


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the parvocellular (84.95% +/- 4.11%) and the magnocellular (84.76% +/- 3.40%) parts of the PVN as wel
2 le the BSTLJ receives inputs mainly from the magnocellular accessory basal and basal nucleus.
3  band-pass temporal tuning characteristic of magnocellular activity.
4                                              Magnocellular afferent recordings following inactivation
5                                          The magnocellular and intermediate divisions of the basal nu
6 results were obtained from a small sample of magnocellular and koniocellular ('blue-on') neurons.
7 s of two principal neuroendocrine divisions (magnocellular and parvicellular) and three descending pr
8 trastriate cortex.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The magnocellular and parvocellular (M-P) streams are fundam
9 o electrophysiological recordings of primate magnocellular and parvocellular ganglion cell responses
10 phenotypic differences, we screened RNA from magnocellular and parvocellular layers of adult macaque
11         In anthropoid primates, cells in the magnocellular and parvocellular layers of the dorsal lat
12                      We showed recently that magnocellular and parvocellular neuroendocrine cells of
13 ed to the anaesthetized animal, we show that magnocellular and parvocellular neurons in the alert ani
14 reach cortex by increasing responses of both magnocellular and parvocellular neurons in the first rel
15  this rapid hormonal interaction in both PVN magnocellular and parvocellular neurosecretory cells.
16 GN during a developmental epoch critical for magnocellular and parvocellular pathway formation.
17  contrast to differentially bias activity in magnocellular and parvocellular pathways based on well e
18            The visual system is divided into magnocellular and parvocellular pathways which project t
19 sual system consists of discrete subcortical magnocellular and parvocellular pathways, which project
20 vidence for the molecular differentiation of magnocellular and parvocellular streams through the prim
21     Because previous work has shown that the magnocellular and parvocellular subdivisions of the dors
22 Oxytocin released within the brain from both magnocellular and parvocellular systems of the hypothala
23 al Avp expression in both the neurosecretory magnocellular and parvocellular vasopressinergic systems
24 in children with and without dyslexia, using magnocellular and parvocellular visual stimuli presented
25 onal projections from the small but distinct magnocellular and ventral nuclei (of the bed nuclei of t
26 omedian nuclei as well as the parvocellular, magnocellular, and caudodorsal subdivisions of the medio
27 medial octavolateral nucleus; the secondary, magnocellular, and descending octaval nuclei; the viscer
28  found in the media preoptic area, posterior magnocellular, and the parvocellular regions of the para
29 also includes the more distinct dorsomedial, magnocellular, and ventral nuclei.
30  auditory nerve fibers (ANFs) project to the magnocellular areas of the VCN (VCNm) and deep layers of
31 lexia: (i) the phonological theory, (ii) the magnocellular (auditory and visual) theory and (iii) the
32 holaminergic input from the brainstem to the magnocellular AVP neurons may contribute to impaired AVP
33 f TH-immunoreactive fibres innervating these magnocellular AVP neurons, coincident with a loss of neu
34 contribute to selective vulnerability of the magnocellular basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in neu
35 te onto cortically projecting neurons of the magnocellular basal forebrain; thus, there is a circuit
36 isual event-related potential in response to magnocellular-biased isolated check stimuli was seen in
37 0.8, P < 0.001) were reduced in amplitude to magnocellular-biased low spatial frequency (LSF) stimuli
38 nts showed decreased contrast sensitivity to magnocellular-biased stimuli (P<.001).
39 ty using dynamic causal modeling showed that magnocellular-biased stimuli significantly activated pat
40 at were significantly reduced in response to magnocellular-biased, but not parvocellular-biased, stim
41  predicted the performance advantage for the magnocellular, but not for the parvocellular-biased, sti
42 naptic targets of Y retinal terminals in the magnocellular C lamina of the dLGN, which is populated a
43 urons contact Y thalamocortical cells in the magnocellular C lamina of the dLGN.
44 at almost all contacts of F2 profiles in the magnocellular C lamina were made onto the GABA-negative
45 types of ganglion cell: the familiar parasol/magnocellular cell and a smaller type, termed "garland."
