


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s (So) transcriptional targets dachshund and lozenge.
2  expression was autoregulated by Serpent and Lozenge.
3 ell lineage is dependent on both Serpent and Lozenge.
4 equired Serpent but also the RUNX homologue, Lozenge.
5 ty of Runt and a second Runt domain protein, Lozenge.
6 chers for low-cost patches along with gum or lozenges.
7  root planing (SRP) and probiotic-containing lozenges.
8   The control group received SRP and placebo lozenges.
9                                         Zinc lozenges, 10 mg, orally dissolved, 5 times a day (in gra
10                                              Lozenge, a Runt/AML1/CBFA1-like transcription factor, de
11                                              Lozenge, a Runx protein homologue, and Glial cells missi
12 gulation of u-shaped was delayed until after lozenge activation, consistent with our previous results
13 , we found that precursor cells downregulate lozenge and divide stereotypically to generate three-cel
14 esis, the acute myeloid leukemia 1 homologue Lozenge and Glial cells missing are required for the pro
15  nuclear protein that co-localizes with both Lozenge and Runt in the eye imaginal disc.
16                   Furthermore, expression of Lozenge and SrpNC, a Srp isoform with N- and C-terminal
17  the hematopoietic RUNX transcription factor lozenge and the subsequent production of crystal cells,
18 ns for the biological activities of Runt and Lozenge, and further suggest that Brother protein functi
19  two genes encoding alpha-subunits, runt and lozenge, and two genes encoding beta-subunits, Big broth
20                       Here we show that Srp, Lozenge, and U-shaped interact in different combinations
21  crystal cell lineage commitment by Serpent, Lozenge, and U-shaped.
22 xpression of SerpentNC with U-shaped blocked lozenge- and u-shaped-lacZ reporter-gene activity.
23 im was to assess the effect of a bupivacaine lozenge as topical pharyngeal anesthetic compared with s
24                                              Lozenge belongs to the Runx class of transcription facto
25 ctor 4 (RUNX4), the orthologue of Drosophila Lozenge, bound to the RUNT binding motif in the promoter
26 ease bupropion, nicotine patch plus nicotine lozenge, bupropion plus nicotine lozenge, or placebo.
27                           While the nicotine lozenge, bupropion, and bupropion plus lozenge produced
28                                A bupivacaine lozenge compared with a lidocaine spray proved to be a s
29                        Participants took one lozenge containing 12.8 mg of zinc acetate or placebo ev
30                          Participants took 1 lozenge containing 13.3 mg of zinc (as zinc acetate) or
31                                              Lozenges containing L. reuteri may be a useful supplemen
32                   Big brother functions with Lozenge during cell fate specification in the eye, and i
33 e zinc group (n = 50) received lozenges (one lozenge every 2 hours while awake) containing 13.3 mg of
34 oss-regulatory sub-circuit that can modulate lozenge expression.
35 ment located within the second intron of the lozenge gene is responsible for its eye-specific express
36 th proteins is mediated by regulation of the lozenge gene.
37 icotine patch with a shorter-acting product (lozenge, gum, inhaler, or nasal spray) and extend treatm
38  analysis was to investigate whether xylitol lozenges had a differential effect on cumulative caries
39  treatment, and zinc gluconate glycine (ZGG) lozenges have been shown to reduce the duration of cold
40                                         Zinc lozenges have been used for treatment of the common cold
41 h TIMP-1 levels may indicate the role of the lozenges in reduction of inflammation-associated markers
42 ted the effectiveness of xylitol vs. placebo lozenges in the prevention of dental caries in caries-ac
43                                              Lozenge is not itself a cell-specific transcription fact
44  the prevalence of adverse effects with zinc lozenges is high.
45 e randomized to receive either a bupivacaine lozenge (L-group, n = 51) or lidocaine spray (S-group, n
46 oietic cis-regulatory module and showed that lozenge-lacZ reporter-gene expression was autoregulated
47                                          The lozenge-like utrophin CH domain densities localized to t
48 he activity of the RUNX transcription factor Lozenge (LZ) during development of the crystal cells, on
49  the activity of the Drosophila Runx protein Lozenge (Lz) during pupal development causes a decrease
50                                              Lozenge (Lz) is a multifunctional transcription factor t
51                     The transcription factor Lozenge (Lz) is expressed exclusively in second wave cel
52 demonstrate that binding of the Runx protein Lozenge (Lz) is required for enhancers to be competent t
53 compared with loss-of-function phenotypes of lozenge (lz), an AML1 homolog expressed during Drosophil
54 y expressed transcription factors encoded by lozenge (lz), Drop (Dr) and AP-2.
55  and negative regulation by the Runx protein Lozenge (Lz).
56 tion factors, such as the AML1-like protein, Lozenge (Lz).
57                        Here, we identified a lozenge minimal hematopoietic cis-regulatory module and
58        Moreover, we find that the effects of lozenge mutations on eye development are suppressed by e
59 4); and (3) C-NRT (nicotine patch + nicotine lozenge; n = 421).
60 the selection between a Lozenge-positive and Lozenge-negative state.
61 zed to 1 of 6 treatment conditions: nicotine lozenge, nicotine patch, sustained-release bupropion, ni
62 ction, only the nicotine patch plus nicotine lozenge (odds ratio, 2.34, P < .001) produced significan
63 Patients in the zinc group (n = 50) received lozenges (one lozenge every 2 hours while awake) contain
64 ric complexes between Big brother and either Lozenge or Runt.
65 us nicotine lozenge, bupropion plus nicotine lozenge, or placebo.
66  that contributes to the selection between a Lozenge-positive and Lozenge-negative state.
67 otine lozenge, bupropion, and bupropion plus lozenge produced effects that were comparable with those
68 n previous research, the nicotine patch plus lozenge produced the greatest benefit relative to placeb
69 lso required for activation, and overlapping Lozenge protein distribution and DER signaling establish
70                 Binding of the cell-specific Lozenge protein is also required for activation, and ove
71                                          The Lozenge protein is expressed in the nuclei of the cells
72                      Finally, we showed that lozenge reporter-gene activity increased in a u-shaped m
73 ipulating activity of a co-operating factor, Lozenge/Runx, we showed that it can help facilitate thes
74                      Coexpression of Srp and Lozenge synergistically activated the crystal cell progr
75 oup (n = 50) received similarly administered lozenges that contained 5% calcium lactate pentahydrate
76  that together with the transcription factor Lozenge, the nuclear effectors of the EGFR and Notch sig
77 with the pre-patterning transcription factor Lozenge, these factors work in a highly combinatorial ma
78 lations, including toothpastes, mouthwashes, lozenges, throat and nasal sprays, and as biocides.
79 actor Serpent interacts with the RUNX factor Lozenge to activate the crystal cell program, whereas Se
80                  In 13 of 34 nicotine gum or lozenge users from both studies, total NNN at one or mor
81                       Administration of zinc lozenges was associated with reduced duration and severi
82                       Administration of zinc lozenges was associated with reduced duration and severi
83 nity-based, randomized controlled trial, ZGG lozenges were not effective in treating cold symptoms in
84                 The transcription factor Lz (Lozenge), which resembles human AML1 (acute myeloid leuk
85 tion of the Runx family transcription factor Lozenge, which is a key regulator of crystal cell fate.

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