


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  a novel therapeutic target for GC-resistant lymphoid malignancy.
2 l lymphocytic infiltration, enteropathy, and lymphoid malignancy.
3 s associated with a 5-fold increased risk of lymphoid malignancy.
4 enic mice, all of which developed aggressive lymphoid malignancy.
5  major role in the molecular pathogenesis of lymphoid malignancy.
6 eage cells contributes to the development of lymphoid malignancy.
7 ecular milieu which initiates and sustains a lymphoid malignancy.
8 nes potentially relevant to the induction of lymphoid malignancy.
9 athogenesis and treatment of this aggressive lymphoid malignancy.
10 e when analysis was applied to patients with lymphoid malignancy.
11 een, and liver with features of a high-grade lymphoid malignancy.
12 ombocytopenia, eczema, and a tendency toward lymphoid malignancy.
13 , immune deficiency, and a proclivity toward lymphoid malignancy.
14 se deregulation of specific genes leading to lymphoid malignancy.
15 genes have been observed in several forms of lymphoid malignancy.
16 ements and risk (at the population level) of lymphoid malignancy.
17 levated IL-10 expression and the presence of lymphoid malignancy.
18 ource of new treatments for autoimmunity and lymphoid malignancy.
19 upports that it has a key role in preventing lymphoid malignancy.
20 emergence of dominant B-cell clones and even lymphoid malignancy.
21  addition, are hypothesized to predispose to lymphoid malignancy.
22 in inhibitors showed preferential benefit in lymphoid malignancies.
23 effective treatment option for patients with lymphoid malignancies.
24 r genes and oncogenes are a hallmark of many lymphoid malignancies.
25 K6 as a specific therapeutic target in human lymphoid malignancies.
26 oexpressed with LMP2A in many EBV-associated lymphoid malignancies.
27 hich occur recurrently in a variety of human lymphoid malignancies.
28 peutic targets in a subset of EBV-associated lymphoid malignancies.
29 and oncogenes are frequently associated with lymphoid malignancies.
30 own-regulated in certain myeloid and early B-lymphoid malignancies.
31 factor, has been implicated in several human lymphoid malignancies.
32 is also unclear how the mutation may lead to lymphoid malignancies.
33 or hemizygous have an increased incidence of lymphoid malignancies.
34 aB pathway, which is frequently activated in lymphoid malignancies.
35 kappaB2 gene is recurrently mutated in human lymphoid malignancies.
36 ransplant outcomes were observed in pts with lymphoid malignancies.
37  apoptotic pathway in previously untreatable lymphoid malignancies.
38  an antiapoptotic protein also implicated in lymphoid malignancies.
39 ions, lymphoproliferative disorders, and non-lymphoid malignancies.
40  and chronic myeloid malignancies but not in lymphoid malignancies.
41 d signal transduction and the development of lymphoid malignancies.
42  therapeutic effects in solid tumors than in lymphoid malignancies.
43 s makes them effective therapeutics for many lymphoid malignancies.
44 can lead to lymphoproliferative disorders or lymphoid malignancies.
45 umor for the immunotherapy of both solid and lymphoid malignancies.
46 to genome instability and the development of lymphoid malignancies.
47 umab in patients with relapsed or refractory lymphoid malignancies.
48 MH, CMC-544, targeted to CD22 expressed by B-lymphoid malignancies.
49 nical evaluation as a treatment option for B-lymphoid malignancies.
50 combination with ionizing radiation to treat lymphoid malignancies.
51 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and other lymphoid malignancies.
52 ing mutations in a wide range of myeloid and lymphoid malignancies.
53 perties that may be of use in the therapy of lymphoid malignancies.
54 xpressed on activated T and B cells and some lymphoid malignancies.
55 odeficiency, and increased susceptibility to lymphoid malignancies.
56 gnaling are an important advance in managing lymphoid malignancies.
57  There is relatively little data on indolent lymphoid malignancies.
58 ated low-grade and select intermediate-grade lymphoid malignancies.
59 vide evidence of altered TRAF1 expression in lymphoid malignancies.
60 eceptor loci and increased susceptibility to lymphoid malignancies.
61 ia (A-T) have an increased susceptibility to lymphoid malignancies.
62 ts affecting BCL7B or BCL7C were detected in lymphoid malignancies.
63 e the future design of immunotherapy against lymphoid malignancies.
64 a cell abnormalities, as well as myeloid and lymphoid malignancies.
65 a cell lines, suggesting an association with lymphoid malignancies.
66 gimen to produce engraftment and GVL against lymphoid malignancies.
67  of ubiquitination in the genesis of diverse lymphoid malignancies.