46        In the LGN, we found normalization in magnocellular cells and cells receiving excitatory S-con
47 dal neurons in neocortex and hippocampus and magnocellular cells in basolateral amygdaloid nucleus we
48 s by comparing extracellular recordings from magnocellular cells of the rat supraoptic nucleus in viv
49 n of ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channels by magnocellular cholinergic basal forebrain (BF) neurones
50  of the pons that has both parvocellular and magnocellular cholinergic neurons, indicates an unusual
51 s against the mRNA of the A1 receptor in the magnocellular cholinergic region of the basal forebrain
52  weeks), VGLUT1 immunoreactivity (ir) in the magnocellular CN ipsilateral to the cochlear damage was
53 ERbeta immunoreactivity was also observed in magnocellular compartments of the PVN, although this app
54 such as the cholinergic neurons of the basal magnocellular complex.
55 s: superficial (DDs), intermediate (DDi) and magnocellular (DDmg) components.
56 r from a motor deficit and two from a visual magnocellular deficit.
57 put from multisensory nuclei, especially the magnocellular division (MGm) of the MGC.
58 a V1 received projections primarily from the magnocellular division of the basal nucleus, and these t
59                                          The magnocellular division of the medial Preoptic nucleus (M
60 ucleus, and nucleus accumbens as well as the magnocellular division of the mediodorsal nucleus of the
61       Monkeys with aspiration lesions of the magnocellular division of the mediodorsal thalamus (MDmc
62 tantial ocular segregation is present in the magnocellular division.
63  areas, received inputs from the ventral and magnocellular divisions of the auditory medial geniculat
64                                          The magnocellular divisions of the PVN also showed moderate
65 tected in cells and fibers of the parvo- and magnocellular divisions.
66  disorder, yet deficits also manifest in the magnocellular-dominated dorsal visual system.
67 g are relatively preserved and that impaired magnocellular dorsal stream functioning in schizophrenia
68 mpaired in ASD, but explanations in terms of magnocellular/dorsal deficits do not appear to be suffic
69 ioral investigations have found preferential magnocellular/dorsal stream dysfunction, with some defic
70  leading to executive function deficits, and magnocellular/dorsal visual stream, superior parietal lo
71             These results indicate pervasive magnocellular dysfunction at the subcortical level that
72                                Investigating magnocellular dysfunction in schizophrenia therefore per
73  results provide strong evidence that visual magnocellular dysfunction is not causal to dyslexia but
74 oad range of psychophysical tasks relying on magnocellular functions.
75  were found in isolated nerve terminals from magnocellular hypothalamic neurons and examined quantita
76 t such top-down facilitation is triggered by magnocellular information projected early and rapidly to
77 ely to stimulus contrast (those dominated by magnocellular input) exhibiting greater attentional enha
78 he parvocellular-input layer, but not in the magnocellular-input layer 4Calpha.
79 components of fearful faces, as predicted by magnocellular inputs to amygdala.
80 audal lateral hypothalamus, specifically the magnocellular lateral hypothalamus adjacent to the subth
81 -kappa B-dependent beta-galactosidase in the magnocellular lateral hypothalamus, zona incerta dorsal,
82 ecific markers, of which 10 were enriched in magnocellular layers (BRD4, CAV1, EEF1A2, FAM108A1, INal
83  cells, which form a major projection to the magnocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus.
84 nsient, spectrally nonopponent signal to the magnocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus.
85        CB-positive cells were present in the magnocellular layers of the LGN with no differences noti
86 ssed in Y cells in the ferret LGN and in the magnocellular layers of the primate LGN.
87 i and the majority of the LGN, including the magnocellular layers, and suppressed activity in some ar
88 ic model that has captured the sparseness of magnocellular LGN inputs to the macaque primary visual c
89       In a companion study we found that the magnocellular LGN-projecting parasol ganglion cells also
90 hrough the inferior pulvinar and can provide magnocellular-like sensory inputs necessary for motion p
91 visual response properties of neurons in the magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) divisions of the
92 ds and non-linear response properties of the magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) pathways, with t
93 Primary visual cortex recombines inputs from magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) streams to creat
94                                              Magnocellular (M) cells (the faster-conducting and achro
95 s slow contrast adaptation was potent in all magnocellular (M) cells but essentially absent in parvoc
96 4, and 6 of V1 and the parvocellular (P) and magnocellular (M) layers of the LGN.
