


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ion in sorghum compared with Arabidopsis and maize.
2 arkers of Cry1A(b)-type toxins in transgenic maize.
3  marker gene as demonstrated for tobacco and maize.
4 lement lineage expansions that are unique to maize.
5 ntion of duplicated genes in soybean than in maize.
6 and the effect is greater in soybean than in maize.
7 dated with 2-year lysimetric experiment with maize.
8 ates from roots of Brassicaceae, poplar, and maize.
9 tly higher in soils preceded by sunflower or maize.
10 l the development of key agronomic traits in maize.
11 and determination of fumonisins B1 and B2 in maize.
12 or her discovery of transposable elements in maize.
13 n between larvae collected from sugarcane or maize.
14 initial steps of early embryo development in maize.
15 ccurrence of possible modified aflatoxins in maize.
16        We conducted germination tests on the maize-282-diverse-panel (282 inbred lines) under normal
17 14 or 2015), glyphosate accounted for 26% of maize, 43% of soybean and 45% of cotton herbicide applic
18 ated from waxy (0% amylose) and high amylose maize (71% amylose) were used.
19 mbly and annotation of a reference genome of maize, a genetic and agricultural model species, using s
20     In combination with earlier findings for maize Ac elements, these results give insight into trans
21 ome, suggesting that mexicana contributed to maize adaptation and improvement.
22 ichum graminicola may cause severe damage to maize, affecting normal development of the plant and dec
23 ative American populations adopted intensive maize agriculture, facilitating population aggregation a
24 evealed through the presence of charcoal and maize agriculture.
25 ecule is also reactive with IgE from sera of maize-allergic subjects.
26 e, sorghum, Hylon VII) and amylopectin (waxy maize, amaranth) starches was studied.
27 -Sgo1 recruitment was independent of Rec8 in maize and did not play a role in centromere protection i
28 hological similarities to a wild relative of maize and has generally been referred to as teosinte.
29     We found frequent complex centromeres in maize and its wild relatives Z. mays parviglumis, Z. may
30 ochromanol and vitamin E content in seeds of maize and other major cereal crops.
31 gainst Curvularia leaf spot (CLS) disease of maize and plant growth promotry activity were evaluated.
32  pericarp starches were compared with normal maize and potato starches showed high yield stress of fl
33                            The production of maize and potatoes declined by >87% when plants were gro
34         Hybrids are widely used for cereals, maize and rice, but it has been a challenge to develop a
35 age temperature (Tsi) during the ensilage of maize and ryegrass.
36 eosinte, sympatric populations of cultivated maize and samples of reference teosinte taxa.
37 tresses on the current and future US rainfed maize and soybean production and for the first time char
38            Each day >30 degrees C diminishes maize and soybean yields by up to 6% under rainfed condi
39 alternative feedstock-location scenarios for maize and sugarcane, we find that the LUCI-LCA approach
40 oordinated cis-regulatory divergence between maize and teosinte, and a transposon insertion that inac
41 imination between general stress response of maize and that unique to severe cold.
42 viously published SNP datasets of cultivated maize and two Mexican teosinte subspecies.
43  performance in distinguishing between sound maize and undesirable materials, with cross-validated co
44 phos-methyl were evaluated in milled toasted maize and wheat flour (gofio) during three months of sto
45  this purpose, pesticide-free milled toasted maize and wheat samples were spiked with the pesticides,
46 ed to the analysis of fumonisin B1 in spiked maize and wheat samples.
47 alibrated using gas-exchange measurements in maize, and extended the coupled model with time-explicit
48 s spanning the pre-Columbian distribution of maize, and four wild teosinte individuals (Zea mays ssp.
49 atterns of lincRNAs in Arabidopsis, rice and maize, and identified 47 611 and 398 TE-associated lincR
50                                       Unlike maize, Arabidopsis thaliana seeds contain several RFOs (
51                                        Using maize as a model system, we analyzed whole genome shotgu
52 s (PAHs) and five heavy metals from soils to maize at the farmlands with industrial wastewater irriga
53 establish the appearance and local change of maize at the site.
