


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oretical yield from the sugar composition in macroalgae).
2 esilience of coral reefs suffering blooms of macroalgae.
3  that OA may enhance the allelopathy of some macroalgae.
4 bove that needed to prevent proliferation of macroalgae.
5 ornia, a habitat rich in alginate-containing macroalgae.
6 of a functional xanthophyll cycle in a green macroalgae.
7 nine reefs underwent regime shifts to fleshy macroalgae.
8 icient, sustainable feedstocks such as brown macroalgae.
9 e bacteria, fungi, microalgae, and spores of macroalgae.
10 ble of producing ethanol directly from brown macroalgae.
11 e nutrients may help facilitate increases in macroalgae.
12 re was no evidence for regional increases in macroalgae.
13 evidence that urchins control the biomass of macroalgae.
14 reef health is characterized by increases in macroalgae.
15 rpene-benzoic acids and diterpene-phenols in macroalgae.
16 damage, disease, and increasing abundance of macroalgae.
17 icane damage, and an increasing abundance of macroalgae.
18  were codominant to a community dominated by macroalgae.
19 y for CO2:HCO3(-) use (delta(13)C values) of macroalgae along a gradient of CO2 at a volcanic seep, a
20 heterotrophic microbial overgrowth of coral, macroalgae also directly harm the corals via hydrophobic
21 sity, likely mediated by competition between macroalgae and corals, suggesting that fish excretion ma
22  (Ulva intestinalis), as recruitment of both macroalgae and diatoms were favored in elevated nutrient
23  and Papua New Guinea, focussing on abundant macroalgae and grazing sea urchins.
24 a major cell wall polysaccharide from marine macroalgae and nutrient source for heterotrophic bacteri
25 bers of time series of cover of hard corals, macroalgae and other components.
26 e methionine (Met) transamination pathway as macroalgae and phytoplankton(10).
27 tic lineage that includes unicellular algae, macroalgae and plant parasites.
28 anagement action to both forestall shifts to macroalgae and preserve properties essential for resilie
29  a feature shared with the cell walls of all macroalgae and that is important for ion homoeostasis, n
30  requires an understanding of the effects on macroalgae and their grazers, as these underpin the ecol
31  presence of top-down control on urchins and macroalgae, and (2) lobster fishing triggers a trophic c
32 iodine concentrations were detected in green macroalgae ( approximately 0.005% DW), implying that qua
33                  The most abundant sugars in macroalgae are alginate, mannitol, and glucan, and altho
34                                   Calcareous macroalgae are highly vulnerable to OA, and it is likely
35                      Compared to microalgae, macroalgae are larger in size, thereby imposing lower se
36       The lipophilic fraction of the studied macroalgae are mainly constituted by fatty acids (110.1-
37          Here, we show that (i) three common macroalgae are more damaging to a common coral when they
38     In comparison to the seaward algal zone, macroalgae are rare in the urchin zone, where the densit
39 sed platform, which enabled the use of brown macroalgae as a feedstock for the production of biofuels
40                  The full potential of brown macroalgae as feedstocks for commercial-scale fuel ethan
41                         Species of temperate macroalgae at their southern limits in the Iberian Penin
42 cooled, fish moved into shallow seagrass and macroalgae beds that were previously out-of-bounds.
43 scading effects of propagule supply on prey (macroalgae) biomass.
44 communities have quantified rapid removal of macroalgae by herbivorous fishes, yet how these findings
45 indings indicate that the application of the macroalgae C. linum could represent an effective wastewa
46  results show that all major sugars in brown macroalgae can be used as feedstocks for biofuels and va
47  demonstrates the feasibility of cultivating macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum in different types of muni
48                            Extracts from the macroalgae Chlorodesmis fastigiata and Amansia glomerata
49 s, Porphyra sp. and Osmundea pinnatifida are macroalgae consumed as food in some of the Azorean Islan
50                                              Macroalgae contribute approximately 15% of the primary p
51                                              Macroalgae contribute substantially to primary productio
52  bromoperoxidase protein from the marine red macroalgae Corallina officinalis has been determined by
53 cilaria vermiculophylla and Chondrus crispus macroalgae cultivated in the Portuguese coast was carrie
54                 However, the extent to which macroalgae damage corals directly, the mechanisms involv
55  under present-day conditions, (ii) that two macroalgae damage corals via allelopathy, and (iii) that
56 ield experiments demonstrating that numerous macroalgae directly damage corals by transfer of hydroph
57 highest over areas dominated by seagrass and macroalgae (dissolved DMS/P) and phytoplankton (particul
58                              Tidally exposed macroalgae emit large amounts of I(2) and iodocarbons th
59 d a yield of 0.281 weight ethanol/weight dry macroalgae (equivalent to ~80% of the maximum theoretica
60 e we found a sharp herbivory threshold where macroalgae escape control, ambient levels of herbivory b
61  in turn affect other species that depend on macroalgae for resources or habitat structure.
