


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 VS::Deltawzy, was created and evaluated as a live attenuated vaccine.
2 culated for the inactivated vaccines and the live attenuated vaccine.
3 tivated vaccine as compared with those given live attenuated vaccine.
4 ed vaccine and 36% (95% CI, 0 to 59) for the live attenuated vaccine.
5 sting that the M2KO virus has potential as a live attenuated vaccine.
6 nts that can be used in the development of a live attenuated vaccine.
7 th -19% (95% CI, -113 to 33; P=0.55) for the live attenuated vaccine.
8 nd virulence to preclude its direct use as a live attenuated vaccine.
9 -2 may be a potential candidate for use as a live attenuated vaccine.
10 onse was of longer duration in recipients of live attenuated vaccine.
11 ping a safe and potentially more efficacious live attenuated vaccine.
12 l tropism of a virus is a new approach for a live attenuated vaccine.
13 entially serve as a positive-marker modified live-attenuated vaccine.
14  factors, and may differ for inactivated and live attenuated vaccines.
15 nother approach for prevention is the use of live attenuated vaccines.
16 irion inactivated vaccines and cold-adapted, live attenuated vaccines.
17 ied for development of classical swine fever live attenuated vaccines.
18 o understand virus biology and develop novel live attenuated vaccines.
19  had poor or diminished efficacy compared to live attenuated vaccines.
20  characteristics desirable in candidates for live attenuated vaccines.
21  derivatives of these pathogens may serve as live attenuated vaccines.
22 enesis and the design of a new generation of live attenuated vaccines.
23 n vivo and supports targeting the SH gene in live attenuated vaccines.
24 ations are good candidates for the design of live attenuated vaccines.
25 ored ILTV vaccines are less efficacious than live attenuated vaccines.
26 onally attenuate hMPV for the development of live attenuated vaccines.
27 man paramyxoviruses for rationally designing live attenuated vaccines.
28 gy, which combines the advantages of DNA and live attenuated vaccines.
29 s that can be mutated to generate successful live attenuated vaccines.
30 from that induced by live virus and possibly live attenuated vaccines.
31 ruses with vhs deleted have been proposed as live-attenuated vaccines.
32 quence identities (>/=98%) with the modified live-attenuated vaccines.
33 ty and activity is a strategy for generating live-attenuated vaccines.
34 ize may be more informative on the safety of live-attenuated vaccines.
35  option as safe, immunogenic, and protective live-attenuated vaccines.
36 cell culture has hindered the development of live-attenuated vaccines.
37  after receipt of dose 1 among recipients of live attenuated vaccine (3.8%) than among recipients of
38                         We propose that this live attenuated vaccine acts like a silent natural infec
39                            Immunization with live, attenuated vaccine (administered intranasally) is
40 s used to develop a two-component, trivalent live attenuated vaccine against human parainfluenza viru
41  defined F. novicida mutant (DeltaiglC) as a live attenuated vaccine against subsequent intranasal ch
42  related mainly to reduced protection of the live attenuated vaccine against type B viruses.
43 unique possibilities for developing improved live attenuated vaccines against arteriviruses and other
44 mid-deficient chlamydial strains function as live attenuated vaccines against genital and ocular infe
45 2 cytoplasmic tail mutants have potential as live attenuated vaccines against H5N1 influenza viruses.
46  the feasibility of using M2 tail mutants as live attenuated vaccines against H5N1 virus.
47 d and the polymerase could be used to design live attenuated vaccines against serious pathogens withi
48 on genetic engineering techniques--to design live attenuated vaccines against some of these viral age
49 gement provides a new approach to generating live attenuated vaccines against this class of virus.
50                        At least 14 different live attenuated vaccines against this pathogen are avail
51                           ChimeriVax-JE is a live, attenuated vaccine against Japanese encephalitis,
52 rtant implications for developing a modified live-attenuated vaccine against HEV.
53 ctious DNA clone as a genetically engineered live-attenuated vaccine against PCV2 infection and PMWS.
