コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 ation to reinstate feminine sexual behavior (lordosis).
2 eptors, which is expected in turn to promote lordosis.
3 of the female rodent reproductive behavior, lordosis.
4 atosensory, not just hormonal, influences on lordosis.
5 oceptors also facilitates estrogen-dependent lordosis.
6 al hormone treatments sufficient to activate lordosis.
7 avity of wedged lumbar vertebrae, known as a lordosis.
8 and eventually develop bowed legs and lumbar lordosis.
9 cell group crucial for estrogen induction of lordosis.
10 quantified as the copulatory stance known as lordosis.
11 OR and induces the sexual receptive behavior lordosis.
12 hr amide reversed LPNY-induced inhibition of lordosis.
13 for a significant proportion of variance in lordosis.
14 cated in alpha(1)-adrenergic facilitation of lordosis.
15 lieving estrogen inhibition and facilitating lordosis.
16 inea pigs displayed progesterone-facilitated lordosis (85.7% vs. 5.8%, respectively, p<0.05), there w
17 gulation of the female reproductive behavior lordosis, a behavior dependent upon the sequential activ
19 al beta isoform of the ER gene showed normal lordosis and courtship behaviors, extending in some case
20 a,5alpha-THP; 100 or 200ng/side)-facilitated lordosis and its enhancement by D1 (SKF38393; 100ng/side
21 stent with the behavioral incompatibility of lordosis and ultrasound production and suggest that the
22 ion and time course of the lesion effects on lordosis and ultrasound production suggest that the VMN
23 inhibited estrogen plus progesterone-induced lordosis, and the MOR-selective antagonist D-Phe-Cys-Tyr
24 into the medial preoptic nucleus attenuated lordosis, and their effects were blocked with the MOR an
25 ce the quality of the reproductive behavior, lordosis, and to reduce the EMG of lumbar back muscles i
26 (genital sniffing of females by male mice), lordosis (arched-back mating posture in female rats), co
28 aminobutyric acid (GABA) modulate female rat lordosis behavior and appear to interact in their contro
30 in the VMN are involved in the modulation of lordosis behavior and lead to the suggestion that 5-HT2C
32 tion of 5-HT(2A/2C) receptors can facilitate lordosis behavior and that the VMN is one site at which
33 th EB showed significantly greater levels of lordosis behavior compared with OVX females treated with
36 nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN), inhibited lordosis behavior in all hormone-treated conditions.
37 alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin on lordosis behavior in E(2)- and P-treated female rats.
38 itatory effects of alpha(1)-adrenoceptors on lordosis behavior in female rats, and previous exposure
41 l (E(2)) and progesterone (P) facilitate rat lordosis behavior in part by regulating the expression o
42 st action at 5-HT(2A/2C) receptors increased lordosis behavior in rats with low sexual receptivity.
43 s of T3 showed significantly lower levels of lordosis behavior in response to estradiol benzoate (EB)
48 dence that the effects of 5-HT on female rat lordosis behavior involve the integrated activity of at
51 tive to hormone-primed, ovariectomized rats, lordosis behavior of proestrous females was less affecte
52 th several reports that muscimol facilitates lordosis behavior of suboptimally hormonally primed fema
59 both routes of administration, inhibition of lordosis behavior was seen following treatment with the
62 olymerization with cytochalasin D attenuated lordosis behavior, indicating the importance of estradio
63 reduced the ability of 8-OH-DPAT to inhibit lordosis behavior, rats were preprimed with 10 microg EB
64 t was given progesterone and then tested for lordosis behavior, the induction of which requires the g
65 lamic ventromedial nucleus (VMN) facilitated lordosis behavior-inducing genomic actions of estrogen.
