


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nulocytosis side effects associated with its long term use.
2 developed which would be more applicable for long-term use.
3 t hospital discharge, but few have evaluated long-term use.
4  determine whether this effect persists with long-term use.
5  the significant risks associated with their long-term use.
6 tential harms of HRT, particularly regarding long-term use.
7 reast or endometrium) precludes recommending long-term use.
8 d hormones are effective, side-effects limit long-term use.
9 e, which prevents loss in sensitivity during long-term use.
10 mposite material also make it preferable for long-term use.
11 re especially troubling in children and with long-term use.
12 d as a means to improve biocompatibility for long-term use.
13  adverse events or the risks associated with long-term use.
14 i-inflammatory drugs are not recommended for long-term use.
15 cal effects and biokinetic distribution with long-term use.
16 well short-duration usage measures predicted long-term use.
17 , most present significant side effects over long-term use.
18 es h(-1)), and relatively good stability for long-term use.
19 th limited potential side effects, even with long-term use.
20  are potential complications associated with long-term use.
21  positive airway pressure (CPAP) may predict long-term use.
22  there was no consistent association between long-term use and NHL for all NSAIDs combined, aspirin,
23 tion; however, emerging problems limit their long-term use, and an increasing number of patients inte
24 n skin model, indicated that MB was safe for long-term use, and did not cause irritation even at high
25 ral years is safe and effective, but data on long-term use are limited.
26 ramine was approved in the United States for long-term use as an appetite suppressant until it was re
27 rs are promising anticancer agents but their long-term use at high doses is associated with adverse c
28 y the most apoptosis-resistant cells survive long-term using autophagy-derived nutrients when growth
29 irculatory support systems for short-term or long-term use: bridging to transplant as well as for rec
30  postmenopausal women, is not acceptable for long-term use by many women.
31 g the rate of benzodiazepine use, especially long-term use by older adults, little information is ava
32 here was a significantly increased risk with long-term use compared with never use (for >5 years, HR
33 .99]), whereas the overall OR for cumulative long-term use (continuous or noncontinuous) was close to
34 atment of anxiety disorders but have limited long-term use due to adverse effects.
35               The Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-term Use Evaluation (VALUE) trial was designed to t
36               The Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-term Use Evaluation (VALUE) trial was designed to t
37  results from the Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-Term Use Evaluation (VALUE) trial, in which the use
38 bridge to cardiac transplantation, but their long-term use for the purpose of enhancing survival and
39                                   Continuous long-term use (>/=5 years) of low-dose aspirin was assoc
40 uss the most recent literature regarding the long-term use (>/=52 weeks of follow-up) of antivascular
41 ited States Food and Drug Administration for long-term use in adolescents.
42 t use at least 16 years before diagnosis and long-term use in age-adjusted analyses but not in multiv
43 ods in xenogeneic hosts and are suitable for long-term use in an immunoexclusion device in a discorda
44                                          Its long-term use in children with renal dysfunction after O
45 ., postoperative) and cancer pain, but their long-term use in chronic pain has met increasing scrutin
46 t or heat-induced defects, thus limiting its long-term use in devices.
47  it may be possible to store donor cells for long-term use in high-risk hosts.
48 ity with PIs could substantially limit their long-term use in highly active ARV therapy.
49                 Temsirolimus is designed for long-term use in patients and therefore represents a pos
50 ilotinib is effective and well-tolerated for long-term use in patients with imatinib intolerance.
51          Three medications with approval for long-term use in the treatment of obesity are currently
52 toxicity of CS2 has been documented from its long-term use in the viscose rayon industry.
53               However, information about its long-term use in this population is limited.
54 ropic actions in human myocardium, but their long-term use increases mortality in patients with heart
55 opamine release and neuron activity, whereas long-term use is associated with blunting of the dopamin
56 calcium available for contraction, but their long-term use is associated with increased mortality due
57 immune diseases are limited in efficacy, and long-term use is associated with severe adverse events.
58 s may be used to attenuate chronic pain, but long-term use is complicated by the possible increase in
59 he potential for chronic nephrotoxicity, its long-term use is controversial.
60 a, the need to assess the potential risks of long-term use is essential.
61                                However their long-term use is limited because of the development of t
62 allergies or autoimmune diseases), but their long-term use is limited by severe side effects.