68 eful as an agent in the treatment of chronic lymphoid malignancies.
69 e in BCL-6-deficient mice and participate in lymphoid malignancies.
70 nt to inflammatory tissues and metastasis of lymphoid malignancies.
71 erexpression of Mer has been associated with lymphoid malignancies.
72 y of patients who underwent HDT and ABMT for lymphoid malignancies.
73 e NR4A1 and NR4A3 expression and function in lymphoid malignancies.
74 s complete tumor regression in patients with lymphoid malignancies.
75 l conditions, such as agammaglobulinemia and lymphoid malignancies.
76 sis plays a role in normal lymphopoiesis and lymphoid malignancies.
77 munity, but also a risk for autoimmunity and lymphoid malignancies.
78  encouraging clinical activity in a range of lymphoid malignancies.
79 uently is overexpressed in several solid and lymphoid malignancies.
80 nvolving antigen receptor loci are common in lymphoid malignancies.
81 ous neoplasms and represent about 12% of all lymphoid malignancies.
82 nes and clinical samples representing divers lymphoid malignancies.
83 hese compounds can be optimized for treating lymphoid malignancies.
84 proliferative and antiapoptotic signaling in lymphoid malignancies.
85  to RIC-alloHSCT in patients with aggressive lymphoid malignancies.
86 sents a potential new treatment strategy for lymphoid malignancies.
87 ral of which are already showing activity in lymphoid malignancies.
88 howing considerable promise, particularly in lymphoid malignancies.
89 he onset of T cell development and developed lymphoid malignancies.
90 ave been implicated in the genesis of select lymphoid malignancies.
91  virus (EBV) is associated with a variety of lymphoid malignancies.
92 y as a potential therapeutic target in human lymphoid malignancies.
93 cations of microRNA (miRNA) dysregulation in lymphoid malignancies.
94 tamin D also was not associated with risk of lymphoid malignancies.
95 e commonly used in the treatment of indolent lymphoid malignancies.
96 ribine's potency across the full spectrum of lymphoid malignancies.
97  of the lung, breast, colon, and a subset of lymphoid malignancies.
98 le progression and is overexpressed in human lymphoid malignancies.
99 icient mice and humans to the development of lymphoid malignancies.
100  is constitutively phosphorylated in several lymphoid malignancies.
101  in B-ALL with these rearrangements or other lymphoid malignancies.
102 derstanding of immunodeficiency diseases and lymphoid malignancies.
103 the study of alpha4beta1 expression in human lymphoid malignancies.
104 and holds promise for imaging and therapy in lymphoid malignancies, 6 LLP2A derivatives, as LLP2A-1,4
105 r lymphocyte infusion (DLI) in patients with lymphoid malignancy after failure of autologous SCT.
106 was observed in all of the malignancies, but lymphoid malignancies also exhibited hypermethylation, p
107      Some cell lines derived from adult-type lymphoid malignancies also show sensitivity to this trea
108 nt place in the treatment of certain, mainly lymphoid, malignancies, although tumors of nonhemopoieti
109 istance, and poor prognosis in patients with lymphoid malignancies and can occur in approximately 50%
110 both exhibit major activity against indolent lymphoid malignancies and have different mechanisms of a
111 CD40 and Fas receptor/ligand pairs in B-cell lymphoid malignancies and Hodgkin's disease.
112 anley to standardize response assessments in lymphoid malignancies and how this was adapted in the Wo
113 pression in B cells often results in various lymphoid malignancies and immune deficiencies.
114 raft-versus-malignancy effect in myeloid and lymphoid malignancies and in metastatic renal cell cance
115  expression of DeltaCD79b in B-CLL and other lymphoid malignancies and investigate its function.
116 ovel epigenetic event in the pathogenesis of lymphoid malignancies and may contribute to a more aggre
117 mmaherpesviruses are closely associated with lymphoid malignancies and other cancers.
118 iscuss the emerging body of clinical data in lymphoid malignancies and present future directions for
119 for the different effects of UV radiation on lymphoid malignancies and, in addition, that p53 is not
120 nslocations that underlie the development of lymphoid malignancies, and our findings highlight regula
121        Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) causes human lymphoid malignancies, and the EBV product latent membra
122       Our findings validate the concept that lymphoid malignancies are derived from cells at discrete
123 rther studies of this agent in MCL and other lymphoid malignancies are warranted.
124 e colony-stimulating factor in patients with lymphoid malignancies are warranted.
125 g rexinoids with IL-2R-targeted therapies in lymphoid malignancies as well as possibly in autoimmune
126 at potential for improving the monitoring of lymphoid malignancies, assessing immune reconstitution a
127 ssion resulted in a 2-fold increased risk of lymphoid malignancies at 1 year.
