


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 surrounding ZIP Code areas unaffected by the marathon.
2 ere reopened) and in areas unaffected by the marathon.
3 er, and 3 weeks after they participated in a marathon.
4 inosus and gracilis muscles 2 days after the marathon.
5  12 months such that they could compete in a marathon.
6 ,000; 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.38) than during half-marathons (0.27; 95% CI, 0.17 to 0.43) and among men (0.
7 cidence rate was significantly higher during marathons (1.01 per 100,000; 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.38) than
8 mbulance transports occurring before noon in marathon-affected areas (when road closures are likely)
9               Unadjusted 30-day mortality in marathon-affected areas on marathon dates was 28.2% (323
10  Medicare beneficiaries who were admitted to marathon-affected hospitals with acute myocardial infarc
11 d outcomes of cardiac arrest associated with marathon and half-marathon races in the United States fr
12 frequency of hospitalizations was similar on marathon and nonmarathon dates (mean number of hospitali
13 ristics of the beneficiaries hospitalized on marathon and nonmarathon dates were also similar.
14 runner who competed frequently in the Boston Marathon and practiced what he preached.
15   The runners collapsed after competing in a marathon and were hospitalized with pulmonary edema.
16                                              Marathons and half-marathons are associated with a low o
17  hairy body skin has empowered humans to run marathons and tolerate temperature extremes.
18 ms and recreational sporting events, such as marathons and triathlons, is on the rise.
19  the 5 weeks before or the 5 weeks after the marathon, and those who were hospitalized on the same da
20                           Marathons and half-marathons are associated with a low overall risk of card
21 urge in imaging utilization after the Boston Marathon bombing stressed emergency radiology operations
22 n Internet-based survey following the Boston Marathon bombings between April 29 and May 13, 2013, wit
23 engths of the medical response to the Boston Marathon bombings that led to the excellent outcomes.
24 who were hospitalized on the same day as the marathon but in surrounding ZIP Code areas unaffected by
25 e retention of the trace metal ions on Dowex Marathon C, a strong acid cation exchange resin.
26                                              Marathon cDNA amplification and 5'-rapid amplification o
27            Hybridization screening, modified Marathon cDNA amplification, expression in Xenopus oocyt
28 stomycosis that occurred during 2009-2010 in Marathon County, Wisconsin.
29 e myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest on marathon dates had longer ambulance transport times befo
30 ckups before noon were 4.4 minutes longer on marathon dates than on nonmarathon dates (relative diffe
31 -day mortality in marathon-affected areas on marathon dates was 28.2% (323 deaths in 1145 hospitaliza
32          We also compared transport times on marathon dates with those on nonmarathon dates in these
33                      Later, in the battle of Marathon described by Herodotus, the Greeks learned the
34 e) in 11 U.S. cities that were hosting major marathons during the period from 2002 through 2012 and c
35                                        Large marathons frequently involve widespread road closures an
36 1976 to 1994) and Twin Cities (1982 to 1994) marathons, held over a cumulative 30-year period.
37  biopsies were obtained 10 days prior to the marathon, immediately following the race, and 1, 3 and 5
38 s 10 km 4 or 5 times per week and finished a marathon in less than 4 hours last year.
39 n the same day of the week as the day of the marathon in the 5 weeks before or the 5 weeks after the
40                              Completion of a marathon is associated with correlative biochemical and
41  60 +/- 2 ml kg-1 min-1) completed a 42.2 km marathon (mean race time 3 h 35 min).
42 erent cultivars (Ramoso calabrese Parthenon, Marathon, Nubia, Naxos and Viola).
43 oronary disease, occurs primarily among male marathon participants; the incidence rate in this group
44 at is unlikely to be hospitalized because of marathon participation).
45 as Doppler flow variables before and after a marathon race to extend our knowledge of exercise-induce
46 toms, and two had previously completed three marathon races each.
47 iac arrest associated with marathon and half-marathon races in the United States from January 1, 2000
48 y, we PCR-amplified Tip60 from a human heart marathon-ready cDNA library.
49  5' end from a premade library of rat kidney Marathon-ReadyTM cDNAs using polymerase chain reaction m
50  medical conditions who live in proximity to marathon routes.
51                                     He was a marathon runner who competed frequently in the Boston Ma
52                           Thirty experienced marathon runners (VO2max 53.4 +/- 1.0 mL.kg-1.min-1, age
53 occurs in a substantial fraction of nonelite marathon runners and can be severe.
54     Although highly trained athletes such as marathon runners may harbor underlying and potentially l
55 s are evolutionarily adapted to serve as the marathon runners of the cellular world.
56                                              Marathon runners tend to develop conditions that lead to
57                       We studied a cohort of marathon runners to estimate the incidence of hyponatrem
58                                   In healthy marathon runners, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema can be
59                                         Male marathon runners, the highest-risk group, had an increas
60 ted death and life-threatening illness among marathon runners.
61 f dose ranging from sedentary to competitive marathon running, was not associated with the developmen
62 rity (77%) were runners, with a median of 13 marathon runs per athlete.
63                                    After the marathon, T2-weighted MR imaging revealed grade 1 muscle
64 aries who were hospitalized on the date of a marathon, those who were hospitalized on the same day of
65 of detecting a consistent slowing of winning marathon times by 2100.
66 he rapid improvement in women's world record marathon times in the 1970s and 80s are emblematic of th
67 ed a time series (1933-2004) from the Boston Marathon to test for an effect of warming on winning tim
68          Among middle-aged men, recreational marathon training is associated with biventricular dilat
69                                 Recreational marathon training may, therefore, serve as an effective
70 ought to evaluate the effect of recreational marathon training on myocardial structure and function c
71 ar risk factor) participated in a structured marathon-training program.
72       No delays were found in evenings or in marathon-unaffected areas.
73 revalence of sudden cardiac death during the marathon was only 0.002%, strikingly lower than for seve
74              Participants in the 2002 Boston Marathon were recruited one or two days before the race.
75 s, before and after the 2004 and 2005 Boston Marathons, with echocardiography and serum biomarkers.

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