


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 wo of two mixed cellularity, and two of four lymphocyte depletion).
2 251-infected macaques with or without CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion.
3 al hospitalization and causes more sustained lymphocyte depletion.
4  of these properties to in vivo CD4-positive lymphocyte depletion.
5 suppression in sepsis by inducing widespread lymphocyte depletion.
6              Some mice showed marked splenic lymphocyte depletion.
7 MS suppression following alemtuzumab-induced lymphocyte depletion.
8  antibody that causes profound and sustained lymphocyte depletion.
9 mmunological deficits because of protein and lymphocyte depletion.
10  the CNS, and rituximab leads to prolonged B-lymphocyte depletion.
11 l transplant patients after treatment with B-lymphocyte depletion.
12 ot recapitulate the viral dynamics of CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion.
13 R3-173 mAb were not associated with effector lymphocyte depletion.
14 iciency virus), or iatrogenic (chemotherapy) lymphocyte depletion.
15 tuzumab subjects despite profound, prolonged lymphocyte depletion.
16  occurred concomitantly with acute gut CD4 T-lymphocyte depletion.
17 orrelate with the degree of preceding CD8+ T lymphocyte depletion.
18 B cell levels following chemotherapy-induced lymphocyte depletion.
19 disruption, cell death, and ultimately, CD4+ lymphocyte depletion.
20 67 (47%) of 143 mixed cellularity, and all 5 lymphocyte depletion.
21 lar sclerosis (132), mixed cellularity (34), lymphocyte depletion (2), and unclassified types (5), al
22 l cycling in response to alemtuzumab-induced lymphocyte depletion, a phenomenon that is driven by hig
23                                              Lymphocyte depletion after subcutaneous alemtuzumab was
24 response in SHIV-immunized monkeys by CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion, an intervention that abrogated SHI
25 ting virus, KU-1, that caused rapid CD4(+) T-lymphocyte depletion and AIDS-like illness in monkeys
26 nic viruses (SHIV-89.6P) inducing rapid CD4+ lymphocyte depletion and AIDS-like illness in rhesus mon
27 s tolerated rituximab well, achieved swift B-lymphocyte depletion and complete clinical remission (ac
28 re being evaluated: hematopoietic chimerism, lymphocyte depletion and costimulation blockade.
29 R) or more experienced irreversible CD4(+) T lymphocyte depletion and developed clinical disease requ
30  IFN-gamma and Irgm1 were 'rescued' from the lymphocyte depletion and greater mortality that occurs i
31 ompartments and possible mechanisms of CD4 T-lymphocyte depletion and immune dysfunction in simian AI
32 deaminase activity (ADA) activity results in lymphocyte depletion and in severe combined immunodefici
33 he absence of adenosine deaminase results in lymphocyte depletion and in severe combined immunodefici
34 on, providing a potential mechanism by which lymphocyte depletion and repopulation could reduce the r
35 l was insensitive to either CD8(+) or CD4(+) lymphocyte depletion and, at necropsy, cell-associated S
36  Global suppression of the immune system via lymphocyte depletion and/or immunosuppressive drugs can
37  spleen, lungs, and regional lymph nodes and lymphocyte depletion and/or lymphocytolysis in the splee
38 5 nodular sclerosis, 16 mixed cellularity, 5 lymphocyte depletion, and 5 unclassified) and in 66% of
39 omic relationship between virus replication, lymphocyte depletion, and cytokine gene expression level
40 39-infected rhesus macaques underwent CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion, and RNA from whole blood was obtai
41 ells in 30 of 35 cases of nodular-sclerosis, lymphocyte-depletion, and mixed-cellularity Hodgkin's di
42      In the case of CDR-OKT4A/hIgG4, neither lymphocyte depletion, antigenic modulation, nor preventi
43 -inclusive regimens has led to studies using lymphocyte depletion as induction and maintenance therap
44  cells in vivo, with the pattern of CD4(+) T lymphocyte depletion being inextricably linked to chemok
45 ata reveal a differential impact of CD8(+) T lymphocyte depletion between controller and progressor S
46 ffects of rATG may occur not only because of lymphocyte depletion but also enhanced Treg cell number
47 vented SCI-induced glucocorticoid excess and lymphocyte depletion but did not prevent pneumonia.
