


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f 4 miRNAs (e.g., miR-377, miR-379) from the maternally expressed 14q32 chromosome region.
2 s MALAT1, taurine upregulated gene 1 (TUG1), maternally expressed 3 (MEG3), linc00657, and linc00493.
3                             We conclude that maternally expressed Activin-like signals do not act bef
4                                We isolated a maternally expressed and dorsal organizer localized memb
5                             Galanin mRNA was maternally expressed and found in developing fish throug
6 ver, the second hoxc13 ortholog, hoxc13b, is maternally expressed and is detectable in every cell of
7 e techniques demonstrated that Yes kinase is maternally expressed and is localized to the cortical re
8 encoded by the mini spindles (msps) gene, is maternally expressed and loaded into the egg, where it i
9  Xenopus development, gtpbp2 transcripts are maternally expressed and localized to the egg animal pol
10 use homologue (Grb10/Meg1) is reported to be maternally expressed and maps to the imprinted region of
11                                      Tsix is maternally expressed and mice carrying a Tsix deletion s
12           As in eutherians, marsupial H19 is maternally expressed and paternal methylation upstream o
13 ation revealed that zebrafish scube1 mRNA is maternally expressed and widely distributed during early
14 RNA was shown by in situ hybridization to be maternally expressed and widely distributed in the syncy
15                      The most 5' of these is maternally expressed, and encodes neuroendocrine secreto
16 NAs, including miR-127, are processed from a maternally expressed antisense Rtl1 transcript (Rtl1as)
17         For example, a previously unnoticed, maternally expressed antisense transcript was mapped wit
18       Unlike a zygotically expressed gene, a maternally expressed aposematism gene will be hidden fro
19                            Zebrafish tbl3 is maternally expressed, but later in development its expre
20 on, and of geminin, sox3 and zic2, which are maternally expressed, by late gastrulation.
21                                          The maternally expressed C. elegans gene spd-5 encodes a cen
22 lthough genetic screens have identified many maternally expressed cell fate-controlling RNA-binding p
23  neuroendocrine-specific protein (NESP55), a maternally expressed chromogranin-like protein.
24                                              Maternally expressed DE-cad(ex) result in phenotype with
25 is transcribed embryonically, but unlike the maternally expressed Drosophila hb, its mRNA is not dete
26 . kcnh1a and kcnh1b) and that both genes are maternally expressed during early development.
27                               For example, a maternally expressed Gal4-Sp1 fusion protein can functio
28                                        Using maternally expressed Gal4/Dorsal fusion proteins, we hav
29                                              Maternally expressed gene 3 (MEG3) is an imprinted gene
30                                              Maternally expressed gene 3 (MEG3) is an imprinted gene
31                            The expression of maternally expressed gene 3 (MEG3) is selectively lost i
32 enomic imprinting at the Delta-like 1 (Dlk1)-Maternally expressed gene 3 (Meg3) locus is regulated by
33 lncRNA in malignant hepatocytes, among which maternally expressed gene 3 (MEG3) was downregulated by
34                       Among them, the lncRNA maternally expressed gene 3 (Meg3) was found to be mostl
35 Delta, Drosophila, Homolog-like 1 (DLK1) and Maternally Expressed Gene 3 (MEG3).
36             These results show that a single maternally expressed gene controls the patterning of the
37                                          The maternally expressed gene DLX5 showed a loss of imprinti
38 h loss-of-function mutations in p57(KIP2), a maternally expressed gene encoding a G(1) cyclin-depende
39 lements use microRNA-mediated silencing of a maternally expressed gene essential for embryogenesis, w
40 (KIP2), the product of CDKN1C, an imprinted, maternally expressed gene in a series of these rare, bip
41                          Tumorhead (TH) is a maternally expressed gene in Xenopus laevis, that when o
42 otypic spectrum of BWS might depend on which maternally expressed gene is mutated.
43          We have found that mutations in the maternally expressed gene let-99 affect spindle orientat
44                             Mutations in the maternally expressed gene mex-1 disrupt the segregation
45 the AS gene and suggest the possibility of a maternally expressed gene product in addition to the bia
46 ally expressed growth promoter, and H19 is a maternally expressed gene that can suppress growth in so
47  in an embryonic cell called P(1) requires a maternally expressed gene we name spn-4.
