


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gnment (parallel or at right angle to tablet long axis).
2 sults in a high degree of twisting along the long axis.
3  along, and perpendicular to, the membrane's long axis.
4  irrespective of the orientation of the cell long axis.
5 both perpendicular and parallel to the fiber long axis.
6 n the embryo realigns these markers with the long axis.
7 t which the propulsive force moves about the long axis.
8 sis was oriented perpendicular to the vessel long axis.
9 dic structure of crystalline units along the long axis.
10 consistent with clockwise rotation along its long axis.
11 ting stalk emerges at one end of the motor's long axis.
12 ue primarily to rotation along the chamber's long axis.
13 el orientation and are symmetrical about the long axis.
14 and contraction along the protein assembly's long axis.
15 ign the fluorophores parallel to the crystal long axis.
16 (compared with perpendicular) to the crystal long axis.
17 oriented very nearly parallel to the crystal long axis.
18 inD almost always oscillated parallel to the long axis.
19 ite, thus favoring movement along the cell's long axis.
20 veling in opposite directions along a cell's long axis.
21  left-handed rotation of the cell around its long axis.
22 pplied at a normal angle with respect to its long axis.
23 al with the side chains perpendicular to the long axis.
24 e rod-shaped organism to maintain a straight long axis.
25 ilted 65-70 degrees relative to the nanotube long axis.
26 nal jugular short axis 25%, internal jugular long axis 21%, subclavian short axis 64%, and subclavian
27 l metallic nanoparticles (5.4 +/- 1.4 nm for long axis / 3.7 +/- 0.9 nm for short axis) embedded with
28 %, subclavian short axis 64%, and subclavian long axis 39%.
29 otein has an axial ratio of 4.0 +/- 0.6 with long axis a = 112 A and the short axis b = 28 A, respect
30 In transverse sections, PMD is oval with its long axis aligned with the dorsal border of the brainste
31 ipathic alpha-helical conformation, with its long axis aligned with the tube axis.
32 rystal lithium iron phosphate microrods with long-axis along the [010] direction.
33 ndividual basal bodies with respect to their long axis and (2) translational; the position of basal b
34 s and decreases of -6% to -10% or greater in long axis and -6% to -12% or greater in short axis at CT
35 , for all 3 echo views), particularly in the long axis and 4-chamber views.
36 esion size, increases of 4%-6% or greater in long axis and 5%-7% or greater in short axis and decreas
37 lar divisions correlate with a perpendicular long axis and a small apical surface, but the long axis
38 orientation of CR as parallel to the amyloid long axis and colinear with laminate grooves.
39 , a rotation of the small subunit around its long axis and orthogonal to the well-known intersubunit
40 tions, and posterior wall penetration of the long axis and short axis at each cannulation site.
41 nce in the number of skin breaks between the long axis and short axis at the subclavian and internal
42 .01) in preoperative RV end-diastolic short-/long-axis and long-axis/length-area ratios, tricuspid an
43 clavian of a human torso mannequin using the long-axis and short-axis views at each site.
44  at the mid-cavity for women/men was 7/9 mm (long axis) and 7/8 mm (short axis).
45 d vectors approximately perpendicular to the long axis, and becomes weakly aligned in the anisotropic
46 ; they always move in the direction of their long axis; and they are in constant motion, repeatedly t
47  phased-array vector and Doppler imaging for long-axis, apex-to-base global cardiac imaging.
48 continuous tunnel traversing across the CETP long axis appeared spontaneously.
49                                          The long-axis approach to subclavian central venous catheter
50 embrane in an "end-on" orientation, with its long axis approximately perpendicular to the plane of th
51 pathy with significantly increased short and long axis area measurements during systole and diastole
52 sections perpendicular and parallel to probe long axis, as well as studies of conventional flexible t
53 ctively incorporating data not only from the long axis but also from the short axes of the cell.
54 t diameters were measured in the parasternal long axis by 2-dimensional echocardiography.