63                               However, their long-term use is restricted by the occurrence of adverse
64 Despite the popularity of GCs in the clinic, long-term use leads to numerous side effects, driving th
65  in the treatment of chronic pain, but their long-term use leads to the development of physiological
66                                         With long-term use, levodopa causes motor complications inclu
67        Epidemiological studies indicate that long term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (N
68 develops as a complication of pacemaker use, long-term use of a central venous catheter (CVC), or can
69   In male physicians aged 65 years or older, long-term use of a daily multivitamin did not provide co
70                                              Long-term use of a tongue barbell increases the prevalen
71                                              Long-term use of ACE inhibitors may protect against canc
72                                              Long-term use of acyclovir for up to 10 years for HSV su
73            Because this is the first case of long-term use of AI vaccines in poultry, the Mexican lin
74                                              Long-term use of alternate-day, low-dose aspirin may red
75  that may have clinical implications for the long-term use of an L1-virus-like particle-based prophyl
76               These observations support the long-term use of anakinra for the treatment of patients
77                                              Long-term use of androgen deprivation in prostate cancer
78  cardiovascular morbidity and mortality with long-term use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
79  of dexfenfluramine gave rise to widespread, long-term use of anorectics to treat obesity.
80                          We report effective long-term use of anti-IL-2 therapy for an autoimmune ind
81 bition accelerates disease, cautions against long-term use of anti-TNF-alpha therapeutics for AD, and
82 is is given to important questions regarding long-term use of anti-TNFalpha therapies.
83 hese findings reinforce the need for prudent long-term use of antibiotics.
84  Until research fully substantiates that the long-term use of antioxidants is safe and effective, the
85                                              Long-term use of antioxidants such as vitamin C, lutein,
86                                              Long-term use of aspirin (>5 years: odds ratio = 0.76, 9
87 le clinical data do not support the routine, long-term use of aspirin dosages greater than 75 to 81 m
88 o assist clinicians with decisions regarding long-term use of asthma therapies, including omalizumab.
89 mune effector cells has implications for the long-term use of azathioprine in the management of infla
90 s that are lacking after SCI and restored by long-term use of baclofen.
91                            The key factor in long-term use of batteries is the formation of an electr
92 r the current clinical guidelines advocating long-term use of beta-blockers to treat most forms of co
93  Recently published studies confirm that the long-term use of biological agents targeting TNF-alpha i
94  Recently published studies confirm that the long-term use of biologicals targeting tumor necrosis fa
95 t, we did not observe an association between long-term use of bisphosphonates and risk of colorectal
96  to be time-dependent with higher risk after long-term use of bisphosphonates in older MM patients of
97 tatus, smoking, cardiovascular risk factors, long-term use of bronchodilators or steroids for lung di
98 sts about breast cancer risk associated with long-term use of calcium channel blockers (CCBs) or angi
99                                          The long-term use of calcium channel blockers may be protect
100 tolerance and receptor down-regulation after long-term use of cannabinoids.
101                                          The long-term use of cannabis, particularly at high intake l
102 is known about the benefits and risks of the long-term use of cardiovascular drugs.
103          We examined the association between long-term use of cholesterol-lowering drugs, predominant
104 E-/- mice has important implications for the long-term use of cholinesterase inhibitors and other cho
105                                     However, long-term use of CNIs is associated with some degree of
106                                              Long-term use of combination therapy against human immun
107                                              Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to loss of bon
108                                              Long-term use of corticosteroids is associated with cons
109      Due to concerns regarding the safety of long-term use of COX-2 inhibitors as well as a desire to
110 S and biopsy-proven IgM nephropathy, and (2) long-term use of CsA in moderate doses with closely moni
111                                        Thus, long-term use of cultures to define homeostasis and woun
112                                              Long-term use of cyclosporine also is associated with a
113                                              Long-term use of decongestant nasal spray (alpha adrener
114 onstrate any health concerns associated with long-term use of EC in relatively young users who did no
115                     EXTEND demonstrated that long-term use of eltrombopag was effective in maintainin
116                                              Long-term use of epoprostenol further lowered PVR (-47%
117                                              Long-term use of G-CSF appears well tolerated and effect
118                                      Despite long-term use of high doses of atracurium infusion and t
119 nts might develop substantial morbidity from long-term use of high doses of these drugs.
