


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n the paternal genome and may be transmitted maternally.
2 eas lin28b is expressed both zygotically and maternally.
3  most eukaryotes, mitochondria are inherited maternally.
4          By 52 weeks of age, the majority of maternally acquired antibodies had waned and vaccine Env
5        The kinetics of enhancing activity by maternally acquired DENV antibodies was determined in se
6                                              Maternally acquired DENV-3 NAbs disappeared in >90% of t
7  high DNA-lactia and lower GA, regardless of maternally acquired neutralizing antibody levels.
8 a complete lack of genetic structure in both maternally and biparentally inherited markers.
9            Inherited mtDNA diseases transmit maternally and cause severe phenotypes.
10 owth factor promotion and regulation of both maternally and fetally derived molecules.
11  result in offspring that carry a mixture of maternally and paternally derived copies of the genome;
12 ing trios to investigate differences between maternally and paternally derived DNMs and study the und
13                              Here, we assess maternally and paternally derived protection in a monarc
14 genes were enriched for coexpressed pairs of maternally and paternally expressed genes, showed accele
15 F1R causes down-regulated expression of both maternally and paternally expressed imprinted genes and
16  imprinting rely on an asymmetry between the maternally and paternally inherited alleles at a locus t
17 s; however, as there is no asymmetry between maternally and paternally inherited alleles in this mode
18 f-origin specific differential expression of maternally and paternally inherited alleles.
19  between reciprocally imprinted genes on the maternally and paternally inherited chromosomes.
20 DNA result in maternally inherited diseases; maternally and somatically acquired mutations also accum
21           We show that interference with the maternally and ubiquitously expressed zebrafish Ccr7 or
22 , fish lacking both Cnrip1a and Cnrip1b both maternally and zygotically are viable and fertile and no
23 errogate the function of mRNAs that are both maternally and zygotically expressed, it is common to ex
24 nnecessary for the extensive accumulation of maternally biased small RNA (sRNA) molecules detected in
25  parental species and thus will be inherited maternally, but the chromosome that houses the sex-deter
26  feeding was recorded prospectively by using maternally completed feeding diaries.
27                                  The role of maternally contributed and zygotically transcribed genes
28 ough the structure of the synapse is normal, maternally contributed CaMKII does not localize to synap
29 ogical role of the nematode mir-35 family of maternally contributed essential microRNAs.
30 es share similar dynamics to those in mouse, maternally contributed methylation is divergently target
31                                              Maternally contributed microRNAs may therefore play impo
32 ion repression to its biological role in the maternally controlled stages of vertebrate embryogenesis
33 ygote and embryo development being primarily maternally controlled, and subsequent steps being govern
34 gene that causes Angelman syndrome (AS) when maternally deleted and is associated with autism when ma
35 ons in population size were observed between maternally density-stressed and density-unstressed offsp
36                                      Embryos maternally depleted of any one of the three PIWI protein
37                    Here, we characterize the maternally deposited and zygotically expressed small RNA
38 ophila embryo, we sought to count individual maternally deposited bicoid mRNA molecules and compare v
39  at which Drosophila embryos synthesize DNA, maternally deposited dNTPs can generate less than half o
40 dispensable for embryonic development, while maternally deposited gdf3 is required for mesendoderm fo
41 ternal to zygotic transition (MZT), in which maternally deposited messenger RNAs are degraded while z
42 enylation may contribute to the clearance of maternally deposited microRNAs during MZT.
43 cific 3' end nontemplate oligoadenylation of maternally deposited microRNAs that is conserved between
44 cer activity in downregulating the levels of maternally deposited mRNAs to fine-tune the expression o
45  fertilization, development is controlled by maternally deposited products, and it is not until later
46  early development, animal embryos depend on maternally deposited RNA until zygotic genes become tran
47 ates zebrafish hoxb1a transcription, we find maternally deposited TALE proteins at the hoxb1a promote
48              In the Drosophila early embryo, maternally deposited TE-derived PIWI-interacting small R
49 ly shown to be bound in early embryos by the maternally deposited transcription factor Zelda, suggest
50 ed microRNAs, target a significant number of maternally deposited transcripts.
