


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 developmental stage that precedes the common lymphoid progenitor.
2  reversion event having occurred in a common lymphoid progenitor.
3 ting a differentiation bottleneck for common lymphoid progenitors.
4  for the efficient generation of bone marrow lymphoid progenitors.
5 ate lymphocyte that derives from bone marrow lymphoid progenitors.
6 nitors, hematopoietic stem cells, and common lymphoid progenitors.
7  study that NH cells derive from bone marrow lymphoid progenitors.
8 a critical role in the development of common lymphoid progenitors.
9 ate into progressively restricted myeloid or lymphoid progenitors.
10 ial expression of p16(Ink4a) and Arf in aged lymphoid progenitors.
11 n the number and proportion of bone marrow B-lymphoid progenitors.
12 xpressing TEL-AML1 either ubiquitously or in lymphoid progenitors.
13 et of cytokine-induced lineage conversion in lymphoid progenitors.
14 smacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) derive from lymphoid progenitors.
15 hese very rare niches and expansion of donor lymphoid progenitors.
16 oped into lymphoid lineage-restricted common lymphoid progenitors.
17  failed to generate the earliest myeloid and lymphoid progenitors.
18 on of E2a/Pbx1 has been reported in cultured lymphoid progenitors.
19  exploited to isolate and characterize fetal lymphoid progenitors.
20         DC can develop from both myeloid and lymphoid progenitors.
21 with loss of p16(INK4a)p14(ARF) to transform lymphoid progenitors.
22 ge to promote the development of multipotent lymphoid progenitors.
23 ge more primitive than previously identified lymphoid progenitors.
24 n of Daxx in interferon-induced apoptosis of lymphoid progenitors.
25 r the proper development of both myeloid and lymphoid progenitors.
26 -2RG and JAK3 in normal development of human lymphoid progenitors.
27  homeostasis of hematopoietic stem cells and lymphoid progenitors.
28 pulating activity, HSC quiescence and common lymphoid progenitors.
29 alizing osteoblasts has no effect on HSCs or lymphoid progenitors.
30 avors the recruitment of bone marrow-derived lymphoid progenitors.
31 sulting from the malignant transformation of lymphoid progenitors.
32 ells depleted HSCs but not myeloerythroid or lymphoid progenitors.
33 ) production at the expense of erythroid and lymphoid progenitors.
34 ubset of DCs has been proposed to arise from lymphoid progenitors, a common developmental pathway for
35 r-successor relationships between EILPs, all-lymphoid progenitors (ALPs), and ILC precursors (ILCps).
36 t progenitors (LMPPs) differentiate into all lymphoid progenitors (ALPs).
37 lineage-committed myeloid, T lymphoid, and B lymphoid progenitors also results in AML, T-ALL, and B-A
38                      ILCs derive from common lymphoid progenitors, although the transcriptional pathw
39                   We propose that the common lymphoid progenitor and common myeloid progenitor popula
40 te lymphoid progenitor, common helper innate lymphoid progenitor and innate lymphoid cell progenitor
41 tal intermediate between the upstream common lymphoid progenitor and the downstream NKP, previously a
42 phoid-primed multipotent progenitors, common lymphoid progenitors and B cell progenitors, normal expr
43                   In contrast to MPP, common lymphoid progenitors and B lineage cell numbers were sig
44 nied by induction of apoptosis of leukemic B-lymphoid progenitors and by long-term animal survival, s
45 ng, multipotent progenitors, including early lymphoid progenitors and CD62L(+) cells previously descr
46                            Clonogenic common lymphoid progenitors and clonogenic common myeloid proge
47                              Moreover, early lymphoid progenitors and common lymphoid progenitors pro
48 a developmental intermediates such as common lymphoid progenitors and common myeloid progenitors, rec
49  their downstream progenitors such as common lymphoid progenitors and common myeloid progenitors.
50 iesis was unaffected, and bone marrow common lymphoid progenitors and hematopoietic stem cells were e
51 rodimer that stimulates the growth of common lymphoid progenitors and immature B and T lymphoid cells
52 -C motif) ligand 12) regulates both HSCs and lymphoid progenitors and is expressed by all of these st
53                               RAG-1(+) early lymphoid progenitors and Lin(-)Sca-1(+)cKit(Lo)IL-7Ralph
54 ontributes to reduced growth and survival of lymphoid progenitors and makes them refractory to malign
55      In bone marrow from mutant mice, common lymphoid progenitors and pre-pro-B cells appeared normal
56  inhibition impaired proliferation of common lymphoid progenitors and pre-pro-B cells but not pro-B c
57 ls comprise a distinct niche that supports B-lymphoid progenitors and retains HPCs in the bone marrow
58 s depends on sequential interactions between lymphoid progenitors and stromal cells in discrete regio
59 was a 10-fold reduction in committed PreproB-lymphoid progenitors and the functional B-cell potential
60 ing proteins, is expressed in multipotential lymphoid progenitors and throughout the T lineage.
