


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 latively high concentrations of DPA, and has little, if any, effect on 5-HT3A receptors.
2 he range of 18-40% of energy appears to have little if any effect on body fatness.
3 dioic acid showed that pegylation per se has little, if any, effect on carboxyl ionization.
4 e other hand, knockdown of c-Jun or JunB had little, if any, effect on cell proliferation; overexpres
5  Lys(36) (IC(50) = 230 microm) while showing little if any effect on cleavage at Arg(336).
6           However, subtracting UL112-113 had little if any effect on expression by the UL112-113 prom
7    Oddly enough, these observations have had little if any effect on general acceptance of the Hayfli
8                           However, there was little, if any, effect on GerK nutrient receptor-mediate
9 , less effect on GerB receptor function, and little, if any, effect on GerK receptor function.
10 her improvements in catalytic efficiency had little if any effect on growth rate.
11 rinic M3 receptors on parietal cells and has little, if any, effect on histamine secretion.
12 sed injury-induced ISC proliferation but had little if any effect on homeostatic proliferation.
13 dent on the activity of actin filaments with little if any effect on inhibition of microtubule functi
14  attenuation in IR-induced ATR activity with little, if any, effect on IR-induced ATM activation.
15 mbin interaction with the A1 subunit and had little, if any, effect on its interaction with the A2 su
16                         Glucocorticoids have little, if any, effect on mRNA stability.
17 nd non-Bt maize, transgenic cry1Ie maize had little, if any, effect on natural enemy community biodiv
18 ts in complete stabilization of Ubc6 but has little if any effect on other substrates.
19                        In contrast, Brg1 has little, if any, effect on p53-mediated induction of MDM2
20 quences the folded Snake amplicons have very little, if any, effect on PCR yield but benefit many asp
21  These data suggest that paternal genes have little, if any, effect on preterm delivery risk.
22 While replacement of the Tyr residues showed little, if any, effect on rates of thrombin-catalyzed pr
23 GABA(A)ergic and glycinergic antagonists had little, if any, effect on rhythm.
24 s expressed from a low-copy vector there was little if any effect on sterol uptake.
25  to the nerve terminal, but the knockout has little if any effect on synaptic transmission.
26 dicate that the presence of excess IL-10 had little, if any, effect on T cell function or development
27 a similar although weaker effect on Cx46 but little if any effect on targeting and function of Cx43.
28                           The metal ions had little if any effect on the conformation of intact facto
29 minantly monomeric, with triphosphate having little if any effect on the oligomeric state.
30 specific antibodies indicated that there was little if any effect on the phosphorylation of Ser37, Th
31  of the C-terminal domain (DeltaC) alone has little if any effect on the pro-apoptotic activity of Bi
32  that direct synthesis of mature lamin A has little if any effect on the targeting of lamin A to the
33 population of wild-type KatG-CO while having little, if any, effect on the already low population of
34 s selective for MEK-1 and -2, as U0126 shows little, if any, effect on the kinase activities of prote
35 ype background, the three priA mutations had little, if any, effect on the phenotypes of UV resistanc
36 pt either microfilaments or microtubules has little, if any, effect on the retention of Dnmt1o in per
37                                      ATP has little, if any, effects on the assembly and integrity of
38                                     Dlx3 has little, if any, effect on these anterior neural plate ge
39 tured enterocytes, and INT1 appeared to have little, if any, effect on these ultrastructural surface
40 ts, as some of the most cytotoxic agents had little if any effect on top1.
41  no effect on ion selectivity and relatively little, if any, effect on unitary conductance.
42  46 to 69 tolerated numerous mutations, with little, if any, effect on virus replication, suggesting

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