


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  was overcome by exposing cells to palmitoyl lysolecithin.
2 ndividually immediately before ICSI by using lysolecithin, a hydrolysis product of membrane phospholi
3 bition, leading to localized accumulation of lysolecithin, a known demyelinating agent and receptor-m
4 TPase molecules from isolated membranes with lysolecithin, all behaved similar to the native enzyme w
5                                              Lysolecithin also activated cytosolic phospholipase A2 (
6                                              Lysolecithin also causes "unwinding" of paranodes: The s
7 sceptible when sufficient reaction products (lysolecithin and fatty acid) accumulate in the membrane.
8 sceptible when sufficient reaction products (lysolecithin and fatty acid) accumulate in the membrane.
9 s to examine the individual contributions of lysolecithin and palmitic acid to the susceptibility of
10 er demyelination by intraneural injection of lysolecithin, and during remyelination, the subcellular
11 ion of TLR2 also enhances remyelination in a lysolecithin animal model.
12 e a type of lysophospholipase (LysoPLA) with lysolecithin as its physiological substrate.
13 ion of this enzyme attenuated the ability of lysolecithin (but not ionomycin) to induce susceptibilit
14                       Intraneurally injected lysolecithin causes both segmental and paranodal demyeli
15 tion of TSC in the remyelination of a focal, lysolecithin-demyelinated lesion in adult male mice.
16 loside treatment to reduce CSPG synthesis in lysolecithin-demyelinated mice increased numbers of OPCs
17  together at low calcium, and the effects of lysolecithin dominated at high calcium.
18 ate substrate of the standard NTE assay with lysolecithin for an "NTE-LysoPLA" assay with four import
19 ng a model of focal demyelination induced by lysolecithin in the corpus callosum of adult mice.
20                                              Lysolecithin increased bilayer polarity and the rate of
21 accelerated oligodendroglial regeneration in lysolecithin-induced corpus callosum demyelinative lesio
22 res, we investigated whether myelination and lysolecithin-induced demyelination affect axonal mitocho
23 nist antibody promotes remyelination in both lysolecithin-induced demyelination and experimental auto
24  mimics enhance myelin restoration following lysolecithin-induced demyelination as well as experiment
25 x17 overexpression prevented cell loss after lysolecithin-induced demyelination by increasing Olig2+
26 emyelination in the toxic nonimmune model of lysolecithin-induced demyelination can be enhanced by ma
27  of central nervous system (CNS) axons after lysolecithin-induced demyelination in the spinal cord.
28                                        After lysolecithin-induced demyelination of corpus callosum, h
29 lial cell maturation and remyelination after lysolecithin-induced demyelination of organotypic cerebe
30  astrocyte activation on remyelination after lysolecithin-induced demyelination of spinal cord white
31                                        After lysolecithin-induced demyelination of the male mouse ven
32                  When mice were subjected to lysolecithin-induced demyelination of the spinal cord, s
33 y and robust upregulation of CSPGs following lysolecithin-induced demyelination was cleared during re
34 ifferentiation of oligodendrocytes following lysolecithin-induced demyelination, although apparently
35 luronidase inhibited remyelination following lysolecithin-induced demyelination.
36  endogenous PEDF in the corpus callosum upon lysolecithin-induced demyelination.
37 n mouse central nervous system lesions after lysolecithin-induced focal demyelination.
38                   Moreover, myelin repair of lysolecithin-induced lesions is delayed in PIKE(-/-) bra
39 odendrocytes and enhances remyelination in a lysolecithin-induced mouse model of focal demyelination.
40 th HGF markedly accelerated remyelination in lysolecithin-induced rat dorsal spinal cord lesions and
41 m of hyaluronan inhibits remyelination after lysolecithin-induced white matter demyelination.
42             Together these data suggest that lysolecithin induces susceptibility through both cPLA2-d
43      We evaluated the expression of CSPGs in lysolecithin-injected mouse spinal cord, an animal model
44  increased significantly 3 and 5 weeks after lysolecithin injection in the spinal cord.
45 del of central nervous system demyelination, lysolecithin injection into the spinal cord white matter
46 ion of focal demyelinated lesions induced by lysolecithin injections.
47      Induction of membrane susceptibility by lysolecithin involved an increase in cytosolic calcium a
48 ogical inhibition of Cdk5 inhibits repair of lysolecithin lesions.
49 in reactive gliosis in corpus callosum after lysolecithin (LPC)-induced focal demyelination and in cu
50 Following a focal demyelination induced with lysolecithin, many of the BAG-labeled cells differentiat
51                                    Moreover, lysolecithin-mediated demyelination in mice deficient in
52    In contrast, in the efficiently repairing lysolecithin model of demyelination (astrocyte-free), ne
53 ferent types of MS lesions and in the murine lysolecithin model of demyelination.
54  during remyelination were performed using a lysolecithin model, coupled with lentiviral misexpressio
55                       The effect of OxLDL or lysolecithin on endothelial PG was abolished in the pres
56                                              Lysolecithin or ionomycin caused concurrent hydrolysis o
57 tly released from the cells upon addition of lysolecithin or ionomycin.
58                                  Finally, in lysolecithin-permeabilized cells, the synthesis of full-
59 as labeled with bromouridine triphosphate in lysolecithin-permeabilized MHV-infected cells.
60    In contrast, un-ionized palmitic acid and lysolecithin promoted hydrolysis by augmenting a step di
61                       Palmitic acid, but not lysolecithin, promoted the binding of phospholipase A2 t
62                                              Lysolecithin reduced the ability of fatty acid to enhanc
63 dothelial cells with oxidized LDL (OxLDL) or lysolecithin resulted in decreased matrix proteoglycans
64  Finally, experimental distances between the lysolecithin spin and each single spin site on SBL1 were
65  on soybean seed lipoxygenase-1 (SBL1) and a lysolecithin spin-labeled on choline were measured by pu
66 from the basolateral than the apical side of lysolecithin-stimulated polarized endothelial cells.
67      In coculture experiments, lipolysis and lysolecithin stimulation of endothelial cells increased
68 ecombinant protein preferentially hydrolyzes lysolecithin, suggesting that this enzyme may be a type
69 sal columns of adult rats were injected with lysolecithin to induce a local demyelinating lesion.
70  localized the polar-end and the spin of the lysolecithin to the region between the two domains in th
71                     This kinetic response to lysolecithin was calcium-dependent.
72 -) mice using stereotactic microinjection of lysolecithin were larger than in controls, and remyelina
73  product was observed when palmitic acid and lysolecithin were present together at low calcium, and t

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