97 expected, cells in the parvocellular (P) and magnocellular (M) layers received monocular excitatory i
98 ocesses, with preferential attunement of the magnocellular (M) pathway to clear threat, and of the pa
99 etric stimulus in preferentially stimulating magnocellular (M) versus parvocellular (P) ganglion cell
100  that parasol RGCs are the provenance of the magnocellular (M) visual pathway and that midget RGCs gi
101 re thought to be dominated by input from the magnocellular (M) visual pathway, with little or no parv
102             The volume of parvocellular (P), magnocellular (M), and koniocellular (K) layers was calc
103  how ongoing and visually driven activity in magnocellular (M), parvocellular (P) and koniocellular (
104  visual system parse the sensory signal into magnocellular (M), parvocellular (P), and koniocellular
105 iologically distinct relay cell classes, the magnocellular (M), parvocellular (P), and koniocellular
106                                     Both the magnocellular (M)- and the parvocellular (P)-cell popula
107  the framework of contrast processing by the magnocellular (MC) and parvocellular (PC) pathways.
108 hromatic gratings were very similar, as were magnocellular (MC) cell responses to compound and lumina
109 ions favoring inferred parvocellular (PC) or magnocellular (MC) pathway mediation.
110                                Damage to the magnocellular mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MDmc) in the
111 possibly indirectly through a pathway to the magnocellular mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MDmc), which
112 s provide new evidence about the role of the magnocellular mediodorsal thalamic nucleus in memory pro
113                                              Magnocellular mediodorsal thalamus (MDmc) supports adapt
114 ombined bilateral subcortical lesions to the magnocellular mediodorsal thalamus and fornix impaired p
115          These data suggest that the ventral magnocellular medullary reticular formation is not essen
116 er, Tp additionally receives inputs from the magnocellular (MGm) and dorsal (MGd) divisions of the me
117 sterodorsal (MGpd), anterodorsal (MGad), and magnocellular (MGm) divisions of the medial geniculate c
118 lateralis, anterior (AON), descending (DON), magnocellular (MgON), tangential (TON), and posterior (P
119 pping of spatial relationships among the two magnocellular neuroendocrine and five parvicellular neur
120 amide, regulation of GABA synaptic inputs to magnocellular neuroendocrine cells under different physi
121  glutamate and GABA synapses on hypothalamic magnocellular neuroendocrine cells; however, retrograde
122 atomotor-behavioral and autonomic circuitry, magnocellular neuroendocrine with projections directly t
123 gested that neural activity is supportive of magnocellular neuronal (MCN) survival after axotomy.
124  (DeltaVmax = 5.6 mV, EC50 = 2.3 microM) SON magnocellular neurones (n = 27) under current clamp, or
125  reversed at EK (DeltaImax = 24.2 pA) in PVN magnocellular neurones (n = 33) under voltage clamp.
126 wardly rectifying K+ channels in SON and PVN magnocellular neurones and may play a prominent role in
127 ndent fashion from the soma/dendrites of SON magnocellular neurones and suppress synaptic glutamate r
128 ective GABAB agonist baclofen on SON and PVN magnocellular neurones and to determine the coupling of
129 brief stimuli could enable the activation of magnocellular neurones in response to acute challenges.
130 d endogenous bursts of IPSCs in hypothalamic magnocellular neurones in the presence of TTX, which imp
131 tic release of oxytocin and vasopressin from magnocellular neurones in the supraoptic nucleus of the
132 pressin release from dendrites and somata of magnocellular neurones in the supraoptic nucleus.
133                                              Magnocellular neurones of the hypothalamus release vasop
134 termining spiking patterns characteristic of magnocellular neurones under stimulated conditions.
135    Seventeen of the 24 biocytin-labelled SON magnocellular neurones were identified as AVP neurones,
136 ere highly synchronized in onset in pairs of magnocellular neurones.
137 ynapses shared between pairs of postsynaptic magnocellular neurones.
138 at is capable of shaping spiking activity in magnocellular neurones.
139 n of synaptically driven spiking activity in magnocellular neurones.
140          Oxytocin- and vasopressin-producing magnocellular neurons (MCNs) of the hypothalamo-neurohyp
141                                              Magnocellular neurons (MNCs) of the supra optic nucleus
142 fluences: FFAd reduces the responsiveness of magnocellular neurons (which are important for encoding
143 Ca(2+) channels in terminals of hypothalamic magnocellular neurons are coupled to RyRs, as they are i
144 ression of AVP was markedly decreased in the magnocellular neurons as well as in urine collected over
145 n mRNA expression changed in both parvo- and magnocellular neurons during lactation.
