


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  area (mPOA, an area important in display of maternal behaviors).
2 ones could reduce such activity to stimulate maternal behavior.
3 MPOA was previously shown to be critical for maternal behavior.
4 d several medial hypothalamic sites, inhibit maternal behavior.
5 ontinual exposure of females to pups induces maternal behavior.
6  juveniles is robust and is similar to adult maternal behavior.
7 tagonize progesterone's inhibitory effect on maternal behavior.
8 ne (DEX); or (2) reinstating some aspects of maternal behavior.
9 0 mg/kg), there were significant deficits in maternal behavior.
10 vironmental differences or by differences in maternal behavior.
11 rocesses, including emotional reactivity and maternal behavior.
12 R delta subunit (delta(0/0)) exhibit altered maternal behavior.
13 minantly indirect and mediated by changes in maternal behavior.
14 enetic make-up of the pups on the outcome of maternal behavior.
15 rain areas not traditionally associated with maternal behavior.
16 njection) in the VTA on the rate of onset of maternal behavior.
17 MPOA was capable of stimulating the onset of maternal behavior.
18  social conditions can alter the patterns of maternal behavior.
19 ive female rats would stimulate the onset of maternal behavior.
20 moregulation, reward seeking, addiction, and maternal behavior.
21 e dopaminergic afferents and are involved in maternal behavior.
22  survival, female reproductive function, and maternal behavior.
23 tly affect infant abuse or other measures of maternal behavior.
24 Mest is associated with embryonic growth and maternal behavior.
25 onal processes underlying the performance of maternal behavior.
26 ent female mice from manifesting spontaneous maternal behaviors.
27 rtile, but mutant females exhibit inadequate maternal behaviors.
28 nd naturally rewarding behaviors: sexual and maternal behaviors.
29 partum females and support the onset of some maternal behaviors.
30 rFB/FB females appear to have largely normal maternal behaviors.
31 insights into the neural circuits regulating maternal behaviors.
32  facilitated nursing but did not affect oral maternal behaviors.
33 e POA, is important for regulating different maternal behaviors.
34  inhibited maternal aggression but not other maternal behaviors.
35 gen/progesterone administration, pups elicit maternal behavior accompanied by a robust dopamine (DA)
36                                              Maternal behavior, activity, and oromotor carrying capab
37                    Juvenile rats can exhibit maternal behavior after being exposed continuously to ra
38      These results suggest that the impaired maternal behavior after BSTv infusion of yohimbine or id
39                     This pattern of impaired maternal behavior after cocaine injection, followed by n
40 xytocin-deficient females demonstrate normal maternal behavior, all offspring die shortly after birth
41 atment with either of the variants increased maternal behavior and also promoted unusual paternal car
42 r both mother and infant, helping to promote maternal behavior and bonding.
43 ffects of prolactin include the induction of maternal behavior and increased food intake.
44 nism, suggesting a powerful influence of the maternal behavior and presence on circuit development.
45 icrog morphine shortened the latency to show maternal behavior and that 0.0 microg and 0.01 microg mo
46              Even after accounting for these maternal behaviors and traits, the selected vaginal bact
47 cleus accumbens (NA) on latency to show full maternal behavior, and Experiment 3 determined the effec
48 ors in female rats, namely, sexual behavior, maternal behavior, and postpartum sexual behavior.
49 ncy, when the neural mechanisms that support maternal behavior are being read, alter some fundamental
50              Significantly, these changes in maternal behavior are correlated with the general levels
51 tal effects of increased CRF-R activation on maternal behavior are mediated via CRF-R2 and, to a less
52               The effects of VTA baclofen on maternal behavior are similar to the effects of interfer
53 oles as primary hormones in reproductive and maternal behavior, are now being studied as neuroprotect
54 ivity in the VTA disrupts the rapid onset of maternal behavior at parturition.
