コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 e for the rhythmic activation of lingual and masticatory muscles.
2 tions in individual muscle fibres and entire masticatory muscles.
3 ay contribute to stiffness regulation of the masticatory muscles.
4 ces in 287 genes between EOM and limb and/or masticatory muscles.
5 ore nuanced insights into the functioning of masticatory muscles.
10 nd the effect of an adrenergic activation on masticatory muscle blood flow under various conditions.
13 mMyBP-C is localized not only within the masticatory muscle fibers, but also at or near their cel
15 e findings emphasize the important role that masticatory muscle function plays in the ontogeny of the
16 oading in microgravity prevents atrophy, but masticatory muscles have a different set point that mimi
17 ts show that the morphology of the skull and masticatory muscles have allowed squirrels to specialise
20 .e., chewing bubble gum for 6 min) increases masticatory muscle pain in patients, but not in asymptom
24 panel study examined the relationships among masticatory muscle tension, emotional distress, and TMJD
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