


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 genitors and complete differentiation of the lymph gland.
2 found in the hematopoietic organ, called the lymph gland.
3  reduced, leading to a significantly smaller lymph gland.
4 genitors within the hematopoietic organ, the lymph gland.
5 t fills wide spaces scattered throughout the lymph gland.
6 edullary zone and the secondary lobes of the lymph gland.
7  hyperplasia of the hematopoietic organ, the lymph gland.
8 re (PSC), within the developing third-instar lymph gland.
9 h expressing HSCs in the first instar larval lymph gland.
10 sis occurs in a specialized organ called the lymph gland.
11  Serpent in hematopoietic progenitors in the lymph gland.
12 t of all cardiogenic mesoderm, including the lymph gland.
13 s and crystal cells in the Drosophila larval lymph gland.
14 essed in the nascent hemocytes of the larval lymph gland.
15 , blood cells or hemocytes are formed in the lymph gland.
16                 Blood progenitors within the lymph gland, a larval organ that supports hematopoiesis
17 ate marks a discrete cluster of cells in the lymph gland, a signaling center, with functional similar
18  lwr function primarily in hemocytes and the lymph glands, a hematopoietic organ in Drosophila larvae
19                                        These lymph glands also contain pluripotent precursor cells th
20                                       In the lymph gland, an hematopoietic organ in Drosophila larva,
21 ling blood cell maturation in the developing lymph gland and exert their functions both in a cell-aut
22 yzed cis-regulation of ush expression in the lymph gland and identified similarities and differences
23              ARF1 is expressed in the larval lymph gland and in circulating hemocytes and interacts w
24 he number of hematopoietic precursors in the lymph gland and of mature blood cells in circulation, an
25 aligned cardioblasts and the absence of most lymph gland and pericardial cells.
26   Conversely, a significant expansion of the lymph glands and abnormal morphology of the heart were o
27 sed in the immune system (type A; hemocytes, lymph glands and fat body) and genes increased in expres
28 , which is strongly expressed in the gut and lymph glands, and ADGF-D, which is mainly expressed in t
29 or such mutations have small imaginal discs, lymph glands, and brain lobes.
30 d typed M. microti bacteria in skin lesions, lymph glands, and internal abcesses.
31  mutant embryos, but in a large fraction the lymph glands are missing.
32  hematopoietic progenitor maintenance in the lymph gland blood cell-forming organ during Drosophila h
33            To identify new genes involved in lymph gland blood progenitor maintenance, particularly t
34 g the downstream Hippo pathway kinase Warts, lymph gland cells overproliferated, differentiated prema
35  developing embryonic dorsal vessel (heart), lymph glands, circular visceral musculature, and a subse
36 failure of larval hemocyte proliferation and lymph gland development, while Dm-Myb(-/-) hemocytes fro
37 vel population of signaling cells within the lymph gland, distinct from the PSC, that are required fo
38               We analyzed PSC cell number in lymph glands double-mutant for bam and InR pathway genes
39 turation, signaling and proliferation in the lymph gland during hematopoietic progression are describ
40 on factor in dorsal vessel morphogenesis and lymph gland formation and place this regulator directly
41 verting it into a repressor blocks heart and lymph gland formation.
42  dFKBP59 expression in specific tissues: the lymph glands, Garland cells and oenocyte cells, which ar
43 genitors, or prohemocytes, within the larval lymph gland gives rise to three mature cell types: plasm
44 ling by ROS levels in the PSC/niche controls lymph gland hematopoiesis under parasitism.
45                                       During lymph gland hematopoiesis, the Drosophila posterior sign
46 ulatory strategies used during embryonic and lymph gland hematopoiesis.
47 ocardium and a deficiency of pericardial and lymph gland hematopoietic cells, accompanied by cardiac
48 s of the heart tube as well as in associated lymph gland hematopoietic organs and alary muscles that
49 m: cardioblasts, pericardial nephrocytes and lymph gland hematopoietic progenitors, but its function
50 at both cell division and differentiation of lymph gland hemocytes are required for encapsulation.