54 ximately 11,000 y spanning the transition to maize-based food production.
55 n between phytase and RUTF.In iron-fortified maize-based meals, the addition of lipids more than doub
56 s the type of resistance most widely used by maize breeders.
57 esium content of GF flours: tapioca, potato, maize, buckwheat, brown rice and a GF flour mixture.
58 us work has discussed the molecular basis of maize - C. graminicola interaction.
59  northern leaf blight-has been identified on maize chromosome 9.
60                           Our first study of maize circRNAs uncovers a potential new way for transpos
61 ng leaves and uncovered 2804 high-confidence maize circRNAs, which show distinct genomic features.
62           We sequenced fifteen 1900-year-old maize cobs from Turkey Pen Shelter in the temperate Sout
63                         We directly dated 37 maize cobs to establish the appearance and local change
64 into many domesticated crop plants including maize compared with its highly branched wild ancestor te
65 f ZmXerico1 and ZmXerico2 in Arabidopsis and maize confers ABA hypersensitivity and improved water us
66 ntensity increased over the last 25 years in maize, cotton, rice and wheat.
67                   The paralogous loci encode maize CRABS CLAW co-orthologs in the YABBY family of tra
68                                 For the same maize data, we also conducted genome-wide association st
69                                          The maize dek38 gene encodes a TTI2 (Tel2-interacting protei
70 fluence on late Pre-Columbian (pre-1492 CE), maize-dependent Native American populations in the midco
71 ed with resistance to three important foliar maize diseases-southern leaf blight, gray leaf spot and
72                    This system for measuring maize ear, cob, and kernel attributes is being used by m
73                                          The maize endosperm consists of three major compartmentalize
74  that are required for genomic imprinting in maize endosperm.
75 llele-specific H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 peaks in maize endosperm.
76  of natural variation in vitamin E levels in maize establishes the foundation for improving tocochrom
77 Genome-wide demographic analyses reveal that maize experienced pronounced declines in effective popul
78                                           In maize, ferulic acid is the phenolic acid present in the
79 ometry method to determine iron in wheat and maize flours was developed following a cloud point extra
80                The same observation held for maize foliar (C4) and husk (C3) leaf primordia.
81 is review summarizes current GWAS efforts in maize functional genomics research and discusses future
82 a generated from the Genomes to Fields (G2F) Maize G x E project to assess the effect of selection on
83  Particularly, N13 shows partial identity to maize gene BT068773 (RESPONSE REGULATOR 6).
84 genic rice lines were generated in which the maize gene was constitutively expressed.
85                                  To identify maize genes responsive to SCMV infection and that may be
86 proteins encoded by many intensively studied maize genes.
87   Given the prevalence of transposons in the maize genome and dramatic genomic variation driven by tr
88 n features of the euchromatic portion of the maize genome provide evidence for a gradient of early re
89                              Over 10% of the maize genome shows evidence of introgression from the me
90  of gene regulation in the highly repetitive maize genome.
91 retrotransposon copy number in both rice and maize genomes so did TE-lincRNAs.
92 ss the leaf developmental gradient from four maize genotypes (the inbreds B73 and Mo17, and the recip
93 (pirimiphos-methyl) and 86% (disulfoton) for maize gofio and between 69% (terbufos) and 92% (disulfot
94 ath cells through constitutive expression of maize GOLDEN2-LIKE genes.
95               Carotenoid retention in orange maize grains stored in metal silos, multilayer polyethyl
96   The first step in the traditional process (maize grits cooking) promoted a 60% lutein content reduc
97 corn kernels, white maize kernels and yellow maize grits.
98 or without Limus were also measured over two maize growing seasons.
99 gronomic damage in one of the most important maize-growing regions of Western Europe, the Northern Pr
100 earum root damage was significantly lower in maize grown in soils preceded by sunflower.
101                               The history of maize has been characterized by major demographic events
102        RNA interference (RNAi) in transgenic maize has recently emerged as an alternative mode of act
103 e variants associated with complex traits in maize have small effects and low repeatability.
104                     The multi-billion-dollar maize hybrid seed business, however, is supported by ind
105 etwork analyses allowed the description of a maize ideotype with a high grain yield potential.