55 terone is presumably exerting its effects on maternal behavior at this time) when compared to either
56 ends to the nonhormonally dependent onset of maternal behavior, but they also indicate a more limited
57 that pregnancy hormones promote the onset of maternal behavior by reducing the behavioral influence o
58 erm improvement in adult offspring; and (ii) maternal behavior can attenuate or potentiate these effe
59                                              Maternal behavior can be triggered by auditory and olfac
60 n offspring after the effects of maladaptive maternal behavior, childhood maltreatment, and other co-
61  support the involvement of that receptor in maternal behavior control.
62 nd striatum, neural sites important for some maternal behaviors, could be part of this process.
63 mine (DA) receptor antagonism in NA disrupts maternal behavior, determined the type of DA receptor in
64 used on contemporaneous risk factors such as maternal behaviors, dietary factors, and immediate envir
65   This transition is accompanied by specific maternal behaviors, displayed by the mother, that ensure
66 nsible for long-lasting changes that promote maternal behavior during both development and parturitio
67 l variations in the contexts and patterns of maternal behavior during pup encounters and manual simul
68 er from in utero exposures or in response to maternal behaviors early in life.
69 dl) occurs around parturition, the time when maternal behavior emerges, and may influence its onset.
70                                              Maternal behavior ensures the proper development of the
71           Contingent, but not noncontingent, maternal behavior facilitates more complex and mature vo
72 luding the facilitation of birth, lactation, maternal behavior, genetic regulation of the growth of t
73 mesolimbic DA system is capable of promoting maternal behavior has not been investigated.
74  individuals in these three groups expressed maternal behavior immediately before 2-DG injection.
75  interactions to induce timely activation of maternal behaviors immediately after parturition.
76 ceptor (Oxtr) are implicated in the onset of maternal behavior in a variety of species.
77 ects in growth, coordination, fertility, and maternal behavior in addition to p gene-related hypopigm
78 icipates in the neural circuit that supports maternal behavior in an adult-like manner.
79  transmission, the neurochemistry supporting maternal behavior in humans has not been described so fa
80 activity in the VTA facilitates the onset of maternal behavior in inexperienced nonpregnant female ra
81                                              Maternal behavior in juveniles is robust and is similar
82 sary for the normal expression of postpartum maternal behavior in mice.
83  influence mate choice, pregnancy block, and maternal behavior in mice.
84 altrexone into the VTA disrupts the onset of maternal behavior in parturient rats.
85                                              Maternal behavior in postpartum rats is disrupted by inc
86      The preoptic area (POA) is critical for maternal behavior in rats but little is known about what
87 and therefore POEF) facilitated the onset of maternal behavior in rats receiving an intra-VTA microin
88  hormones which influences the occurrence of maternal behavior in rats.
89 ed nucleus of stria terminalis (VBST) during maternal behavior in rats.
90 ventral tegmental area (VTA) on the onset of maternal behavior in rats.
91 neurons, while sparing fibers of passage, on maternal behavior in rats.
92 lter some fundamental neural underpinning of maternal behavior in rats?
93  onset but not the postpartum maintenance of maternal behavior in the rat.
94 egmental area (VTA) facilitates the onset of maternal behavior in virgin female rats, and injection o
95 entral administration of oxytocin stimulates maternal behavior in virgin rats, decades of animal rese
96 cates there is a neural system that inhibits maternal behavior in virgin rats.
97 en shown to be an essential brain region for maternal behaviors in mice.
98 es actually play a role in the expression of maternal behaviors in the rats and to understand what sp
99 tanding of processes and mechanisms by which maternal behavior influences the developing human brain
100                                              Maternal behavior is associated with an increase in the
101 sults of this study suggest that synchronous maternal behavior is associated with increased dopamine
102 here progesterone might exert its effects on maternal behavior is discussed.
103                        In lactating mammals, maternal behavior is impaired by stress, the physiologic
104                                        Since maternal behavior is the mammalian infant's major source
105 ctions of either drug into the VTA disrupted maternal behavior, it is likely that they did so through
106  for mammalian adult pair-bond formation and maternal behavior, its function in infant social behavio
107  have special relevance for the mediation of maternal behavior, lactation, sexual behavior, and feedi
108 t, GABA-mediated inhibition was used to test maternal behavior latencies and durations of maternal an
109 mically inactivate the mPFC during tests for maternal behavior latencies.