146 cell GABA synaptic currents were recorded in magnocellular neurons in rat hypothalamic slices followi
147 mly excitatory in vasopressin (VP)-secreting magnocellular neurons in the adult hypothalamus under no
148 than that in cortical pyramidal neurons, and magnocellular neurons in the globus pallidus did not dem
149 a and gamma) are located in vasopressin (VP) magnocellular neurons in the hypothalamic supraoptic (SO
150  mice LXRbeta was expressed in the nuclei of magnocellular neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricu
151 d-evoked 2-arachidonoylglycerol release from magnocellular neurons is spatially restricted to glutama
152 ions to glutamate, and not GABA, synapses on magnocellular neurons is the result of the spatial restr
153                Both receptors are present in magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamic preoptic area
154                                              Magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) ca
155 xytocin (OT)- and vasopressin (VP)-secreting magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) di
156 y repetitive action potentials in supraoptic magnocellular neurons regulate repetitive firing and spi
157  suppression is significantly stronger among magnocellular neurons than parvocellular neurons and tha
158 ate and GABA synaptic inputs to hypothalamic magnocellular neurons via the activation of postsynaptic
159 as seen in several periventricular and a few magnocellular neurons, and in a dense fiber network thro
160 te nucleus (LGN) from the primary parvo- and magnocellular neurons, but whether the same neurochemica
161 de-specific bursts of action potentials from magnocellular neurons.
162 shly dissociated terminals from hypothalamic magnocellular neurons.
163 osecretory vesicles that are exocytosed from magnocellular neurosecretory cell dendrites and terminal
164 important role in regulating the activity of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) and hormone re
165 physiological properties of OVLT neurons and magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) in acute in vi
166 NMDAR-DeltaCa(2+) ) occurred in hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) in renovascula
167                         The vasopressin (VP) magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) in the supraop
168 us dependence of exocytosis in the somata of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) isolated from
169 membrane potential and excitability of mouse magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) maintained at
170 in Ca(2+) (NMDAR-DeltaCa(2+) ) signalling in magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) may contribute
171           The control of the excitability in magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of the supraop
172 ) influences homeostatic firing responses of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) to a physiolog
173                                              Magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) were isolated
174       Here, we show that in rat hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs), glutamate NMD
175 rtant role in regulating the excitability of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs).
176                           Phasic activity in magnocellular neurosecretory cells is characterized by a
177 utocrine inhibition of plateau potentials in magnocellular neurosecretory cells recorded intracellula
178          First, we discuss overactivation of magnocellular neurosecretory cells within the hypothalam
179 feedback inhibition of plateau potentials in magnocellular neurosecretory cells.
180               Conversely, osmotically driven magnocellular neurosecretory neuronal population activit
181 c nucleus (SON) of the hypothalamus contains magnocellular neurosecretory neurons (MNC) which synthes
182           Here, we show that in hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory neurons (MNCs), a direct cr
183 fluences the firing activity of hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory neurons (MNCs), as well as
184                                  None of the magnocellular neurosecretory neurons exhibited a diurnal
185                        The firing pattern of magnocellular neurosecretory neurons is intimately relat
186  is both a neuroendocrine hormone located in magnocellular neurosecretory neurons of the hypothalamus
187 is a key activity-dependent modulator of the magnocellular neurosecretory system (MNS) during conditi
188  end, we studied NVC in the rat hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory system (MNS) of the supraop
189 classical hypothalamopituitary and accessory magnocellular nuclei and neurons in the hypothalamus by
190  very high expression of Avp mRNA in all the magnocellular nuclei compared with a much lower level in
191  in anterior and posterior parvocellular and magnocellular nuclei of the preoptic area, nucleus pregl
192 n of either ATROSAB or EHD2-scTNFR2 into the magnocellular nucleus basalis significantly protected ch
193    This and other evidence suggests that the magnocellular nucleus is part of a corticostriatopallida
194 ird, the telencephalic nucleus LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of anterior nidopallium) is necess
195 song regions including Area X, lMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of anterior nidopallium), HVC, RA
196 nd the volume of the lateral portions of the magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (lMAN)
197 its that include the SHELL region of lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN)
198 ating the output nucleus of the AFP [lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN)
199 lencephalic song regions [area X and lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (lMAN)
200        It has been proposed that the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN)
201             Area X in basal ganglia, lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN)
202 d here as a proper name) and output [lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN)
203               Neurons in HVC and the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN)
204 h in the song learning nucleus LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium) durin
205           The cortical nucleus LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium) provi
206 rons in the AFP output nucleus LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium).