106 tributed to popular perception of widespread maize improvement.
107 he wild teosinte Zea mays ssp. mexicana into maize in the highlands of Mexico, Guatemala, and the sou
108  while enhancing crop productivity of summer maize in the North China Plain.
109 iling the rhizosphere chemistry of Zea mays (maize) in agricultural soil, thereby demonstrating the a
110 e genome shotgun (WGS) sequences for the two maize inbred lines B73 and Mo17 using k-mer analysis to
111  identified using eRD-GWAS on a panel of 369 maize inbred lines.
112         Here, two genomes for Mo17 (a modern maize inbred) and mexicana are assembled using a meta-as
113            Finally, NAT pairs in 368 diverse maize inbreds and 19 segregating populations were specif
114 ntisense transcript pairs (NAT pairs) in two maize inbreds with different sensitivity to drought, as
115  mosaic virus-based gene silencing vector in maize indicated that protein disulfide isomerase-like an
116                                              Maize is a diverse paleotetraploid species with consider
117                                              Maize is an ideal crop for GWAS and significant progress
118                                       Orange maize is being promoted as a source of provitamin A caro
119 ssp. mexicana, hereafter mexicana) to modern maize is not clear.
120 ol of phenotypic plasticity in crops such as maize is of paramount importance for maintaining and inc
121 se of gm in Z. mays, and indicate that gm in maize is probably driven by anatomical constraints rathe
122 increase in TRU1 expression levels in modern maize is supported by comparisons of relative protein le
123                                              Maize is the highest yielding cereal crop grown worldwid
124 anscript variants shorter than the canonical maize isoform and with possible structural differences b
125 scope was expanded to popcorn kernels, white maize kernels and yellow maize grits.
126 uated for its potential to grade whole white maize kernels.
127 s using high-depth resequencing data from 31 maize landraces spanning the pre-Columbian distribution
128 previously identified through an analysis of maize leaf transcriptomes.
129 to the asymmetric Kranz anatomy of Zea mays (maize) leaves to study the differential localization of
130 rlap with the GLS susceptibility response of maize line B73, and may reflect pathogen manipulation fo
131 deletions in regions of low gene density and maize lineage-specific genes.
132 ization of SAC components and H2AThr133ph on maize lines containing sister chromatids separate precoc
133 parative optical mapping of two other inbred maize lines revealed a prevalence of deletions in region
134 rtant markers that can be used to select for maize lines that produce larger kernels.
135                                A panel of 30 maize lines was evaluated with and without inoculation w
136 an 2.5-fold across a diverse group of inbred maize lines were resolved.
137 ation was investigated in a panel of diverse maize lines.
138 loss of 5-6% on cooking while those of Flint maize lost only 2%.
139 kably well preserved and include over 10,000 maize macrofossils.
140 nsposons, we hypothesize that transposons in maize may be involved in the formation of circRNAs and f
141 in before or together with an iron-fortified maize meal and 2) assess iron absorption from a micronut
142                                       Orange maize meal can provide significant amounts of provitamin
143  2 x 2 factorial design, subjects consumed a maize meal fortified with an MNP containing labeled FeSO
144 ayer polyethylene and common woven bags, and maize meal packaged in single and multilayer polyethylen
145                                           In maize meiocytes, H3T3 phosphorylation occurs at the late
146                                              Maize meiotic mutants and minichromosomes were used to s
148                                            A maize mutant, tangled1, with known defects in growth and
149        Genome-wide association studies using maize NAM-RIL (nested association mapping-recombinant in
150 d two measures of phenotypic plasticity in a maize nested association mapping (US-NAM) population gro
151  not highly polygenic traits measured in the maize nested association mapping population.