61 resulting in reduced cell survival of common lymphoid progenitors and thymocytes at the double-negati
62 otential of downstream committed myeloid and lymphoid progenitors and with their ability to give rise
63  progenitors in both the bone marrow (common lymphoid progenitor) and thymus (proT1) maintain a laten
64  leukocyte counts, early depletion of common lymphoid progenitors, and a monocytic bias in comparison
65 in levels in cultures of primary myeloid and lymphoid progenitors, and Bcl-X(L) and Bcl-2 expression
66                  TLR9 is highly expressed on lymphoid progenitors, and culture studies revealed that
67 id progenitors, characterized immature multi-lymphoid progenitors, and detected progressive DNA methy
68 l capacity to generate committed myeloid and lymphoid progenitors, and diminished lymphoid potential.
69 m cells, early lymphocyte precursors, common lymphoid progenitors, and early T lineage progenitors ar
70 l receptor-less allogeneic T cells, expanded lymphoid progenitors, and induced pluripotent stem cell
71 esis at the single cell level: HSPCs, common lymphoid progenitors, and mature B cells.
72               Multipotent progenitors, early lymphoid progenitors, and the here-defined myeloid proge
73               We can now appreciate that new lymphoid progenitors are drawn from a heterogeneous coll
74 enerated exists, and a new appreciation that lymphoid progenitors are protean and able to alter their
75 rikingly, ectopic GATA-1 reprogrammed common lymphoid progenitors as well as granulocyte/monocyte (GM
76 sults in a severe reduction in Flk2+, IL-7R+ lymphoid progenitors as well as impaired expression of E
77 ed, we show that ILC2 generation from common lymphoid progenitors, as well as ILC2 homeostasis and cy
78 differentiation pathway between conventional lymphoid progenitors, B1P, and mature B1 lymphocytes.
79 fate-restriction events that occur as common lymphoid progenitors become committed to each of the ILC
80  receptor CCR9 by a subset of MPP and common lymphoid progenitors but not hemopoietic stem cells.
81 cl12 from osteoblasts depleted certain early lymphoid progenitors but not HSCs or myeloerythroid prog
82 onstitutive HPC mobilization and a loss of B-lymphoid progenitors, but HSC function is normal.
83 e observed expression of the IL-7R on common lymphoid progenitors, but not ETPs, results in different
84                 Finally, we demonstrate that lymphoid progenitors, but not myeloid-erythroid progenit
85 lony-forming unit assays show suppression of lymphoid progenitors by each PAH within 6 h but a subseq
86 ing during B cell programming of multipotent lymphoid progenitors by restricting chromatin accessibil
87 the natural selective advantage conferred on lymphoid progenitors by the expression of normal gamma(c
88                                      Because lymphoid progenitors can give rise to natural killer (NK
89 ipotent progenitors and preferential loss of lymphoid progenitors caused by markedly increased p53-me
90                           Bone marrow normal lymphoid progenitors (CD19+, CD10+, and/or CD34+) are ex
91 d binding of Hoxa9 to the flt3 promoter in a lymphoid progenitor cell line.
92 animal model useful specifically for human T-lymphoid progenitor cell reconstitution.
93 ls, T cells, natural killer cells and common lymphoid progenitor cells and an enhanced myeloid output
94 ) increases the levels of bone marrow common lymphoid progenitor cells and cytotoxic CD8(+) tumor-inf
95           IL-7R is first expressed on common lymphoid progenitor cells and is not detected on primiti
96 and Peyer's patches development by targeting lymphoid progenitor cells during fetal and adult life.