62 sing the effect of climate-related stress on macroalgae from being positive to negative had no influe
63                                  Rankings of macroalgae from most to least allelopathic were similar
64 ibution in nature, where they are present in macroalgae, fungi, and bacteria, but have been exclusive
65  Coral cover has declined on many reefs, and macroalgae have increased on some.
66    In contrast to other studies of calcified macroalgae, however, we observed an increase in the abun
67 d fossil fuel resources are depleted, marine macroalgae (i.e., seaweed) is receiving increasing atten
68 nans, major cell wall polysaccharides of red macroalgae, in the marine heterotrophic bacterium Zobell
69                            Algae, especially macroalgae, increased in abundance until they effectivel
70 n and enrichment of phlorotannins from Irish macroalgae is vital to facilitate the use of this valuab
71               Although seagrasses and marine macroalgae (macro-autotrophs) play critical ecological r
72             In the reef system, seagrass and macroalgae may be more important benthic producers of di
73 ogenic organic iodine compounds emitted from macroalgae may be responsible for coastal particle burst
74                  This research suggests that macroalgae may use DMSP to maintain metabolic function d
75 m solid-liquid extracts (SLE) of three brown macroalgae, namely Fucus spiralis Linnaeus, Pelvetia can
76 pounds present in ethanolic extracts from 18 macroalgae of the Portuguese coast were analysed by gas
77 of grazing fishes and reduce the coverage of macroalgae on coral reefs.
78 to elevated CO2 is hypothesised to advantage macroalgae over corals, contributing to these shifts, bu
79 ated the spatiotemporal response of tropical macroalgae (Padina sp., Amphiroa sp. and Turbinaria sp.)
80 effects of hydrophobic surface extracts from macroalgae paralleled effects of whole algae; both findi
81 ce of benthic invertebrates suggest that the macroalgae played a key structuring role in these commun
82 he lack of recalcitrant lignin components in macroalgae polysaccharide reserves provides a facile rou
83 obster (predator), sea urchins (grazer), and macroalgae (primary producer) in giant kelp forest commu
84  in coral-algae interactions; turf algae and macroalgae promote heterotrophic microbial overgrowth of
85                         Calcifying coralline macroalgae provide biogenic habitats colonised by epiphy
86 ing possible tipping points in the herbivory-macroalgae relationships has remained a challenge.
87                                        Brown macroalgae represent an ideal source for complex polysac
88 omote the understanding of carbon cycling in macroalgae-rich waters worldwide.
89                                              Macroalgae (seaweeds) are the subject of increasing inte
90                                  Prospecting macroalgae (seaweeds) as feedstocks for bioconversion in
91 t contribution for the valorisation of these macroalgae species as sources of valuable phytochemicals
92     Elevated carbon-to-nitrogen ratios among macroalgae suggested that competition for nitrogen also
93 and extensive biomass of alginate-containing macroalgae, the observed bacterial dynamics associated w
94 f ecosystem lies in relation to the coral-to-macroalgae tipping point is fundamental to understanding
95 , potentially due to low grazer affinity for macroalgae (Ulva intestinalis), as recruitment of both m
96 ol and alpha-tocopherol in New Zealand brown macroalgae, Undaria pinnatifida, were investigated.
97  enables bioethanol production directly from macroalgae via a consolidated process, achieving a titer
98 rove the herbivore richness effects, because macroalgae were unable to effectively deter fishes with
99 o particle formation from Laminaria digitata macroalgae were undertaken to elucidate aerosol formatio
100  caused a fourfold reduction in the cover of macroalgae, which, because they are the principal compet
101 igate calcifying species, and non-calcareous macroalgae whose CO2 use did not increase consistently w
102 lnerable to OA, and it is likely that fleshy macroalgae will dominate in a higher CO2 ocean; therefor

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