51 hey were affected by shared genetic signals, maternally-deposited yolk hormones or other transient in
52  was associated with increased diabetes when maternally derived (odds ratio [OR], 1.92; P = 4.1 x 10(
53 ing demonstrated that she is a carrier for a maternally derived 5T/12TG variant.
54                   Similarly, the presence of maternally derived anti-brain autoantibodies found in 2
55                   Similarly, the presence of maternally derived anti-brain autoantibodies found in ~2
56                                  However, if maternally derived antibodies adversely affect the immun
57 8 weeks of age correlated with a decrease in maternally derived antibodies.
58                                            A maternally derived C allele also was associated with a 2
59 r is critically dependent on uncharacterized maternally derived chemosensory ligands.
60 wnstream site is used more frequently on the maternally derived chromosome.
61                                              Maternally derived copy number gains of human chromosome
62 that some genome regions show enrichment for maternally derived DNMs.
63 sbred to generate homozygous NOS3(-/-) (KO), maternally derived heterozygous NOS3(+/-) (KOM: mother w
64 the transfer of helminth antigens but rather maternally derived IFN-gamma during the acute phase of i
65 ines administered to young pigs that possess maternally derived immunity.
66 sure was associated with a faster decline of maternally derived immunoglobulin G antibody to both the
67 e, when the IgA antibodies are predominantly maternally derived in breast-fed children.
68               Whereas approximately 10% were maternally derived in the first few weeks after weaning,
69               In Pima Indians, the effect of maternally derived KCNQ1 variants appears to be mediated
70 s to offspring, many studies have focused on maternally derived protection.
71                                              Maternally derived RSV-specific antibodies play a role i
72                       Differentiation of the maternally derived seed coat epidermal cells into mucila
73 fertilization products are surrounded by the maternally derived seed coat, whose development prior to
74 osperm, which is in turn enclosed within the maternally derived seed coat.
75 d collected at delivery); however, at birth, maternally derived serotype-specific antibody concentrat
76 wed as a single unified dynamic system where maternally derived size-dependent information interprete
77 s represent the first evidence of a role for maternally derived WNT regulators during this period and
78                          The cish.a gene was maternally derived, with transcripts present throughout
79 esting great effort to determine the role of Maternally-Derived Stress (MDS) as an inducer of phenoty
80                   Here we assess the role of maternally directed learning of migratory habitats, or m
81 ndent RNA decay as a previously unidentified maternally driven mechanism that regulates maternal mRNA
82            Most human aneuploidies originate maternally, due in part to the presence of highly string
83 y deleted and is associated with autism when maternally duplicated has recently been shown to regulat
84 evealed two temporal degradation programs: a maternally encoded early-onset program and a late-onset
85 d pre-mRNA splicing of early zygotic but not maternally encoded transcripts.
86                           Depletion of these maternally-encoded transcripts frequently results in fai
87                             To test this, we maternally exposed developing mice in utero to gestation
88 ty of African infants, particularly in those maternally exposed to HIV.
89 f 4 miRNAs (e.g., miR-377, miR-379) from the maternally expressed 14q32 chromosome region.
90 s MALAT1, taurine upregulated gene 1 (TUG1), maternally expressed 3 (MEG3), linc00657, and linc00493.
91  Xenopus development, gtpbp2 transcripts are maternally expressed and localized to the egg animal pol
92 ation revealed that zebrafish scube1 mRNA is maternally expressed and widely distributed during early
93 NAs, including miR-127, are processed from a maternally expressed antisense Rtl1 transcript (Rtl1as)
94 lthough genetic screens have identified many maternally expressed cell fate-controlling RNA-binding p
95                                              Maternally expressed gene 3 (MEG3) is an imprinted gene
96                       Among them, the lncRNA maternally expressed gene 3 (Meg3) was found to be mostl
97 essed genes (PEGs), while endosperm-specific maternally expressed genes (endo-MEGs) were associated w
98     In the rice endosperm, we identified 162 maternally expressed genes (MEGs) and 95 paternally expr
99           However, only approximately 14% of maternally expressed genes (MEGs) and approximately 29%
100                              The majority of maternally expressed genes (MEGs) were shared among all
101 genes at this stage, while nearly 80% of the maternally expressed genes (MEGs) were specific to 10 DA
102 role for IPW in modulating the expression of maternally expressed genes in trans, which has important
103 gulates imprinted expression of a cluster of maternally expressed genes on human chromosome 11p15.5.
