


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tions in the ELOVL4 gene (elongation of very-long-chain fatty acids).
2 ondensation of a long chain base with a very long chain fatty acid.
3 n antidiabetic GLP-1 analogue that carries a long-chain fatty acid.
4 inds at a structurally similar position to a long-chain fatty acid.
5 2 function to synthesize long chain and very long chain fatty acids.
6 ation capacity of mixed micelles formed from long chain fatty acids.
7 re higher than those of lipids consisting of long chain fatty acids.
8  related gene encoding GPR40, a receptor for long chain fatty acids.
9 h that was partially restored by addition of long chain fatty acids.
10 terized by the abnormal accumulation of very long chain fatty acids.
11 ity, with an apparent preference toward very long chain fatty acids.
12 ating step in the mitochondrial oxidation of long chain fatty acids.
13 mportant for mitochondrial beta-oxidation of long chain fatty acids.
14 thyroid hormone (T(3)), glucocorticoids, and long chain fatty acids.
15 oprotein particles and facilitates uptake of long chain fatty acids.
16 ities in these cells are not limited to very long chain fatty acids.
17 sis and increasing import of cholesterol and long chain fatty acids.
18 e ABCD1 gene leading to accumulation of very long chain fatty acids.
19  large, multidomain protein that synthesizes long chain fatty acids.
20 m ACSs displayed substrate preference toward long-chain fatty acids.
21 d in the generation of metabolic energy from long-chain fatty acids.
22  with some molecular species containing very-long-chain fatty acids.
23 f genes involved in the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids.
24 medium containing mycolic acid but not other long-chain fatty acids.
25 FadR, in agreement with induction of fadH by long-chain fatty acids.
26 hat transports LPCs containing DHA and other long-chain fatty acids.
27 s to sexually dimorphic genes and microsomal long-chain fatty acids.
28  is accomplished by esterifying retinol with long-chain fatty acids.
29 g rates of myocardial oxidation of exogenous long-chain fatty acids.
30 ce of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to antimicrobial long-chain fatty acids.
31 icking, including the transport of exogenous long-chain fatty acids.
32 4:0 as substrates), and accumulation of very long-chain fatty acids.
33 code an enzyme involved in the elongation of long-chain fatty acids.
34 ous fatty acids or in the activation of very long-chain fatty acids.
35 ed that AtLtpI-4 protein can bind these very-long-chain fatty acids.
36 also inversely associated with 7 unsaturated long-chain fatty acids.
37 t enabled the identification of the unusual, long-chain fatty acids 24:6, 26:6, 26:7, 28:7, and 28:8
38  exon six of a gene named Elongation of very long chain fatty acids 4 (ELOVL4).
39  mutations in the ELOVL4 (Elongation of very long chain fatty acids 4) gene.
40                           Elongation of very long chain fatty acids-4 (ELOVL4) has been identified as
41              Mutations in elongation of very long-chain fatty acid-4 (ELOVL4) are associated with aut
42 he metabolic regulator factors elongation of long chain fatty acids 7 (Elovl7) and cytochrome B5 redu
43 atory demyelination in the brain, where very-long-chain fatty acids accumulate within phospholipid fr
44 the defects in fatty acid transport and very long-chain fatty acid activation associated with a delet
45 down using RNA interference, which decreased long-chain fatty acid activation, inhibited anchorage-de
46 port protein 4 (FATP4), which each have very long-chain fatty acid acyl-CoA synthetase (VLCFA-ACS) ac
47 ids that are assumed to mimic the endogenous long-chain fatty acid agonists.
48  Major cuticular wax compounds, such as very long-chain fatty acids, alcohols, alkanes, and ketones,
49 te a sphingosine head allylic alcohol with a long-chain fatty acid alkene that also bears an allylic
50                   Therefore, formulating the long-chain fatty acid amide derivatives of nucleoside an
51 ase in addition to FAAH that could hydrolyze long-chain fatty acid amides.
