


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  enzybiotic cocktail consisting of CHAPK and lysostaphin.
2 X-100-induced autolysis and also to lysis by lysostaphin.
3 determined by ELISA and by neutralization of lysostaphin.
4 not alter the observed therapeutic values of lysostaphin.
5 S. aureus strain for 72 h in the presence of lysostaphin.
6          A single intravitreous injection of lysostaphin (0.1%) sterilized all eyes of immunized and
7 a single intravitreous injection (0.1 mL) of lysostaphin (0.1%).
8  were treated either topically with drops of lysostaphin (0.3%) or with a single intravitreous inject
9  S. aureus can be rescued by the addition of lysostaphin, a bacterial endopeptidase active at neutral
10 coccus simulans bv. staphylolyticus secretes lysostaphin, a bacteriocin that cleaves pentaglycine cro
11             Staphylococcus simulans secretes lysostaphin, a bacteriolytic enzyme that cleaves staphyl
12             Staphylococcus simulans secretes lysostaphin, a bacteriolytic enzyme that specifically bi
13 stitutions enables secretion of Gln(125,232)-lysostaphin, a bioactive variant.
14 surface protein is removed by treatment with lysostaphin, a glycyl-glycine endopeptidase that separat
15                        Structural studies of lysostaphin, a PG lytic enzyme (autolysin), have suggest
16 gp13 and homologous residues in the LytM and lysostaphin active sites facilitate hydrolysis of the pe
17 ral new therapeutic agents (e.g. daptomycin, lysostaphin and a Staphylococcus aureus vaccine) are in
18 endopeptidases such as Staphylococcus aureus lysostaphin and LytM, and to DD-endopeptidases involved
19  of cell walls by autolytic enzyme extracts, lysostaphin and mutanolysin.
20                           The sensitivity to lysostaphin and vancomycin were compared for 34 MRSA and
21 thelial defects (ISP546) were susceptible to lysostaphin, and inhibition of lysostaphin when harvesti
22                                         Anti-lysostaphin antibody titers were determined by ELISA and
23 -infected eyes, despite the presence of anti-lysostaphin antibody.
24 netic engineering, transgenic cows secreting lysostaphin at concentrations ranging from 0.9 to 14 mic
25                     SH3b domains from either lysostaphin (bacteriocin) or LysK (phage endolysin) resu
26                                              Lysostaphin bound to the cell wall envelopes of lyrA mut
27               Rabbits were immunized against lysostaphin by subcutaneous, intranasal, or topical rout
28 anchored proteins, but it can be detected in lysostaphin cell wall extracts.
29 glycan-targeting glycylglycine endopeptidase lysostaphin, compared to the wild type.
30 opeptide 12, its peptide derivative, and its lysostaphin degradation products by high pressure liquid
31 erformance liquid chromatography analysis of lysostaphin digests of peptidoglycan suggest an increase
32                      Thus, the CWT domain of lysostaphin directs the bacteriocin to cross-linked pept
33            We have discovered that the LytM (lysostaphin)-domain containing factors of E. coli (EnvC,
34 estion with the glycyl-glycine endopeptidase lysostaphin followed by the pneumococcal N-acetylmuramyl
35 ity with the N-terminal region of the mature lysostaphin from Staphylococcus simulans and 50% identit
36 sin CHAPK and the staphylococcal bacteriocin lysostaphin have been co-administered in a thermally tri
37 l pattern of beta-sheets are conserved among lysostaphin homologs (such as LytM of Staphylococcus aur
38  as little as 3 micrograms/ml [corrected] of lysostaphin in milk.
39  gene directed the secretion of Gln(125,232)-lysostaphin into milk, exhibit substantial resistance to
40 terminal cell wall-targeting domain (CWT) of lysostaphin is required for selective binding of this ba
41                                              Lysostaphin is very effective in treating keratitis medi
42                                 The protein, lysostaphin, is a peptidoglycan hydrolase normally produ
43                        ALE-1, a homologue of lysostaphin, is a peptidoglycan hydrolase that specifica
44  mapped to envC (yibP), proposed to encode a lysostaphin-like, metallo-endopeptidase that is exported
45 tudy of S. aureus mutants with resistance to lysostaphin-mediated killing has revealed biosynthetic p
46                                            A lysostaphin molecule lacking the C-terminal targeting si
47 9 or 10 to 15 hours postinfection with 0.28% lysostaphin or 5.0% vancomycin.
48 zed from the peptidoglycan by treatment with lysostaphin or phi11 hydrolase and identified COOH-termi
49 periments were performed to demonstrate that lysostaphin penetrated the cornea to kill bacteria in vi
50  wall of S.aureus consisted of 92 C-terminal lysostaphin residues.
51 son insertion in SAV2335, herein named lyrA (lysostaphin resistance A), did not cause gross alteratio
52          Other lyr mutants with intermediate lysostaphin resistance carried bursa aurealis insertions
53                                              Lysostaphin resistance of lyrA mutants is attributable t
54 ted protease domain, caused a high degree of lysostaphin resistance, similar to the case for a previo
55  aureus strain Newman transposon mutants for lysostaphin resistance.
56 daSa2 endopeptidase domain by either LysK or lysostaphin SH3b domain differed by no more than a facto
57 normal and immunized rabbits with keratitis, lysostaphin significantly reduced the log CFU to less th
58 to staphylococci, whereas murein monomers or lysostaphin-solubilized cell wall fragments did not.
59 to two surface proteins (138 and 127 kDa) of lysostaphin-solubilized S. aureus.
60 ith early therapy (4 -9 hours postinfection) lysostaphin sterilized all MRSA 301-infected corneas, wh
61 ncentrations were at least 19-fold lower for lysostaphin than for vancomycin.
62 tensively diminished sensitivity to lysis by lysostaphin, the ability to form a biofilm, and a total
63 cts were observed with the administration of lysostaphin to either normal or immunized rabbit eyes.
64 reactions were produced by administration of lysostaphin to immunized rabbits.
65  presents a new selectivity method involving lysostaphin together with a CMOS-compatible impedance se
66 etrated the cornea to kill bacteria in vivo; lysostaphin-treated eyes were found to recover from infe
67 ours postinfection) the residual bacteria in lysostaphin-treated eyes were significantly less numerou
68                                              Lysostaphin treatment of immunized rabbits was effective
69 usceptible to lysostaphin, and inhibition of lysostaphin when harvesting corneas did not alter the ob
70 e M1 muramidase and decreased sensitivity to lysostaphin, which is a reversal of the susceptibility p

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