89 the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMN) depress lordosis but increase ultrasonic vocalization in female
90 ine D1 receptor stimulation, facilitation of lordosis by D1 receptor stimulation in estradiol-primed
92 itation of one component of mating behavior, lordosis, by vaginal-cervical stimulation does not requi
97 (10 or 20 mg/kg) significantly reduced both lordosis frequency and quality and reduced (but not sign
99 Present studies show that KT5823 attenuates lordosis in a dose-dependent manner when infused bilater
100 of the hypothalamus (VMH), OFQ/N facilitates lordosis in female rats through estrogen and progesteron
101 ance the display of progesterone-facilitated lordosis in juvenile females, increase levels of hypotha
102 enhanced display of progesterone-facilitated lordosis in prepubertal guinea pigs following MPOA lesio
104 tions in the hypothalamus can potentiate its lordosis-inducing genomic actions on behavior and may be
105 aspects of mating, including facilitation of lordosis, induction of sexual receptivity, abbreviation
106 le both estrogen and progesterone reduce the lordosis-inhibiting effect of 8-OH-DPAT, the mechanisms
107 subchronically treated with fluoxetine, the lordosis-inhibiting effect of an acute injection with fl
110 gesterone, prepriming with EB attenuated the lordosis-inhibiting effects of systemic treatment with 8
112 /M)>/=0.5 were used to examine the potential lordosis-inhibiting effects of the 5-HT2A receptor antag
114 mechanism through which estrogen facilitates lordosis is by remodeling synaptic connectivity within t
115 e the EMG of lumbar back muscles involved in lordosis is exerted through a reticulospinal pathway wit
117 ong evidence that dopaminergic modulation of lordosis is mediated by the novel D5 dopamine receptor.
120 about the local VMH microcircuitry governing lordosis nor how estrogen alters synaptic connectivity w
121 enous P (200 microg) significantly increased lordosis of all mice within 10 min of P, but vehicle inf
124 alpha-ol-20-one (3alpha,5alpha-THP) enhanced lordosis of ovariectomized, sexually experienced C57BL/6
125 oxysteroid oxidoreduced product, facilitates lordosis of rodents in part via agonist-like actions at
126 We have found that progestogen-facilitated lordosis of rodents is enhanced by activation of dopamin
131 for the display of progesterone-facilitated lordosis or perfused, and their hypothalamic tissue proc
132 ount and duration and reduced the latency of lordosis, over that seen with vehicle infusion, in PRKO
133 ts sensorimotor integration of the analogous lordosis posture displayed by sexually receptive female
134 gment of the motor pathway that produces the lordosis posture, the hallmark of female rat sexual beha
136 VMHVL resulted in a significant reduction in lordosis quotient compared to control (reverse sense) OD
139 etween intromissions and ejaculation, higher lordosis quotients and ratings, more pacing of their sex
140 us oxytocin infused controls, as measured by lordosis quotients and receptivity scores, at 40, and 90
141 howed reduced intromission-like behavior and lordosis quotients compared with vehicle and scrambled c
144 al role of hypothalamic opioid expression in lordosis reflex 16-mer oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) direct
147 mount (L/M) ratio and in the quality of the lordosis reflex with 500 ng tropisetron producing the mo
149 tal development of this limbic-hypothalamic, lordosis regulating circuit, and to determine the age at
150 expression in the adult limbic-hypothalamic lordosis regulating circuit, which are not functional be
151 d may be subject to estrogenic influences in lordosis-relevant neurons in the ventrolateral subdivisi
152 It is suggested that muscimol may enhance lordosis responding in suboptimally hormonally primed ra
157 exposure to SP for ten weeks attenuated the lordosis response following sequential treatment with es
159 1) alpha(1)-adrenoceptors in the HYP enhance lordosis responses by activating the nitric oxide (NO)-c
160 h past results, unilateral lesions disrupted lordosis responses to contralateral flank stimulation.
161 ale guinea pigs rarely display adult-typical lordosis responses to ovarian steroid hormones until 40-
163 he arcuate nucleus or preoptic area, induced lordosis, suggesting the functional presence of D5 dopam
164 wild type mice suggest that P may facilitate lordosis through actions at substrates other than intrac
165 on-traditional actions in the VTA to enhance lordosis through D1 and/or GABA(A) include activity of P
167 ere was a dose-dependent decline in both the lordosis to mount (L/M) ratio and in the quality of the
170 ha-THP-, SKF38393-, and muscimol-facilitated lordosis was attenuated by infusions of the PLC inhibito
173 ular progestin receptors (PRs) to facilitate lordosis was investigated in PR knockout (PRKO) mice, PR
175 les raised on a diet high in phytoestrogens, lordosis was reduced in comparison with females of both
176 ) activation, the steroid-dependent behavior lordosis was used in estrogen-primed ovariectomized Spra
177 sthetics, which would block E's induction of lordosis when administered at the time of estrogen appli
178 ed to bovine serum albumin (P:BSA) increased lordosis when applied bilaterally to both the VMH and VT
179 rdosis with i.v. P infusion and increases in lordosis when P's effects are relegated to the membrane
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