


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a displacement of PQ-9 from the A(1) site by mass action.
2 sion of TraR potentiates this interaction by mass action.
3 romolecule near a specific site will bind by mass action.
4 equilibrium toward the non-native species by mass action.
5 elebrate the 150th anniversary of the law of mass action.
6 S1 to drive synthesis of 11-cis-retinoids by mass action.
7 of "complexes", or the monomials coming from mass action.
8 ace the bound DNA through a process of local mass action.
9 ities, the interaction was not due to simple mass action.
10 ium and that the reaction follows the law of mass action.
11 neutralization are the results of the law of mass action-a stochastic process of innumerable binding
12             For proof of concept, the steric mass action adsorption isotherm parameters of a binary t
13 istic, computational model that accounts for mass action and competition.
14 that the isomerization reaction is driven by mass action and may occur via carbocation intermediate.
15 nt, suggesting that activation resulted from mass action and not effects on GTP binding/hydrolysis ra
16  interaction of the mutant eIF5 with eIF2 by mass action and restoring its defective interaction with
17 oining dendritic shaft, driven apparently by mass action and short-range lateral diffusion, and local
18 ches for engrafting stem cells are filled by mass action and that WBI, which serves to empty some of
19 ucose to stimulate its own disappearance via mass action and to a greater (P < 0.01) inhibitory effec
20 ent reduction in FRET signal consistent with mass-action and potency/affinity estimates for the pepti
21 language for describing enzyme kinetics in a mass action approximation.
22 ration reactions by water through the law of mass action at high relative humidity.
23 owed by displacement of Ca(2+) with Na(+) by mass action at the moderately high NaCl concentration.
24                             In such studies, mass-action-based kinetic models are used to analyze the
25 of systems consisting of series and parallel mass action binding reactions.
26     The necessary condition is applicable to mass action biological systems of arbitrary size, and wi
27  instead resides downstream, attributable to mass action by CRALBP, retinol dehydrogenase 5, and high
28                 The comparisons are based on mass action calculations and the behavior predicted from
29 that of a colonic crypt), a 2D lattice and a mass-action (complete graph) arrangement.
30                   Using a simple bimolecular mass action controlled model to describe hybridization,
31                      Classic models, such as mass action (density-dependent) transmission, lump these
32 hat the FlbB tip-high gradient appears to be mass action dependent as the gradient is lost with FlbB
33        This restoration might be governed by mass action, determined by the binding affinities and co
34 dies derive estimates of transfer rates from mass-action differential equation models of plasmid popu
35 nd the results confirmed that this was not a mass action displacement.
36                                     A steric mass action dynamic affinity plot was constructed to val
37 en a predator-prey approach have used simple mass action dynamics to capture the interaction between
38                                          The mass action effect of anion binding and, foremost, of ph
39 e cAMP-induced dissociation results from the mass action effect of excess substrate and not from dire
40 marked up-regulation of the receptor, simple mass action effects were not the basis for ligand-induce
41 acts to limit myocardial ischemic injury via mass action effects.
42                         Interactions include mass-action, enzymatic, allosteric and connectionist mod
43 n rapid conversion of monomer to pentamer by mass action equilibria.
44 tor occupancy is studied here using a simple mass-action equilibrium model as well as a two-dimension
45  well described by a homogeneous, reversible mass-action equilibrium.
46 ing the allosteric pathway to completion via mass action, explaining how bacterial cells expressing t
47 ues of concentration and ionic strength, the mass action expression for the equilibrium has a particu
48 on to mineral surfaces, but variation in the mass action expression for these reactions has caused pe
49 e, together with consideration of the law of mass action, further suggest that the mRNAs most substan
50 time-dependent sensitivities for Generalized Mass Action (GMA) systems, the most general of the canon
51 ion step in which a ligand binds, the law of mass action implies a forward rate proportional to ligan
52 the explicit and implicit role of the law of mass action in systems biology and reveals how the origi
53 al data and suggests a new interpretation of mass action in virus dynamics models.
54 eterministic nonlinear kinetics derived from mass action is recovered.
55 es the deterministic behavior and the law of mass action is replaced by a stochastic model.
56                                   The law of mass action is used to readily define the site densities
57                         By use of the law of mass action, it was calculated that half-maximal respons
58 s comprehensive model subsumes the available mass action kinetic data for the fusion of HA-expressing
59 zed using a recently published comprehensive mass action kinetic model for HA-mediated fusion.
60 ides has been analyzed using a comprehensive mass action kinetic model for hemaglutinin (HA)-mediated
61                                          The mass action kinetic model has been extended to allow the
62 anar bilayers, has been analyzed using a new mass action kinetic model.
63 his approach is compared to more traditional mass action kinetic models (in the form of coupled parti
64 ol or vehicle control were used to develop a mass-action kinetic model of ERalpha regulation.
65 n, we use experimental results to validate a mass-action kinetic model that may be used to predict as
66  and includes BRI1-SERK interaction based on mass action kinetics and accurately describes wild-type
67 act network decompositions based on both the mass action kinetics and informational properties of the
68 n between protein and mRNA levels is poor, a mass action kinetics model parameterized using protein s
69         When represented in this manner, the mass action kinetics of biochemical processes can be cle
70                     Employing a framework of mass action kinetics within a multiscale agent-based env
71 uid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, mass action kinetics, and inhibition equations.