128 ndard chemotherapy regimen for patients with lymphoid malignancies being considered for reduced-inten
129 s well established for the follow-up of many lymphoid malignancies but not for chronic lymphocytic le
130 w insight into the survival roles of mTOR in lymphoid malignancies, but also identify alterations tha
131 lterations of INK4A are commonly observed in lymphoid malignancies, but are consistently absent in pr
132 gehog (HH) signaling is activated in various lymphoid malignancies, but conflicting results exist abo
133 antation (HCT) can be curative treatment for lymphoid malignancies, but it has been characterized by
134 ne copy of the wild-type allele also develop lymphoid malignancies, but with a much lower frequency a
135 the genesis of chromosomal translocations in lymphoid malignancy, but also in translocations found in
136 radiation might influence the development of lymphoid malignancies by means of its immunosuppressive
137 ackground, the RAG-2(T490A) mutation induced lymphoid malignancies characterized by clonal chromosoma
138                  Hodgkin's disease (HD) is a lymphoid malignancy characterized by infrequent malignan
139 ed agents for the treatment of patients with lymphoid malignancies comes the promise of safe and effe
140                                      Because lymphoid malignancies contain chromosomal translocations
141                         Thus, the hazard for lymphoid malignancies declined rapidly posttransplant, w
142 n our understanding of the role of miRNAs in lymphoid malignancies demonstrate that miRNAs can effect
143 egy for targeting multiple myeloma and other lymphoid malignancies dependent on the IRF4 network.
144                          Three patients with lymphoid malignancy developed objective disease response
145 oclax, has shown a high therapeutic index in lymphoid malignancies; developing a predictive marker fo
146  mutations in normal GC B-lymphocytes and in lymphoid malignancies displaying GC/post-GC phenotype.
147 less extensive than that on other myeloid or lymphoid malignancies due to low mitotic activity of pla
148 prehensively define the genetic basis of all lymphoid malignancies, examine the relative roles of ger
149  process is not always benign, since certain lymphoid malignancies exhibit recurrent chromosomal abno
150 bnormal T cells in patients with an array of lymphoid malignancies express this receptor.
151               We examined a diverse panel of lymphoid malignancies for the expression of MCT-1.
152 d Hodgkin's lymphomas and that patients with lymphoid malignancies frequently had anti-HIP1 antibodie
153 ing what we believe to be a new paradigm for lymphoid malignancy growth.
154 , whereas patients with advanced myeloid and lymphoid malignancies had high relapse rates after nonmy
155 contrast, patients with advanced myeloid and lymphoid malignancies had rates of more than 0.52 (high
156     Our understanding of the pathogenesis of lymphoid malignancies has been transformed by next-gener
157                 P-glycoprotein expression in lymphoid malignancies has the potential to compromise th
158                   This review highlights how lymphoid malignancies have genetically perverted normal
159 cer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), and the lymphoid malignancy, Hodgkin lymphoma (HL).
160  loci has been implicated in pathogenesis of lymphoid malignancies in humans and in mice.
161 inhibitors may be an effective treatment for lymphoid malignancies in humans that are associated with
162 on of latently infected B cells and promotes lymphoid malignancies in humans.
163 c-Abl activated by SH3 deletion induced only lymphoid malignancies in mice and did not stimulate the
164 fect of UV irradiation on the development of lymphoid malignancies in mice with no or only one functi
165  promise as a treatment for solid tumors and lymphoid malignancies in preclinical models.
166  p53 spontaneously develop high frequency of lymphoid malignancies in the thymus and spleen.
167 ved strategies for treating both myeloid and lymphoid malignancies in this high-risk population.
168 cal for immunosurveillance of epithelial and lymphoid malignancies in two transgenic models of de nov
169 CD166(+) tumor cell lines (TCL) derived from lymphoid malignancies in vitro and in vivo.
170                 There is a large increase in lymphoid malignancy in A-T patients and a total absence
171 rge B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the most common lymphoid malignancy in adults, is curable in less than 5
172 use large B-cell lymphoma is the most common lymphoid malignancy in adults.
173 e B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common lymphoid malignancy in adults.
174                Follicular lymphoma is a rare lymphoid malignancy in pediatric patients and consequent
175 ic T cells is the extraordinary incidence of lymphoid malignancy in the many types of primary immunod
176                              The increase in lymphoid malignancy includes both B- and T-cell tumors.
177 ymphocyte survival and are over-expressed in lymphoid malignancies, including chronic lymphocytic leu
178 iated with the pathogenesis of several human lymphoid malignancies, including Hodgkin's lymphoma.