55 ained (UN), fully constrained (CO) along the long axis by attaching the construct to two immobilized
56 re measured in 8 left ventricular regions on long axis cardiac MR steady-state free precession cine i
57 whose source was perpendicular to the cell's long axis, cell metabolism was locally perturbed with re
58 the transmembrane helix (Q16-A46) around its long axis changes dramatically (by 160 degrees) to obtai
59 were measured on the horizontal and vertical long axis cine sequences.
60 measured on cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) long-axis cine images in 2,742 participants in the MESA
61 xamined retrospectively the routine vertical long-axis cines in 686 consecutive patients (48+/-20 yea
62 patients, RT3DE data sets (Philips 7500) and long-axis CMR (Siemens, 1.5 T) and CCT (Toshiba, 16-slic
63 nal contour maps of the resultant short- and long-axis coagulation diameters were constructed to iden
64                    This reduces the relative long-axis contribution to heart function in small mammal
65                                              Long-axis diameter (LAD), short-axis diameter (SAD), and
66        Three parameters-short-axis diameter, long-axis diameter, and absence of sharp demarcation-sig
67                                        Size (long-axis diameter, P=.005; short-axis diameter, P=.041)
68 - standard deviation of short-axis diameter, long-axis diameter, volume, and sphericity index of the
69 ed tomography assessment included short- and long-axis diameters and cross-sectional area of the sino
70                          The mean short- and long-axis diameters and volume were 3.2 cm (95% confiden
71                                   Short- and long-axis diameters were measured from gross specimens,
72                                   Short- and long-axis diameters were measured from gross specimens,
73                                       A RVOT long-axis diastolic dimension >30 mm occurred in 89% of
74 T3D data resulted in significantly larger LV long-axis dimensions and measurements of LV mass that co
75  volume and short-axis dimensions (SADs) and long-axis dimensions based on CT and compared with the S
76 sprout is switched approximately between the long-axis direction of two different lamellipodia).
77                              Transesophageal long-axis echocardiograms and ventricular pressure by mi
78 es the average distance between the adjacent long-axis filament subunit, thereby weakening their inte
79 tribution of squared displacements along the long axis for individual Kaede molecules is consistent w
80  with pulmonary nodules smaller than 1 cm in long axis for which repeat CT was recommended.
81      Images were displayed in the short- and long-axis formats, as in clinical practice.
82 xis function was similar to those of average long-axis function (systolic amplitude cutoff=1.5 mm, le
83                            Quantified stress long-axis function identifies CAD in DCM with greater se
84 The predictive accuracy of changes in septal long-axis function was similar to those of average long-
85                          We aimed to compare long-axis function with WMSI for detecting CAD in DCM wi
86 e of a simple index of left ventricular (LV) long-axis function-lateral mitral annular plane systolic
87 ell division plane with interphase neighbour long axis geometry reinforces axial bias in skin spreadi
88 ee 2-fold axes perpendicular to the filament long axis, giving the whole filament dihedral 32-point g
89 ent degrees of rotational symmetry about the long axis, have been used to test the methodology.
90                             LVMT measured on long axis images at the basal and mid-cavity level were
91  on short axis images; apical LVMT values on long axis images were 20% less than those on short axis
92  lower when obtained on short- compared with long-axis images (P=0.017).
93                    Short-axis and horizontal long-axis images were acquired in situ on a 3-T system.
94 rticularly unusual as they divide down their long axis in a highly ordered manner, parallel to the ta
95 meristematic cambial cells divide down their long axis in a highly orientated manner to generate clea
96 ichia coli, it typically assembles along the long axis in a spiral-like configuration just underneath
97 ered the gallbladder first along its central long axis in both groups, at a mean of 15 min and 16 min
98           Cells were aligned parallel to the long axis in the anisotropic region of constrained matri
99  immobilized paramecia also align with their long axis in the direction of the field.
100 onsistent with the tail helix lying with its long axis in the lipid-water interface and with the orie
101 ral PnO appearing as a column of cells, with long-axis in the sagittal plane, extending through the m
102 lateral, or posterior position and along the long axis into a basal, midventricular, or apical region
103                            The chromophore's long axis is aligned with the long axes of the adjacent
104 translocation in the direction of the cell's long axis, it can result from two very different propuls
105 hows that the egg chambers spin around their long axis laying down polarised extracellular matrix, wh
106               How these phenomena affect the long-axis left ventricular (LV) function is unknown.
107 ats compared with sham (median work per unit long-axis length in a mid-ventricular slice: 241.2 [224.