52 s have an in vivo effect for around 7 h, the long chain fatty acid analogues have an effect up to 48
53 metry (LC/MS) method for long-chain and very-long-chain fatty acid analysis and its application to (1
54 ter interface in presence of model saturated long chain fatty acid and alcohol surfactants, nonanoic
55  also showed reduced uptake of a fluorescent long chain fatty acid and reduced levels of long chain p
56 scribe the structure of CD36 in complex with long chain fatty acids and a CD36-binding PfEMP1 protein
57 dogenously by both saturated and unsaturated long chain fatty acids and that an altered glucagon axis
58  proteins (iLBPs): more than one molecule of long-chain fatty acid and a variety of diverse ligands c
59 st time the detailed mode of binding of both long-chain fatty acid and synthetic agonist ligands at F
60 L1) catalyzes the synthesis of acyl-CoA from long-chain fatty acids and contributes the majority of c
61 at2 mutant showed increased contents of very-long-chain fatty acids and decreased PUFA in TAG and the
62 d be expected to enhance the accumulation of long-chain fatty acids and glycolysis.
63 defined yeast strain, which cannot transport long-chain fatty acids and has reduced long-chain acyl-C
64 eceptor family A, is mediated by medium- and long-chain fatty acids and leads to amplification of glu
65  gene, which encodes a membrane receptor for long-chain fatty acids and lipoproteins, is a potentiall
66 ent mitochondrial model of beta-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids and main energy-redox processes i
67  is characterized by an accumulation of very long-chain fatty acids and partially impaired peroxisoma
68                                    Saturated long-chain fatty acids and phytosphingosine supplementat
69 otein and is required for both the import of long-chain fatty acids and the activation of very long-c
70 ScACC) is crucial for the production of very-long-chain fatty acids and the maintenance of the nuclea
71 dratases are required for elongation of very long chain fatty acids, and HACD1 has a role in early my
72            OleTJE binds avidly to a range of long chain fatty acids, and structures of both ligand-fr
73 in, inhibition of angiogenesis, transport of long-chain fatty acids, and clearance of apoptotic cells
74 Elo3p are required for synthesis of the very long-chain fatty acids, and mutants lacking both Elo2p a
75                                      Dietary long chain fatty acids are absorbed in the intestine, es
76                                     The very long chain fatty acids are crucial building blocks of es
77  Elo3p are inviable confirming that the very long-chain fatty acids are essential for cellular functi
78                                              Long-chain fatty acids are internalized by receptor-medi
79 ogenated aromatics and of short, medium, and long chain fatty acids, as well as in the biosynthesis o
80 ducing activity by accumulating less active, long-chain fatty acid ascaroside derivatives.
81 ch is responsible for the elongation of very long-chain fatty acids (at least 26 carbons).
82 ons with apolar molecules; both hexane and a long-chain fatty acid belonging to the quorum-sensing sy
83 cy is an inherited disorder of mitochondrial long-chain fatty acid beta-oxidation (FAO).
84 otal white adipose, and marked impairment of long-chain fatty acid beta-oxidation.
85 zyme A derivatives using long-chain and very-long chain fatty acids, bile acids and bile acid precurs
86 y restrictive and probably distinct from the long chain fatty acid-binding site.
87 ovl proteins that mediate elongation of very-long-chain fatty acids, block or dramatically slow cleav
88 ndothelial cells causes accumulation of very long chain fatty acids, but much later than the immediat
89 art and muscle reduced complete oxidation of long-chain fatty acids by 87 and 69%, respectively, with
90 inear n-alcohols (C >/= 4) and extracellular long-chain fatty acids (C > 10) at higher efficiency tha
91 yzoites synthesized a range of long and very long chain fatty acids (C14:0-26:1).
92 alls and found a reduction in the amounts of long-chain fatty acids (C18:0) in the atltpI-4 mutant.
93 is led to a significant increase in the very-long-chain fatty acids C24 and C26 in the cuticular wax
94 longases that catalyze the synthesis of very long chain fatty acids (C24 to C26) required for ceramid
95 ells are devoid of ABCD1 and accumulate very long-chain fatty acids (C26:0 and C26:1).
96         Previous research has indicated that long-chain fatty acids can bind myoglobin (Mb) in an oxy
97 itting mitochondrial import and oxidation of long chain fatty acids, carnitine also functions as an a
98                 A gene predicted to encode a long-chain fatty acid CoA ligase (FACL), similar to enzy
99 ts, FATP4 is the major enzyme producing very long chain fatty acid-CoA for lipid metabolic pathways.
100 e due to a mutation in a BL-04 gene encoding long-chain fatty acid coenzyme A (CoA) ligase.
101 chain fatty acyl-CoAs as well as unsaturated long chain fatty acids commonly found in mammalian cells
102     GroEL1 modulates synthesis of mycolates--long-chain fatty acid components of the mycobacterial ce
103 s or as acyl-CoA synthetases, which activate long-chain fatty acids concomitant with transport.