97 s required for the formation of the earliest lymphoid progenitor cells in the marrow, but that the ma
98 fter Notch signaling, whereas Hes1-deficient lymphoid progenitor cells required additional cytokine s
99  the absence of EBF, 'expandable' and clonal lymphoid progenitor cells retained considerable myeloid
100        The expression of Pax5 commits common lymphoid progenitor cells to B-lymphoid lineage differen
101 hoblastic leukaemia, a malignant disorder of lymphoid progenitor cells, affects both children and adu
102 on leads to reduced apoptosis of myeloid and lymphoid progenitor cells, and a propensity to develop a
103 row-derived hematopoietic stem cells, common lymphoid progenitor cells, and developing B and myeloid
104 ILC2s develop in the bone marrow from common lymphoid progenitor cells, but little is known about how
105 rt-purified mouse bone marrow-derived common lymphoid progenitor cells, early thymic progenitors (ETP
106                        Here we found that in lymphoid progenitor cells, the chromatin remodeler Brg1
107 s obtained with specified common myeloid and lymphoid progenitor cells.
108 te development and can be detected in common lymphoid progenitor cells.
109 tor cells and the bone marrow-derived common lymphoid progenitor cells.
110 ted at CpG residues among fetal liver common lymphoid progenitor cells.
111 specific DNA methylation between myeloid and lymphoid progenitors, characterized immature multi-lymph
112                 Our data suggest that common lymphoid progenitor (CLP) cells could be responsible for
113 otypic changes of reporter-expressing common lymphoid progenitor (CLP) cells in the bone marrow when
114 poietic stem cell (HSC) expansion and common lymphoid progenitor (CLP) depletion in a model of chroni
115 XO1-deficient mice is arrested in the common lymphoid progenitor (CLP) LY6D(+) cell stage.
116 t with multilineage progenitor (MLP), common lymphoid progenitor (CLP), and B lineage-restricted pre-
117             NFIL3 was required in the common lymphoid progenitor (CLP), and was essential for the dif
118  decreased the numbers of MPP-derived common lymphoid progenitor (CLP), common myeloid progenitor (CM
119 hese developmental intermediates, the common lymphoid progenitor (CLP), which can give rise to T cell
120                         The number of common lymphoid progenitors (CLP) and their pre-pro-B and pro-B
121 ere was heterogeneity among canonical common lymphoid progenitors (CLP) in bone marrow.
122 ipotent progenitors (MPP) switch into common lymphoid progenitors (CLP) or common myeloid progenitors
123 ed multipotential progenitors (LMPP), common lymphoid progenitors (CLP), and B/T cell precursors.
124 in renders functionally defined HSCs, common lymphoid progenitors (CLP), and precursor B-lymphocytes
125  and similar in some respects to the "common lymphoid progenitors" (CLP) identified by others.
126 y reported that two subpopulations of common lymphoid progenitors, CLP-1 and CLP-2, coexist in the BM
127            Strikingly, >50% hGM-CSFR+ common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and >20% hGM-CSFR+ pro-T cel
128 generate fewer than normal numbers of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and common myeloid progenito
129 hopenia and substantial reductions of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and lymphoid precursors, in
130  CD11a was critical for generation of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and lymphoid-primed multipot
131  using highly enriched populations of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and MPs from the bone marrow
132  putative thymus seeding populations, common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and multipotent progenitors
133 ) subset is predominantly composed of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and multipotent progenitors.
134 oint when NK progenitors develop from common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and that E4bp4 must be expre
135                                       Common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) are descended from HSCs, and
136                                       Common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) are lymphoid-lineage-committ
137                                       Common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) are the first bone marrow pr
138 D)J recombinase is active as early as common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) but not in the upstream prog
139                                       Common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) clonally produce both B- and
140 ut not lymphoid genes, whereas single common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) coexpress T and B lymphoid b
141                      We now show that common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) from mice with active HSV-1
142 h hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) from neonates and adults gen
143 Rac1 and Rac2 inhibited production of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) in bone marrow and suppresse
144 topoietic progenitor cells (LSKs) and common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) in bone marrow.
145 he thymus are thought to develop from common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) in the bone marrow (BM).
146 onic stem (ES) cells fail to generate common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) resulting in a complete lack
147       In the fetal liver, a subset of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) that expresses the integrin
148  that the extrathymic precursors were common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) that included CD19(-), B220(
149                         The number of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) were not affected; however,
150 the proliferation of pre-pro-B cells, common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), and colony-forming unit (CF
151 HSCs, multipotent progenitors (MPPs), common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), and common myeloid progenit
152 00-fold toward cells with features of common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), and lymphoid differentiatio
153 ocyte-erythrocyte progenitors (MEPs), common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), and pro-T and pro-B cells.