207  a group of five afferent nuclei (the Medial Magnocellular nucleus of the Anterior Nidopallium, MMAN;
208 X cell densities was detected in the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium, nor i
209 dorsolateral thalamic nucleus to the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium--DLM t
210 l output nucleus of the BG loop, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium.
211 citatory outputs to pre-motor targets in the magnocellular nucleus of the medulla.
212                   We find that LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the nidopallium) is required sp
213 stus nucleus of the arcopallium, and lateral magnocellular nucleus of the nidopallium) of male zebra
214  adult birds, but does require LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the nidopallium), a forebrain n
215  cortical projections to RA from the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the nidopallium.
216    The most novel findings indicate that the magnocellular nucleus projects to virtually all known ma
217 cleus are a subset of those generated by the magnocellular nucleus, with the obvious difference that
218                   The dorsal division of the magnocellular octaval nucleus (MgON) receives highly ove
219 e gigantocellular POA (gPOA), but not in the magnocellular or parvocellular POA, increased only when
220 lated checks in Experiment 1 and towards the magnocellular or parvocellular system using low versus h
221 OT neurons, with collateral projections onto magnocellular OT neurons and neurons of deep layers of t
222                                              Magnocellular OT neurons of these nuclei innervate numer
223                                          The magnocellular oxytocin and vasopressin neurones of the h
224 ndocrine system (regions containing pools of magnocellular oxytocin neurons, and parvicellular cortic
225 r and salt appetite), neuroendocrine system (magnocellular: oxytocin, vasopressin; parvicellular: gon
226 e supraoptic nucleus (SON), 1.6-times in the magnocellular paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (mPVN
227  arcuate nucleus (ARC; P < 0.05), and 50% in magnocellular paraventricular nucleus (mPVN; P < 0.05).
228  that medium-sized multipolar cells from the magnocellular part of the LRN project to the cochlear nu
229 om secondary vestibulo-ocular neurons in the magnocellular part of the medial vestibular nucleus.
230 ergeniculate leaflet, internal sector of the magnocellular part of the ventral geniculate nucleus, ol
231 iculate leaflet, ventral geniculate nucleus (magnocellular part), lateroposterior thalamic nucleus, a
232 hat closely resemble those of neurons in the magnocellular, parvocellular, and koniocellular layers o
233                                        Early magnocellular/parvocellular function was assessed using
234  primate arises mostly in the retina for the magnocellular pathway and mostly in the cortex for the p
235 uced physiological results and indicate that magnocellular pathway bipolar cells initiate spikes in t
236 an axon initial segment (AIS)-like region of magnocellular pathway bipolar cells, a specialization no
237 imuli designed to bias processing toward the magnocellular pathway differentially activated the orbit
238 ate visual system, the ganglion cells of the magnocellular pathway underlie motion and flicker detect
239 a, we show that the bipolar cells within the magnocellular pathway, but not the parvocellular pathway
240 atory input to parasol ganglion cells of the magnocellular pathway.
241 s that underlie these effects are present in magnocellular-pathway (MC) but not in parvocellular-path
242 udiovisual integration appear to depend upon magnocellular pathways, and dyslexia has been associated
243 ections also targeted both parvicellular and magnocellular peptidergic neurons in the paraventricular
244 ominal motoneurons is located in the ventral magnocellular portion of the medial medullary reticular
245 tes reveals the critical role of the medial, magnocellular portion of the mediodorsal nucleus of the
246 mediodorsal nucleus, intralaminar nuclei and magnocellular portion of ventral anterior nucleus.
247 e CoP (olivary pretectal, parvocellular, and magnocellular posterior commissure and lateral terminal
248 hout the BF, with the highest density in the magnocellular preoptic area (MCPO).
249 erent regions (medial septum, diagonal band, magnocellular preoptic area, and substantia innominata).