110                                              Maternal behavior latency was determined by the first of
111 t engage in stable individual differences in maternal behavior (Low, Mid, High) requires assessment a
112                    The link between impaired maternal behavior (MB) and cocaine treatment could resul
113 ic area (MPOA) are necessary for pup-induced maternal behavior (MB) in juvenile and adult rats, subje
114 he rat brain neural circuit known to mediate maternal behavior (MB).
115 t mice also displayed normal species-typical maternal behaviors (nesting, nursing, and pup retrieval)
116 t time that some of the natural variation in maternal behavior observed in rhesus macaque populations
117 rebrain neuronal populations involved in the maternal behavior of 27-day-old juvenile rats compared w
118 t egg dumpers can be social parasites of the maternal behavior of egg recipients, dumping is more lik
119                                              Maternal behavior of Mbd2-/- mice is however defective a
120            In the current study, we assessed maternal behavior of postpartum OxtrFB/FB females toward
121 n to nondetectable levels, showed the normal maternal behavior of saline-injected controls.
122           Profound deficiency is observed in maternal behavior of stathmin(-/-) females: they lack mo
123  OxtrFB/FB females toward their own pups and maternal behavior of virgin Oxtr-/- females toward foste
124        It was concluded that cocaine impairs maternal behavior only when circulating and does not hav
125            Alternatively, does cocaine alter maternal behavior only when circulating?
126 ation of the MPOA, and presumably facilitate maternal-behavior onset.
127 wasting in infants < 6 mo of age were either maternal behaviors or child biological characteristics u
128 d maternal aggression without altering other maternal behaviors or light-dark box performance, sugges
129 nt of male sexual behavior, male aggression, maternal behavior, or female sexual behavior.
130                                   We studied maternal behavior over the course of a year among free-r
131 l preoptic area (MPOA) is also important for maternal behavior, receives DA input, and expresses DA r
132 d(-/-)) exhibit depression-like and abnormal maternal behaviors, resulting in reduced pup survival.
133 ea-hypothalamus and is positioned to support maternal behavior since this form is regulated across pr
134 vior, including social recognition behavior, maternal behavior, social bonding, communication, and ag
135        Centrally released oxytocin regulates maternal behavior, social memory, and social bonding.
136 ing gestation or on day 7 postpartum, active maternal behaviors, such as retrieval and licking of pup
137 plicated in the emergence and maintenance of maternal behavior that forms the basis of the mother-inf
138 rdation, as well as a striking impairment of maternal behavior that frequently resulted in death of t
139 nsights into the temporal characteristics of maternal behavior that have methodological implications
140 ydnidae), exhibits relatively well-developed maternal behavior that includes guarding eggs and provis
141 ed network of female mouse brain regions for maternal behaviors that are especially enriched for oxyt
142  Because MPOA/vBST neurons are essential for maternal behavior, the results suggest that c-Fos and Fo
143 ptic area (MPOA) is known to be critical for maternal behavior, the specific role of prolactin in thi
144         In Experiment 1, the latency to show maternal behavior toward foster rat pups (sensitization
145        This study investigates 2 patterns of maternal behavior typical of mammals, using a heteropter
146 ating effect of intra-VTA MS on the onset of maternal behavior was blocked by pretreatment with naltr
147                                 A deficit in maternal behavior was confirmed by the lack of pup retri
148 ns in selected sites in female rats in which maternal behavior was elicited by natural parturition, s
149         To further understand CRF2's role in maternal behavior, we crossed the knockout mice with a l
150 ing pup encounters and manual simulations of maternal behavior, we have identified several specific m
151  role of the Lhb in the nonhormonal onset of maternal behavior, we used the sensitization model in wh
152                                      RSA and maternal behavior were dynamically interrelated over tim
153         We found that high levels of overall maternal behavior were linked with a higher likelihood o
154 e-to-face interaction with their infant, and maternal behaviors were coded by trained researchers una
155 ng postnatal development triggers changes in maternal behavior which in turn trigger long-term physio
156 /-) females show defects in reproduction and maternal behavior, with pups of TR4(-/-) dams dying soon

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