48  indicating that deficiency of an imprinted, maternally expressed gene within the critical interval i
49  line, RC-K8; Drosophila ME31B, encoded by a maternally-expressed gene, and Saccharomyces pombe Ste13
50                  Here we show that imprinted Maternally expressed gene1 (Meg1) in maize is both neces
51                 We report here a novel gene, maternally expressed gene1 (meg1), which shows a materna
52  in many species involves interactions among maternally expressed genes (eg, mRNA's and proteins plac
53 essed genes (PEGs), while endosperm-specific maternally expressed genes (endo-MEGs) were associated w
54 erations in imprinted genes, we analysed two maternally expressed genes (Igf2r, H19) and two paternal
55 inted genes in maize endosperm, including 54 maternally expressed genes (MEGs) and 46 paternally expr
56     In the rice endosperm, we identified 162 maternally expressed genes (MEGs) and 95 paternally expr
57           However, only approximately 14% of maternally expressed genes (MEGs) and approximately 29%
58                              The majority of maternally expressed genes (MEGs) were shared among all
59 genes at this stage, while nearly 80% of the maternally expressed genes (MEGs) were specific to 10 DA
60 egion (IG-DMR) is required for expression of maternally expressed genes and repression of silenced pa
61                          Studies of about 20 maternally expressed genes are providing an understandin
62                      Surprisingly, the three maternally expressed genes are regulated very differentl
63 elate with allele-specific expression of two maternally expressed genes in the seed and that one DMR
64 role for IPW in modulating the expression of maternally expressed genes in trans, which has important
65 gulates imprinted expression of a cluster of maternally expressed genes on human chromosome 11p15.5.
66                             We also identify maternally expressed genes that may be regulated by unkn
67 imprinted genes and is demarcated by the two maternally expressed genes Tssc3 (Ipl) and H19 which are
68 ompletely abolished expression of downstream maternally expressed genes, activated expression of sile
69 chromosome 7 that contains a cluster of four maternally expressed genes, H19, Mash2, Kvlqt1, and p57(
70 is paternally expressed and is surrounded by maternally expressed genes.
71 ave so far been found in three of the linked maternally expressed genes.
72 ic expression of Kcnq1ot1 and suppression of maternally expressed genes.
73 e sex, and the opposite sex is determined by maternally-expressed genes in individuals without the do
74                                              Maternally expressed GLP-1 participates in two of at lea
75 XLalphas, XLN1, and ALEX or a double dose of maternally expressed Gsalpha to phenotype has not been e
76                                          The maternally expressed GTL2 (gene trap locus 2) gene encod
77 , we show that Dlk1 is tightly linked to the maternally expressed Gtl2 gene.
78 encodes a potent fetal growth factor and the maternally expressed H19 encodes a non-coding RNA.
79 locus, H3K79me3 was paternally biased at the maternally expressed H19 locus, including the paternally
80                            Hence, Sebox is a maternally expressed homeobox gene.
81 ts on cognitive processes and identify a new maternally expressed imprinted gene candidate on the X c
82                                    MEG3 is a maternally expressed imprinted gene suggested to functio
83        However, unlike in mammals, Meg1 is a maternally expressed imprinted gene that surprisingly ac
84 milar phenotype to mice with a knockout of a maternally expressed imprinted gene, Ascl2 [achaete-scut
85 that SRS may result from overexpression of a maternally expressed imprinted gene, rather than from ab
86                                              Maternally expressed imprinted genes are enriched for hy
87 es to identify 9 paternally expressed and 34 maternally expressed imprinted genes in A. thaliana endo
88 ancer suggest the involvement of one or more maternally expressed imprinted genes involved in embryon
89                                          The maternally expressed imprinted genes p57kip2 and M6P/Igf
90 t the placenta tends to display an excess of maternally expressed imprinted genes, with the addition
91 n syndrome gene, has, to date, been the only maternally expressed, imprinted gene identified within t
92 dence that the disorder is associated with a maternally expressed, imprinted gene mapping to chromoso
93 pressed biallelically in most tissues but is maternally expressed in almost all neurons.
94                                  As Notch is maternally expressed in macromeres, additional component
95                      The mouse Kcnq1 gene is maternally expressed in most fetal but biallelically tra
96                                 G(S)alpha is maternally expressed in some tissues and biallelically e
97  we found 10 novel imprinted genes that were maternally expressed in the placenta.
98 the opposite orientation with respect to the maternally expressed KvLQT1 gene.
