


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n, let alone more complex, disorders through massively parallel sequencing.
2 ghput commensurate with the current scale of massively parallel sequencing.
3 is modified with unique flanking tags before massively parallel sequencing.
4 that have become feasible with the advent of massively parallel sequencing.
5 ary using affinity purification coupled with massively parallel sequencing.
6 latforms have been developed with the use of massively parallel sequencing.
7 iopathy candidate exome capture' followed by massively parallel sequencing.
8 cted the exomes of ten unrelated probands to massively parallel sequencing.
9  five-microorganism metatranscriptomes using massively parallel sequencing.
10 es by coupling proximity-based ligation with massively parallel sequencing.
11 re required to realize the full potential of massively parallel sequencing.
12  extended the TimEX method genome-wide using massively parallel sequencing.
13 hIP-seq) data obtained by coupling ChIP with massively parallel sequencing.
14 RNA editing and global gene expression using massively parallel sequencing.
15 gestion of nuclei withMPE-Fe(II) followed by massively parallel sequencing.
16 and then counting the resulting mutations by massively parallel sequencing.
17 rming growth factor beta 1 (TGFbeta1), using massively parallel sequencing.
18  blockade were characterized with the use of massively parallel sequencing.
19 otides during cDNA synthesis, as measured by massively parallel sequencing.
20 say (OLA), an economical and simple test, to massively parallel sequencing.
21 ols were pooled respectively and profiled by massively parallel sequencing.
22 e sensitivity of detecting such mutations by massively parallel sequencing.
23 abled a complex mutant pool to be tracked by massively parallel sequencing.
24 c aHUS using targeted genomic enrichment and massively parallel sequencing.
25 es of specific genomic loci (40 cases) using massively parallel sequencing.
26 short hairpin RNA (shRNA) library screen and massively parallel sequencing.
27 tify promising detection strategies based on massively-parallel sequencing.
28    Using a GWAS approach and target-enriched massively-parallel sequencing, a strongly associated non
29                                      Purpose Massively parallel sequencing allows simultaneous testin
30                                 In contrast, massively parallel sequencing allows such testing for ma
31 d challenges arising from the application of massively parallel sequencing-also known as next-generat
32 ls, and by chromatin immunoprecipitation and massively parallel sequencing analysis of gammaH2AX, we
33 ve chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massively parallel sequencing analysis of H3K9me2 distri
34 f neoadjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy by massively parallel sequencing and analysis.
35 map temporally ordered replicating DNA using massively parallel sequencing and applied it to study re
36               We undertook sequence capture, massively parallel sequencing and computational alignmen
37  of chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to massively parallel sequencing and gene expression data.
38 ring high performance liquid chromatography, massively parallel sequencing and multiplex-ligation-dep
39 high throughput molecular techniques such as massively parallel sequencing and phylogenetic microarra
40                                              Massively parallel sequencing and related methods reveal
41                  Already, the combination of massively parallel sequencing and selective capture appr
42                                              Massively parallel sequencing and splicing-sensitive jun
43 juvenile crabs and oysters from the UK using massively parallel sequencing and targeted primer approa
44 tion are identified in single RNA strands by massively parallel sequencing and then analyzed for corr
45  the past 15 years, technology, particularly massively parallel sequencing, and bioinformatics advanc
46 cancers using gene copy number profiling and massively parallel sequencing, and identified potential
47 enhancer-associated protein p300 followed by massively parallel sequencing, and map several thousand
48 sm mapping, microsatellite linkage, targeted massively parallel sequencing, and Sanger sequencing.
49 roductive and latent infection, we applied a massively parallel sequencing approach.
50  factor in the vastly improved efficiency of massively parallel sequencing approaches.
51                             Technologies for massively parallel sequencing are revolutionizing microb
52  generates products suitable for analysis by massively parallel sequencing as well as microarray hybr
53 (351) of infant and young SD decedents using massively parallel sequencing at <$600 per sample.
54 mented includes targeted genomic enrichment, massively parallel sequencing, bioinformatic analysis, a
55                                              Massively parallel sequencing by oligonucleotide ligatio
56                                        Using massively parallel sequencing by synthesis methods, we h
57  sequencing of mtDNA genomes with the use of massively parallel sequencing-by-synthesis approaches.