108 etastases, 42 adenomas, and one myelolipoma (long-axis length, 10-85 mm; mean, 24 mm).
109 rative RV end-diastolic short-/long-axis and long-axis/length-area ratios, tricuspid annulus peak sys
110 E) and velocity of the mitral annulus due to long-axis lengthening (E(M)) are reduced in mild diastol
111 tion and early filling, significantly before long-axis lengthening or radial expansion.
112                                              Long-axis M-mode recordings were acquired from the right
113                                              Long-axis M-mode, pulsed-wave tissue Doppler echograms (
114                            Median short- and long-axis measurements were 0.40 cm (range, 0.20-1.70 cm
115                                              Long-axis motion is sensitive to ischemia and can be ass
116 y, at separate visits and in a random order; long-axis myocardial function was quantified by peak sys
117 d-channel M2 alpha-helices toward the pore's long axis narrows the permeation pathway.
118   C1 forms almost a right angle with C2, its long axis nearly parallel to the membrane.
119                                              Long axis noncompaction ratios were the least specific,
120 on were significantly less in the subclavian long axis (odds ratio, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1-0.9).
121 age) with a displacement along the molecular long axis of 3.5-4.0 A.
122 y recorded parallel and perpendicular to the long axis of a nanowire.
123 D computational results demonstrate that the long axis of amantadine is on average parallel to the bi
124  with a diameter of approximately 80 A and a long axis of approximately 120 A.
125 dles of actin filaments that align along the long axis of budding yeast, are crucial for establishmen
126 s in side-chain dynamics propagate along the long axis of Cdc42Hs away from the site of PBD46 binding
127 ain-like' directional motion parallel to the long axis of chains of cells, leading to spreading zones
128 directions parallel and perpendicular to the long axis of constituent nanorods, respectively.
129 ect troponin-troponin interactions along the long axis of conventional filaments, which do not occur
130  on the surface, which directly leads to the long axis of cyanobiphenyls having the -theta(c) pretilt
131 of the PC molecule lies perpendicular to the long axis of cytochrome f.
132 entifies three major conformations where the long axis of E2 assumes a parallel, perpendicular, or an
133                             In contrast, the long axis of E2 oleate is almost exclusively oriented at
134 (12 x 15 x 25 mm(3) = 4.5 ml) aligned to the long axis of each hippocampus in nine probable or possib
135 ulations in a homology model that orient the long axis of etomidate approximately orthogonal to the t
136 pocampal neurons; axons grew parallel to the long axis of fusiform OECs.
137  25 microm resolution maps of V(m) along the long axis of guinea-pig ventricular cells (n = 57) stain
138 at dendritic fields oriented parallel to the long axis of Imc.
139 rtening direction in active contraction, the long axis of LCD tilts towards its nucleotide-free orien
140 nsional arrays of fullerenes stack along the long axis of needle-like single crystals as a consequenc
141 on as well as in punctate patterns along the long axis of rod-shaped bacilli, similar to the localiza
142 t the other end, both offset relative to the long axis of the actin-related protein (Arp) backbone.
143 ed extracellular alkalinity varies along the long axis of the alga with extracellular pH more alkalin
144 the fastest impulse propagation is along the long axis of the aligned cardiomyocytes (CVL) and the sl
145 s and discs approaching perpendicular to the long axis of the animal.
146 uare along a trajectory perpendicular to the long axis of the animal.
147  these helices are located orthogonal to the long axis of the BAR domain.
148 he NS1(172-352) dimeric rod aligned with the long axis of the barrel, and with the loop-face oriented
149 ytes are arranged in columns parallel to the long axis of the bone.
150 nteroposterior (AP) distance parallel to the long axis of the bulb (rostrocaudal; RC) and angular mea
151 microtubules into a parallel array along the long axis of the cell [2-5].
152 hat chromosomes are equally spaced along the long axis of the cell and are interspersed with another
153 tin-like MreB, which forms a helix along the long axis of the cell and is required for shape maintena
154 ally at 5 hours but arranged parallel to the long axis of the cell at 20 hours.
