


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n the temporomandibular joint and muscles of mastication.
2  a higher Nswal as juice was released during mastication.
3 d remained undisturbed in intact cells after mastication.
4 altered somatosensory inputs and patterns of mastication.
5 y functional central networks engaged during mastication.
6 haviors such as respiration, locomotion, and mastication.
7 siological barrier damage that occurs during mastication.
8 gnificant effect on soft palate elevation in mastication.
9 al cone cracks on the occlusal surface under mastication.
10 g) to create a large, continuous surface for mastication.
11 n that salivary flow rates are influenced by mastication.
12 t to the "blunt" contacts encountered during mastication.
13 obility necessary to withstand the forces of mastication.
14 landin, mucin, protein, and viscosity during mastication.
15 can be compared among early mammal groups is mastication.
16 ereafter, from preparation to the mastery of mastication and deglutition of solid foods.
17 ain on the neck of the condyle during normal mastication and during simulated function in different c
18  complaint of gingival enlargement affecting mastication and esthetics.
19 nana cell structures, which survived in vivo mastication and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion, wer
20 f the temporomandibular joint and muscles of mastication and recorded their judgments concerning the
21 asurements of strain were made during normal mastication and with the pigs under general anesthesia d
22 se commensal microbiome, ongoing damage from mastication, and dietary and airborne antigens.
23 as grinded using a device that simulates the mastication, and immediately analysed by headspace solid
24 , but the consummatory behaviors of licking, mastication, and swallowing are organized in the brainst
25 ry and Palaeolithic processing techniques on mastication are unknown.
26 l mouth system under oral conditions (tongue mastication, artificial saliva, pH and salt).
27 1 core mesoderm is needed to form muscles of mastication, but its role in patterning the mandible is
28 Rt/PCRt is essential for forebrain-initiated mastication, but that the Gi is not a necessary link in
29 thesized that altered mechanical stress from mastication contributes to periodontal destruction obser
30 is critical for jaw movements and allows for mastication, digestion of food, and speech.
31 creased loads--such as those associated with mastication, eruption, and orthodontic tooth movement-do
32                                 OS contained mastication-extractable quercetin (4.6 mg/g).
33  functions, ranging from skeletal support to mastication, from sensors and defensive tools to optical
34                  Brain mechanisms underlying mastication have been studied in non-human mammals but l
35 ansformations affecting olfaction as well as mastication, head movement, and ventilation, and suggest
36                                              Mastication in reflux esophagitis significantly increase
37  first arch and maintained in the muscles of mastication in the adult.
38 ei that contribute to orofacial function and mastication, including the facial, hypoglossal, motor tr
39 etermined in expectorated saliva after bread mastication indicated pinellic acid had the greatest con
40 ne the necessity of different RF regions for mastication induced by a descending appetitive signal.
41                                              Mastication is one of the most important orofacial funct
42                                    Following mastication, most of the almond cells remained intact wi
43 ted, but swallowing function, phonation, and mastication need to be restored for an ideal result.
44 performance was evaluated through continuous mastication of a special device called a biocapsule.
45 ng the contextualised sensory control of the mastication of each mouthful.
46                 However, we suggest that the mastication of either small objects or large volumes of
47 owever, the impact of physiological stimulus mastication on salivary protective factors output remain
48 f this study were to quantify the effects of mastication on the bioaccessibility of intracellular lip
49 asts are exposed to mechanical stress during mastication, orthodontic tooth movement, and wound heali
50  damage, which occurs physiologically due to mastication, promotes induction of Th17 cells and tones
51 elivery measured in the mouth and in a model mastication simulator.
52                                  The role of mastication was explored because of evidence that the av
53 t rhythmic motions of the soft palate during mastication were linked temporally to jaw motion.
54  the TMJ was found to be load-bearing during mastication, with compressive strain oriented approximat
55 ude of soft palate elevation associated with mastication would be reduced during inspiration.

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