58                                            A massively parallel sequencing-by-synthesis method (454 s
59 e used on as little as 10 ng of DNA and that massively parallel sequencing can be used as an alternat
60                Here, we used ChIP coupled to massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) and gene expres
61           Chromatin immunoprecipitation with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) coupled to time
62 y chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) has recently be
63                             ChIP followed by massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is a powerful,
64 on chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) methods that pr
65 m chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) of multiple tra
66 , we used chromatin immunoprecipitation with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) on CRX to ident
67  chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) to identify >75
68 e chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) to identify bet
69 ly, chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) to identify gen
70 , we used chromatin immunoprecipitation with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) to identify Hox
71 ed chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq), 1 d after 7 da
72 ng chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq), 312 chromosoma
73 matin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) paired with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq), gene expressio
74 tin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) combined with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq), we show that F
75  by chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq).
76 ir-end tag sequencing (ChIP-PET), to current massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq).
77 ctivating histone modifications coupled with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq).
78                      Whole-exome capture and massively parallel sequencing combined with homozygosity
79                           With the advent of massively parallel sequencing, considerable work has gon
80                                    Recently, massively parallel sequencing coupled with ChIP experime
81 isplays clonal DNA methylation patterns from massively parallel sequencing data aligned using Bismark
82 gene expression, chromosomal copy number and massively parallel sequencing data from 947 human cancer
83               Finding somatic mutations from massively parallel sequencing data is becoming a standar
84 on in sequence markedly under-represented in massively parallel sequencing data: the insertion of a s
85   DNaseI digestion of chromatin coupled with massively parallel sequencing (digital genomic footprint
86 ies, 2) DNaseI hypersensitivity coupled with massively parallel sequencing (DNase-seq), and 3) chroma
87 xplores the current state of genomics in the massively parallel sequencing era.
88                                              Massively parallel sequencing facilitates strain-to-refe
89       Four studies have shown the utility of massively parallel sequencing for comprehensive genetic
90 ame feasible with the recent availability of massively parallel sequencing for detection of all codin
91              Our results reveal the value of massively parallel sequencing for identification of nove
92 ng chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massively parallel sequencing, genome-wide maps of candi
93                        With the emergence of massively parallel sequencing, genomewide expression dat
94 ns of individual genomic cleavage events via massively parallel sequencing has enabled in vivo DNase
95                                        Using massively parallel sequencing has enabled investigators
96                                              Massively parallel sequencing has enabled the rapid, sys
97                                    Recently, massively parallel sequencing has identified recurrent m
98                                              Massively parallel sequencing has not previously been le
99                                              Massively parallel sequencing has permitted an unprecede
100                                              Massively parallel sequencing has proven revolutionary,
101 l strategies including the new technology of massively parallel sequencing has provided insight into
102                                              Massively parallel sequencing has revealed many de novo
103                                   Short-read massively parallel sequencing has revolutionized our abi
104                           The sensitivity of massively-parallel sequencing has confirmed that most ca
105                       Novel methods, such as massively parallel sequencing, have begun to describe th
106                                              Massively parallel sequencing identified 12,732-19,704 H
107 quences by chromatin immunoprecipitation and massively parallel sequencing identified 2294 peaks.
108                                 We performed massively parallel sequencing in a blinded fashion to de
109 brain development and emphasize the power of massively parallel sequencing in a challenging context o
110  with solution-based whole-exome capture and massively parallel sequencing in a large Caucasian pedig
111                   Anti-Brd3 ChIP followed by massively parallel sequencing in GATA1-deficient erythro
112 d to 7.4-fold redundancy in two months using massively parallel sequencing in picolitre-size reaction
113 of KERV long terminal repeat sequences using massively parallel sequencing indicates that the recent
114         Clinical samples were sequenced on a massively parallel sequencing instrument, and anaplastic
115 olecular barcoding and can be applied to any massively parallel sequencing instrument.
116                                     Although massively parallel sequencing instruments are in princip
117                                              Massively parallel sequencing instruments enable rapid a
118 an substantially increase the sensitivity of massively parallel sequencing instruments for this purpo
119                                              Massively parallel sequencing is increasingly used to in
120                                              Massively parallel sequencing is performed on libraries
121                             We conclude that massively parallel sequencing is useful to characterize
122 cipitation (ChIP) with ultra high-throughput massively parallel sequencing, is increasingly being use
123 es chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) with massively parallel sequencing, is rapidly replacing ChIP
124 cost and throughput advances associated with massively parallel sequencing, it remains challenging to
125 nces in sequencing technologies suggest that massively parallel sequencing may provide a feasible alt
126 rotein 2 (MBD) enrichment of DNA followed by massively parallel sequencing (MBD-seq) was used to map
127      In this study, we used exon capture and massively parallel sequencing methods to analyze the mut
128                                        Using massively parallel sequencing methods, we have identifie
129 stinct populations sequenced with orthogonal massively parallel sequencing methods.
