


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l defective in the morphological response to mating factor.
2 d by sterile-14, which methylates the a-type mating factor.
3                                              Mating factor activates the Fus3/MAPK kinase, whose subs
4 ictyostelium discoideum (Dicty) and BAR1 for mating factor alpha in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding
5  induce mating-specific genes in response to mating factor and to adopt the proper morphology for con
6  Transcriptional induction of genes encoding mating factors and receptors is also delayed in wee1- ce
7 scriptional regulator, a potential pheromone mating factor, and other DNA-binding proteins.
8 an Ha-Ras, Ki-Ras, N-Ras, and yeast Ras2p, a-mating factor, and Rho2p.
9 ehydrogenase 2 (ADH2) promoter and the alpha-mating factor expression system.
10 myces cerevisiae for maturation of the alpha-mating factor in a late Golgi compartment, most likely t
11 ntified genetically as causing resistance to mating factor-induced cell cycle arrest.
12 l per se but that it is essential for proper mating factor-induced morphogenesis.
13             Here we show that the failure of mating factor-induced transcription is largely the indir
14 core) in yeast using the yeast pre-pro-alpha-mating factor leader region to target the enzyme to the
15     Known prenylated proteins include fungal mating factors, nuclear lamins, Ras and Ras-related GTP-
16 LN2 can repress activation of the pathway by mating factor or by deletion of the alpha-subunit of the
17 - and Cln2-associated kinase activity by the mating factor pathway acting through Far1 has been descr
18 on of Cln3-associated kinase activity by the mating factor pathway may allow this pathway to block th
19  observed in a fus3 kss1 strain deficient in mating factor pathway mitogen-activated protein (MAP) ki
20 ae cell cycle is arrested in G1 phase by the mating factor pathway.
21 or CLN2-dependent function not involving the mating-factor pathway, complementing the temperature sen
22  The G1 cyclin Cln2 negatively regulates the mating-factor pathway.
23                 Three analogues of the alpha-mating factor pheromone of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cont
24 nth transmembrane domain (TMD7) of the alpha-mating factor receptor (Ste2p) of Saccharomyces cerevisi
25  alleles incapable of causing CLN2-dependent mating-factor resistance but capable of complementing cd
26 ts that could cause efficient Cln2-dependent mating-factor resistance but not complement a cdc28 null
27  fused to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae alpha-mating factor secretion signal leader.
28 utagenesis of the prepro-region of the alpha-mating factor secretion signal sequence was performed in
29 phic yeast, Pichia pastoris, using the alpha-mating factor secretion signal to direct expression to t
30 ng to the predicted 3rd alpha helix of alpha-mating factor secretion signal, increased secretion of r
31 dc42 is not required for transduction of the mating factor signal per se but that it is essential for
32  morphogenic functions, while inhibiting the mating factor signal transduction function.
33 he Cln1/2-Cdc28 kinase, a known repressor of mating factor signal transduction.
34  Cln3-associated kinase specific activity by mating factor treatment requires Far1.
35 3-associated kinase activity is inhibited by mating factor treatment, with dose response and timing c

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