154 sites throughout the genome for MPPs, common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), common myeloid progenitors
155 th common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), granulocyte-macrophage prog
156 ineage-committed progenitors, such as common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), maintain a latent myeloid d
157                We found that both the common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), shown here and elsewhere to
158 f lin(-)Sca1(low)kit(low)IL7Ralpha(+) common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), their cloning efficiency in
159  in MPPs reduced differentiation into common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs), which decreased lymphopoies
160 ion of low numbers of highly purified common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs)-a rare population of lymphoi
161  early B lineage differentiation from common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs).
162 re multipotent progenitors (MPPs) and common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs).
163 priate induction of Gata1 in HSCs and common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs).
164 3 ligand (FL) in pDC development from common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs).
165 liest lymphoid-committed progenitors (common lymphoid progenitors [CLPs]) and CMPs and their progeny
166  the alpha-lymphoid progenitor, early innate lymphoid progenitor, common helper innate lymphoid proge
167  much greater competitive advantage to old B-lymphoid progenitors compared with young progenitors, co
168                  Although alterations in the lymphoid progenitor content of aged mouse bone marrow (B
169                                       Common lymphoid progenitors could not be identified in the circ
170 eage-committed pro-B cells and multipotent B-lymphoid progenitors, decline in aged C57BL/6 mice.
171 duces apoptosis of murine and human leukemic lymphoid progenitors, decreases the activation of Rho GT
172 ion of PTPMT1 from myeloid, T lymphoid, or B lymphoid progenitors did not cause any defects in lineag
173 ic T lineage-committed cells, whereas common lymphoid progenitors did not.
174 ted to innate lymphoid lineages in the alpha-lymphoid progenitor, early innate lymphoid progenitor, c
175                                 Early innate lymphoid progenitors (EILPs) have recently been identifi
176                         Stem cells and early lymphoid progenitors (ELPs), but not prolymphocytes, wer
177     Mbd3/NuRD therefore controls the fate of lymphoid progenitors, ensuring appropriate production of
178                   However, Suz12-deficient B-lymphoid progenitors exhibit enhanced serial clonogenici
179    Finally, we demonstrate that Gata3 mutant lymphoid progenitors exhibit neither increased apoptosis
180                                              Lymphoid progenitors exhibit severe growth defects durin
181                               Ebf1-deficient lymphoid progenitors exhibited increased T cell lineage
182                       For T cell production, lymphoid progenitors exit the BM and home to the thymus
183 escribed lymphoid progenitors such as common lymphoid progenitors express TdT and relatively high lev
184                                              Lymphoid progenitors expressing a Notch-resistant E2A mu
185 /Y79A) for use in retroviral transduction of lymphoid progenitors for comparison with CD3gammawt.
186 d Lin(-)Sca-1(+)cKit(Lo)IL-7Ralpha(+) common lymphoid progenitors from adult marrow efficiently gener
187 NFalpha mediates the depletion of late-stage lymphoid progenitors from bone marrow in many inflammato
188 lectin+ progenitors (LSP), as well as common lymphoid progenitors from C57BL6-Thy1.1-RAG-1/GFP mouse
189                                     Although lymphoid progenitors from Ebf1 or Pax5 heterozygote mice
190 ndent generation of erythro-myeloid CFCs and lymphoid progenitors from ES cells, which were enriched
191 therefore an effective marker for separating lymphoid progenitors from myeloid progenitors and hemato
192 7(+) phenotype distinguishes primitive human lymphoid progenitors from pluripotent stem cells, thus a
193  development depends on continuous import of lymphoid progenitors from the bone marrow.
194            Whereas the characterization of B lymphoid progenitors has been facilitated by the identif
195 cannot generate early thymocytes from common lymphoid progenitors has thus far precluded investigatio
196       However, unlike in vivo expanded CML B-lymphoid progenitors, hematopoietic stem cells, or multi
197                    PU.1 disruption in common lymphoid progenitors, however, did not prevent their B-c
198  Although we know they develop from a common lymphoid progenitor in the bone marrow (BM), the specifi
199 d, most previously identified RAG-1(+) early lymphoid progenitors in bone marrow and all lymphoid-aff
200 ls that support hematopoietic stem cells and lymphoid progenitors in bone marrow.
201 sses of CD19(+) B cells and more primitive B-lymphoid progenitors in bone marrow.
