


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 thodology for characterizing and documenting maturational abnormalities in brain systems associated w
2      The thymi of Sh2d3c(-/-) mice showed no maturational abnormalities, the number of splenic T cell
3 nt after mid-adolescence, suggesting reduced maturational achievement of the pursuit system in autism
4 nclude that MBT-1 specifically regulates the maturational advancement of myeloid progenitor cells dur
5 d of the first year of life was dependent on maturational age and not on the duration of exposure to
6 lopmental deficits are reflective of earlier maturational alterations occurring at the time of neurul
7                            The trajectory of maturational and aging effects varied considerably over
8 yos exposed to high glucose exhibit aberrant maturational and cytoarchitectural cellular changes, imp
9 nown of the molecular mechanisms controlling maturational and experience-dependent refinement.
10 hting research that reveals the interplay of maturational and experiential influences at key juncture
11 rom the EGL to IGL that reflects cell cycle, maturational and migrational abnormalities.
12 tion stimuli, rapidly differentiate into two maturational and phenotypically distinct populations.
13 ures and epileptogenesis are associated with maturational and seizure-induced changes in AMPA recepto
14 fter a comparable time period to control for maturational and test-retest effects.
15 of primary destructive disease and secondary maturational and trophic disturbances.
16 and the M. tuberculosis phagosome displays a maturational arrest at an early endosomal stage along th
17 t to originate from B-cell precursors with a maturational arrest at the pro-B cell stage and it is as
18 l atrophy of all lymphoid organs, owing to a maturational arrest before the pro-B/T cell stage.
19 -restricted overexpression of T-bet causes a maturational arrest in mononuclear phagocyte lineage cel
20 tion (Runx2 Delta C) do not form bone due to maturational arrest of osteoblasts.
21 antigen (proliferation, survival, apoptosis, maturational arrest, etc.) depending on the maturation s
22 rkers and cytokine production but also has a maturational aspect that affects a cell's ability to sur
23                We constructed structural and maturational association matrices and networks from thes
24             Animal studies indicate that the maturational balance of excitatory and inhibitory neurot
25                These data suggest that this "maturational" betaH1- to epsilony-globin switch is dynam
26 ion with lysophosphatidic acid overcame this maturational block and induced closure of lesions, promo
27 duced numbers of B lymphocytes and display a maturational block in the development of mature B cells.
28 aratively little information about premorbid maturational brain abnormalities in schizophrenia (SCZ).
29 o generate enucleated erythrocytes after 3-4 maturational cell divisions.
30 apid eye movement (NREM) sleep is a dramatic maturational change in brain electrophysiology thought t
31  the induction rules for LTP, explained by a maturational change in GABAergic inhibition, and could h
32 creased GM1-lipid raft association through a maturational change of phospholipid composition on the c
33  luminal milieu and which itself may undergo maturational changes along the epididymis.
34 rall, we demonstrate failure of white matter maturational changes and progressive loss of white matte
35                                              Maturational changes at the CD4(-)CD8(-) double negative
36 n system; and (iv) podocytes undergo typical maturational changes but subsequently de-differentiate a
37 able developmental transitions, though brain maturational changes during this period are subtle and d
38 and is responsible for many of the prepartum maturational changes essential for neonatal survival.
39  been hypothetically related to synchronized maturational changes in anatomically connected neuronal
40                                       Unique maturational changes in brain structure, supported by in
41 ion of the brain which parallels substantial maturational changes in cognition and affect regulation.
42 l trait behavior can be explained in part by maturational changes in frontal cortical and subcortical
43 development of mitral cells and arrested the maturational changes in membrane conductance and couplin
44 to induce at least one of the characteristic maturational changes in mouse bone marrow-derived DCs.
45              Overall, our studies identified maturational changes in neurons that likely contribute t
46                                  To identify maturational changes in neurons that may improve outcome
47  first evidence that it is the curvatures of maturational changes in neurophysiological oscillations
48 orted results demonstrating significant late maturational changes in the approximately 20 Hz common o
49                                              Maturational changes in the dendritic location rather th
50 wn that this "waiting period" is governed by maturational changes in the limb.