54 ications for development of both subunit and live-attenuated vaccines against ETEC and other enteric
55 ectors show significant promise as potential live-attenuated vaccines against human immunodeficiency
56   A similar approach may guide the design of live-attenuated vaccines against Lassa and other arenavi
57                                          The live attenuated vaccine also prevented influenza illness
58                                          The live attenuated vaccine also prevented influenza illness
59                                     However, live attenuated vaccines also induce strong CD8 T cell r
60 88(-/-) and Card9(-/-) mice immunized with a live, attenuated vaccine also fail to acquire protective
61                                        Among live attenuated vaccine and placebo recipients, cases we
62  placebo-controlled trial of inactivated and live attenuated vaccines and compared titers in subjects
63 egions display characteristics desirable for live attenuated vaccines and hold potential as vaccine c
64 r quality control of new lots of the current live-attenuated vaccine and provide insight for the rati
65 fe for mucosal application in humans, use of live-attenuated vaccines and microbial vectors, and prod
66  placebo-controlled trial of inactivated and live attenuated vaccines, and we evaluated the laborator
67 rts superseded by a final report, studies of live-attenuated vaccine, and studies of prepandemic seas
68 mmune responses similar to those elicited by live-attenuated vaccines, and its flexibility permits th
69                                              Live attenuated vaccines appear to be the most effective
70  vaccine appeared to be efficacious, whereas live attenuated vaccine appeared to be less so.
71                 Our results suggest that the live attenuated vaccine approach should remain a viable
72                                 However, the live-attenuated vaccine approach faces formidable obstac
73 logous virus challenge and suggest that even live, attenuated vaccine approaches for AIDS will face s
74                                        Novel live attenuated vaccines are being developed that promis
75                                              Live attenuated vaccines are commonly used in the poultr
76                                              Live attenuated vaccines are considered the most viable
77 okines to enhance the safety and efficacy of live attenuated vaccines are discussed.
78                                              Live attenuated vaccines are more immunogenic and have t
79                                     Although live, attenuated vaccines are available to protect sever
80 ing and the potential to develop multivalent live-attenuated vaccines are discussed.
81 ion may serve as a novel approach to develop live attenuated vaccines as well as antiviral drugs for
82                     The superior efficacy of live attenuated vaccine, as compared with inactivated va
83 tivity can lead to the development of novel, live attenuated vaccines, as well as antiviral drugs for
84 F) 17D vaccine is one of the most successful live attenuated vaccines available.
85 consideration should be taken when designing live attenuated vaccines based on deletions of nonstruct
86 new avenue for the development of arenavirus live attenuated vaccines based on rearrangement of their
87 al virulence factors, we hypothesized that a live-attenuated vaccine based on PA14 might elicit a bro
88        A single inoculation of the RVF MP-12 live attenuated vaccine by the aerosol or intranasal rou
89                                     Although live attenuated vaccines can provide potent protection a
90 oid of the p27 gene could be considered as a live attenuated vaccine candidate against visceral leish
91 cine is not available, and the more advanced live attenuated vaccine candidate in clinical trials req
92 P130 was then assessed for its efficacy as a live attenuated vaccine candidate in mice after challeng
93 human parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3) cp45 live attenuated vaccine candidate.
94 und that the immunogenicity in primates of a live-attenuated vaccine candidate for parainfluenza viru
95                Currently, the most promising live-attenuated vaccine candidate is a temperature-sensi
96                          Here we report on a live-attenuated vaccine candidate that contains a 10-nuc
97   Unlike HEp-2 cells, in which wild-type and live-attenuated vaccine candidate viruses grow equally w
98 eltarelA DeltaspoT mutant may be a promising live-attenuated vaccine candidate.
99 enza viruses might have a great potential as live attenuated vaccine candidates against SIV infection
100  of gene rearrangement as a means to develop live attenuated vaccine candidates against Vesicular sto
101  rational development of safe and protective live attenuated vaccine candidates based on genome reorg
102      We have generated new influenza A virus live attenuated vaccine candidates by site-directed muta
103 ps but also will lead to the development new live attenuated vaccine candidates for hMPV.
104  can be assembled and have been developed as live attenuated vaccine candidates for several flaviviru
105 h potential for further development as novel live attenuated vaccine candidates that may rapidly cont
106 to safely attenuate FMDV and further develop live attenuated vaccine candidates to control such a fea
107 mmunogenicity, justifying their inclusion in live attenuated vaccine candidates to protect against th
108 t hosts, and this has motivated a search for live attenuated vaccine candidates.