155         We find that MreB rotates around the long axis of the cell in a persistent manner.
156 ules aligned parallel to one another and the long axis of the cell process.
157 pts a helical pattern that spirals along the long axis of the cell, a pattern also seen in wild-type
158 ependent on their spatial position along the long axis of the cell, and that their dynamics are consi
159 es on the substratum in the direction of the long axis of the cell, appreciable forces are exerted fr
160 e cell surface, roughly perpendicular to the long axis of the cell, encircling the cell in a disorgan
161              Mature bundles extend along the long axis of the cell, in the space between the bulk nuc
162 nalyze molecule displacements only along the long axis of the cell, where molecules experience the le
163 r antiparallel MT bundles arranged along the long axis of the cell, with MT plus ends facing both the
164 duplicated centromere that has traversed the long axis of the cell.
165 e loci are arrayed in linear order along the long axis of the cell.
166 l-like filament of FtsZ that grows along the long axis of the cell.
167 , the copies eject bidirectionally along the long axis of the cell.
168 g and maintaining polarized growth along the long axis of the cell.
169 e spindle axis lying roughly parallel to the long axis of the cell.
170  occasionally moving between poles along the long axis of the cell.
171 on release, migrate preferentially along the long axis of the cell.
172             Thick actin cables run along the long axis of the cells.
173 f wild-type chromosomes and twist around the long axis of the chromosome.
174 ied from 24 degrees to 18 degrees around the long axis of the cone, and an internal density (presumab
175 raft particles at contiguous zones along the long axis of the cores.
176 ugated-polymer chains are extended along the long axis of the crystal with the side chains perpendicu
177 director, free of deformations, is along the long axis of the cylinder.
178 SP1 cooperate to align the spindle along the long axis of the dividing cell.
179 interact with the DNA minor groove along the long axis of the DNA helix, flanking the HTH interaction
180  and POU(HD) domains of Oct1 relative to the long axis of the DNA is the same for specific and nonspe
181 id competitively displaces PS and causes the long axis of the domain to tilt 40 +/- 10 degrees toward
182 he azimuthal orientation distribution of the long axis of the edge-on PE lamellar crystals is oriente
183           Trp-1 of the lectin domain and the long axis of the EGF domain form an L-shaped prybar that
184 fusion slowed fluorescence recovery when the long axis of the ellipse was parallel versus perpendicul
185 rallel and perpendicular orientations of the long axis of the ellipse.
186 which the head and tail form, toward the new long axis of the embryo and away from the initial animal
187 s, barb ridges are organized parallel to the long axis of the feather follicle.
188 ffness and hydrogen bond alignment along the long axis of the fiber.
189 m-wide subfilaments that ran parallel to the long axis of the fiber.
190 oils with their axes aligned parallel to the long axis of the fibers.
191 xial mechanical restraint along the short or long axis of the fibrin wounds.
192 action are accompanied by rotation about the long axis of the filament.
193 es to stack on the free end of RNA, with the long axis of the fluorophores approximately parallel to
194  approximately 10-20 degrees relative to the long axis of the helices.
195  (fMRI) to examine multiple sites across the long axis of the hippocampal formation while subjects pe
196 ividual hippocampal slice volumes across the long axis of the hippocampus after interpolation to 10 e
197 ot linear, however, when examined across the long axis of the hippocampus.
198 uxin is actively transported parallel to the long axis of the initials, (2) auxin diffuses perpendicu
199 als, (2) auxin diffuses perpendicular to the long axis of the initials, (3) the initials tend to orie
200   The orientation of cell division along the long axis of the interphase cell--the century-old Hertwi
201 sion: Oblique imaging planes parallel to the long axis of the ligament better display the normal anat
202 he diffusion constant for rotation about the long axis of the lipid body, is difficult to determine p
203 he plane of bending and is transverse to the long axis of the microtubule.