104 ic expression of Kcnq1ot1 and suppression of maternally expressed genes.
105        However, unlike in mammals, Meg1 is a maternally expressed imprinted gene that surprisingly ac
106                                              Maternally expressed imprinted genes are enriched for hy
107                                              Maternally expressed members of the Transforming Growth
108 afish futile cycle gene is shown to encode a maternally expressed membrane protein required for nucle
109                              In addition, 35 maternally expressed non-coding RNAs exhibited the same
110 nal knockout (cKO) of Smc5 demonstrated that maternally expressed SMC5 protein is essential for early
111 ethal underdominance (UD(MEL)), in which two maternally expressed toxins, located on separate chromos
112 ontaining 1 gene (ZMIZ1), and H19, imprinted maternally expressed transcript gene (H19) were associat
113 eurogenetic disorder caused by deficiency of maternally expressed ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A (UBE3A
114                Furthermore, we show that the maternally expressed zebrafish Kinesin-1 Kif5Ba is a bin
115 ted in bi-allelic expression of the normally maternally expressed Zim2, whereas the maternal transmis
116                            Zebrafish tbl3 is maternally expressed, but later in development its expre
117  studies reveal that both genes are required maternally for egg laying, mitotic progression in early
118 h localized to the epigenetically regulated, maternally imprinted chromosome 14q32 region.
119 ents with mutations (W100G and R102X) in the maternally imprinted epsilon-sarcoglycan (SGCE) gene and
120                      Herein we show that the maternally imprinted gene Zac1 is a critical regulator o
121 eural lineage progression, we focused on the maternally imprinted gene Zac1.
122 or 2 (IGF2), a developmentally regulated and maternally imprinted gene, is frequently overexpressed i
123            For instance, transcripts for the maternally imprinted MEST and PLAGL1, were high in oocyt
124                                          The maternally imprinted MEST gene, the nonimprinted glucoco
125 ifically, Alb/AEG-1/c-Myc mice overexpressed maternally imprinted noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as Ri
126 portion of cases are due to mutations in the maternally imprinted SGCE gene.
127                  H19 is abundantly expressed maternally in embryonic tissues but is strongly represse
128                   Mitochondria are inherited maternally in most animals, but the mechanisms of select
129            These phenotypes were transmitted maternally, indicating the etiological role of the mitoc
130 e disorder.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT People who maternally inherit a deletion or nonfunctional copy of t
131 t period owes to conflict, between a woman's maternally inherited (MI) and paternally inherited (PI)
132                                              Maternally inherited 15q11-13 chromosomal triplications
133 d that Ube3a is primarily expressed from the maternally inherited allele in myelinated large-diameter
134 s multiple non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) from the maternally inherited allele, including the largest miRNA
135                                          The maternally inherited alpha-proteobacterium Wolbachia has
136      Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are maternally inherited and are associated with a broad ran
137                                     They are maternally inherited and in humans contain a 16,569-base
138                     Mitochondrial disease is maternally inherited and refractory to treatment, but as
139                  Wolbachia are intracellular maternally inherited bacteria that can spread through in
140 er's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a maternally inherited blinding disease characterized by d
141 e its ligand, HLA-C2, was paternally but not maternally inherited by a fetus (p = 0.005, odds ratio =
142 iparentally inherited nuclear loci and three maternally inherited chloroplast fragments from all dipl
143 D/MPV that arose de novo specifically on the maternally inherited chromosome and delete lung-specific
144 its extensive localized DNA demethylation on maternally inherited chromosomes.
145 ces with blue eggs are distinguished only by maternally inherited components of the genome, which mai
146 ising from loss-of-function mutations in the maternally inherited copy of the UBE3A gene, and is char
147 l disorder caused by loss of function of the maternally inherited copy of UBE3A, an imprinted gene ex
148 c acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS), maternally inherited deafness and diabetes (MIDD) and pr
149 ked to mitochondrial dysfunctions leading to maternally inherited deafness, aminoglycoside sensitivit
150 nd stroke-like episodes) and MIDD syndromes (maternally inherited diabetes and deafness).