109  could form the basis of a new generation of live attenuated vaccine candidates.
110 nymous but suboptimal substitutions provides live attenuated vaccine candidates.
111 bility of a CD-based approach for developing live-attenuated vaccine candidates against human-pathoge
112                     We therefore generated 2 live-attenuated vaccine candidates based on the insertio
113 ost tissues, and identification of potential live-attenuated vaccine candidates.
114                                  The current live attenuated vaccines (chicken embryo origin [CEO] an
115  immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a live attenuated vaccine consisting of a recombinant seve
116 of mixed viral populations and indicate that live-attenuated vaccines containing virulent virus may b
117 eriVax-Japanese encephalitis (JE), the first live- attenuated vaccine developed with this technology
118 versus lower respiratory tract and bear upon live attenuated vaccine development.
119 lso boost the immunogenicity and efficacy of live attenuated vaccines directed against shigellosis, t
120 ach to the development of safe and effective live attenuated vaccines directed against VEEV and other
121 ach to the development of safe and effective live attenuated vaccines directed against VEEV and perha
122 esence of virulent revertant viruses in some live-attenuated vaccines, disease from vaccination is ra
123     Thus far, the goal of developing a safe, live attenuated vaccine effective after a single dose ha
124                            Thus, multivalent live-attenuated vaccines elicit multifactorial protectiv
125         Isolation frequency was lowest among live attenuated vaccine failures, a reflection of lower
126 tive immune response and may have value as a live attenuated vaccine for aquaculture.
127  We previously reported that an experimental live attenuated vaccine for equine infectious anemia vir
128 to consideration when one is contemplating a live attenuated vaccine for HIV-1.
129                             Development of a live attenuated vaccine for human NoV has not been possi
130               The absolute efficacies of the live attenuated vaccine for these end points were 8% (95
131                        The recently licensed live attenuated vaccine for varicella-zoster virus is ef
132 oach for development of safe and efficacious live attenuated vaccines for AIDS.
133 serve as a novel target to rationally design live attenuated vaccines for aMPV and perhaps other para
134 rstanding may also enable the development of live attenuated vaccines for both RSV and other members
135  predicted to be safe, antibiotic-sensitive, live attenuated vaccines for cholera due to the O139 ser
136                               The utility of live attenuated vaccines for controlling HIV epidemics i
137  for the development of safe and efficacious live attenuated vaccines for hMPV and other human paramy
138 serve as a novel target to rationally design live attenuated vaccines for hMPV and perhaps other para
139  a master donor strain for the generation of live attenuated vaccines for humans and livestock.
140 aches would add an HPV component to existing live attenuated vaccines for measles and typhoid fever.
141 s but also facilitate the development of new live attenuated vaccines for VSV, and perhaps other NNS
142 least a decade is required for approval of a live, attenuated vaccine for use in humans.
143                 We developed an experimental live-attenuated vaccine for direct inoculation of the re
144                                            A live-attenuated vaccine for RVF, the MP-12 vaccine, is c
145 ovided an opportunity to design a successful live-attenuated vaccine for SARS-CoV and opens avenues f
146     Therefore, NU14 DeltawaaL is a candidate live-attenuated vaccine for the treatment and prevention
147 novel approach to produce safe and effective live-attenuated vaccines for DENV and other insect-borne
148                                          Two live-attenuated vaccines for gastroenteritis (Rotateq [M
149 unosuppression and aid in the development of live-attenuated vaccines for IBDV.
150                        Among young children, live attenuated vaccine had significantly better efficac
151                               Development of live, attenuated vaccines has traditionally relied on em
152 aluated in various animal lentivirus models, live attenuated vaccines have proven to be the most effe
153                                              Live, attenuated vaccines have prevented morbidity and m
154                                     Although live-attenuated vaccines have been safely administered t
155                        However, the existing live-attenuated vaccines have the potential to revert to
156             RSV DeltaSH has been tested as a live attenuated vaccine in humans and cattle, and here w
157 eficient Chlamydia trachomatis to serve as a live attenuated vaccine in the genital tract.
158 h more serious adverse events than any other live attenuated vaccine in use today.