250 projection neurons in the medial septum, the magnocellular preoptic area, and the substantia innomina
251 eurons of the substantia innominata (SI) and magnocellular preoptic area, but there was no innervatio
252  including the ventral pallidum, lateral and magnocellular preoptic nuclei, lateral hypothalamus, and
253  parvocellular, posterior parvocellular, and magnocellular preoptic nuclei.
254 ghly expressed in a subset of neurons in the magnocellular preoptic nucleus (MCPO) and the horizontal
255 tified the sources of dynorphin input to the magnocellular preoptic nucleus and substantia innominata
256 ells in the primary somatosensory cortex and magnocellular preoptic nucleus increased on the IL1beta-
257 l nucleus, nucleus of the diagonal band, and magnocellular preoptic nucleus.
258                                  Deficits in magnocellular processing in this task may reflect more g
259 uggest that deficits in noise exclusion, not magnocellular processing, contribute to the etiology of
260  intermediate in size between the parvo- and magnocellular-projecting ganglion cells.
261 timing of responses in ensembles of parasol (magnocellular-projecting) retinal ganglion cells recorde
262  Our findings support the proposal that fast magnocellular projections linking early visual and infer
263  immunostaining were the supraoptic nucleus, magnocellular PVH, ARH, and suprachiasmatic nucleus.
264 icose thin galanin fiber processes while the magnocellular PVN (PVN(m)) contained large cell soma and
265 medial magnocellular PVN, 18% in the lateral magnocellular PVN and 10% in the medial parvicellular PV
266 ar nucleus (PVNp), supraoptic nucleus (SON), magnocellular PVN and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).
267 and TH-immunoreactive neurons in the SON and magnocellular PVN in all MSA cases.
268                            Parvocellular and magnocellular PVN neurons are richly innervated by pitui
269 ort of parvocellular cells interspersed with magnocellular PVN neurons expressing secretagogin.
270 nterior parvicellular PVN, 27% in the medial magnocellular PVN, 18% in the lateral magnocellular PVN
271                                          The magnocellular red nucleus (RNm), a brainstem premotor st
272  after shorter term deafness, neurons in the magnocellular regions also participate in the compensati
273                                          The magnocellular regions of the LGN were distinguished base
274                                              Magnocellular regions receive contributions from LRL and
275                           Consequently, when magnocellular responses are mitigated via FFAd, human fo
276 , but can have poor spatial resolution), and magnocellular responses contribute coarse spatial scale
277 ltiple brainstem nuclei, particularly in the magnocellular reticular formation, vestibular nuclei, cr
278 e of the contrast response function over the magnocellular-selective contrast range compared with con
279                                 Although the magnocellular stimuli had a lower contrast than the parv
280 enia and in particular the potential role of magnocellular stream dysfunction.
281 iatal area arise from the basal nucleus, the magnocellular subdivision of the accessory basal nucleus
282 eral aspect of the medial preoptic area, the magnocellular subdivision of the medial preoptic nucleus
283 al nucleus and in both the parvocellular and magnocellular subdivisions of the paraventricular nucleu
284 es demonstrated reduced contrast gain of the magnocellular system (P = .001).
285                                          The magnocellular system operates normally in a nonlinear am
286  were recorded to stimuli biased towards the magnocellular system using low-contrast isolated checks
287 t/parvocellular) and high-frequency (parasol/magnocellular) temporal channels are well characterized.
288 ssing problems, as would be predicted by the magnocellular theory.
289 n or to the parvocellular, koniocellular, or magnocellular type neurons contained in the separate lay
290                                          The magnocellular vasopressin (VP) and oxytocin (OT) neurone
291            VGLUT1 is highly expressed in the magnocellular ventral CN (VCN), which receives auditory
292 ect less densely to the juxtacapsular, oval, magnocellular, ventral, and interfascicular BST nuclei.
293                                              Magnocellular versus parvocellular (M-P) streams are fun
294 cleus, superior and middle reticular nuclei, magnocellular vestibular nucleus, solitary tract nucleus
295  associated with impaired functioning of the magnocellular visual pathway and further suggest that th
296 dies is suggestive of dysfunction within the magnocellular visual pathway beginning in early sensory
297                                          The magnocellular visual pathway is believed to receive inpu
298 g, potentially reflecting dysfunction of the magnocellular visual pathway.
299 ssion of early visual signals in the primate magnocellular visual pathway.
300 Both lines showed specific hGH expression in magnocellular VP cells in the hypothalamic paraventricul

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