151 tions in mitochondrial genes as the cause of maternally inherited diseases affecting tissues that rel
152 gh frequencies of pathogenic mtDNA result in maternally inherited diseases; maternally and somaticall
153                                         Rare maternally inherited duplications at 15q11-13 are observ
154                          In many arthropods, maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria can increase
155 ited CNVs, specifically for small (<100 kb), maternally inherited events (P = 0.01) that are enriched
156  We show that the sea star first likely uses maternally inherited factors and the Wnt and Delta pathw
157 inherited genes might be inactivated because maternally inherited genes are adapted to function harmo
158  favor demanding more from the mother, while maternally inherited genes favor restraint.
159    Mitochondrial diseases include a group of maternally inherited genetic disorders caused by mutatio
160 d systems such as Drosophila and Xenopus use maternally inherited germ determinants to specify germ c
161                        Specification through maternally inherited germ plasm occurs in many well-char
162 se observations suggest that Gryllus lacks a maternally inherited germ plasm, in contrast with many h
163 at growth hormone deficiency associated with maternally inherited gingival fibromatosis is an allelic
164  patients with growth hormone deficiency and maternally inherited gingival fibromatosis.
165                   However, it may also cause maternally inherited hearing loss in the absence of amin
166 according to extreme geographic structure in maternally inherited host mitochondrial DNA, appeared co
167  the same region of paternally inherited and maternally inherited human chromosome 15q, respectively.
168       The genus Wolbachia is an archetype of maternally inherited intracellular bacteria that infect
169 drial inhibitors, or in neurons derived from maternally inherited Leigh syndrome (MILS) patient iPS c
170                 Some rare SRS patients carry maternally inherited microduplications spanning the impr
171 ormalities, including the three samples with maternally inherited microduplications.
172                                              Maternally inherited mitochondrial (mt)DNA mutations can
173  plus hundreds to thousands of copies of the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
174              Deleterious CNVs (>400 kb) were maternally inherited more often (up to 64%, p = 10(-15))
175  transcription and are instead controlled by maternally inherited mRNAs and proteins.
176 pment depends heavily on accurate control of maternally inherited mRNAs, and yet it remains unknown h
177 Our data thus demonstrate that low levels of maternally inherited mtDNA mutations when present during
178 r the genetics of the thousands of copies of maternally inherited mtDNA, the more than 1,000 nuclear
179 s in CEP104; one of these subjects harbors a maternally inherited nonsense mutation (c.496C>T [p.Arg1
180 tions that disrupted a gene, 82% were either maternally inherited or de novo (p = 4.3 x 10(-3)).
181 ations but females do not, making the use of maternally inherited organelle genes problematic.
182       Because cytochrome b is encoded by the maternally inherited parasite mitochondrion, even outcro
183 led from paternally inherited centrioles and maternally inherited pericentriolar material (PCM) [1].
184    Lrmp is a conserved vertebrate gene whose maternally inherited products are essential for nucleus-
185  a more compact structure characterizing the maternally inherited repressed allele.
186 cal presentations and affected by de novo or maternally inherited single-nucleotide changes.
187 an be rendered asexual by infection with the maternally inherited symbiont Wolbachia.
188                                              Maternally inherited symbionts are common in arthropods
189 ssociated with severe human diseases and are maternally inherited through the egg's cytoplasm.
190                 Breakpoint sequencing of one maternally inherited translocation involving four chromo
191 ome (AS), which is caused by the loss of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele (encoding ubiquitin pr
192 rogenetic disorder caused by deletion of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele and is characterized b
193 l disorder caused by loss of function of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele.
194 used by disrupted neuronal expression of the maternally inherited Ube3A ubiquitin protein ligase, req
195      Furthermore, it identified a pathogenic maternally inherited Xp11.2 duplication.
196 a duplication of seven base pairs, which was maternally inherited, c.844_851dupCCATGCA, predicting p.
197  rRNA gene of human mitochondrial DNA causes maternally inherited, nonsyndromic deafness, an extreme
198                                 Wolbachia is maternally inherited, resulting in co-inheritance of mit
199 tinalis to show that levels of buffering are maternally inherited.
200 ased thyroid-stimulating hormone levels when maternally inherited.