104  showed an enrichment of 2-hydroxylated very-long-chain fatty acid-containing GIPCs and polyglycosyla
105 irmed by mass spectrometry techniques, these long chain fatty acids could form two or three acyloxyac
106 alogues which are N-terminal modified with a long chain fatty acid derivative.
107            Resolution is mediated in part by long-chain fatty acid-derived lipid mediators called spe
108                          ScOle1p is the only long chain fatty acid desaturase in Saccharomyces and it
109 on of oil bodies, and delayed degradation of long-chain fatty acids during early seedling development
110 presence of protective mechanisms toward the long chain fatty acid effects in bacteria belonging to C
111 olipid pathway, such as deletion of the very long-chain fatty acid elongase, Sur4, suppress the osmot
112                        The elongases of very long chain fatty acid (ELOVL or ELO) are essential in th
113 VLCFA synthesizing enzymes, elongase of very long chain fatty acids (ELOVLs) (1 and 3) in both cell t
114           The predominant mechanism by which long-chain fatty acids enter cells is still debated wide
115 es the majority of retinol is sequestered as long chain fatty acid esters.
116 ts a strong preference for the hydrolysis of long-chain fatty acid esters at the sn-2 position of the
117 ietary and bacteria-derived medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids exacerbate, whereas short-chain f
118 s protein on the transport and metabolism of long chain fatty acids (FA) in cells with this gain of f
119 inally coexpressed proteins, which both bind long chain fatty acids (FA), are functionally distinct.
120 ultifunctional glycoprotein that facilitates long-chain fatty acid (FA) uptake by cardiomyocytes and
121      We showed that NLMs lost saturated very-long-chain fatty acid (FA; C24:0) SM in cancer cells and
122 e the importance of oxidation of blood-borne long-chain fatty acids (Fa) in the cardiomyocytes for co
123                                              Long-chain fatty acids (FAs) act centrally to decrease f
124  functions in high-affinity tissue uptake of long-chain fatty acids (FAs) and contributes under exces
125                                              Long-chain fatty acids (FAs) are the predominant energy
126  alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) to omega-3 (n-3) long-chain fatty acids (FAs) is mediated through FA desa
127 ting the availability of this rich source of long-chain fatty acids for mitochondrial beta-oxidation
128                     Mycolic acids are unique long chain fatty acids found in the lipid-rich cell wall
129  chain fatty acids were released faster than long chain fatty acids from milk fat emulsions; long cha
130  that cycloxygenase 2-derived metabolites of long-chain fatty acids function as endogenous activating
131                                      Omega-3 long-chain fatty acids have unexpected effects on lipopr
132 neral oil) on the bioavailability of a model long chain fatty acid (heptadecanoic acid) and lipophili
133 ted that it catalyzes omega-hydroxylation of long-chain fatty acids, implicating these molecules in s
134                        Our data suggest that long-chain fatty acid import into mitochondria in adipos
135 inked to the (omega-1)-hydroxy group of very long chain fatty acid in bradyrhizobial lipid A.
136 tabolomics analysis, we found an increase in long-chain fatty acids in BMPR2 mutant mouse RVs compare
137                            The metabolism of long-chain fatty acids in brain and their incorporation
138 system responsible for the detection of free long-chain fatty acids in humans.