130                                         New 'massively parallel' sequencing methods are greatly incre
131                       Here we propose to use massively parallel sequencing (MPS) for sensitive detect
132 ad mutation(s) in the same gene but targeted massively parallel sequencing (MPS) of 1,034 genes encod
133                                      We used massively parallel sequencing (MPS) of the 16S rRNA gene
134                                              Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies includi
135            We used degenerate PCR assays and massively parallel sequencing (MPS) to identify a novel
136                                              Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) was performed with 2
137 alysis and interpretation of assays based on massively-parallel sequencing (MPS) are both individuall
138  for the presence of somatic mutations using massively parallel sequencing (next-generation sequencin
139 a proof of principle, we performed targeted, massively parallel sequencing of 138 cancer genes in a t
140                           Here we report the massively parallel sequencing of 38 tumour genomes and t
141                          Genomic analysis by massively parallel sequencing of 504 cancer genes was pe
142 h chronic lymphocytic leukemia and performed massively parallel sequencing of 88 whole exomes and who
143 capillary sequencing of candidate genes, and massively parallel sequencing of all coding exons.
144                                  We employed massively parallel sequencing of all X-chromosome exons
145  methylation results from targeted amplicon, massively parallel sequencing of bisulfite converted DNA
146                                              Massively parallel sequencing of captured subgenomic lib
147                             Using paired-end massively parallel sequencing of cDNA (RNA-seq) together
148                                              Massively parallel sequencing of cDNA has enabled deep a
149 ons in solid cancers can be characterized by massively parallel sequencing of circulating cell-free t
150                                              Massively parallel sequencing of CSF ctDNA more comprehe
151                                              Massively parallel sequencing of DNA by pyrosequencing t
152 rty-nine CMT genes were analyzed by targeted massively parallel sequencing of genomic DNA from patien
153 characterized MdBV replication and performed massively parallel sequencing of M. demolitor ovary tran
154                                   The use of massively parallel sequencing of maternal cfDNA for non-
155 noninvasive prenatal testing with the use of massively parallel sequencing of maternal plasma cell-fr
156                                              Massively parallel sequencing of millions of < 30-nt RNA
157 oning analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana using massively parallel sequencing of mononucleosomes.
158                                 We performed massively parallel sequencing of paired tumor/normal sam
159                                      Herein, massively parallel sequencing of Podophyllum hexandrum a
160 l relevance of MEK dependency in melanoma by massively parallel sequencing of resistant clones genera
161                        Recently, methods for massively parallel sequencing of ribosome-bound fragment
162                                              Massively parallel sequencing of Sin3A- and Sin3B-bound
163                                              Massively parallel sequencing of targeted regions, exome
164                                              Massively parallel sequencing of the entire 2.2-Mb inter
165   Here we report on the targeted capture and massively parallel sequencing of the exomes of 12 humans
166 with reduced genomic library preparation and massively parallel sequencing of the same samples using
167 homozygosity mapping, Sanger sequencing, and massively parallel sequencing of the whole exome.