120 e healing in our mouse model is dependent on long-term use of high-dose bisphosphonates, immunosuppre
121  to the growing body of evidence that recent long-term use of HRT is associated with an increased ris
122  and outer retinal involvement in short- and long-term use of hydroxychloroquine before the developme
123   Importance: Retinopathy is a known risk of long-term use of hydroxychloroquine sulfate.
124             The estimated risk reduction for long-term use of ibuprofen (RR, 0.51; CI, 0.28-0.96) was
125                                To permit the long-term use of IFN, we propose combining low doses of
126                                              Long-term use of immunosuppressants is associated with s
127 d because of the hazards associated with the long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs.
128 minate much of the morbidity associated with long-term use of immunosuppressive medication.
129                                              Long-term use of individual beta-carotene, retinol, and
130             The data indicate caution in the long-term use of inhibition of host cell protein synthes
131                                   Conclusion Long-term use of insulin glargine is associated with an
132                                              Long-term use of ISDN/HYD therapy should be associated w
133 ad already developed side effects from their long-term use of L-dopa revealed, in some cases, the pre
134 of antiviral resistance have been found with long-term use of lamivudine, in up to 76% of patients tr
135                                              Long-term use of lead azide and lead styphnate as primar
136                                           If long-term use of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs)
137                                              Long-term use of levodopa is commonly associated with mo
138         We estimated the association between long-term use of lithium (>/=5 years) and risk of upper
139 idemiologic study of the association between long-term use of lithium and risk of upper urinary tract
140                                              Long-term use of lithium was observed among 0.22% of cas
141 r upper urinary tract cancer associated with long-term use of lithium.
142  a potential mechanistic explanation for why long-term use of low doses of NSAIDs, including aspirin,
143 (VTE) in high-risk patients, but whether the long-term use of low-dose aspirin reduces risk in health
144                                              Long-term use of low-dose combination OCs did not increa
145 arding disease prognosis and decisions about long-term use of medical, endoscopic, and diet therapies
146 e associated with postoperative symptoms and long-term use of medication.
147 tes of antidepressant use and a reduction in long-term use of minor tranquilizers for up to 2 years,
148 tanding the molecular changes in response to long-term use of morphine is likely to aid in the develo
149                                              Long-term use of morphine leads to development of antino
150                                              Long-term use of MTX for JRA does not appear to be assoc
151                                              Long-term use of multivitamins may substantially reduce
152                                              Long-term use of nicotine has been linked with self-medi
153 studies and clinical trials demonstrate that long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (
154 s of epidemiological studies have shown that long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
155 term, continuous use of low-dose aspirin and long-term use of nonaspirin NSAIDs were associated with
156 ventive agents and difficulties in assessing long-term use of nonprescription medications.
157      Epidemiological studies have shown that long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (N
158 dies suggest reduced AD risk associates with long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (N
159      Epidemiological studies have shown that long-term use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NS
160                      The association between long-term use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NS
161 uman epidemiological studies have identified long-term use of NSAIDs as protective against AD.
162       Epidemiologic studies demonstrate that long-term use of NSAIDs is associated with a reduced ris
163 t pattern in this research is that continued long-term use of NSAIDs is required for an anticancer ef
164                                              Long-term use of NSAIDs, especially ASA, is associated w
165 a nationwide analysis of patients in Sweden, long-term use of OCs, particularly the combination type,
166                   In light of the increasing long-term use of opiates in chronic pain, in principle,
167 lopment of strategies that could improve the long-term use of opioids for pain.
168 SCD is mostly reliant upon opioids; however, long-term use of opioids is associated with multiple sid
169      Another evolving concern is whether the long-term use of opioids is safe and effective.
170 o functional status markers were improved by long-term use of opioids.
171 Little is known of the risks associated with long-term use of oral bisphosphonates despite their use
172  acquisition decreased with age, income, and long-term use of oral contraceptives and increased with
173 onsistent with the observation in women that long-term use of oral contraceptives or multiple pregnan
174 ncy department, the use of rescue therapy or long-term use of oral corticosteroids, or the dispensing
175                               Widespread and long-term use of oral nucleos(t)ide analogs (NAs) to tre
176 egrity in most osteoporotic patients and the long-term use of osteoporosis drugs is controversial.