201 t by an average of 1.83 cm (-0.31 s.d.) when maternally inherited.
202 uclear differentiation, either stochastic or maternally inherited.
203 KCNQ1 influence diabetes susceptibility when maternally inherited.
204 ing revealed a subset of pri-miRNAs that are maternally inherited.
205 with rearrangements < 6 Mb, unless they were maternally inherited.
206 irect consequence of delayed turnover of the maternally-inherited transcription factor LIN-15B, a syn
207                         This child carries a maternally-inherited ~86 kb FREM1 deletion that affects
208 a were collected from birth certificates and maternally linked hospital discharge data.
209                                     However, maternally loaded Gal4 protein is very efficient at gene
210 NAs to knockdown zygotic transcripts and (2) maternally loaded Gal4 protein to drive zygotic shRNA ex
211 s, posits that MBT timing is controlled by a maternally loaded inhibitory factor that is titrated aga
212                           In addition to the maternally loaded primary piRNAs, Tribolium embryos prod
213 e phenotypes for genes expressed maternally, maternally loaded shRNAs are not very effective at gener
214     Here, we evaluate the efficacies of: (1) maternally loaded shRNAs to knockdown zygotic transcript
215 vely generate phenotypes for genes expressed maternally, maternally loaded shRNAs are not very effect
216 ated by an imprinting control region that is maternally methylated and silenced.
217 ese to offspring methylation status within 3 maternally methylated imprinted genes: paternally expres
218                                          The maternally methylated KvDMR1 ICR regulates imprinted exp
219                          Cby RNA is supplied maternally, negatively regulated by Snail2 but not Twist
220 e inseminated or microinjected, yet numerous maternally-nucleated cytasters are found.
221                                        Thus, maternally obtained GlcN may increase substrates for bio
222 the extent to which female elasmobranchs may maternally offload contaminants.
223 that restricts gene expression to either the maternally or paternally inherited allele.
224  we show that vasa and piwi are not required maternally or zygotically for PGC formation but rather a
225 essed genes (endo-MEGs) were associated with maternally preferred H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 peaks.
226 that many developmental enhancers are marked maternally, prior to exposure to extrinsic signals.
227                    Our studies indicate that maternally provided aura (mid1ip1l) acts during the reor
228    Bicoid protein molecules, translated from maternally provided bicoid mRNA, establish a concentrati
229                   Animal embryos depend upon maternally provided factors until zygotic genome activat
230 ing (induction) or by a derived mechanism of maternally provided germ plasm (preformation).
231      Together, our observations suggest that maternally provided HA stimulates protective antimicrobi
232 g oogenesis, which is when the expression of maternally provided patterning factors is precisely cont
233 n but not its chromodomain and was guided by maternally provided signals.
234 ere we report that zebrafish embryos without maternally provided vg1 fail to form endoderm and head a
235 pment, the level of competition for limited (maternally provided) resources will often depend critica
236         In Drosophila, PGCs are specified by maternally provided, asymmetrically localized cytoplasmi
237 ce interval, 1.06-1.44) that was similar for maternally reported asthma.
238 is, day-care center attendance, birth order, maternally reported common infections in infancy, and br
239  ASD were at significantly increased odds of maternally reported constipation (adjusted odds ratio [a
240 accination was associated with reductions in maternally reported diarrhea (hazard ratio [HR], 0.89; 9
241            In this large prospective cohort, maternally reported GI symptoms are more common and more
242    Birth weight was measured in hospitals or maternally reported, sedentary time was assessed by usin
243  in fecal transplantation experiments: adult maternally separated rats were subjected to water avoida
244  SETDB1 in PWS-specific iPSCs, expression of maternally silenced 116HG RNA is partially restored.
245 used by the absence of paternally expressed, maternally silenced genes at 15q11-q13.
246                                   Imprinted, maternally silenced insulin-like growth factor-2 is expr
247                      MAGEL2 is an imprinted, maternally silenced, gene located at 15q11-13, within th
248 s are specified by using germ plasm-that is, maternally specified germ-line determinants (inheritance
249 tion that restricts the initial, ubiquitous, maternally specified, ANE regulatory state to the most a
250 d in low and high density, and HL and HH for maternally stressed offspring, assigned in low and high
251 d in low and high density, and HL and HH for maternally stressed offspring, assigned in low and high
252 characterize the translational regulation of maternally supplied mom-2 mRNA, which encodes a Wnt liga
253                                              Maternally supplied mRNAs encode proteins that pattern e
254 atterns in Drosophila embryos, we manipulate maternally supplied patterning determinants and measure
255 s regulated combinatorially by a set of nine maternally supplied RBPs.