204 crystallizes in a layered structure with the long axis of the molecule nearly perpendicular to the la
205  Ig domains are aligned consecutively on the long axis of the molecule.
206 lever is strongly angled with respect to the long axis of the motor domain, suggesting a pre-power st
207   Folds generally oriented orthogonal to the long axis of the muscle fiber were seen in developing gu
208 he insert helix remains perpendicular to the long axis of the N-BAR over the duration of the simulati
209           Coordination of polarity along the long axis of the notochord requires the PCP pathway, a r
210                 In the complexes formed, the long axis of the PC molecule lies perpendicular to the l
211                             Strain along the long axis of the PC was calculated after indentation to
212                                       In the long axis of the phantom, in all protocols, lower doses
213 xtend in opposite directions parallel to the long axis of the pore, with the nicotinamide and pterin
214  of each other, within the dimensions of the long axis of the procapsid portal.
215 ic and entails significant elongation of the long axis of the protein.
216 e) or perpendicular ('shearing' mode) to the long axis of the region.
217 trands arranged circumferentially around the long axis of the rod-shaped cell, an arrangement similar
218 RGaNH](3) rings stacked perpendicular to the long axis of the rod.
219 ion of the osseous labyrinth relative to the long axis of the skull was different in these two pteros
220 ult, fish that were oriented parallel to the long axis of the snake's head most often turned toward t
221 3C hyperfine splitting tensor shows that the long axis of the spin-bearing p orbital on C1 of the sub
222 spore, most of which were oriented along the long axis of the spore.
223 zyme in two antiparallel orientations of the long axis of the substrate.
224 ents becoming approximately aligned with the long axis of the terminal basepair for the long-linker s
225 the presence of crystalline domains with the long axis of the tetragonal structure oriented perpendic
226 re extended radially outwards, away from the long axis of the virus, whereas the others are around an
227 at have their side chains attached along the long axis of their conjugated core are better encapsulat
228 etitive stretches of side chains running the long axis of these beta-sheets, termed "cross-strand lad
229                                     The mean long axis of tonic PGN (20.7+/-0.5 microm) was significa
230 I state has a 180 degrees rotation about the long-axis of the retinal polyene chain.
231 x40 mm(1)H MRS voxel was selected along the 'long-axis' of the placenta with saturation bands placed
232 cond helix (helix-2) residing with its helix long axis on the bilayer surface.
233  found with a helical twist about the tube's long axis or occasionally flat with no winding or twist.
234 , in which the current flows parallel to the long axis or plane of a molecule, we investigate the tra
235  Celsr1 and Frizzled-6 (Fz6) communicate the long axis orientation of interphase basal cells to neigh
236 individual cells can systematically bias the long-axis orientations of their adjacent mitotic neighbo
237 s were acquired in short-axis and horizontal long-axis orientations.
238 stacking interactions with the heme with its long axis parallel and the plane of the ring orthogonal
239 the particles toward an orientation with its long axis parallel to the electric current flow.
240 els: a polymer such as PEG diffuses with its long axis parallel to the membrane channel, and passes t
241 2 patients in 4 different views (parasternal long axis, parasternal short axis, apical 4-chamber [A4C
242 thoracic echocardiography views: parasternal long axis, parasternal short axis, apical four chamber,
243 0) and diastolic (r=0.34; r=0.26) radial and long-axis peak velocities (P<0.001).
244  is involved in the control of septal versus long-axis peptidoglycan synthesis, that cells lacking Mr
245  and that lysis results from a deficiency in long-axis peptidoglycan synthesis.
246 esophageal echocardiography in 183 patients (long axis), peroperatively in 120 patients who underwent
247 ave a flattened, crescent-shaped ulna with a long axis perpendicular to that of the radius and hypere
248  the PTCDI molecules are oriented with their long axis perpendicular to the belt and the pi-pi stacki
249 others anodally and some polarise with their long axis perpendicular to the electric vector.
250 its average rotation is synchronous with the long axis pointed toward Alpha, but librational departur
251 t (epsilon approximately 10(5) M(-1).cm(-1)) long-axis polarized absorptions.
252 nificantly different from 0, and the sparks' long axis predominantly oriented parallel to the plane o
253 he propensity of cells to divide along their long axis preserves epithelial homeostasis by facilitati
254 al Escherichia coli by oscillating along the long axis, preventing unwanted polar divisions.