51 shaped (Ush) is expressed in circulating and lymph gland hemocytes, where it plays a critical role in
52                                These include lymph gland hypertrophy, increased circulating hemocyte
53 parasitism non-cell autonomously induces the lymph gland immune response.
54                  The Drosophila melanogaster lymph gland is a haematopoietic organ in which pluripote
55                  The Drosophila melanogaster lymph gland is a hematopoietic organ and, together with
56                                          The lymph gland is a specialized organ for hematopoiesis, ut
57                                          The lymph gland is the major site of hematopoiesis in Drosop
58 , postinfection mitotic amplification in the lymph glands is absent and there is a reduction in cryst
59 melanogaster larval hematopoietic organ, the lymph gland, is a model to study in vivo the function of
60 gating of live Drosophila hemocytes from the lymph glands (larval hematopoietic organ) or hemolymph (
61                                          The lymph gland (LG) is a major source of hematopoiesis duri
62        We demonstrate that in the Drosophila lymph gland (LG) the tumor suppressors TSC and PTEN cont
63  specialized larval hematopoietic organ, the lymph gland (LG), within which stem-like hemocyte precur
64 ursor hemocytes: mutant larvae have enlarged lymph glands (LGs) and have an excess of circulating hem
65 n with a loss of the majority of the primary lymph gland lobes.
66   Consistent with this, the phenotype of the lymph gland of Zfpr8 heterozygous mutants is dominantly
67                             In addition, the lymph glands of cactus larvae are considerably enlarged.
68  fide hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the lymph glands of embryos and young larvae, which give ris
69 is highly overexpressed in the hemocytes and lymph glands of third instar larvae carrying the dominan
70               These changes, observed in the lymph glands of third-instar, but never of second-instar
71 on of wild-type Cactus protein in the larval lymph gland or by the introduction of mutations in Toll,
72 with one site proven to be essential for the lymph gland, pericardial cell, and Svp/Doc cardioblast e
73 bitor P35, partially rescued the cardiac and lymph gland phenotypes.
74 trate a key function for Bam in cells of the lymph gland posterior signaling center (PSC), a cellular
75                    microRNA-7 (mir-7) mutant lymph glands present with phenotypes identical to those
76 sion of the GATA factor Serpent (Srp) in the lymph-gland primordium.
77              In Drosophila melanogaster, the lymph gland produces plasmatocytes and crystal cells tha
78 rotein U-shaped is an important regulator of lymph gland prohemocyte potency and differentiation.
79 determined to be upregulated in third-instar lymph gland prohemocytes and downregulated in a subpopul
80        The overproliferation of cells in the lymph gland results in abnormal hemocyte differentiation
81  Conversely, forced expression of Bam in the lymph gland results in expansion of prohemocytes and sub
82          By contrast, analysis of yan mutant lymph glands revealed that this transcriptional regulato
83                                ARF1-depleted lymph glands show loss of niche cells and prohemocyte ma
84  manipulation of yorkie and scalloped in the lymph gland specifically alters Serrate expression and c
85               In this systematic analysis of lymph gland structure and gene expression, we define the
86 caused a milder phenotype that preserved the lymph gland structure but that included precocious diffe
87                   Atg6 mutants have enlarged lymph glands (the hematopoietic organ in Drosophila), po
88                                In the normal lymph gland, the ECM forms thin basement membranes aroun
89   In the Drosophila hematopoietic organ, the lymph gland, the posterior signaling center (PSC) acts a
90              A small cluster of cells in the lymph gland, the posterior signaling center (PSC), maint
91                               The Drosophila lymph gland, the source of adult hemocytes, is establish
92 trate that Bam has a crucial function in the lymph gland, the tissue that orchestrates the second pha
93 ineage-specifying cells is eliminated in the lymph gland upon the immune response induced by wasp par
94 om clonal loss and over-expression of pnr in lymph glands, we find that Pnr is positively regulated b
95  the break-down of the usual zonation of the lymph gland. which normally consists of an immature cent
96 d in the hemocoel or in association with the lymph gland, while melanizations are located in the gut,
97  stem cells (HSCs) in Drosophila, the larval lymph gland with its Hedgehog dependent progenitors serv

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