51 to adults, children demonstrated significant maturational changes including longer latencies and larg
52  migrate to draining lymph nodes and undergo maturational changes on exposure to reactive haptens.
53 h increasing age in children could be due to maturational changes or to proportionately smaller doses
54 ance of AMPAR-mediated EPSCs and the lack of maturational changes show that GABA depolarization acute
55          It is now recognized that extensive maturational changes take place in the human brain durin
56 ypic responses to environmental stimuli, and maturational changes that occur before and during the ad
57                                          The maturational changes that take place in the brain during
58    Thus, axons wait in the plexus region for maturational changes to occur in the limb rather than in
59                                              Maturational changes were also observed following exposu
60                        However, sex-specific maturational changes were noted in the volumes of medial
61  pharmacological agents that produced unique maturational changes.
62 est that AV node electrophysiology undergoes maturational changes.
63 e responses to such earlier perturbations or maturational changes.
64 ignaling through CXCR4, is implicated in the maturational chemotaxis of MKs toward sinusoidal vessels
65 at the nonpermissive temperature can undergo maturational cleavage and go on to form infectious virio
66                                         This maturational cleavage occurs between a histidine at posi
67 nase, PA-457 appears to block only the final maturational cleavage of p25CA-p2 to p24CA.
68                                              Maturational cleavage of the Gag polyprotein by the vira
69 esence of one of these compounds, the normal maturational cleavage of the Gag polyprotein does not oc
70 has a lesion in the protease responsible for maturational cleavage of the scaffolding protein, we hav
71 negative endosomes arise as a consequence of maturational conversion of EEA1/NEEP21 double-positive e
72              Evidence for sexually dimorphic maturational coupling was found within a frontopolar-cen
73 es showing the strongest and most widespread maturational coupling with other cortical areas, and low
74 erconnectivity showed significantly elevated maturational coupling.
75 s lower, whereas the rate of increase in its maturational cross-link, pyridinoline, was comparable wi
76                                 More complex maturational curves were also detected, with regions suc
77 ring also demonstrated an appropriate 4-fold maturational decline in luciferase expression in the sma
78 trol since there was no change in the normal maturational decrease in FHR and rise in MAP.
79 lphabeta(-/-) mice exhibited signatures of a maturational defect including reduced growth, a late fet
80 e proteins FZD3 and CELSR1-3 revealed severe maturational defects without changing the identity of ne
81 BT-1(-/-) myeloid progenitor cells exhibit a maturational deficiency but maintain normal proliferativ
82 oxygenase) orthologs have been implicated in maturational degradation of intracellular organelles and
83 FTR-associated ligand (CAL) facilitates post-maturational degradation of the channel and is thus a po
84               Overall, this study shows that maturational delay in TNFR expression particularly by pr
85 layed development in SHR may be related to a maturational delay observed in children with ADHD.
86 bstrate delivery to lysosomes, autophagosome maturational delay, as further confirmed by our in vitro
87 atients with COS showed significantly longer maturational delays, with cortical thickness correlation
88 an interplay between distinct lineages and a maturational dependence on specific microenvironmental s
89 m that SWA is a highly sensitive tool to map maturational differences in experience-dependent plastic
90 to performance discrepancies; alternatively, maturational differences in functional neuroanatomy coul
91  compared with those from neonates, and that maturational differences in IL-10 expression are not due
92                                              Maturational differences in IL-10 expression might be du
93        These data demonstrate that there are maturational differences in lung NF-kappaB activation an
94                        We determined whether maturational differences in lung NF-kappaB activation co
95                  These findings suggest that maturational differences in subcortical and prefrontal r
96  patients, may be influenced by regional and maturational differences in the ratio of M1 to M23 prote
97        The goal of this study was to examine maturational disturbances in CD4 T cell differentiation
98  appear to be related to widespread cellular maturational disturbances that target cerebral gray and
99       These findings also point to important maturational effects from 'early' to 'late' during task
100 milar patterns were observed, but with fewer maturational effects in some regions.