48 tetraprolin-deficient mice after cytotoxic T lymphocyte depletion, but also in WSX-1/tristetraprolin
49                                     CD8(+) T-lymphocyte depletion by CD8alpha or CD8beta monoclonal a
50 e to tolerance induction seen after subtotal lymphocyte depletion can be attributed to alterations in
51 ystander CD4 T cells is a major mechanism of lymphocyte depletion caused by X4 HIV-1 strains but is o
52  to three consecutive cycles until achieving lymphocyte depletion (CD4(+) count < 200/muL) or progres
53                  In peripheral blood, CD8(+) lymphocyte-depletion changed the dynamics of CD4(+) T-ce
54 poptosis induction in the progressive CD4(+)-lymphocyte depletion characteristic of HIV-1 pathogenesi
55                  Despite eliciting broader B lymphocyte depletion, continuous combo therapy afforded
56 tion of immunoregulation, rather than simple lymphocyte depletion, contributes to the therapeutic eff
57                          Thus, the extent of lymphocyte depletion correlates with the level of viremi
58  infected perinatally with HIV, a pattern of lymphocyte depletion develops that resembles the pattern
59 d (0.03 mg/kg per day), there was a profound lymphocyte depletion down to about 30% of pretransplant
60                                      In vivo lymphocyte depletion during primary infection resulted i
61 letion, we investigated the effect of CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion during primary SIV infection on CD4
62 udies indicate transient BAFFR-Fc-mediated B lymphocyte depletion elicits long-term T1D protection by
63                                              Lymphocyte depletion experiments showed that human NK ce
64 T-cell distribution were more important than lymphocyte depletion for controlling the blood cell leve
65 sulted in profound peripheral and lymph node lymphocyte depletion for up to 1 month.
66                                            B lymphocyte depletion has little effect on bacterial numb
67                                            B lymphocyte depletion has recently emerged as a promising
68                  Here, we conducted CD8(+) T lymphocyte depletion in 15 rhesus macaques (RMs) infecte
69 rmed experiments of in vivo CD4(+) or CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion in 2 nonhuman primate species, rhes
70 ary lymphoid organs associated with profound lymphocyte depletion in blood.
71                                       CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion in EC monkeys resulted in a dramati
72 e failure as a generalized mechanism for CD4 lymphocyte depletion in HIV-1 infection, as alpha1 circl
73 erential rates of AIDS development and/or T4 lymphocyte depletion in HIV-1-infected individuals remai
74 g HIV infection, and can thus participate in lymphocyte depletion in HIV-infected individuals.
75                                       CD4+ T lymphocyte depletion in human immunodeficiency virus typ
76  HIV-1 induces apoptosis and leads to CD4+ T-lymphocyte depletion in humans.
77 tly and caused rapid and persistent CD4(+) T-lymphocyte depletion in inoculated rhesus macaques.
78 9.6 into a virus that causes profound CD4+ T-lymphocyte depletion in monkeys.
79                                  Following B lymphocyte depletion in patients with RA, a positive cli
80   This phase 2 study evaluated the role of B-lymphocyte depletion in patients with type 1 diabetes.
81                     Antibody-mediated CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion in simian immunodeficiency virus (S
82 (HK/486) (nonlethal) virus and monitored for lymphocyte depletion in the blood, lungs, and lymphoid t
83                     Our expectation was that lymphocyte depletion, in conjunction with an augmentatio
84                                Perioperative lymphocyte depletion induces allograft tolerance in some
85 on, we previously showed that peritransplant lymphocyte depletion induces rapid memory T cell prolife
86                                              Lymphocyte depletion, intravascular apoptosis, and cytok
87                                            B lymphocyte depletion is a therapeutic strategy known to
88               However, we report that CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion is also associated with a dramatic
89 es on immune memory and reconstitution after lymphocyte depletion is beginning to be defined.