256 rest is unable to compensate for deficits in maternally supplied rest and uncovers novel temporal req
257              Here we show that in zebrafish, maternally supplied rest regulates expression of target
258 to estimate the effectiveness of alternative maternally targeted vaccination strategies (antenatal de
259 ormation to aid consideration of alternative maternally targeted vaccination strategies and can infor
260  prompted a number of countries to implement maternally targeted vaccination strategies to protect vu
261                Mice acquire both IgG and IgA maternally; the former has primarily been implicated in
262  In most species, mitochondria are inherited maternally through mechanisms that are poorly understood
263 is also highly diverse, and transitions from maternally to embryonically expressed elements.
264 ighly toxic bioaccumulative contaminant, can maternally transfer and elicit deleterious effects on ad
265  the enhancing activity of DENV infection by maternally transferred DENV antibodies occurs at earlier
266             We evaluated the consequences of maternally transferred Hg on a long-lived aquatic omnivo
267 rely stored in lipid rich tissue of eels but maternally transferred into gonads and eggs.
268                                              Maternally transmitted associations between endosymbioti
269                   Numerous arthropods harbor maternally transmitted bacteria that induce the preferen
270                   Spiroplasma poulsonii is a maternally transmitted bacterial endosymbiont that is na
271         Male-killing is one strategy used by maternally transmitted bacterial symbionts to boost tran
272                                 Wolbachia, a maternally transmitted bacterium globally present in art
273 eir germ line either early in development by maternally transmitted cytoplasmic factors (inheritance)
274 ide new insights into the pathophysiology of maternally transmitted deafness that was manifested by a
275 l mental retardation dysmorphism syndrome, a maternally transmitted developmental disorder.
276         The triplications arose de novo from maternally transmitted duplications and caused a more se
277 es of linkage between mitochondria and other maternally transmitted genetic elements, including the r
278 ortion, have well-studied parallels in other maternally transmitted genetic elements, such as bacteri
279 mong transmitters (defined as pairs in which maternally transmitted HIV infection occurred by 12 mont
280          We report the first case to date of maternally transmitted infantile spinocerebellar ataxia
281                                Wolbachia are maternally transmitted intracellular bacteria that invad
282                                          The maternally transmitted microbes consistently include two
283 -dependent disease risk was communicable via maternally transmitted microbiota in both Nod2-deficient
284             Surprisingly, we also found that maternally transmitted mtDNA mutations can cause mild pr
285              Moreover, despite the fact that maternally transmitted mutations are the minority of all
286                 Here, we dissected a complex maternally transmitted phenotype, reminiscent of comorbi
287 case study, we discuss a recently discovered maternally transmitted sex ratio distortion in an insect
288  the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) and its maternally transmitted symbiont, Buchnera aphidicola Usi
289           Tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) house maternally transmitted symbionts that regulate the devel
290                               Wolbachia is a maternally transmitted symbiotic bacterium of insects th
291 p mutation (c.2386C>T; p.R796X), whereas the maternally transmitted variant predicted a missense subs
292 r-growth when the humanised Igf2r allele was maternally transmitted, a phenotype that was rescued by
293                          Wolbachia, which is maternally transmitted, invaded and spread through the p
294        Three Gammaproteobacteria species are maternally transmitted.
295 ter was decreased in both twin groups and in maternally underfed singleton fetuses (52, 65, and 55% d
296 tion and increased GR mRNA expression in the maternally underfed singleton group.
297 al populations (referred to as LL and LH for maternally unstressed offspring, assigned in low and hig
298 al populations (referred to as LL and LH for maternally unstressed offspring, assigned in low and hig
299              Early Wnt signaling is provided maternally, whereas BMP ligand expression in the zebrafi
300      Mitochondrial DNA mutations transmitted maternally within the oocyte cytoplasm often cause life-

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