101 ver and kidney and may mediate, in part, the maturational effects of cortisol.
102   Thrombopoietin (Tpo) has proliferative and maturational effects on immature and more committed cell
103    Use of reference data, measurement error, maturational effects, and hereditary factors are among t
104 ations nearby, indicating the existence of a maturational escape process, possibly in adaptation to v
105 0 or 120 kDa NCAM isoforms in this important maturational event.
106 ll three of which are also required for this maturational event.
107            We propose a model by which these maturational events are controlled by the signal sequenc
108  include the induction of alterations in the maturational events of the endocannabinoid system occurr
109  cytokines are thought to induce a series of maturational events primarily by transcriptional regulat
110 nsistent with postmortem studies of cellular maturational events such as increased myelination and sy
111 ues in the activation loop and C terminus as maturational events that influence enzyme activity and t
112 itive selection there are time, spatial, and maturational events that occur before KLF2 is finally up
113 e somatic mutation, as well as class switch, maturational events that presumably require the particip
114 se results suggest that progressive cellular maturational events, such as increased myelination, may
115 s in children younger than 5 years depend on maturational factors in anatomy, gastrointestinal physio
116 to respond to prismatic deviation depends on maturational factors indicated by the onset of stereopsi
117            BDNF-TrkB signaling regulated the maturational formation of new branches in ON but not the
118  to TH throughout development and a specific maturational function around birth.
119 IV G-CSFR in AML uncouples proliferative and maturational G-CSFR signaling pathways.
120 tro from human embryonic stem cells undergo 'maturational' globin switching as they differentiate ter
121           This pattern of results suggests a maturational gradient within the medial temporal lobe me
122  useful to fill cartilage defects, while the maturational growth phenotype may be useful to induce ma
123  integrity, and subsequent incubation led to maturational growth with minimal changes in tissue volum
124              These findings suggest that the maturational histories of the striosomal and matrix neur
125  sufficient to generate a full proliferative/maturational in vitro response within the megakaryocyte
126 eased after postnatal day (P)10 because of a maturational increase in membrane conductance.
127 , both across development to coincide with a maturational increase in vesicle cycling and quantal amp
128            We found significant and specific maturational lag in connections within default mode netw
129  Furthermore, children with ADHD exhibited a maturational lag in development of posterior alpha power
130                               Our finding of maturational lag specifically in connections within and
131 the gap in test scores could be explained by maturational lags in the frontal and temporal lobes.
132                               Recognition of maturational lineage biology and its regulation by these
133 ple subpopulations with traits suggestive of maturational lineage stages and yet capable of self-repl
134   Intrahepatically, there are at least eight maturational lineage stages from the stem cells in zone
135                      Livers are comprised of maturational lineages of cells beginning extrahepaticall
136    We find that dark rearing blocks both the maturational loss of ON-OFF responsive RGCs and the prun
137                     Two of these, called the maturational (M) and release (R) sites, are conserved in
138  internal (I), cryptic (C), release (R), and maturational (M) sites and at a newly discovered "tail"
139           PD-1 expression was independent of maturational markers on memory CD8(+) T cells and was no
140           In vivo, the later steps include a maturational membrane penetration that is dependent on t
141 for PKCepsilon signaling in normal postnatal maturational myocardial development and suggest the pote
142 ation was somewhat predictable by structural/maturational networks but demonstrated a stronger bias t
143                          Both structural and maturational networks shared similar global and nodal to
144                          Consistent with the maturational onset of changes in 5-HT, striatal dopamine
145 ies of this capacity develop along a regular maturational path, such that it seems more appropriate t
146  size-distinguishable morphs differ in their maturational pattern of TnT splicing, yet they show the
147  be used to improve the detection of deviant maturational patterns indicative of neurodevelopmental d
148  age 11-16.5 years is a critically important maturational period for the brain processes that underli
149                          We identified three maturational phases in S-cell distributions.
150 calcium into enamel during the secretory and maturational phases of formation.