139 Cs and sterols and suggested a role for very-long-chain fatty acids in the interdigitation between th
140 lular processes, especially the oxidation of long-chain fatty acids in the mitochondria for energy pr
141  ACAD9 also retains enzyme ACAD activity for long-chain fatty acids in vitro, but the biological rele
142 impaired as degradation of unesterified very long-chain fatty acids in X-ALD and is abolished in Zell
143  called GPR120, which responds to medium and long chain fatty acids, including health-promoting omega
144                                      Whereas long-chain fatty acids, including the n3 and n6 essentia
145 oline species containing polyunsaturated and long-chain fatty acids, indicating the presence of matur
146 A carboxylase 2 (ACC2) inhibits the entry of long chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, we hypothe
147 mportation of docosohexaenoic acid and other long-chain fatty acids into fetal and adult brain and is
148 of etomoxir, which inhibits the transport of long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria and increases b
149 nzyme catalyzing the conversion of saturated long-chain fatty acids into monounsaturated fatty acids,
150 tions in ABCD1 lead to incorporation of very-long-chain fatty acids into phospholipids, we separately
151 e the transfer of long-chain as well as very-long-chain fatty acids into the apoplast, depending on t
152 ys an essential role in the translocation of long-chain fatty-acids into the mitochondrial matrix for
153  without fatty acids, but in the presence of long-chain fatty acids is "switched on" as a proton tran
154 ion of the glucose transporter GLUT4 and the long chain fatty acid (LCFA) transporter CD36 from intra
155 recyclable, due to incomplete degradation of long chain fatty acids (LCFA) released during lipids hyd
156                                              Long chain fatty acids (LCFA) serve as energy sources, c
157 creases both uptake of fluorescently labeled long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) analogues and bile acid/coe
158 sis that PE is further degraded and that the long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) moieties of PE are complete
159 of circulating nutrients such as glucose and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) by the mediobasal hypothal
160 uggest an inherent efficacy of nonesterified long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) in suppressing T2D and bre
161 EVO hydrolysis, production, and oxidation of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), glycerol, acetate, and hy
162 ontrol mice were supplemented with saturated long-chain fatty acids (LCFA).
163                                              Long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) are the preferred substra
164 herapeutic functions of HSA is the amount of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) bound to HSA.
165 low affinity (Kd=58-296 nm) for unesterified long chain fatty acids (LCFAs).
166 pled receptors (GPCRs) that are activated by long chain fatty acids (LCFAs).
167 ct in synthesis of unsaturated long and very long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs and VLCFAs) and depletion
168 tein family, enhances the cellular uptake of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and is expressed in sever
169        Free fatty acid receptors (FFARs) for long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and SCFAs are expressed i
170                                              Long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) are used as a rich source
171                               We report that long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) enhanced differentiation
172                          The accumulation of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) in non-adipose tissues re
173                           Upon activation by long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), UCP1 increases the condu
174 associated with the accumulation of multiple long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), with C47H85O13P (C36:4),
175  of the fadBA5 operon by PsrA is relieved by long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs).
176  acids influences tissue compositions of n-3 long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs: eicosapentaenoic, docosap
177 on of not only linear but also branched very-long-chain fatty acids, leading to production of the cor
178  occurs not only indirectly through elevated long chain fatty acid levels but also through direct act
179 t only by elevated glucose but also elevated long chain fatty acid levels.
180                                         Very long-chain fatty acid levels were partially restored in
181                                  Medium- and long-chain fatty acid levels were quantified in serum fr
182 he expression of the gene elongation of very long chain fatty acids-like 2, an enzyme needed for prod
183 induced gene 2a, Insig2a, elongation of very long chain fatty acids-like 3, Elovl3 and sterol 12alpha
184  Met299Val variant in the elongation of very long chain fatty acids-like 4 (ELOVL4) gene was signific
185 brary, we have identified elongation of very long-chain fatty acids-like 1 (ELOVL1) and fatty acid tr
186  allelic mutations in the elongation of very-long-chain fatty acids-like 4 (ELOVL4), whereas recessiv
187 tions leading to the de novo biosynthesis of long-chain fatty acids, mainly palmitate.
188                                We found very long chain fatty acids, medium chain acylcarnitines, and
189 ugh FATP4 deficiency primarily affected very long chain fatty acid metabolism, mutant fibroblasts als
190 thetase (ACSL) catalyzes the initial step in long chain fatty acid metabolism.
191 estigate diseases known for abnormalities in long-chain fatty acid metabolism, e.g., the Sjogren-Lars
192 rough gluconeogenesis, glyoxylate cycle, and long-chain fatty acid metabolism.
193 trategy is described for the construction of long-chain fatty acid metabolites.
194                                     Bile and long chain fatty acids negatively regulate ToxT activity
195 rofile, capable of interacting with numerous long chain fatty acids of varying degrees of saturation.
196 growth in mucus and on plates containing the long-chain fatty acid oleate as the sole carbon source.
197  to increase and to sustain oxidation of the long-chain fatty acid oleate on reperfusion (1878+/-56 v
198  anaerobic digestion metatranscriptome after long chain fatty acids (oleate) exposure.
