


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ode separation distances (i.e. < 1 mm in the longitudinal axis).
2 which animals rotate 180 degrees about their longitudinal axis.
3 nemonic processing along the parahippocampal longitudinal axis.
4  of freely swimming sperm cells around their longitudinal axis.
5 ell-defined developmental gradient along the longitudinal axis.
6  in the human DG/CA3, particularly along the longitudinal axis.
7 with increasing cattle numbers over the same longitudinal axis.
8 rter suspensors and reduced growth along the longitudinal axis.
9 ithelial cells divide parallel to the airway longitudinal axis.
10 radial axis and developmental time along the longitudinal axis.
11 CA3 to CA3 also travel extensively along the longitudinal axis.
12  of hilar neurons throughout the hippocampal longitudinal axis.
13 on, elongation and differentiation along its longitudinal axis.
14 tic and as radially symmetrical around their longitudinal axis.
15  two CM cells, when separated by 1 mm in the longitudinal axis.
16 centrations, and distance from the scanner's longitudinal axis.
17 ges on granule cells located >2 mm along the longitudinal axis.
18 acquired at 0, 5, and 10 cm from the scanner longitudinal axis.
19 ng transverse segments along the hippocampal longitudinal axis.
20 ned rapidly for distances > or = 2 mm in the longitudinal axis.
21 h decussated commissural axons turn into the longitudinal axis.
22  circumferential axis and < or = 4 mm in the longitudinal axis.
23 slope of relative activity along the cardiac longitudinal axis.
24 -to-cell contacts, predominantly along their longitudinal axis.
25 e and their subsequent rostral turn into the longitudinal axis.
26 ubjects were rotated in darkness about their longitudinal axis 20 degrees off-vertical at a constant
27 ural control resulting in rotation about the longitudinal axis (60 degrees+/-4 deg).
28 ed of these globules aligned roughly along a longitudinal axis, a morphology distinct from that of Ab
29 directionally oriented along the ghost fiber longitudinal axis, allowing for spreading of progenitors
30  its subfields, and specialization along its longitudinal axis, along with its interaction with other
31       These ectopic joints develop along the longitudinal axis and persist at birth, suggesting that
32 istinct subregions along the parahippocampal longitudinal axis and suggesting that, in humans, the pa
33 strikingly dissociated along the hippocampal longitudinal axis and that activity in the posterior hip
34  of the angle of inclination relative to the longitudinal axis and the table increment.
35  of the semiconductor shell (along its major longitudinal axis) and of the metal core.
36 requently, were elongated along the cellular longitudinal axis, and dissipated slowly.
37 stic stiffness along the craniocaudal (i.e., longitudinal) axis being lower than perpendicular to it.
38 hanically resistant to force applied along a longitudinal axis compared to force applied perpendicula
39 ominant expression patterns along the root's longitudinal axis do not strictly correlate with previou
40  imaging, we measured peak early velocity of longitudinal axis expansion (Ea) in 8 patients with cons
41                     Our study indicates that longitudinal axis expansion velocities are markedly redu
42                           The measurement of longitudinal axis expansion velocities provides a clinic
43 ramidal cells were FG-labeled throughout the longitudinal axis, FG-positive interneurons exhibited a
44 understood using multiple markers of cardiac longitudinal axis function and cardiac deformation analy
45                                   Studies of longitudinal axis function of the right ventricle show t
46 ile stress-strain behavior of bone along its longitudinal axis is modeled by using a simple shear-lag
47 ariation of ~100 degrees rotation around the longitudinal axis is observed for domains binding at the
48  a relatively homogenous structure along the longitudinal axis, it has become clear that the rodent h
49 rsal axis) and longitudinal (along the major longitudinal axis) modes.
50 hown to form spirals that traverse along the longitudinal axis of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia c
51 ndrocytes are organized in columns along the longitudinal axis of bone growth.
52 aturation zone were oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of cells.
53 ly dynamic, filamentous structures along the longitudinal axis of Escherichia coli formed by ParM, a
54 icardial muscle fibers and bundles along the longitudinal axis of fiber orientation.
55 s expressed in the endoderm along the entire longitudinal axis of hydra, but at relatively high level
56 y transverse direction, swinging towards the longitudinal axis of the body.
57 form of continuous parallel cables along the longitudinal axis of the cell.
58  in direction from random to parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cells with peak reorientation s
59 ed, dash-like staining that aligned with the longitudinal axis of the cells.
60                      Guidance cues along the longitudinal axis of the CNS are poorly understood.
61 odes were separated by up to 15 mm along the longitudinal axis of the colon.
62 ng medullary zone indicates a bias along the longitudinal axis of the epithelium.
63 esce into linear structures aligned with the longitudinal axis of the fiber, often in the vicinity of
64 ese targets occurred gradually and along the longitudinal axis of the filament, therefore defining a
65 orizontal processes oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the folium, postmitotic granule cel
66                                          The longitudinal axis of the helical structure, and the tran
67 t the dentate neuroepithelium throughout the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus generates both the
68  GCs locally, contralaterally, and along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus, thereby establishi
69 ational and well-organized fashion along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus.
70 to present higher axonal ramification in the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus.
71 ypothesis that activity dissipates along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus.
72 thickening decreased substantially along the longitudinal axis of the left ventricle, from 69% +/- 13
73 rder parameter and average angle between the longitudinal axis of the lipid molecule and the membrane
74                                          The longitudinal axis of the maize leaf is composed of, in p
75 r, a double dissociation was found along the longitudinal axis of the MTL memory system: activity in
76 ion of vessels at particular sites along the longitudinal axis of the pulmonary vasculature, as well
77  luminal and mucosal samples taken along the longitudinal axis of the rat digestive tract were subjec
78  SHR acts to promote cell division along the longitudinal axis of the root is unknown; SHR is present
79  infection threads migrating parallel to the longitudinal axis of the root, resulting in extensive in
80 ation of capillary force with respect to the longitudinal axis of the spirals.
81 mages (n = 11) and in linear areas along the longitudinal axis of the tendons on sagittal images (n =
82 Opposing gradients of such factors along the longitudinal axis of the thoracic region of the embryo c
83 uality images and sections orthogonal to the longitudinal axis of the vessel.
84 and different stages can be found along this longitudinal axis of time and development, root system a
85 hifted monotonically with distance along the longitudinal axis, reaching approximately 180 degrees be
86 fine fiber arrays orientated in the tissue's longitudinal axis, reminiscent of the cribriform plexus
87 h as visualization of the vein and needle in longitudinal axis, should be considered.
88 nt subdivisions of the hippocampus along its longitudinal axis: the human posterior (rodent dorsal) h
89  axis toward the lesser curvature and in the longitudinal axis toward the antrum.
90 ed in a banding pattern perpendicular to the longitudinal axis via a microtubule-dependent mechanism.
91       In hypertrophied myocardium, CV in the longitudinal axis was smaller and transverse velocity wa
92                                       In the longitudinal axis, we observe an unusual biphasic behavi
93 n into this line, mossy cells throughout the longitudinal axis were degenerated extensively, theta wa
94 ire additional mechanisms to define a cell's longitudinal axis, width, and length.
95        Implantation occurs along the uterine longitudinal axis within specialized implantation chambe

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