


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 geries while preserving lymph node blood and lymph flow.
2 that the resulting phasic contractions drive lymph flow.
3 cessary for the generation and regulation of lymph flow.
4 hese hypertrophic lymphatic sinuses increase lymph flow.
5  are initiated primarily in the direction of lymph flow.
6 ining CLNs was used as a measure of afferent lymph flow.
7 s within the sinus, preventing their loss in lymph flow.
8                  To do this we measured lung lymph flow after raising left atrial pressure (by inflat
9                We hypothesize that increased lymph flow along with disrupted lymphatics in the affect
10 lycerides (LCTs), which stimulate mesenteric lymph flow and are absorbed in chylomicrons through mese
11  accompanied by a threefold increase in lung lymph flow and dramatic increases in plasma and lung lym
12                                              Lymph flow and hemodynamics were unaffected by this hype
13 combined in sheep at rest, and the resulting lymph flow and protein content were the same as seen wit
14 sure, net fluid balance, lung and prefemoral lymph flow and protein content, lung water content, abdo
15 sive capillary hypertension, the increase in lymph flow and reduction in lymph protein content develo
16 mphovenous hemostasis is required for normal lymph flow, and mice deficient in lymphovenous hemostasi
17 ntal vascular and intraperitoneal pressures, lymph flow, and peritoneal space compliance.
18 ressures, cardiac output by ultrasound, lung lymph flow, and ventilation.
19         Pulmonary and cardiac function, lung lymph flow, bronchial obstruction score, and wet/dry lun
20 ation during dextran infusion increased lung lymph flow by a factor of 2.4 +/- 0.4, compared with a f
21 otein concentrations by 30%, and raised lung lymph flows by 55%.
22 in Kf, leaving open the question of how lung lymph flow can rise in protein depletion with little cha
23 e (Kf) is calculated as the quotient of lung lymph flow divided by net filtration pressure (Pnf), whe
24 atic contractile function and, consequently, lymph flow has been the subject of intense study.
25                                              Lymph flow imaging revealed that nanoparticle transit wa
26 phatic network displaying a dynamic range of lymph flow in physiology.
27 ur of fasting and during the lipid infusion, lymph flow in the Nephrotic group averaged 0.6 mL/h high
28 d backfills the lymphatic network and blocks lymph flow in these animals.
29                    Unexpectedly, the loss of lymph flow in these mice causes defects in maturation of
30     During strenuous exercise in sheep, lung lymph flow increases within seconds and rises to levels
31                    These studies reveal that lymph flow initiates and regulates many of the key steps
32                Sweet et al. demonstrate that lymph flow is essential for the remodeling of primary ly
33                    Direct in vivo imaging of lymph flow is key to understanding lymphatic system func
34 us, left atrial pressure elevation increased lymph flow less in dextran-treated animals than in contr
35         Hemodynamics, oxygenation, pulmonary lymph flow, lymph protein clearance, and total body weig
36 esses contractile function, which influences lymph flow needed for fluid regulation, humoral immunity
37 onolayers and the interruption of mesenteric lymph flow on shock-induced lung injury.
38 tment of thoracic duct pumping to changes in lymph flow pattern.
39 lmonary artery pressure (Ppa), PVR, and lung lymph flow (Q L).
40 ut existing optical techniques for measuring lymph flow require complex protocols and provide limited
41 lanchnic vasculature and deficient abdominal lymph flow resulting in interstitial edema might both be
42                        In protein depletion, lymph flow rises with little change in Pnf, suggesting t
43                                              Lymph flow rose and protein content decreased slowly and
44    This is puzzling because it suggests that lymph flow rose with little or no change in the forces a
45                     The model indicates that lymph flow shapes intranodal CCL21 gradients, and that C
46                                   Retrograde lymph flow through apparently incompetent interlymphangi
47   Lymph node lymphangiogenesis and increased lymph flow through tumor-draining lymph nodes may active
48 required for lymphangiogenesis and increased lymph flow through tumor-draining lymph nodes, as these
49 cordingly, DCLHb raised lung and soft tissue lymph flows to peak values of 12.2 +/- 3.8 and 1.6 +/- 0
50 ively, while HSA raised lung and soft tissue lymph flows to peak values of 7.5 +/- 4.8 and 4.6 +/- 1.
51          LTalpha(-/-) mice exhibited reduced lymph flow velocities and increased interstitial fluid p
52 r stress (0.07 dynes/cm(2)), consistent with lymph flow via beta1 integrins, including alpha2beta1, a
53                                              Lymph flow was increased after CPB but significantly mor
54             Lymph node lymphatic sinuses and lymph flow were increased in mice implanted with unmarke
55 l sinuses in the entire LN and the extent of lymph flow within them has been unclear.

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