177  exacerbates pathogenesis and argues against long-term use of pan-anti-TNF-alpha inhibitors for the t
178 ), high levels of physical activity, and the long-term use of pharmacotherapy combined with lifestyle
179     Relative to nondiabetics, the cumulative long-term use of pioglitazone reduced the dementia risk
180                                              Long-term use of pioglitazone was associated with a lowe
181                                          The long-term use of plasmapheresis may be a well-tolerated
182 f proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), focusing on long-term use of PPIs for three common indications: gast
183                         We hypothesized that long-term use of PPIs is associated with greater microbi
184                                      In HIV, long-term use of PPIs was associated with increased micr
185 onal studies of outcomes associated with the long-term use of preventive therapies are subject to the
186 atter finding is potentially relevant to the long-term use of protein farnesyltransferase inhibitors,
187  observational studies, between high-dose or long-term use of proton pump inhibitor drugs and certain
188 iew is to evaluate the risks associated with long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), focusing
189  to accumulation of the (S)-enantiomer after long-term use of racemic albuterol.
190    No new safety events were identified with long-term use of ranibizumab; rates of SAEs potentially
191                    These results support the long-term use of riociguat in patients with pulmonary ar
192                                      Current long-term use of SSRI (>/=20 prescriptions) was not asso
193                                              Long-term use of statins among patients with CAD appeare
194                   These results suggest that long-term use of statins is unlikely to substantially in
195                               PIMs included: long-term use of stimulant laxatives and high-dosages of
196                        Then we evaluated the long-term use of subcutaneous ICDs in a pilot study, inv
197        The potential hazards associated with long-term use of such doses should be carefully consider
198          We examined the association between long-term use of supplemental B vitamins on the one-carb
199                              The effect that long-term use of suppressive acyclovir (ACV) has on both
200                                              Long-term use of suppressive prophylactic ACV appears to
201                                              Long-term use of systemic antifungals is not optimal due
202                                          The long-term use of tamoxifen and other selective estrogen
203                                              Long-term use of the CSD lowered end-diastolic and end-s
204                                    Recently, long-term use of these agents has come under scrutiny du
205  improves cytopenias in 50% of patients, but long-term use of these can lead to toxicity.
206                           Unfortunately, the long-term use of these devices is compromised by cellula
207                                 Furthermore, long-term use of these devices is not associated with in
208 rm trials, the current evidence supports the long-term use of these drugs for the treatment of patien
209 onsteroidal analgesics and opiates; however, long-term use of these drugs is commonly associated with
210 y reduces inflammation, pain, and fever, and long-term use of these drugs reduces fatal thrombotic ev
211 ilar to those in patients on diclofenac with long-term use of these drugs.
212 rdive dystonia may become irreversible after long-term use of these drugs.
213    Studies over the past decade suggest that long-term use of these heparins in both primary and seco
214 ing fetal exposure to drugs and xenobiotics, long-term use of these medications may affect fetal drug
215                           Unfortunately, the long-term use of these therapies is complicated by unwan
216 d with GSK2330672 treatment, might limit the long-term use of this drug.
217                                              Long-term use of topical corticosteroids in skin inflamm
218  and clinical studies have reported that the long-term use of topical medications in chronic ophthalm
219 ment of resistance is the main threat to the long-term use of toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
220                                              Long-term use of unopposed estrogen is associated with i
221 ator levels in patients with RA, despite the long-term use of various anti-inflammatory drugs, sugges
222                                     However, long-term use poses adherence challenges, is associated
223  and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) expression, but long-term use produced significantly higher levels of th
224 however, the apparent benefit decreased with long-term use (relative risk, 0.80; 0.67 to 0.96, after
225 atients who began treatment in recent years, long-term use remains low.
226 ubtedly cause irreversible brain damage with long-term use, the jury is still out on the party drug e
227  is glucocorticoids, their side effects make long-term use undesirable.
228             Obesity medications approved for long-term use, when prescribed with lifestyle interventi
229  cannabinoids has been widely observed after long-term use, with concomitant receptor desensitization
230 ophageal reflux, which are now available for long-term use without medical supervision.

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