255 t of the PMIs by a biphenyl spacer along the long axis prevents excimer formation.
256 ong axis and a small apical surface, but the long axis rather then the size of the apical domain defi
257  failure were found for end-diastolic short-/long-axis ratio >/= 0.6, tricuspid annulus peak systolic
258                         End-diastolic short-/long-axis ratio <0.6, tricuspid annulus peak systolic ve
259  thickness (RWT(ED)) and end-diastolic short/long-axis ratio (S/L(ED)) were selected for evaluation.
260 s z-score) + 5.89 (left ventricular to heart long-axis ratio) - 0.79 (grade 2 or 3 endocardial fibroe
261 ior pole skewed toward the trunk along their long axis relative to the embryo surface, with maximum s
262                                   Given that long-axis rotation was present in the fins of tetrapodom
263 gion at 25 degrees C and above, two with its long axis roughly parallel to the filament axis and one
264 ed with measures of RVOT abnormality such as long-axis RVOT excursion and akinetic area length (r=-0.
265  EP images were acquired in the four-chamber long-axis section and analyzed qualitatively and quantit
266 itive test to identify reduced velocities of long-axis shortening and early diastolic lengthening of
267 flow tract (RVOT), and the delay in onset of long-axis shortening was measured.
268  pressure differences, LV ejection fraction, long-axis shortening, stroke volume (LV outflow integral
269  and RA of all subjects using short axis and long axis slices by steady-state free precession (SSFP)
270 approximately 1 mm(2)) of 5 short-axis and 2 long-axis slices of the heart were acquired during grade
271 akly correlated with correct classification (long axis: Spearman rank correlation coefficient, rs = 0
272 ) stroke volume by LV myocardial volume, and long-axis strain (LAS) was calculated from the distances
273 ermis models were constructed by mapping the long-axis strain after indentation at each point on the
274                        In round cells with a long axis, such as those undergoing cell division, green
275 ion, perhaps involving a rotation around its long axis, that opens a gate localized to the selectivit
276 a oscillation remained same along the entire long axis, the amplitude and coherence between recording
277 inoline ring of cinchonidine tilts along its long axis to optimize pi-pi intermolecular interactions,
278 nocrystals have polarized emission along the long axis, unlike spherical dots, which emit plane-polar
279 hat the molecules stack in layers with their long axis upright from the surface.
280        Subclinical changes especially affect long-axis ventricular function, and tissue Doppler imagi
281                                    Using the long-axis view for subclavian central venous catheteriza
282                                          The long-axis view for subclavian central venous catheteriza
283                                          The long-axis view for subclavian was associated with decrea
284                                          The long-axis view for the internal jugular was more efficie
285                                          The long-axis view was associated with a significant decreas
286 he aortic root was measured in a parasternal long-axis view, in diastole, at the level of the sinus o
287 rded by bidimensional imaging on a subcostal long-axis view.
288  (TH) of the MV in 4-chamber, 2-chamber, and long axis views at mid-systole before and 3 to 10 days a
289              Global longitudinal strain from long-axis views and circumferential strain from short-ax
290 ifference in time between the short-axis and long-axis views at the internal jugular site.
291 graphic images were acquired from short- and long-axis views of the left ventricle.
292 radient echo sequences in short- and rotated long-axis views to cover the RV inflow, body, and outflo
293               In both 2D and RT3D images, LV long axis was measured; endocardial and epicardial bound
294 gle and its dispersion relative to the fiber long axis, was monitored simultaneously with isometric t
295 perpendicular (transverse ADC, t-ADC) to the long axis were 0.98 +/- 0.06 (10(-3) mm2 sec) and 0.97 +
296 motion of diphenylhexatriene (DPH) about its long axis were demonstrated in time-resolved DPH fluores
297  but align into an experimentally introduced long axis when cells are deformed early in the cell cycl
298 le is solid, and stiff to bending, along the long axis, whereas it has a liquid and viscous behavior
299  lithium-ion transport is observed along the long axis with small net volume change, resulting in two
300 terized by an apparent periodicity along the long axis, with an average period of 20 nm.

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