159  the protective immune mechanisms induced by live attenuated vaccines in primate models will be usefu
160 n eggs and has the potential to be used as a live-attenuated vaccine in humans.
161 s as a model to analyze characteristics of a live-attenuated vaccine in protection against virus-indu
162      Because concerns exist about the use of live-attenuated vaccines in immunocompromised individual
163                                    All eight live attenuated vaccines, including Japanese encephaliti
164 required to further define the nature of the live, attenuated vaccine-induced immunity against Coccid
165 V biology, including human host-pathogen and live, attenuated vaccine interactions; host and cell typ
166 ective vaccine than the previously developed live attenuated vaccine is needed for combating Francise
167 f adaptive immune response generated to this live attenuated vaccine is regulated by both the presenc
168                                            A live attenuated vaccine is the most promising vaccine st
169 /LASV reassortant (ML29) is a LASV candidate live-attenuated vaccine (LAV) that has shown promising r
170 ain Edmonston-Zagreb has long been used as a live-attenuated vaccine (LAV) to protect against measles
171                            Implementation of live-attenuated vaccines (LAV) will represent a major st
172                             Vaccination with live attenuated vaccines (LAVs) is an effective way for
173                                              Live-attenuated vaccines (LAVs) are the most advanced va
174                                          RSV live-attenuated vaccines (LAVs) have a history of safe t
175                            Implementation of live-attenuated vaccines (LAVs) will represent a major s
176 challenge in a goat model as compared to the live attenuated vaccine MAP316F.
177 accines are ineffective or when the use of a live attenuated vaccine might be unsafe.
178                                   Successful live attenuated vaccines mimic natural exposure to patho
179         Boosting T cell-mediated immunity by live attenuated vaccine Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Cal
180  detected in mice immunized with the current live attenuated vaccine, Mycobacterium bovis-bacillus Ca
181 ess and safety concerns regarding the use of live attenuated vaccines or potent adjuvants in this pop
182                              The multivalent live-attenuated vaccines overcame prior problems involvi
183 us, opening the possibility for its use as a live-attenuated vaccine platform for ZIKV and other clin
184 , we report the development of a recombinant live-attenuated vaccine platform strain that retains the
185  viral NS1 protein have emerged as promising live attenuated vaccine platforms.
186                         As modified mRNA and live-attenuated vaccine platforms can restrict in utero
187 s a novel technology to sufficiently deliver live attenuated vaccine powders into the skin.
188                                              Live-attenuated vaccines present safety challenges, and
189                            However, only the live, attenuated vaccine prevented immunosuppression-ind
190                                   Although a live-attenuated vaccine protects against MV, vaccination
191 nfluenza A (H3N2), 90% of placebo and 87% of live attenuated vaccine recipients but only 23% of inact
192 ive lymphocytes after immune activation with live attenuated vaccines remain poorly characterized.
193                      In 1988, an inexpensive live-attenuated vaccine (SA14-14-2) was licensed in Chin
194 ion of the risks and benefits indicates that live attenuated vaccine should be a highly effective, sa
195               Finally, using the mutant as a live-attenuated vaccine showed significant promise for p
196 O-antigen polymerase) deletion mutant of Ft. live attenuated vaccine strain (Ft.LVS), designated Ft.L
197 udomallei Deltaasd mutant may be a promising live attenuated vaccine strain and a biosafe strain for
198 nscriptomic analysis of the M. gallisepticum live attenuated vaccine strain F and the virulent strain
199            A desirable trait in an effective live attenuated vaccine strain is an ability to persist
200  tularensis organisms were comparable to the live attenuated vaccine strain of Francisella tularensis
201                                  A candidate live attenuated vaccine strain was constructed for West
202 ve of SC602 (icsA iuc), a well-characterized live attenuated vaccine strain which has undergone sever
203                                  We used the live attenuated vaccine strain YFV-17D, which contains m
204 ens and livers than SL3261, the aroA mutant, live attenuated vaccine strain.
205                     Whereas an F. tularensis live, attenuated vaccine strain (LVS) is the basis of an
206 th protection against plague, we developed a live-attenuated vaccine strain by deleting the Braun lip
207 tibility of the glycoprotein of the Candid#1 live-attenuated vaccine strain of JUNV in MACV replicati
208 sing reverse genetics, a set of experimental live attenuated vaccine strains based on recombinant H5N
209 throughout the poliovirus genome yielded the live attenuated vaccine strains of poliovirus.