202                         IKDCs developed from lymphoid progenitors in culture but, unlike pDCs, were n
203 rated the thymus and were superior to common lymphoid progenitors in magnitude and frequency of thymi
204 strate that LRF is key for instructing early lymphoid progenitors in mice to develop into B lineage c
205     Flt3 ligand (Flt3L) promotes survival of lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow and differentiat
206 and extend from hematopoietic stem cells and lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow and thymus to ma
207                       These cells arise from lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow and, under the c
208                Recent research suggests that lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow comprise a heter
209 er a selective advantage on undifferentiated lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow of gammaretrovir
210 ) animals, we found that the number of early lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow was significantl
211                      ILC2s arise from common lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow, are dependent o
212 ll progenitors in the fetal liver and common lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow.
213 at all newly made ILCs originate from common lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow.
214 ion of B/NK bipotent precursors among common lymphoid progenitors in the fetal liver and the bone mar
215 iciency enhances BCR/ABL transformation of B-lymphoid progenitors in vitro and accelerates disease pr
216 ently suppresses BCR/ABL transformation of B-lymphoid progenitors in vitro and BCR/ABL-induced B-ALL
217 s (DCs) can be derived from both myeloid and lymphoid progenitors in vivo.
218 uch as common myeloid progenitors and common lymphoid progenitors, increase the production of immune
219 ed for the in vivo differentiation of common lymphoid progenitors into ILC lineage-restricted cells.
220  gammadelta cells after adoptive transfer of lymphoid progenitors into newborn recipients.
221 rt that Bmi1 transforms and reprograms CML B-lymphoid progenitors into stem cell leukemia (Scl) promo
222 functional B-cell potential of HSC and early lymphoid progenitor is severely impaired, in tandem with
223 ved pDCs in conditions where the function of lymphoid progenitors is impaired or compromised.
224 the differentiation potential of myeloid and lymphoid progenitors leading to development of acute mye
225 itor (Lin-Sca1+Kit+ Flt3+) as well as common lymphoid progenitor (Lin-Sca1+CD117(lo)CD127+) pools.
226 in(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(Hi)Thy1.1(-)L-selectin(+) lymphoid progenitors (LSPs) were the best source.
227 cyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs) and multi-lymphoid progenitors (MLPs) - were functionally and tran
228 -primed multipotential progenitors and early lymphoid progenitor numbers are maintained, but there wa
229 h the anti-oxidant N-acetylcysteine restored lymphoid progenitor numbers to that of Paf(+/+) mice.
230 : HSCs occupy a perivascular niche and early lymphoid progenitors occupy an endosteal niche.
231 isparity in B and T cell expansion from this lymphoid progenitor population and suggest that it conta
232 d-type or mutated signaling molecule, into a lymphoid progenitor population by retroviral infection.
233 eage(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(-) (LSK(-)) cells are a lymphoid progenitor population that expands in the splee
234 fferentiative potential among lymphoid and B lymphoid progenitor populations in adult mouse BM.
235 ular features of primitive hematopoietic and lymphoid progenitors, potentially leading to novel thera
236 oliferation and/or differentiation of common lymphoid progenitors, pre-pro-B cells, and hematopoietic
237  way, Mbd3/NuRD protects the multipotency of lymphoid progenitors, preventing B cell-programming tran
238 raction of periostin with alpha(v)beta(3) on lymphoid progenitors probably provides both proliferativ
239 eover, early lymphoid progenitors and common lymphoid progenitors produced significant numbers of per
240 ematopoietic stem cells did not alter common lymphoid progenitor production but severely reduced proB
241              Constitutive NOTCH signaling in lymphoid progenitors promotes the development of immatur
242                                 hESC-derived lymphoid progenitors provide a novel means to characteri
243 c, but nonphysiologic, myeloid potentials of lymphoid progenitors, providing an explanation for contr
244  for specification as well as expansion of B-lymphoid progenitors, providing increased insight into t
245                      Therefore, RAG-1+ early lymphoid progenitors (RAG-1+ ELP), and CD62L/L-selectin+
246                                              Lymphoid progenitors rapidly down-regulated RAG-1, and s
247 eam multipotent progenitors (MPP) and common lymphoid progenitors rapidly generated T cells following
248 fferentiation of hematopoietic stem cells to lymphoid progenitors requires Ikaros-dependent lineage p
249  particularly inhibited the proliferation of lymphoid progenitors, resulting in decreased production
250 own-regulation of p16(Ink4a) and Arf in aged lymphoid progenitors reverted the senescent phenotype an
251  inhibits B lymphopoiesis by acting on early lymphoid progenitors, S100A9 inhibits B lymphopoiesis by
252 on signatures of E2A- and HEB-ablated common lymphoid progenitors significantly overlap.