90                            Antibody-mediated lymphocyte depletion is frequently used as induction the
91     Recovery of lymphocyte populations after lymphocyte depletion is implicated in therapeutic immune
92          Immune cell depletion, particularly lymphocyte depletion, is an effective clinical strategy
93                                     CD8(+) T lymphocyte depletion leads to a relatively homogenous in
94 tory to conventional therapy suggests that B lymphocyte depletion may be a safe, effective, mechanism
95  progression of CNS neuronal injury in a CD8 lymphocyte depletion model of neuroAIDS in SIV-infected
96                                    This CD8+ lymphocyte depletion model should prove useful in defini
97                     Furthermore, during CD8+ lymphocyte depletion, monkeys developed delayed-type hyp
98 croenvironment may account for the selective lymphocyte depletion observed in this model of familial
99                                            T-lymphocyte depletion of bone marrow grafts compromises e
100 cytes, follicular hyperplasia of the spleen, lymphocyte depletion of mesenteric lymph nodes, intersti
101 d immunodeficiency associated with stringent lymphocyte depletion of the graft appears to strongly pr
102       Liver reperfusion injury is reduced by lymphocyte depletion or activation of adenosine A2A rece
103 ructural proteins but did not cause CD4(+) T-lymphocyte depletion or clinical disease.
104                     DA-EPOCH-F/R resulted in lymphocyte depletion (P < .001), which was inversely ass
105 fected cells were highly associated with CD4 lymphocyte depletion (p = 0.00001 and p = 0.003, respect
106 g tolerogenic cytokine administration and/or lymphocyte depletion prior to oral antigen-specific immu
107                                       CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion prior to SIVmac239 vaginal challeng
108                     Antibody-mediated CD8+ T lymphocyte depletion restored tumor growth in MerTK-/- m
109                                     CD8(+) T lymphocyte depletion resulted in a more prominent increa
110                               In this model, lymphocyte depletion seems to be the best predictor of c
111 e new findings strongly indicate that CD4(+) lymphocyte depletion seen in AIDS is primarily a consequ
112                                 Also, CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion significantly affected the ability
113                                            T-lymphocyte depletion studies showed that CD4(+) and CD8(
114                               Drugs inducing lymphocyte depletion, such as alemtuzumab, may disrupt t
115  control of postchallenge viremia after CD8+ lymphocyte depletion suggests that both humoral and cell
116 ce for the safety and possible efficacy of B lymphocyte depletion therapy in SLE to justify a formal
117 d in nine rhesus monkeys that received CD3 T-lymphocyte depletion therapy with immunotoxin on the day
118 ss the clinical and serologic responses to B lymphocyte depletion therapy with rituximab in patients
119 tal exposure, disease processes, and chronic lymphocyte depletion therapy.
120 -F/R safely provides tumor cytoreduction and lymphocyte depletion, thereby offering a bridge to RIC-a
121                                    Neither T-lymphocyte depletion (TLD) of the bone marrow nor irradi
122  would provide disease control and result in lymphocyte depletion to facilitate engraftment.
123 icular those specific for donor HLA, after B-lymphocyte depletion treatment in renal transplant recip
124 ously demonstrated that induction therapy by lymphocyte depletion, using alemtuzumab (anti-human CD52
125 l mediator of the inflammatory response, and lymphocyte depletion via apoptosis may be an important m
126                       Lymphoid tissue CD8+ T lymphocyte depletion was >99% in three out of four anti-
127                                            B lymphocyte depletion was attained using combination ther
128                          In the 3-day group, lymphocyte depletion was more sustained and initial hosp
129                                              Lymphocyte depletion was profound in the periphery and s
130                                The degree of lymphocyte depletion was proportional to the WBI dose.
131                                              Lymphocyte depletion was reflected by a decrease in T an
132                           HIV-related CD4(+) lymphocyte depletion was strongly associated with microb
133                      These CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocyte depletions were followed by a largely lineage
134      Histological examination showed diffuse lymphocyte depletion, which was most striking in the CD4
135 both arms was to achieve rapid and effective lymphocyte depletion while simultaneously allowing reduc
136  therefore performed a trial to determine if lymphocyte depletion with alemtuzumab combined with DSG
137                                              Lymphocyte depletion with antithymocyte globulin (ATG) c
138 , an adenosine deaminase inhibitor, leads to lymphocyte depletion with low risk of myelosuppression.
139                               In addition to lymphocyte depletion, with which it was once synonymous,
140 atients treated with 2-CdA showed peripheral lymphocyte depletion without a significant reduction in
141              AIDS is characterized by CD4+ T lymphocyte depletion, yet the mechanisms underlying this

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