179  been implicated in tumorigenesis in several lymphoid malignancies, including non-Hodgkin's and Hodgk
180                                        Human lymphoid malignancies inherit gene expression networks f
181  has been associated with the development of lymphoid malignancies mainly of B-cell lineage, although
182 while most NF-kappaB activating mutations in lymphoid malignancies occur in upstream signaling compon
183 mmunomodulatory drug (IMiD) with activity in lymphoid malignancies occurring primarily through immune
184 ectively redirect T lymphocytes to eradicate lymphoid malignancies of B-cell origin.
185                                              Lymphoid malignancies offer an exceptional opportunity t
186 on-self or neo-epitopes, many tumors such as lymphoid malignancies or cancers induced by oncogenic vi
187                             The frequency of lymphoid malignancies related to infection by one of the
188                 Acidosis arises in solid and lymphoid malignancies secondary to altered nutrient supp
189           Accordingly, an expanded survey in lymphoid malignancies showed that BCL-6 mutations are re
190 d in the treatment of patients with indolent lymphoid malignancies such as chronic lymphocytic leukem
191 ated (ATM) gene is frequently inactivated in lymphoid malignancies such as chronic lymphocytic leukem
192 genesis because IL-7 transgenic mice develop lymphoid malignancies, suggesting that IL-7 may regulate
193 volvement of Notch as an oncogene in several lymphoid malignancies (T-ALL, B-chronic lymphocytic leuk
194 ay provide more physiologic models for human lymphoid malignancies than germline inactivation.
195 on profiling in defining subtypes within the lymphoid malignancies that are molecularly and clinicall
196 mary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and myeloma are lymphoid malignancies that arise from terminally differe
197  These data identify HIP1 as a new marker of lymphoid malignancies that contributes to the transforma
198                                           In lymphoid malignancies, the frequency of TP53 deletions a
199 recent major genetic advances in myeloid and lymphoid malignancies, the impact of these findings on p
200 ect and their ability to induce apoptosis in lymphoid malignancies through the glucocorticoid recepto
201 stered in 15 patients with refractory EBV(+) lymphoid malignancies to evaluate the drug combination f
202  we review specific use cases in myeloid and lymphoid malignancies to highlight the utility of single
203                              Five cases were lymphoid malignancies (two acute lymphoblastic leukemias
204  leukemia (T-PLL) is a rare and aggressive T-lymphoid malignancy usually refractory to current treatm
205 aviolet radiation (UVR) exposure and risk of lymphoid malignancies, we examined the association of pr
206 m and iron and the use of (67)Ga scanning in lymphoid malignancies, we examined the effect of HFE exp
207  to study the role of BCL3 overexpression in lymphoid malignancies, we generated five lines of E mu-B
208 deeper insight into the function of Dnmt1 in lymphoid malignancies, we genetically inactivated Dnmt1
209 ged >/=18 years) with relapsed or refractory lymphoid malignancies were enrolled and treated at seven
210 nificant biologic activity in vivo in EBV(+) lymphoid malignancies which are refractory to other regi
211 e to solar UV radiation and the incidence of lymphoid malignancies, which has increased substantially
212 e rare and have been identified only in some lymphoid malignancies, while most NF-kappaB activating m
213 ation in an in vivo mouse model and in human lymphoid malignancies, while suggesting mechanisms for P
214 f the c-rel protooncogene is associated with lymphoid malignancy, while c-rel deletion produces sever
215 ronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL), a common lymphoid malignancy whose molecular etiology remains lar
216  Approximately 60% of E2A-HLF mice developed lymphoid malignancies with a mean latency of 10 months.
217 ediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (MLBCL) are lymphoid malignancies with certain shared clinical, hist
218 phocytic leukemia (PLL) are rare, aggressive lymphoid malignancies with characteristic morphologic, i
219 stability and an increased predisposition to lymphoid malignancies with chromosomal translocations in
220 oring of treatment response in ALL and other lymphoid malignancies with great sensitivity and precisi
221 l in the treatment of DLBCL and additional B-lymphoid malignancies with increased PDE4B expression.
222 sitive tumors, which we documented for other lymphoid malignancies with plasmacytic features.
223 ronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a common lymphoid malignancy with strong heritability.
224 killer/T-cell lymphoma (NKTL), an aggressive lymphoid malignancy with very poor prognosis.
225 highlight recent progress in selected common lymphoid malignancies, with a focus on the genetic alter
226 in-Barr virus (EBV) has been associated with lymphoid malignancies, yet collaborative roles between M
227 t common human chromosomal translocations in lymphoid malignancies, yet the mechanism of how breaks o

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