


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ion during mammalian evolution, possibly via maternal inheritance.
2 revealed by mitochondrial markers due to its maternal inheritance.
3 a bacteria in ovary tissue, indicating their maternal inheritance.
4 allele of Ezh2 to deplete the oocyte of this maternal inheritance.
5 in the resolution in determining the fetus's maternal inheritance.
6  after paternal inheritance and of H19 after maternal inheritance.
7 n mitochondria (mtDNA) and is transmitted by maternal inheritance.
8 ylation were observed upon both paternal and maternal inheritance.
9  prokaryotic-type gene expression machinery, maternal inheritance and the opportunity to express prot
10        The mitochondrial genome shows strict maternal inheritance and the vast majority of copies are
11                                 There was no maternal inheritance and there were no mutations in tiss
12                   Its polymorphic nature and maternal inheritance are characteristics that have, comb
13 sgene in mouse embryo and placenta only upon maternal inheritance, as is the endogenous Gtl2 gene.
14 formation event and transgene containment by maternal inheritance, as well as a lack of gene silencin
15 tablish a previously uncharacterized mode of maternal inheritance, distinct from imprinting and oocyt
16                   Even in plants with strict maternal inheritance, exceptional paternal transmission
17                                        After maternal inheritance H19 was consistently expressed, alb
18 ssion and absent in pedigrees with exclusive maternal inheritance), has been a focus of interest in h
19                                 The presumed maternal inheritance in angiosperms allows for certain a
20                          Due to their strict maternal inheritance in most animals and plants, mitocho
21  gene expression and gene containment due to maternal inheritance in most crop plants.
22                                              Maternal inheritance is an essential point in Arabian ho
23             In many studies, however, strict maternal inheritance is assumed but not tested directly,
24                                              Maternal inheritance is exhibited within the hybrids, su
25                                              Maternal inheritance is often presented as the passive o
26 s the default state and its activation after maternal inheritance is the key mechanistic event for im
27 inheritance leads to a normal phenotype, and maternal inheritance leads to autism or atypical autism.
28 ong crops and weeds have thus far focused on maternal inheritance, male sterility, and seed sterility
29 ccordance with the prevailing view of strict maternal inheritance, many sources assert that during fe
30                                              Maternal inheritance occurs infrequently, with surviving
31  the two with autism or atypical autism have maternal inheritance of a 15q11-q13 duplication whereas
32 entrioles in mouse sperm further confirm the maternal inheritance of centrosome during murine fertili
33                                              Maternal inheritance of CGEs intensifies sexually-antago
34 s specific to cpDNA were used to demonstrate maternal inheritance of chloroplasts in 47 natural hybri
35 we report the first unambiguous evidence for maternal inheritance of egg colouration in the brood-par
36 omiting syndrome (CVS) have a high degree of maternal inheritance of functional gastrointestinal and
37  presence of heterogeneity and predominantly maternal inheritance of JME might explain it.
38          This pattern of expression suggests maternal inheritance of JMJD3.
39 e we show that this process accounts for the maternal inheritance of mating types in Paramecium tetra
40     Here, we show the effects of the loss of maternal inheritance of miRNAs following specific deleti
41                                              Maternal inheritance of mitochondria and mtDNA is a univ
42 g isoform of the protein Oskar regulates the maternal inheritance of mitochondria in Drosophila melan
43                                              Maternal inheritance of mtDNA is the rule in most animal
44 yield expression of recombinant products and maternal inheritance of plastid-encoded traits make plas
45                Our data, in general, support maternal inheritance of plastids in A. thaliana.
46 s of all three (total n = 9,433) showed that maternal inheritance of RS1 resulted in a significant 93
47                                              Maternal inheritance of stt1 results in seeds with reduc
48                                              Maternal inheritance of targeted loss of function allele
49 lts of a breeding study were consistent with maternal inheritance of the cpDNA variants.
50 r litters were null for H19(Delta13) through maternal inheritance of the disrupted gene.
51  in the genome allowed us to interrogate the maternal inheritance of the fetus for 618,271 of 656,676
52 e gene trap technique and analyzed mice with maternal inheritance of the knockout allele.
53                                              Maternal inheritance of the mez-m1 or mez1-m4 alleles re
54                                        While maternal inheritance of the mitochondrial genome is comm
55 sion, in three KOs that fail at sporulation, maternal inheritance of the mutant phenotype suggests th
56                                              Maternal inheritance of the mutations leads to biallelic
57                                              Maternal inheritance of the mutations left H19 expressio
58            We also present evidence that the maternal inheritance of these endogenous siRNAs may cont
59                                 By contrast, maternal inheritance of this deletion had no effect on i
60                                              Maternal inheritance of this mutation resulted in absenc
61 ryonic lethality associated with uniparental maternal inheritance of this region.
62  of the attenuated state by (i) uniparental (maternal) inheritance of the trait, (ii) presence of hig
63                         However, because the maternal inheritance pattern can be masked and the syste
64 genome to identify potential causes for this maternal inheritance pattern in adults are warranted.
65           We sought to examine the degree of maternal inheritance pattern of functional disorders and
66 ith CVS has a significantly higher degree of maternal inheritance pattern of functional disorders tha
67 lts with CVS had a higher degree of probable maternal inheritance (PMI) of functional disorders than
68                                         With maternal inheritance the genetic structure of the cpDNA
69                                           On maternal inheritance, the (Ch beta GI)(2) was hypomethyl
70                                    Following maternal inheritance, the human PWS-IC is able to acquir
71                 To preserve this cytoplasmic maternal inheritance, they accomplish the difficult task
72                                              Maternal inheritance via the female-specific W chromosom
73                                           No maternal inheritance was found for any of these characte
74                                        While maternal inheritance was indicated in 96% of the individ
75 nce provide better estimates than those with maternal inheritance, while three-locus dicytonuclear da

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