168                                              Massively parallel sequencing of this representation all
169 ines high-density transposon mutagenesis and massively parallel sequencing of transposon/chromosome j
170  disorders can be rapidly discovered through massively parallel sequencing of whole genomes or exomes
171 e, confirm linkage to Xp11.23-q13.3, perform massively parallel sequencing of X chromosome exons, fil
172 ric CN-AML, we performed whole-transcriptome massively parallel sequencing on blasts from 7 CN-AML pe
173 ing on the flow cells of currently available massively parallel sequencing platforms as an efficient
174                           Recent progress in massively parallel sequencing platforms has enabled geno
175                   Studying tumor SCNAs using massively parallel sequencing provides unprecedented res
176 rization of sequencing chemistries, enabling massively parallel sequencing reactions to be carried ou
177                    Targeting genomic loci by massively parallel sequencing requires new methods to en
178                                              Massively parallel sequencing studies have led to the id
179                             In this study, a massively parallel sequencing technique that is based on
180                           The development of massively parallel sequencing techniques has presented t
181                                              Massively parallel sequencing technologies are useful fo
182            We show that new high-throughput, massively parallel sequencing technologies can completel
183                                              Massively parallel sequencing technologies can overcome
184                                The advent of massively parallel sequencing technologies has allowed t
185 precipitation (ChIP) with recently developed massively parallel sequencing technologies has enabled g
186 cost due to the emergence and improvement of massively parallel sequencing technologies has resulted
187 ver the past decade, the decreasing costs of massively parallel sequencing technologies have facilita
188                         Recent studies using massively parallel sequencing technologies have implicat
189                 In recent years, advances in massively parallel sequencing technologies have led to r
190                                              Massively parallel sequencing technologies have made the
191                                          The massively parallel sequencing technologies have recently
192                                              Massively parallel sequencing technologies hold incredib
193 ly from personal genomes sequenced using the massively parallel sequencing technologies is becoming a
194                                              Massively parallel sequencing technologies provide great
195                                              Massively parallel sequencing technologies provide sensi
196 ess the feasibility of target-enrichment and massively parallel sequencing technologies to interrogat
197 enomics has grown rapidly with the advent of massively parallel sequencing technologies, allowing for
198                           The development of massively parallel sequencing technologies, coupled with
199                With the wide availability of massively parallel sequencing technologies, genetic mapp
200 he advent and application of next-generation massively parallel sequencing technologies, one can rapi
201 ness, both of which have been enabled by new massively parallel sequencing technologies.
202 hment), a method for aptamer discovery, with massively parallel sequencing technologies.
203 being discovered at an increasing rate using massively parallel sequencing technologies.
204 quencing is performed with 'next-generation' massively parallel sequencing technologies: in June 2008
205                                              Massively parallel sequencing technology and the associa
206                                          The massively parallel sequencing technology can be used by
207                                              Massively parallel sequencing technology coupled with sa
208                                          New massively parallel sequencing technology enables, throug
209                                              Massively parallel sequencing technology has made signif
210                             The emergence of massively parallel sequencing technology has revolutioni
211                           Recent advances in massively parallel sequencing technology have created ne
212 seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation following massively parallel sequencing technology).
213                                        Using massively parallel sequencing technology, we sequenced a
214 d it would be highly desirable to apply such massively parallel sequencing to bisulfite-converted who
215 erial small-subunit (16S) rRNA combined with massively parallel sequencing to determine the community
216 ed a targeted captured technique followed by massively parallel sequencing to determine the exact bre
217 orm whole-exome analyses of 22 tumours using massively parallel sequencing to determine the mutationa
218 ntly, a genome-wide study was reported using massively parallel sequencing to directly compare in viv
219                                      We used massively parallel sequencing to examine tumor samples c
220                                Here, we used massively parallel sequencing to explore samples from a
221        In this study, we used Illumina-based massively parallel sequencing to gain new insight into t
222                                      We used massively parallel sequencing to generate sequence reads
223                                 We performed massively parallel sequencing to identify gastrointestin
224                                              Massively parallel sequencing to identify rare variants
225               Here, we have used genome-wide massively parallel sequencing to map replication initiat
226  a library of barcoded lentiviruses and used massively parallel sequencing to quantify the clonal dis
227 sociated with chemotherapy exposure, we used massively parallel sequencing to quantitate mutations in
228           We used exome capture coupled with massively parallel sequencing to search for metastasis-r
229                       Therefore, we employed massively parallel sequencing to search for somatic mosa
230 ChIP-seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation with massively parallel sequencing) to analyze the genome-wid
231 dologies (multiplex target amplification and massively parallel sequencing) to historical specimens f
232 itro DNA affinity purification combined with massively parallel sequencing, to identify B. subtilis c
233                                  Here, using massively parallel sequencing, we characterize expressed
234 immunoprecipitation experiments coupled with massively parallel sequencing, we found that genome-wide
235  Combining whole-genome shRNA screening with massively parallel sequencing, we have profiled the impa
236 hod that combines end-sequence profiling and massively parallel sequencing, we obtained a sequence-le
237 or the inclusion of somatic mutation data by massively parallel sequencing, we propose a framework fo
238 me can be detected by microarray methods and massively parallel sequencing, which identify copy-numbe
239            Here we combine the throughput of massively parallel sequencing with the contiguity inform

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