199  associated with increased unsaturated C(18) long-chain fatty acids (oleic acid and linoleic acid) re
200 attachment and removal of palmitate or other long-chain fatty acids on proteins has been hypothesized
201                  Our findings implicate very-long-chain fatty acids or their derivative complex lipid
202 for the design of diets for the treatment of long chain fatty acid oxidation disorders, such as the t
203 art, recapitulating the phenotype of reduced long chain fatty acid oxidation in cardiac hypertrophy.
204 ors beyond malonyl CoA in the heart regulate long chain fatty acid oxidation via L-CPT1.
205 e I [L-CPT1]) is elevated in hearts with low long chain fatty acid oxidation, such as fetal and hyper
206 that ACAD9 knockout in HEK293 cells affected long-chain fatty acid oxidation along with Cl, both of w
207 termine if a primary defect in mitochondrial long-chain fatty acid oxidation disrupts hepatic insulin
208 sults expose UCP3 as a critical regulator of long-chain fatty acid oxidation in the stressed heart po
209 y acid-induced triacylglycerol accumulation, long-chain fatty acid oxidation, and mRNAs associated wi
210  loss of an obligate enzyme in mitochondrial long-chain fatty acid oxidation, carnitine palmitoyltran
211 energy expenditure and induces inactivity in long-chain fatty acid oxidation-deficient mouse models.
212 ndrial trifunctional protein (MTP) catalyzes long-chain fatty acid oxidation.
213 ) in CPT1A, a key regulator of mitochondrial long-chain fatty-acid oxidation.
214 ost-translational covalent attachment of the long chain fatty acid palmitate common in lipid raft-ass
215 r a medium-chain fatty acid (octanoate) or a long-chain fatty acid (palmitate).
216 se accumulation of unbranched saturated very-long-chain fatty acids, particularly in brain and adrena
217 odel results suggested that precipitation of long-chain fatty acids, produced from EVO hydrolysis, wi
218 educed hepatic metabolism, there was reduced long chain fatty acid production and a 2.5-fold increase
219 mation, whereas supplementation with omega 3 long-chain fatty acids protect against intestinal inflam
220 19 and its target ELOVL7 (elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 7) were identified as the
221                                          The long-chain fatty acid receptor FFA4 (previously GPR120)
222                                              Long-chain fatty acid receptor GPR40 induces secretion o
223                                  GPR120 is a long-chain fatty acid receptor that stimulates incretin
224                                              Long-chain fatty acid receptors G-protein-coupled recept
225          GPR120 is a receptor of unsaturated long-chain fatty acids reported to mediate GLP-1 secreti
226                       Mycolic acids are very long-chain fatty acids representing essential components
227 till debated widely as it is unclear whether long-chain fatty acids require protein transporters to c
228  shown that larval oenocytes synthesize very-long-chain fatty acids required for tracheal waterproofi
229 ow in primary hepatocytes that both mid- and long-chain fatty acids (saturated or unsaturated) could
230 etwork is necessary for ileal propionate and long chain fatty acid sensing to regulate glucose homeos
231        These results illustrate how a single long chain fatty acid specifically controls lipid oxidat
232                            Reduction of very-long-chain fatty acid sphingolipid levels leads in parti
233 to evaluate functional relevance of GPR40 on long-chain fatty acid-stimulated increases in [Ca(2+)]i
234 ynthetase that preferentially activates very long chain fatty acid substrates, such as C24:0, to thei
235       Importantly, oleic acid, but not other long chain fatty acids such as palmitate, increased the
236 ansferred to KasA and also incorporated into long chain fatty acids synthesized using a Mycobacterium
237 hway in Mycobacterium tuberculosis generates long chain fatty acids that serve as the precursors to m
238       We found that larvae produce two novel long-chain fatty acids that are attractive to other larv
239  the wild type in the presence of short- and long-chain fatty acids, the growth of these bacteria is
240 -ketoacyl synthase (KAS) domains to assemble long-chain fatty acids, the KASIII domain for initiation
241 chain fatty acids and the activation of very long-chain fatty acids; these activities intrinsic to Fa
242 ch the product of a separate gene, activates long chain fatty acids to form acyl-CoAs.
243      Here we describe how the association of long-chain fatty acids to a partially unfolded, extracel
244 uman GPR40 and Galpha(q) allowed medium- and long-chain fatty acids to elevate intracellular [Ca(2+)]
245 esting essentiality may be linked to feeding long-chain fatty acids to FAS-II.
246 ases that includes Porcupine, which attaches long-chain fatty acids to Wnt proteins.
