


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es on sex chromosomes may be specific to the male germ line.
2  Rb in maintaining the stem cell pool in the male germ line.
3 ential RNA silencing-related pathways in the male germ line.
4 ding the effects of second-hand smoke on the male germ line.
5 stin-1 gene family, is expressed only in the male germ line.
6 ome of stem cell divisions in the Drosophila male germ line.
7 to transmission of the transgene through the male germ line.
8  for establishing Rasgrf1 methylation in the male germ line.
9 meiosis and spermatid differentiation in the male germ line.
10 , we introduce Xist transgenes (Tg) into the male germ line.
11 ic programming and chromatin dynamics in the male germ line.
12 e Xist region promotes its imprinting in the male germ line.
13 pigenetic reprogramming factor acting in the male germ line.
14 he function of testes and for preserving the male germ line.
15 bulins during dimerization in the Drosophila male germ line.
16      The mutation acts premeiotically in the male germ line.
17 ansmits expansions predominantly through the male germ line.
18 itive sequences and is essential only in the male germ line.
19 to the large number of cell divisions in the male germ line.
20  transcript was expressed exclusively in the male germ line.
21 fect on P-element-mediated mutability in the male germ line.
22 NA and protein, with particular focus on the male germ line.
23 encing was reversible on passage through the male germ line.
24 ch in the imprintable loci in the female and male germ lines.
25  binding activity that was restricted to the male germ line and enriched in neonatal testis was ident
26 specific histone 1 variant restricted to the male germ line and expressed only in pachytene spermatoc
27 n mid to late pachytene spermatocytes of the male germ line and is the only tissue-specific member of
28  to establish Rasgrf1 DNA methylation in the male germ line, and second, to resist global demethylati
29 hat factors other than the time spent in the male germ line are important in driving mutation rates.
30 ogenesis, one might consider these preserved male germ lines as biologically immortal.
31 ates establishment of DNA methylation in the male germ line at Rasgrf1.
32 binase transgenes that were expressed in the male germ line, but not in other tissues or in the embry
33 combination of a Cre target transgene in the male germ line, but not in other tissues.
34        Ectopic ICRs become methylated in the male germ line, but the timing of methylation is influen
35 granddaughters equally through the female or male germ lines, but it is only transmitted to EE2 grand
36 of the MAGE gene family that is expressed in male germ line cells and placenta under normal physiolog
37                           The Ca channels of male germ-line cells are partially characterized, but th
38           StARD6, which is expressed only in male germ-line cells, thus exhibits biological and bioph
39                                              Male germ line development in flowering plants is initia
40 e to our knowledge for genetic regulators of male germ line development in flowering plants.
41 ere that erasure of methylation marks during male germ-line development is associated with dramatic u
42 nd Y-chromosomes suggests a possible role in male germ-line gene expression and/or maintaining sequen
43 ber of genes were highly up-regulated in the male germ line, including some genes that were different
44 e nucleotide exchange factor (RanGEF) in the male germ line, indicating that the primary consequence
45 1 (no germ cells) flowers indicates that the male germ line is multiclonal and uses the MAC1 protein
46              However, the role of p73 in the male germ line is unknown.
47 fferential ICR methylation in the female and male germ lines is not acquired through differential bin
48     Similarly, mitotic nondisjunction in the male germ line leads to the production of 0 and Y sperm.
49 ndent, constitutively active SREBP2gc in the male germ line may have arisen as a means to regulate SR
50 bination events do not normally occur in the male germ line of Drosophila melanogaster.
51 ute to the decline in spermatogenesis in the male germ line of Drosophila.
52 on of DNA sequences as they pass through the male germ line of mice.
53  genes, corroborating the involvement of the male germ line on the gene movement process.
54 ic or meiotic chromosome transmission in the male germ line or due to paternal chromosome loss in the
55 n distortion when it is overexpressed in the male germ line or when the gene dosage of a particular m
56 1 and that tef expression is required in the male germ line prior to spermatocyte stage S4.
57 sequences within the active regions of other male germ line promoters expressed during meiosis.
58  the expression of SREBP target genes in the male germ line, several of which are highly up-regulated
59  clades of mammals and support the idea that male germ-line silencing may have provided an ancestral
60 thioredoxin-3 (SPTRX3 or TXNDC8) is a testis/male germ line specific member of thioredoxin family tha
61  infertility and is observed in knockouts of male germ line-specific endoplasmic reticulum-resident c
62 togenesis is a complex process through which male germ line stem cells undergo a multi-step different
63 hanisms for lineage production that maintain male germ-line stem cell (GSC) populations, regulate mit
64                                              Male germ-line stem cells are the only cell type in post
65 ts indicate that a nearly pure population of male germ-line stem cells can be prospectively identifie
66 assay system, we found a 39-fold increase in male germ-line stem cells during development from birth
67 enes into a variety of cell types, postnatal male germ-line stem cells have seemed refractory to dire
68      Gonocytes are a transient population of male germ-line stem cells that are derived from primordi
69 opo IIIalpha in the maintenance of mtDNA and male germ-line stem cells, and thus is a causative candi
70                                              Male germ-line stem cells, identified by their ability t
71 ospitable environment for transplantation of male germ-line stem cells.
72 (+) A(s)) spermatogonia, the major source of male germ-line stem cells.
73  mutation rate is dramatically higher in the male germ line than in the female germ line.
74 o promote an epigenetic reprogramming of the male germ line that correlates with transgenerational al
75 o promote an epigenetic reprogramming of the male germ line that is associated with transgenerational
76                                       In the male germ line the ratio of two isoforms present is gove
77              We found that in the female and male germ lines, the mutant ICR remained hypomethylated
78 cellular water potential as they deliver the male germ line to female gametes, and it has been propos
79   These effects were transferred through the male germ line to nearly all males of all subsequent gen
80 se a model stem cell lineage, the Drosophila male germ line, to investigate the mechanism that counts
81 hat lead to methylation of the H19ICR in the male germ line, we characterized novel mouse knock-in li
82 dy the function of SirT1 specifically in the male germ line, we deleted this sirtuin in male germ cel
83 phosphatase and tensin homolog (Pten) in the male germ line, we found that PI3K signaling regulates F
84 y MSI in all tissues examined, including the male germ line where a frequency of approximately 10% wa
85 int establishment at hIC1 is impaired in the male germ line, which is associated with an abnormal com
86 trotranspositions occur predominantly in the male germ line, while R2 retrotranspositions were more e
87 jor source of new mutations in humans is the male germ line, with mutation rates monotonically increa
88 rpetuating nature of oxidative stress in the male germ line, with the products of lipid peroxidation

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