived TA-DOMs (50 degrees C, 250 degrees C, and
128            Surface-applied roxarsone-amended litter does not influence deep aquifer arsenic concentra
129 ly different in solutions containing poultry litter DOM compared to solutions with SRN, indicating th
130 RAFAC model may be suitable to study poultry litter DOM from individual sources.
131  dwellings, those in rural areas, those with litter, drainage faults and pets or other animals outdoo
132                    Photodegradation of plant litter, driven by UV radiation, and especially visible (
133 (FBOM E = 0.43 [95% CI = 0.18-0.69] eV, leaf litter E = 0.30 [95% CI = 0.072-0.54] eV, wood E = 0.41
134 s short generation time, comparatively large litters, ease of husbandry, and visible phenotypic varia
135 they also highlight the importance of taking litter effects into account.
136  subsets of 3 male and 3 female fetuses from litters exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone had lower lean mass and
137 lved organic matter (DOM) from three poultry litter extracts was modeled to identify contributions fr
138 0 nm), and oxidized (UV-H2O2, ozone) poultry litter extracts.
139 nt to between 10 and 29% of the P in monthly litter fall in nearby forests.
140 alogue Cretaceous understorey fuels (conifer litter, ferns, weedy and shrubby angiosperms) and used t
141 oupled from predominantly SSS-driven surface litter flammability across species; this finding needs e
142  that arthropods and vertebrates compete for littered food.
143                                      In leaf litter from woody species, specific interactions with UV
144                     No NTDs were observed in litters from dams fed the folate-deficient diet suppleme
145 alence in neonatal mortality was observed in litters from dams lacking the IL-33 receptor, ST2.
146  decomposition, while under other conditions litter fuel will accumulate and fire may dominate carbon
147 analysis to determine whether plant leaf and litter functional traits, and particularly leaf and litt
148 taining key drivers in the breakdown of leaf litter, governing both microbial leaf decomposition and
149 oninvaded soils receiving recalcitrant Pinus litter had a similar abundance of plant biomarkers acros
150 ariability, a trait also known as the within-litter homogeneity of birth weight, reflects the sow's p
151 tation, absorption of dew and water vapor by litter in the field enables microbial degradation at nig
152  the hypothesis that decomposition of bamboo litter increased soil C in labile fractions.
153 istics and alter the quality and quantity of litter input into the soil that regulate SOC stability.
154 s in alkyl/O-alkyl C in soils among the leaf litter input treatments, but no apparent differences in
155 e species will shift the type and quality of litter input, and subsequently magnitude and composition
156 fluence on the chemistry of the above-ground litter input.
157 t step for carbon and nutrient turnover, and litter inputs and losses are essential in determining so
158 bon use efficiency, which was due to smaller litter inputs and reduced nutrient availabilities.
159 findings suggest that changes in forest leaf litter inputs could result in changes in chemical stabil
160 on will be felt for decades to come as woody litter inputs decay, and forest growth remains impeded.
161                             Contrasting leaf litter inputs had significant impacts on the amounts of
162 tion and hence the quantity and chemistry of litter inputs in terrestrial ecosystems.
163 eriment in randomized block design with leaf litter inputs of four native subtropical tree species in
164  in SOC mean residence times were coupled to litter inputs.
165 l microbial communities via changes in plant litter inputs.
166 portionate quantities of chemically distinct litter, invasive plants may potentially influence the fa
167                  Bromination of oak and pine litter is limited primarily by bromide concentration.
168 n by an exotic plant that input recalcitrant litter (Japanese knotweed, Polygonum cuspidatum) would h
169 the soils under an invader that input labile litter (kudzu, Pueraria lobata) would have a greater pro
170 iometry of microbial communities in the leaf litter layer and in the underlying soil.
171                  Direct releases of CO2 from litter layer only accounted for 19% increases in soil C
172 microbial biomass were higher in the organic litter layer than in the underlying mineral soil.
173 ching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from litter layer to the topsoil is the major cause of rain-i
174 ment was due to either (1) a (15) N-enriched litter layer, or mineral (15) N additions to (2) the soi
175 regenerate short-lived Mn(3+) species in the litter layer.
176 s of variance (RM-ANOVA) showed that chicken litter leachate stimulated phytoplankton growth greater
177 observed phytoplankton growth in the chicken litter leachate treatments.