152                                 Nixtamalized maize (nixtamal) is known for its modified physicochemic
153                Previously, we identified the maize no perception 1 (nope1) mutant to be defective in
154                                         Dent maize noodles from traditional and ecological nixtamaliz
155                                         Dent maize noodles had undergone phenolics loss of 5-6% on co
156 cs (40 and 64%, respectively) whereas, Flint maize noodles retained 50 and 66% phenolics, respectivel
157                                 By contrast, maize NPF6.4 was a low-affinity nitrate transporter with
158 hain reaction and amplicon resequencing with maize, one of the most repetitive genomes sequenced to d
159                                              Maize opaque2 (o2) mutations are beneficial for endosper
160 n the greenhouse in soils preceded by either maize, pea, soybean or sunflower.
161 aginous species (canola, soybean, sunflower, maize, peanut and coconut) and showed high sensitivity i
162 otica virgifera virgifera, the most damaging maize pest on the planet, specifically accumulates the r
163 lopment of a new Bt-maize variety to control maize pests in China.
164 rol of genes involved in the biosynthesis of maize phenolic compounds including general phenylpropano
165            In addition to the importance for maize physiology, ferulic acid has been recognized as an
166  Hence, a major innovation in creating ideal maize plant architecture originated from ectopic overexp
167                           Grain yield of the maize plant depends on the sizes, shapes, and numbers of
168 table expression of BirA in the cytoplasm of maize plants and on engineering of Ustilago maydis strai
169                                   Transgenic maize plants expressing AfIP-1A/1B demonstrate strong pr
170  the levels of acetylation at 2,791 sites in maize plants treated with HCT as well as HCT-deficient o
171 g performance and its associated microbiome, maize plants were grown in the greenhouse in soils prece
172 e show that modulating the expression of the maize PLASTOCHRON1 (ZmPLA1) gene, encoding a cytochrome
173                  We established experimental maize plots in western Kenya to allow us to quantify the
174 oupled to more frequent occurrence of fossil maize pollen.
175 th retained duplicate genes from the ancient maize polyploidy.
176 ry and selection has shaped diversity across maize populations and genomes.
177 ore dramatic founder event compared to other maize populations.
178 ays, we fed all infants isotopically labeled maize porridge and MNP test meals containing 5 mg Fe as
179 ants.Infants (n = 50; aged 6-14 mo) consumed maize porridge that was fortified with an MNP containing
180                                              Maize production declined by 21%-29% in response to new
181 yet irreconcilable differences exist between maize production estimates distributed by the Food and A
182 ease caused by Cercospora zeina, a threat to maize production globally.
183 tilization, and large N losses are common in maize production in North China Plain (NCP).
184  larvae in Bt fields across the main area of maize production in South Africa.
185 tinue to be the largest threat to US rainfed maize production under RCP4.5 and soybean production und
186 ults indicate that domesticated landraces of maize productive enough to be a staple grain existed in
187 In this review we discuss recent advances in maize QDR research and strategy for resistance breeding.
188 analysis of earleaf samples in a subtropical maize recombinant inbred line population (CML444 x SC Ma
189 is abundance of data has greatly facilitated maize research, but may not be amenable to traditional a
190                    Moreover, ZmTrxh-mediated maize resistance to SCMV showed no obvious correlation w
191 mTrxh exhibits a distinct defense profile in maize resistance to SCMV, differing from previously char
192 ranscript abundance correlated strongly with maize resistance to SCMV.
193 Overexpression of ZmXerico1 and ZmXerico2 in maize results in increased ABA levels and decreased leve
194                                              Maize rgh3 mutants have aberrant endosperm cell differen
195                                          The maize rhizosphere and endosphere alpha-diversity was hig
196 nd nitrous oxide (N2 O) emissions for wheat, maize, rice and temperate grasslands.
197  drought tolerance in Arabidopsis, rapeseed, maize, rice and wheat plants.
198 upported by previous gene cloning studies in maize, rice, and Arabidopsis.
199 at emerged from larval feeding on transgenic maize roots expressing dvbol dsRNA also showed significa
200 ring PAHs were most likely to be taken up by maize roots whereas 2- and 4-6 ring PAHs had the lower l
201              Eighteen aflatoxin-contaminated maize samples were incubated with potassium hydroxide, t
202 twork performance, using libraries from 1266 maize samples, were conducted.
203 ction of PPR78 in nad5 mRNA accumulation and maize seed development.