253 ll differentiation, growth, and apoptosis in lymphoid progenitors soon after the onset of Myc overexp
254 ended to hematopoietic stem cells and common lymphoid progenitors, spared T cells and enhanced the su
255  is completely blocked at the LY6D(-) common lymphoid progenitor stage.
256 f the B-lymphoid compartment after the early lymphoid progenitor stage.
257        However, whereas previously described lymphoid progenitors such as common lymphoid progenitors
258       We have identified a clonogenic common lymphoid progenitor that can differentiate into T, B and
259 these data identify a population of atypical lymphoid progenitors that differentiate into B lymphocyt
260 tion factor PU.1 regulates the generation of lymphoid progenitors that express Flk2 and IL-7R.
261 tic effects were maintained with infusion of lymphoid progenitors that lack myeloid potential and wer
262                   Furthermore, unlike common lymphoid progenitors that readily generate B cells upon
263 d C/EBPalpha while reducing EBF and Pax-5 in lymphoid progenitors that then generated myeloid cells.
264 m dose-dependent reduction in thymic cKit(+) lymphoid progenitors that was maintained throughout life
265 st to the previously described murine common lymphoid progenitor, the alpha chain of the receptor for
266 RC2 normally restricts the self-renewal of B-lymphoid progenitors, the disruption of which contribute
267                          Mbd3/NuRD-deficient lymphoid progenitors therefore prematurely activate a B
268 se ILCs are derived downstream of the common lymphoid progenitor through lineage-restricted progenito
269 pocyte-derived factor occurred at the common lymphoid progenitor to preproB cell stage.
270 or that blocks B lymphopoiesis at the common lymphoid progenitor to preproB cell stage.
271 e inhibitors abrogated the response of early lymphoid progenitors to adiponectin in stromal cell-cont
272 sion of huPax5 during the induction of early lymphoid progenitors to B-lineage-committed cells can fi
273 differentiation requirements, and also drove lymphoid progenitors to become dendritic cells.
274 n occur between the gene products, preparing lymphoid progenitors to respond to environmental cues.
275 nal circuitry required for the commitment of lymphoid progenitors to the ILC lineage.
276 ic host induces a preferential commitment of lymphoid progenitors to the T lineage and results in a r
277 id-primed multipotent progenitors and common lymphoid progenitors to the thymus decreases more than 1
278                           The recruitment of lymphoid progenitors to the thymus is essential to susta
279  CXCR4 in facilitating localization of early lymphoid progenitors to tissue regions of the thymus, wh
280                   Also, unlike adults, fetal lymphoid progenitors transiently expressed endothelial c
281 in-7-mediated growth and survival of T and B lymphoid progenitors via an unknown, STAT1-independent p
282                                  The loss of lymphoid progenitors was likely due the increased levels
283 fferentiation potential of HNF1A(-/-) common lymphoid progenitors was severely impaired in vitro, and
284 16(INK4a) tumor suppressor in murine T- or B-lymphoid progenitors, we report that ablation of p16(INK
285 nt myeloid but not lymphoid cells, as common lymphoid progenitors were decreased, and peripheral lymp
286 w progenitor numbers were preserved, while B lymphoid progenitors were decreased.
287 , revealing how substantial numbers of early lymphoid progenitors were discarded or neglected in prev
288 inoic acid (ATRA)-treated C57BL6 mice, while lymphoid progenitors were reduced.
289                                        All B lymphoid progenitors were targets of ATRA in culture and
290 on, operative in both fetal and adult common lymphoid progenitors, where T cell potential is selectiv
291               ILCs are generated from common lymphoid progenitors, which are subsequently committed t
292 e bone marrow and differentiated from common lymphoid progenitors, which indicates they are distinct,
293 c stem cells in the bone marrow give rise to lymphoid progenitors, which subsequently differentiate i
294  for the generation of CCR9-expressing early lymphoid progenitors, which were the most efficient prog
295 p185 drove expansion of cytokine-independent lymphoid progenitors, while p210 and p230 generated cyto
296          These studies identify a clonogenic lymphoid progenitor with both B-cell and natural killer
297 sustained in serial transplants and produced lymphoid progenitors with low levels of the E47 transcri
298 s completed PU.1-initiated transformation of lymphoid progenitors with URE deletion.
299       Moreover, when derived from aged mice, lymphoid progenitors within every population examined ex
300 y that led to marked depletion of very early lymphoid progenitors without affecting RAG2/GFP(+) CMPs

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