178 stewater treatment facility effluent, turkey litter leachate, and concentrated river DOM did not stim
179 al development, including chicken and turkey litter leachate, wastewater treatment facility effluent,
180 , nonpoint sources, such as soil and poultry litter leachates and street runoff, accounted for the re
181 es, but they were positively correlated with litter-leached DOC concentration rather than total DOC f
182     Our findings reveal an important role of litter-leached DOC input in regulating rain-induced soil
183 ch, reward contagion produced by higher leaf litter levels resulted in greater abundance of beetles i
184                       There was no effect of litter manipulation on the concentration of the AM funga
185 o increasing typhoon frequency, total annual litter mass increased gradually over the 21-year record
186 ism for previously unexplained high rates of litter mass loss in arid lands; however, the global sign
187 f the conditional mutants were compared with litter-matched controls, global BK knockout, and wild-ty
188 overy rapidly decreased over time in surface litter material and accumulated in both shallow and deep
189 ult male and female G/G mice and 'wild-type' litter mates (A/A) were allowed to self-administer heroi
190 APP gene and their respective non-transgenic litter-mates (NTg).
191 cury emissions have resulted in decreases in litter mercury deposition, and stream and lake THg and M
192 eposition has decreased through decreases in litter mercury inputs (17.9 to 10.8 mug/m(2)-yr) apparen
193              Regardless of higher ratios for litter microbial communities, C, N, and P fertilization
194 , litter CO2 efflux was largely explained by litter moisture driving microbial degradation and ultrav
195 lance dependent mortality as well as soil or litter moisture effects on leaf turnover or fire.
196  and mineralization rates had a much greater litter N content and lower litter C : N in the invaded t
197 y trace mineral (15) N additions rather than litter N recycling and may increase total N inputs above
198 functional traits, and particularly leaf and litter nitrogen (N) content and carbon: nitrogen (C : N)
199                      We found that increased litter nitrogen increased tadpole survival, and also inc
200                             If this recycled litter nitrogen is retained in ecosystem pools different
201 ated predictions for differential effects of litter nutrition and secondary polyphenolic compounds on
202  Recent studies have shown that variation in litter nutritional quality can be as important as litter
203                        Transmission within a litter occurred when there was a high ratio of colonized
204   In a 10-year decomposition experiment with litter of four species (Acer saccharum, Drypetes glauca,
205 full-sibling Hungarian Vizsla puppies from a litter of nine presented with a history of progressive a
206 rimary production, often deriving from plant litter of surrounding catchment vegetation.
207 ice that survive birth can breed and produce litters of KO embryos, demonstrating that Myo10 is not a
208 d the fetal genome on placental phenotype in litters of mixed genotype generated through reciprocal c
209  and the number and sex ratios of subsequent litters of pups.
210 he last hatched/born offspring in a brood or litter often show relatively poor subsequent performance
211 ch includes deposition of nutrient-rich leaf litter onto streets connected to storm drains.
212 ne intensities than those fuelled by conifer litter or weedy angiosperms, and whilst fern understorie
213 The 'size and shape spectrum' (SSS) includes litter particle size and shape and their consequent effe
214                       However, the number of litters per female was decreased in females exposed to 4
215                                    Increased litter polyphenolics slowed tadpole development, leading
216 we evaluated the relative importance of leaf litter polyphenols, decomposer communities and soil mois
217                                         Leaf litter processing, a key contributor to ecosystem functi
218 e next generation of seedlings compared with litter produced by sibling groups.
219                                     Climate, litter quality and decomposers drive litter decompositio
220                                       Poorer litter quality and greater phosphorus limitation towards
221                               We found lower litter quality and higher nitrogen:phosphorus ratios in
222 own rates is uncertain, given differences in litter quality and microbial and detritivore community r
223 he first global-scale assessment of riparian litter quality by determining latitudinal variation (spa
224 and legacy effects of initial differences in litter quality played a major role in the late stages of
225 developing a new conceptual model that links litter quality to the soil C saturation concept.
226                         We hypothesized that litter quality would increase with latitude (despite var
227 models assume that the rate is controlled by litter quality, relying on parameters such as lignin con
228 aits on soil nitrogen mineralization through litter quality.
229 root exudation, root architecture, and plant litter quality.
230                                The increased litter quantity and quality of invaders should increase
231 r nutritional quality can be as important as litter quantity in driving these bottom-up effects.
232 lant material into the peatland ecosystem as litter recalcitrance is lower.
233 d organic matter, including woody debris and litter, reduces the reliability of assessing the carbon
234  fungal community composition was altered by litter removal but not litter addition.
235 eductions in organic matter brought about by litter removal may lead to AM fungi obtaining nutrients
236        Overall colonisation was lower in the litter removal treatment, which lacked an organic layer.
237                                        Plant litter represents a major basal resource in streams, whe
238  A detailed chemical imaging analysis of the litter revealed that fungi recruit and redistribute unre
239 ly but with a skewed sex ratio, one male per litter, revealing its sex-biased effect.
240 and microbial community in the plots without litters showed limited response to rains.
241 cycles and fertility were unaffected, and F2 litters showed no effects on pup weight or survival.