247 D36) plays an important role in facilitating long chain fatty acid transport.
248                                       The OM long-chain fatty acid transporter FadL from E. coli is a
249  (submicromolar) substrate binding to the OM long-chain fatty acid transporter FadL from Escherichia
250 rates by the Escherichia coli outer membrane long-chain fatty acid transporter FadL.
251 Sm, a homolog of the Escherichia coli FadLEc long-chain fatty acid transporter.
252 t widely expressed member of a family of six long chain fatty acid transporters.
253 , suggesting that enhanced synthesis of very-long-chain fatty acid/trihydroxy LCB ceramides promotes
254 membrane scavenger receptor that facilitates long chain fatty acid uptake by muscle.
255 :1, suggesting that in vivo, defects in very long chain fatty acid uptake may underlie the skin disor
256 ese processes, as well as for stimulation of long-chain fatty acid uptake by adiponection and insulin
257 icant changes in basal or insulin-stimulated long-chain fatty acid uptake, lipid droplet size, or tri
258 rane proteins that facilitate long- and very long-chain fatty acid uptake.
259 its translocation to the plasma membrane and long-chain fatty acid uptake.
260  of six FATPs that facilitate long- and very long-chain fatty acid uptake.
261  of six FATPs that facilitate long- and very-long-chain fatty acid uptake.
262  In addition, eukaryotes extend pre-existing long chain fatty acids using microsomal elongases (ELOs)
263  provide insight into the regulation of very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) biosynthesis in Brassica n
264 n of ALD gene (ABCD1) and the resultant very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) derangement has dramatical
265 omal transmembrane protein required for very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) metabolism.
266 rmalities in the transport of saturated very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA; >C18:0) contribute to the
267 ses on the stem and leaf, except in the very long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) class wherein acids longer
268 chefflera elegantissima) contained only very-long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) derivatives such as alcoho
269                     Notably, an unusual very-long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) is found in the lipid A of
270 mplex are required for the synthesis of very-long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) precursors of cuticular wa
271 usly undescribed desaturase activity on very-long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) substrates and exhibit div
272 his study, we investigated the roles of very long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) synthesis by fatty acid el
273 on initiation factor 2B (eIF2B) and the very-long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) synthesis keto-reductase e
274  which catalyze two successive steps in very-long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) synthesis.
275 . abortus are unusually modified with a very-long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA; C > or = 28) and we discov
276                                         Very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) and branched-chain fatty
277 ingolipids are synthesized de novo from very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) and sphingoid long-chain
278 noleukodystrophy is the accumulation of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) due to impaired peroxiso
279 ongase required for the biosynthesis of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs).
280                                         Very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) are essential lipids who
281                        The extension of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) for the synthesis of spe
282 C13 is required for the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) in yeast.
283 ccumulation of peroxisomal educts (like very-long-chain fatty acids [VLCFAs] or branched-chain fatty
284 del) mice revealed a global decrease in very long-chain fatty acids (VLFAs) (i.e., carbon chain > or
285               In contrast, synthesis of very long chain fatty acids was primarily dependent on a fatt
286 noleic acid, odd-chain fatty acids, and very long-chain fatty acids, was associated with lower incide
287                   Small percentages of other long chain fatty acids were also detected.
288 hain length (1-13 nM K(d) values), saturated long chain fatty acids were not significantly bound.
289 cluding oxidized low density lipoprotein and long chain fatty acids which involves the receptor in di
290 brane proteins involved in transport of very long-chain fatty acids, which are a unique component of
291 he upper surface of the petal is enriched in long-chain fatty acids, which are constituents of the wa
292 s with C16 fatty acids rather than with very-long-chain fatty acids, which are more commonly enriched
293 ing enzyme involved in the synthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids, which are precursors of epicutic
294 6) is necessary for the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids with chain lengths beyond C(2)(8)
295 98, and 136 Da allowed the identification of long-chain fatty acids with five or more double bonds.
296 re abundant intracellular proteins that bind long-chain fatty acids with high affinity.
297 d bioactive molecules that include amides of long-chain fatty acids with taurine [N-acyl-taurines (NA
298 ey exhibit high affinity binding of a single long-chain fatty acid, with the exception of liver FABP,
299 tterns of saturated and monounsaturated very-long-chain fatty acids, with the observed pattern consis
300 ld be insufficient to accommodate medium and long chain fatty acids without conformational changes in

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