204   First, we reverse engineered a GRN from 78 maize seed transcriptome profiles.
205 we perform an integrative study of Zea mays (maize) seed development in order to identify key genes i
206         To evaluate crop rotation effects on maize seedling performance and its associated microbiome
207               Under non-infested conditions, maize seedlings grown in soils preceded by sunflower or
208 e we investigated transcriptomic response of maize seedlings to low temperature in the context of diu
209                              KEY MESSAGE: In maize seedlings, severe cold results in dysregulation of
210 ntaining high concentrations of high amylose maize SNP, when compared to waxy SNP, showed higher visc
211 the climate signal in the realized yields of maize, sorghum, and groundnut in SSA.
212 ynamic and structural parameters of amylose (maize, sorghum, Hylon VII) and amylopectin (waxy maize,
213 observed average temperature responses of US maize, soybean and wheat yields.
214 f an elevated CO2 (+200 ppm) experiment on a maize-soybean agroecosystem, measured respiration by roo
215                                          The maize spontaneous mutation rate is estimated to be 2.17
216 activates Bx12 was under strong selection as maize spread into temperate environments with a distinct
217                        The cross-linked waxy maize starch (CLWMS) was slurried (40%, w/w) and subject
218 ning of fermentation to the end of baking in maize starch bread.
219 heir effects on the pasting property of waxy maize starch cross-linked by 0.05% and 3% sodium trimeta
220 in pressurized amaranth, Hylon VII, and waxy maize starch, while in sorghum and maize starches, the a
221  studied and compared with those of a normal maize starch.
222 inoa starch was more susceptible to HHP than maize starch.
223  and waxy maize starch, while in sorghum and maize starches, the alpha-1,4 bonds are most commonly sp
224        This study addressed PPDK function in maize starchy endosperm where it is highly abundant duri
225 loss of duplicate gene pairs from one of the maize subgenomes during diploidization.
226 tween retained transcription factor pairs in maize suggest the high degree of retention for WGD-deriv
227 on of a number of effectors in the U. maydis-maize system and show data that suggest that the uptake
228                  EEF efficacies in wheat and maize systems were more complicated and generally less e
229                                          For maize, technology steadily increased yields by about 1%
230                     Therefore, we cloned the maize Tel2 and Tti1 homologs and showed that TEL2 can in
231  after sequencing of 10 lines derived from a maize-teosinte cross.
232 hrough the transcriptome analyses of a large maize-teosinte experimental population.
233 ifferent ways ferulic acid can be present in maize, the importance of ferulic acid derivatives and th
234                                           In maize, the microbiome composition was altered by the gen
235                                           In maize, the promoters of genes with conserved transcripti
236 bolus carbonum race 1, promotes virulence in maize through altering protein acetylation.
237  three major cereal grains, wheat, rice, and maize, through plant breeding.
238                 The translocation of PAHs in maize tissues has positive relationship with log Kow les
239 the molecular mechanisms of the responses of maize to grey leaf spot (GLS) disease caused by Cercospo
240      Potential contribution of stored orange maize to the estimated average requirement of children a
241     By 4000 years ago, people had introduced maize to the southwestern United States; full agricultur
242  in an array of crops: rice, citrus, potato, maize, tomato and wheat.
243                                    In modern maize, TRU1 is highly expressed in the leaf trace vascul
244 il were sampled from soybeans under eCO2 and maize under eO3.
245 d in root, male and female inflorescences of maize under local and systemic fungal infection treatmen
246  take over the dominant stress of drought on maize under RCP8.5.
247  expansion of crop production (sugarcane and maize), unintentional dispersion of pests, and managemen
248 ee previously identified distal enhancers in maize, validating the new set of enhancer candidates and
249 f Zea mays and genetic improvement of modern maize varieties.
250  for future studies to develop cold-tolerant maize varieties.
251 rental taxon, and an unidentified cultivated maize variety as the other.
252 ng candidate for the development of a new Bt-maize variety to control maize pests in China.
253                                              Maize was domesticated from lowland teosinte (Zea mays s
254 ut altered the soil communities where hybrid maize was grown.