242 was no effect of sex, however both breed and litter, significantly affected all personality traits.
243 our duration (P < 0.001), as well as reduced litter size (P < 0.01) vs. 3-month-old mice.
244  (-17%, p < 0.05), whereas placental weight, litter size and crown rump length were unaltered.
245 wed that AGD at birth varied negatively with litter size and parturition number but positively with w
246                Endometrial glycogen content, litter size and weight of offspring at birth were signif
247 lastocysts to recipient females doubles mean litter size to about nine piglets per litter.
248 his is concurrent with a 2-fold reduction of litter size with maternal ageing.
249        Female performance was independent of litter size, indicating that it is probably not controll
250 arly life stressor, we examined birthweight, litter size, maternal cannibalism, and epigenetic modifi
251 in the light of five explanatory hypotheses: litter size, sex allocation, resource limitation, timing
252                            No differences in litter size, survival, or body weight were observed in A
253 d in adult F1 females as reduced ovarian and litter size, whereas F1 males recovered normal GC number
254  be positively related to body condition and litter size, while overall offspring THg was positively
255 xcept that it tended to vary positively with litter size.
256                             Although overall litter sizes and number of fetal loss remained unaltered
257 eeclampsia, fetal/neonatal deaths, and small litter sizes occurred in some Tg-G0 mice and more severe
258 er to track decomposed N in the soil system (litter, soils, microbes, and roots) over 18 months in a
259 e set) model and local (i.e., single poultry litter source) models were greater than 0.99, suggesting
260 e components were comparable for all poultry litter sources tested.
261 orest composition towards more nitrogen-poor litter species should decrease trematode infection in ta
262 e shifts also involve increased abundance of litter species with high polyphenolic levels, which shou
263 ndary compounds (polyphenolics) of nine leaf litter species.
264 oured fungal-mediated decomposition of plant litter - specifically of normally resistant woody tissue
265                                         Leaf litter subsidies are important resources for aquatic con
266                   Mothers that raised larger litters tended to have higher Tb while nursing inside ne
267 r at 28, 45, and 60% of microplastics in the litter than at 7% w/w and in the control (0%).
268  rates of production and produce more labile litter than natives.
269 er asymptotic food intake and weaned lighter litters than those at 21 degrees C.
270     Genetically diverse groups produced root litter that had higher nitrogen (N) content, decomposed
271      We hypothesized that overwintering leaf litter that is not removed by fall street sweeping could
272 bs, but extending care reduced the number of litters that mothers could produce during their lifetime
273 ion from soil (e.g. the nutrient uptake from litter, the resorption, or the storage of nutrients in t
274 chemistry was also less responsive than leaf litter to long-term simulated N deposition.
275 te unreactive Mn(2+) provided by fresh plant litter to produce oxidative Mn(3+) species at sites of a
276  mild FPD and pens were top-dressed with dry litter to promote FPD healing.
277                      We used (15) N labelled litter to track decomposed N in the soil system (litter,
278                                              Litter-trait variation may determine the latitudinal gra
279 tudinal variation (spanning 107 degrees ) in litter traits (nutrient concentrations; physical and che
280                    Dissimilarity in leaf and litter traits among invaded and noninvaded plant communi
281                                  We measured litter traits and decomposition rates of leaves for 42 n
282 ell understood, in part because maternal and litter traits and other ecological and social variables
283 ere its decomposition is partly regulated by litter traits.
284                                      Morning litter tray fecal samples were collected during the wint
285 11-year time series of leaves collected in a litter tray.
286                         Here, we address how litter type ((13) C/(15) N-labeled needles vs. fine root
287                                     Overall, litter type can control an ecosystem's SOC nature, as re
288 y) of within-patch resource abundances (leaf litter) using an experimental landscape of mesocosms, an
289               As pioneer decomposers of leaf litter, variations in diversity and community compositio
290 erature inside deadwood, tree holes and leaf litter warmed slightly more in primary forest than in lo
291                  This differentially labeled litter was incubated in soil at 15 and 35 degrees C, for
292                         (15) N recovery from litter was low and highly variable.
293 d 10% of the variance, whereas the effect of litter was noticeably higher, explaining on average 23%
294 in utero from postnatal effects, a subset of litters was cross-fostered at birth from disrupted dams
295 ed by a high activity of fungi especially in litter where their contribution to microbial transcripti
296 bited by native vegetation that input labile litter, whereas the soils under an invader that input la
297 d be due to the fast decomposition of bamboo litter with the high labile C.
298        The evidence for academic nepotism is littered with complex associations and disputed causal i
299 on, like the ascent to Everest, is certainly littered with corpses.
300 sured respiration rates associated with leaf litter, wood, and fine benthic organic matter (FBOM) acr

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