99                                              Maternally expressed members of the Transforming Growth
100 afish futile cycle gene is shown to encode a maternally expressed membrane protein required for nucle
101 al mode of inheritance - encodes a number of maternally expressed miRNAs.
102                            XLerk exists as a maternally expressed mRNA, however, expression of transc
103                             Most targets are maternally expressed mRNAs that accumulate in the absenc
104 l proteins that are encoded by nonlocalized, maternally expressed mRNAs.
105                                          The maternally expressed mutant Gnas transcript is the candi
106 nas1 gene region contains closely juxtaposed maternally expressed (Nesp) and paternally expressed (Ne
107 istal chromosome 12 and consists of multiple maternally expressed non-coding RNAs and several paterna
108                              In addition, 35 maternally expressed non-coding RNAs exhibited the same
109 otein-coding genes Dlk1 and Dio3 and several maternally expressed non-coding RNAs, including Gtl2 and
110 otein-coding genes and for activation of the maternally expressed non-coding RNAs: its absence causes
111 s separated by approximately 100 kb from the maternally expressed noncoding gene H19 on mouse distal
112 is an imprinted locus consisting of multiple maternally expressed noncoding RNA genes and paternally
113         Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (xnf7) is a maternally expressed nuclear protein that is retained in
114 ion in C. elegans, activities encoded by the maternally expressed par genes appear to establish cellu
115                                          The maternally expressed par genes are required for establis
116  elegans embryo requires the activity of the maternally expressed par genes.
117 yzed the allelic methylation patterns of the maternally expressed, paternally methylated H19 gene dur
118  permits faster genetic change than does the maternally expressed pattern at low frequencies of a fav
119 requencies of a favored allele, however, the maternally expressed pattern is again more conducive to
120                When selection is strong, the maternally expressed pattern of imprinting allows faster
121  In the early Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, maternally expressed PIE-1 protein is required in germ-l
122 iple genes, including the genes encoding the maternally expressed placental-specific transcription fa
123 ation then influences the stability of other maternally expressed proteins that in turn determine ear
124 out a two-hybrid screen in yeast to identify maternally expressed proteins that interact directly wit
125         Here we report the cloning of HDm, a maternally expressed putative deposition histone deacety
126         Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (xnf7) is a maternally expressed putative transcription factor that
127          In the Drosophila embryo, Dorsal, a maternally expressed Rel family transcription factor, re
128 nal knockout (cKO) of Smc5 demonstrated that maternally expressed SMC5 protein is essential for early
129 onic day 12.5 (e12.5) embryos, where Meg3 is maternally expressed, the paternal Meg3 DMR was methylat
130 ethal underdominance (UD(MEL)), in which two maternally expressed toxins, located on separate chromos
131 ontaining 1 gene (ZMIZ1), and H19, imprinted maternally expressed transcript gene (H19) were associat
132 possibility that deficiency of an undefined, maternally expressed transcript or isoform of the UBE3A
133 ssion quantitative trait locus (eQTL) of the maternally expressed transcription factor KLF14 acts as
134                                   Skn-1 is a maternally expressed transcription factor that specifies
135                                   Skn-1 is a maternally expressed transcription factor that specifies
136 that act as enhancers of prenatal growth and maternally expressed transcripts that act as inhibitors
137       Because attempts to identify any novel maternally expressed transcripts were unsuccessful and b
138             The kinship theory predicts that maternally expressed transcripts will favor higher level
139 show that the human H19 locus also encodes a maternally expressed, translated gene, antisense to the
140  also implies the existence of an imprinted, maternally expressed tumor suppressor gene on chromosome
141 -specific LOH/pLOH may reflect the loss of a maternally expressed tumor suppressor gene or the acquis
142              We investigated the role of the maternally expressed Ube3a gene in experience-dependent
143 expressed domain of the locus, excluding the maternally expressed Ube3a gene, and is conserved in rat
144 equivalent for cortical plasticity, and that maternally expressed Ube3a is required for normal experi
145 eurogenetic disorder caused by deficiency of maternally expressed ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A (UBE3A
146                                 We show that maternally expressed VegT controls the pattern of primar
147  be biallelically expressed or paternally or maternally expressed were consistent with expectations.
148 hat hybrid inviability is partially due to a maternally expressed X-linked PO locus and an imprinted
149                Furthermore, we show that the maternally expressed zebrafish Kinesin-1 Kif5Ba is a bin
150 ted in bi-allelic expression of the normally maternally expressed Zim2, whereas the maternal transmis

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