255 eola fusca was acknowledged 8 years after Bt maize was introduced in South Africa.
256 B.P. (cal B.P.), but it remains unclear when maize was productive enough to be a staple grain in the
257        Significant control of CLS disease of maize was recorded at 0.04 to 0.16% of Cu-chitosan NPs t
258 AHs concentration, the PAHs translocation by maize was reduced by Pb uptake, but not significantly af
259 fluence grain yield in related crops such as maize, we conducted an N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) muta
260  traditionally grown varieties of potato and maize were planted at different elevations (and thus tem
261 s and heavy metal acropetal translocation by maize when they co-exist at wastewater irrigation sites.
262 ound genes, and higher rates of gene loss in maize, whereas none of these features were observed in s
263 sease resistance is a major research area in maize which is highly relevant for resistance breeding p
264 is cost is particularly pronounced in Andean maize, which has experienced a more dramatic founder eve
265 ayers involved in crop rotational effects in maize will promote selection and adoption of favorable c
266                       Further experiments in maize with transgenes individually expressing three crys
267 rain yield and forage biomass in susceptible maize worldwide.
268 r use efficiency, which can lead to enhanced maize yield performance in a controlled drought-stress e
269 ea with Limus did not significantly increase maize yields (P < 0.05) compared with urea alone.
270 of 7.5 t ha(-1)), and would achieve the same maize yields but with significantly decreased NH3 loss a
271  transcriptional enhancers in the crop plant maize (Zea mays L. ssp. mays), we integrated available g
272                        Here, we show that in maize (Zea mays L.) mitotic cells, H3T3ph is concentrate
273 xation in the above-ground biomass of summer maize (Zea mays L.) under different tillage and residue
274                                              Maize (Zea mays mays) is an attractive model for studyin
275                       The first steps toward maize (Zea mays subspecies mays) domestication occurred
276 e data on cold-responsive gene expression in maize (Zea mays) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) allowed u
277  the evolutionary fates of the subgenomes in maize (Zea mays) and soybean (Glycine max) have followed
278                                  Here, using maize (Zea mays) as a model plant system, we determined
279 arification assays of the naturally silenced maize (Zea mays) C2-Idf (inhibitor diffuse) mutant, defe
280                 The Arabidopsis uORF and its maize (Zea mays) homolog repressed the translation of th
281        A detailed functional analysis of two maize (Zea mays) homologs of At-NPF6.3 (Zm-NPF6.6 and Zm
282 nitored the transcriptomic divergence of the maize (Zea mays) inbred lines B73 and Mo17 and their rec
283                     To ensure food security, maize (Zea mays) is a model crop for understanding usefu
284  and gene editing, that haploid induction in maize (Zea mays) is triggered by a frame-shift mutation
285                                          The maize (Zea mays) leaf provides a robust system to study
286 h was developed using 19 genetically distant maize (Zea mays) lines from Europe and America.
287 ess these questions, gm was measured on five maize (Zea mays) lines in response to CO2 , employing th
288 wide association study in the 5000-line U.S. maize (Zea mays) nested association mapping panel.
289                         We characterized the maize (Zea mays) RING protein family and identified two
290 78 protein in nad5 mature mRNA stability and maize (Zea mays) seed development.
291 minating seeds from two different inbreds of maize (Zea mays) seeds, B73 and Mo17.
292 li-seq" assay for use in intact root tips of maize (Zea mays) that includes several different cell li
293        Several GCN studies have been done in maize (Zea mays), mostly using microarray datasets.
294  silencing (VIGS) in a related crop species, maize (Zea mays), several genes, including a G-BOX BINDI
295  as demonstrated for rice (Oryza sativa) and maize (Zea mays), suggesting fundamental differences in
296 rabidopsis thaliana) was modified for use in maize (Zea mays).
297 SP70-1) inserts in Nicotiana benthamiana and maize (Zea mays).
298                                              Maize (Zea mays, L.) cultivation has expanded greatly fr
299                   C4 plants are major grain (maize [Zea mays] and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor]), sugar (
300 o fertilization experiments suggest that the maize zygote starts cell wall deposition within 30 secon

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