210                                              Live attenuated vaccine strains of pseudorabies virus (P
211                                     Although live attenuated vaccine strains of simian immunodeficien
212 tive) strains of Salmonella may be useful as live attenuated vaccine strains or as vehicles for heter
213                                              Live attenuated vaccine strains, such as type I nonrepli
214 rae and a strong proinflammatory reaction to live attenuated vaccine strains.
215 on might be used to reduce reactogenicity of live attenuated vaccine strains.
216 aluating the neurovirulence potential of new live, attenuated vaccine strains and may also be of valu
217 coding engineered polymerases might serve as live, attenuated vaccine strains.
218 ge could be harnessed for the development of live-attenuated vaccine strains to combat HFAs.
219 lian host and warrant further development as live-attenuated vaccine strains.
220              A major safety concern of using live-attenuated vaccine strategies against AIDS is the p
221                                              Live attenuated vaccines such as SIV with a deleted nef
222 nfirmed influenza in the group that received live attenuated vaccine than in the group that received
223 dministration of dose 1 was more common with live attenuated vaccine than with inactivated vaccine, p
224 that might be deleted for the development of live attenuated vaccines that would be safer to use in s
225 e describe the first genetically engineered, live, attenuated vaccine that protects both BALB/c and C
226 sease has resulted in the development of two live, attenuated vaccines that are now licensed in many
227                                We describe a live-attenuated vaccine that is safe and efficacious in
228        Thus, it might be possible to develop live-attenuated vaccines that are as immunogenic as pare
229                     As a safe alternative to live attenuated vaccines, the immunogenicity and protect
230                                 Similar to a live attenuated vaccine, this approach should allow immu
231 e candidates demonstrate the potential for a live attenuated vaccine to protect against disease cause
232 veral Yersinia species have been utilized as live attenuated vaccines to prime protective immunity ag
233 n scavenging host iron and have been used in live-attenuated vaccines to combat plague epidemics.
234                                              Live-attenuated vaccines typically offer rapid and durab
235 ntigens expressed from multicopy plasmids in live attenuated vaccine vector strains of Vibrio cholera
236 ecombinant Sendai virus (rSeV) was used as a live, attenuated vaccine vector for intranasal inoculati
237  vivo expression of heterologous antigens by live, attenuated vaccine vector strains of Vibrio choler
238                                              Live attenuated vaccine vectors based on recombinant ves
239                   Vaccination of mice with a live attenuated vaccine virus induces potent protection
240                          Immunization with a live attenuated vaccine virus prior to challenge protect
241 e findings show that the immunogenicity of a live-attenuated vaccine virus in primates can be enhance
242 tally increase the level of attenuation of a live-attenuated vaccine virus.
243 redictive of restricted viral replication of live attenuated vaccine viruses in humans.
244 t remains unclear whether the replication of live attenuated vaccine viruses will be similarly enhanc
245 ic attenuation and host-range restriction of live attenuated vaccine viruses.
246                                 However, the live attenuated vaccine was found to be ineffective amon
247 fective (95% CI, 47 to 70; P<0.001), and the live attenuated vaccine was not observed to be effective
248 t the stalk and catalytic domains of NA as a live attenuated vaccine was shown to confer a strong IAV
249                          The efficacy of the live attenuated vaccine was slightly less than that of t
250 he 2016-2017 A(H1N1)pdm09 strain used in the live attenuated vaccine was unchanged from 2015-2016, th
251                                          The live-attenuated vaccine was used to assess the impact of
252               The absolute efficacies of the live attenuated vaccine were 57% (95% CI, -3 to 82), 48%
253 ruses and human infections, new candidate H5 live attenuated vaccines were developed by using two dif
254 cination were higher among the recipients of live attenuated vaccine who were 6 to 11 months of age (
255 ent and control are under development, and a live attenuated vaccine with substantial potential for c
256  vaccine and 29% (95% CI, -14 to 55) for the live attenuated vaccine, with a relative efficacy of 60%
257        A single intranasal administration of live attenuated vaccine without adjuvant was sufficient
258                                 An effective live attenuated vaccine would be extremely useful in the

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