


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rom New Brunswick to Michigan (22 degrees of longitude).
2 nce (e.g., GMT) [1] were needed to determine longitude.
3 itudes can use magnetic declination to infer longitude.
4 1, encompassing an expanse of 118 degrees of longitude.
5 ur estimates of B differ across latitude vs. longitude.
6 ring isotope compositions with elevation and longitude.
7 e a better parameter in correlating with the longitude.
8 that imply an awareness of both latitude and longitude.
9 de, it is not known how any animal perceives longitude.
10 es and found to correlate most strongly with longitude.
11 sly solve the seemingly insoluble problem of longitude.
12 ongitude and Alexandria around 150 degrees W longitude.
13 e population mixing with respect to breeding longitude.
14  which were located at different geomagnetic longitudes.
15  show the northern polar cap over a range of longitudes.
16 placed equally from each pole along opposite longitudes.
17  for ~5 days, spanning nearly all geographic longitudes.
18  decreasing temperature with pressure at all longitudes.
19 over a broad range of ecliptic latitudes and longitudes.
20 es show that they cluster near 350 degrees W longitude, 40 degrees S latitude.
21 ing 10 degrees of latitude and 35 degrees of longitude across the Australian continent.
22 n analysis showed that insolation, latitude, longitude, age, and race have a significant effect on th
23 ut 7-50% of the shift in latitude, 20-36% in longitude and 4-28% of that in elevation.
24 boundary correlation to locate continents in longitude and a novel iterative approach for defining a
25 ranch of Damascus, Cairo around 60 degrees W longitude and Alexandria around 150 degrees W longitude.
26 on showed the enhancement to be localized in longitude and concentrated near the magnetic equator.
27 roximately 0.36 degrees per year in apparent longitude and is consistent with seasonal exchange of an
28 averages over all towns to give an estimated longitude and latitude of birth using a fully Bayesian m
29                The records with mis-recorded longitude and latitude values were, in fact, taken from
30 rrelations between the prevalence of AMD and longitude and latitude were obtained by regression analy
31 pecies, while controlling for host age, sex, longitude and latitude, as well as temporal effects.
32        The differential relationship between longitude and life-stage abundance suggests a moving fro
33 t seems to be fixed in magnetic latitude and longitude and occurs in a region where anomalous infrare
34  PHYC and FRS10 correlated with latitude and longitude and temperature, and with precipitation for PH
35 ant inverse correlations between latitude or longitude, and crude or age-standardized prevalence rate
36                               Bathymetry and longitude are found to be highly significant in explaini
37 bon content of the sediment and latitude and longitude as co-variates explained as ca. 75% of the var
38 at the Levantine spike must span >60 degrees longitude at Earth's surface if it originates from the c
39  eruption into a direction +37+/-10 degrees (longitude) away from its source region, leading only to
40 ars for 5 months starting 25 May 2008 (solar longitude between 76.5 degrees and 148 degrees ).
41 ng the environmental gradient represented by longitude, by exploring relationships between per-plot c
42  results demonstrate for the first time that longitude can be encoded into the magnetic positioning s
43 f two sites 3700 km apart, differing only in longitude, can distinguish the two apparent locations an
44 rs for each incident along with latitude and longitude coordinates determined by global positioning s
45 rs for each incident along with latitude and longitude coordinates determined by global positioning s
46                                 Latitude and longitude data (geolocalization) and the mean annual ins
47  that locks, as Pluto's rotation slows, to a longitude directly opposite Charon.
48 ntered at approximately 260 degrees ecliptic longitude extending from north to south and looping back
49  hours, waft downwind to achieve their great longitude extents.
50 ined by an average of 1.8% per 10 degrees of longitude from west to east across the study area betwee
51 el and at the 1 degrees latitude x 1 degrees longitude grid-cell level for the period 1992-2008.
52  degrees north latitude and 150 degrees east longitude in southern Elysium.
53  this material is exposed over 20 degrees of longitude, indicating the extended presence of surface o
54 g areas derive from a wide range of breeding longitudes, indicating considerable population mixing wi
55 er vapor simultaneously on Mars over several longitude intervals in northern early and late summer in
56                                  Determining longitude is incredibly difficult--for humans.
57  in the sky centered on ecliptic coordinate (longitude lambda, latitude beta) = (221 degrees, 39 degr
58 tudes 51 degrees to 68 degrees north and all longitudes observed (10 degrees to 190 degrees west).
59 tred on a latitude of 25 degrees north and a longitude of 175 degrees, almost directly opposite the s
60                            At an aerocentric longitude of 224 degrees a major dust storm developed in
61                       They were spotted at a longitude of about 195 degrees west, a latitude of about
62 seline risk factor measurements and latitude/longitude of participant residence collected from 2003 t
63 utnik Planitia, is located very close to the longitude of Pluto's tidal axis and may be an impact fea
64  regression trees fitted to the latitude and longitude of the population centroid of each tract.
65 tration of emerging BFRs and the latitude or longitude of the sampling sites were not strengthened by
66  data sets (0.5 degrees latitude x 1 degrees longitude) of fish abundance from North Sea fisheries re
67 olocated data (i.e., with known latitude and longitude) on the clinical incidence of malaria, coverag
68                                          The longitude problem (determining east-west position) is a
69 s) can use magnetic declination to solve the longitude problem at least under some circumstances unde
70 Consequently, migratory birds must solve the longitude problem in a different way, but how they do so
71 near linear effect on first flights, whereas longitude produced a generally less-clear effect on all
72 or assemblages sampled by 1 degrees latitude-longitude quadrats (n = 1,676).
73 ted at a 0.5 degrees by 0.5 degrees latitude/longitude resolution.
74 olution of 0.1 degree latitude by 0.1 degree longitude (roughly 10 km x 10 km).
75  measured at a 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude scale.
76 om a source approximately 60 degrees wide in longitude straddling the direction of the local interste
77  show that the planet exhibits librations in longitude that are forced at the 88-day orbital period,
78                   Attributing a latitude and longitude to each spectrum collected, unique chemical fi
79 the trend for the interstellar flow ecliptic longitude to increase linearly with time is statisticall
80                              The response to longitude was mixed, with earlier life stages (seedlings
81 rd of 60 degrees S and extend 180 degrees in longitude west from the Mountains of Mitchel (approximat
82 rrow ring arcs, spanning about 40 degrees in longitude, which are apparently confined against the rap

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