72 es of extremely complex networks, taken with mass action kinetics, cannot give rise to bistability no
73 detailed distinctly mammalian model by using mass action kinetics.
74 ly on the structure of networks endowed with mass action kinetics.
75 g from post-translational modification under mass-action kinetics, allowing for multiple substrates,
76 wever, molecular networks give rise, through mass-action kinetics, to polynomial dynamical systems, w
77 s adsorption process is usually described by mass-action kinetics, which implicitly assume an equal i
78 atase-substrate system with two sites, under mass-action kinetics, with no restrictions on the order
79                                              Mass action law equations for ion-exchange reactions pre
80 e model represents a basic approach based on mass action law for simulation charge effects versus the
81 We find that the binding of both follows the mass action law.
82 troduced for the occurrence of a generalized mass-action law as a result of self-similar recycling.
83 show that some reactions cannot fit into the mass-action law paradigm and solutions to these systems
84 the median-effect equation, derived from the mass-action law principle, which is the unified theory t
85 processes, we obtain a corrected form of the mass-action law, where the concentrations are replaced b
86  large ensemble of particles is described by mass action laws.
87        This assumption leads to the familiar mass action-like encounter rate kinetics typically used
88  mM NaCl), NCP dissociation obeys the law of mass action, making it possible to calculate apparent eq
89 deling dyadic calcium dynamics using laws of mass action may be inappropriate.
90  the gradient for refilling the ER through a mass-action mechanism.
91 olecules of CENP-A, which is controlled by a mass-action mechanism.
92    Thus, Ng may promote a high [Ca2+]i by a "mass-action" mechanism; namely, the higher the Ng concen
93 ettings by certain very simple and classical mass action mechanisms for enzyme catalysis of a single
94 sed on standard biochemical rate laws, e.g., mass-action, Michaelis-Menten, Hill).
95 rows, which represent reactions ranging from mass action, Michales-Menten-Henri (MMH) and Gene-Regula
96 ainst four alternative models, including the mass action model (which lumps exposure and susceptibili
97                      We fit the results to a mass action model where the rate of plasmid growth inclu
98 ng the latter behavior with a simple kinetic mass action model, a 2D dissociation constant of 1753 +/
99                   These data, supported by a mass action model, suggest sustained release at hair cel
100 We introduce a procedure for deciding when a mass-action model is incompatible with observed steady-s
101 ated absorption time series, computed from a mass-action model of the chemistry, was analyzed by PCA
102              Here, we present a mathematical mass-action model to determine the optimal conditions fo
103 f ultrafast folders that joins a macroscopic mass-action model with a microscopic energy landscape de
104      We found that the generalization of the mass-action model, in which association and dissociation
105                          Based on the simple mass-action model, the contact parameter was 17% (95% co
106 quacy of the proposed generalizations of the mass-action model, which are meant to describe reactions
107 ed a computational procedure that integrated mass action modeling with particle swarm optimization to
108 lytical expressions for the steady states of mass action models.
109 o approach that predicted from deterministic mass action models.
110 es in epidemiology) that are based on simple mass-action models (e.g., SIR models in epidemiology) bu
111 se equations offer advantages over classical mass-action models that combine these three processes in
112 standing by spatial extension of traditional mass-action models.
113 ct parameter, estimated directly from simple mass-action models.
114 t a theorem that distinguishes between those mass action networks that might support bistable behavio
115  and LGU are delayed to a similar degree; 2) mass action normalizes GDR and LGU in NIDDM, but only af
116 that phenotypic thresholds can be crossed by mass action of copy number changes that, on their own, a
117                                              Mass action of enhancer factor redistribution causes mom
118 the "few critical genes" hypothesis and the "mass action of genes" hypothesis.
119         In order to examine whether this was mass action or chemically selective displacement, an aff
120 id-binding protein may drive the reaction by mass action, overcoming the thermodynamically unfavorabl
121         The amplitude of electrically-evoked mass action potentials recorded in the spinal cord and b
122 lations beyond the capabilities of classical mass-action principles in modeling reaction kinetics.
123 omenological' model into a consistent set of mass-action rate laws that retains the desired bistabili
124 esponse times; (3) the matrix ATP hydrolysis mass action ratio [ADP] x [Pi]/[ATP] provides feedback t
125 ns; control of the membrane potential by the mass-action ratio of ATP and voltage-dependent Ca2+ infl
126 ng the glucose-dependent increase of the ATP mass-action ratio; a Ca(2+)-independent glucose-induced
127 ive data were also used to calculate in vivo mass action ratios, reaction equilibria, and metabolite
128                         The Michaelis-Menten mass action reaction is used to model P-gp transport.
129                          A fit to the law of mass action reveals the dissociation constant of the bin
130 a chemically selective, rather than a steric mass action selective displacer.
131 smission, as well as traditional non-network mass-action simulations, can be performed using EpiFire.
132 an affinity ranking plot based on the Steric Mass Action (SMA) model was generated, and the results c
133 ped onto stoichiometric models, resulting in mass action stoichiometric simulation (MASS) models.
134 modeled by equations derived from the law of mass action that included values for the maximum fractio
135                     We coupled ligation with mass action to achieve high-efficiency clamp attachment
136 demiological models that utilize the classic mass action transmission model might overestimate human
137 nship describing the expected departure from mass-action transmission in terms of the epidemiological
138 f theoretical models, leads to a generalized mass-action type kinetic law.
139                         These are the law of mass action, which holds that the binding of one molecul

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