151 dritic cells (DCs) progress through distinct maturational phases; immature DCs capture Ag while matur
152            There is a dramatic difference in maturational phenotype between the two cell lines, howev
153 KCdelta autophosphorylation in the "priming" maturational PKCdelta-Thr(505) phosphorylation that acco
154 d the transcriptional events that drive this maturational process are not known.
155                         This extratesticular maturational process is accompanied by the activation of
156                                         This maturational process is called capacitation and in mouse
157                                         This maturational process is thought to include the refinemen
158                                         This maturational process occurs in parallel with accumulatio
159                            We have shown the maturational process of LV torsion in normal subjects.
160  period induced long-term disruption of this maturational process, such that even 1 year later animal
161 d human personality develop via an unfolding maturational process.
162  and that hydrocortisone can accelerate this maturational process.
163 eural plasticity over and above normal brain maturational processes are discussed.
164 ical maturation or whether, instead, the two maturational processes are parallel but independent prog
165                                    Postnatal maturational processes convert bistratifying ON-OFF RGCs
166 Pathological states that interfere with such maturational processes could result in neurodevelopmenta
167                       The amygdala undergoes maturational processes during adolescence, and therefore
168 s that is essential for gonadotropin-induced maturational processes in OCC.
169             Luteinizing hormone (LH) induces maturational processes in oocyte-cumulus cell complexes
170 arities of this conformational change to the maturational processes of more complex DNA viruses (e.g.
171                    The contribution of local maturational processes of progenitors within the airways
172 give rise to both eggs and sperm via complex maturational processes that require both cell migration
173 eriences might play a critical role in these maturational processes, animals were raised in the absen
174     While many factors are involved in these maturational processes, studies of cell proliferation an
175 rvention, yet potentially jeopardizes normal maturational processes.
176 on alone is not sufficient to initiate these maturational processes.
177 tulated that thyroid hormone regulates these maturational processes.
178 ay have detrimental consequences and disrupt maturational processes.
179 RNA precursors (pre-mRNAs) undergo extensive maturational processing, including cleavage and polyaden
180 Thus, the absence of CasR alters neither the maturational profile of isolated osteoblast cultures nor
181  CD4 T cells with specific developmental and maturational profiles are able to effectively support HI
182     It is unknown whether alterations in ICN maturational profiles can reliably detect impaired atten
183 ny perceptual theories that posit particular maturational profiles in higher-order (i.e., cortical) m
184              We discuss the meaning of these maturational profiles in terms of time course of morphol
185 ikely to be indicative of an overall retinal maturational program in which cell differentiation and t
186 lasticity is regulated by the execution of a maturational program intrinsic to inhibitory neurons.
187                                         This maturational program is mimicked by postsynaptic express
188 ce that lack Rho function in the thymus show maturational, proliferative and cell survival defects du
189 he internal scaffold protein, BdRF1; and the maturational protease (BVRF2).
190           We compared the full-length capsid maturational protease (pPR, pUL80a) of human cytomegalov
191 with an HSV-1 mutant (m100) deficient in the maturational protease for which it was expected that pro
192 bly protein precursor (pAP, pUL80.5) and the maturational protease precursor (pPR, pUL80a), contain t
193 ute to this scaffolding function; one is the maturational protease precursor (pUL80a), and the other
194  member of the herpesvirus family, encodes a maturational protease required for processing of the ass
195 of a temperature-sensitive lesion in the HSV maturational protease UL26.
196  shell, the UL26.5 product together with the maturational protease, a minor protein, form a spherical
197                    The cytomegalovirus (CMV) maturational protease, assemblin, contains an "internal"
198 ffect capsid assembly, activity of the HSV-1 maturational protease, or formation of DNA-containing ca
199 capsid protein, and may slow cleavage by the maturational protease.
200 l-lethal mutant of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) maturational protease.
201 e that may correspond to the location of the maturational protease.
202 rvation in their DNA packaging machinery and maturational proteases.
203             The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) maturational proteinase is synthesized as an enzymatical
204  homologs cannot; and (iv) the HCMV and SCMV maturational proteinase precursors (ACpra, encoded by UL
205    This protein, and the genetically related maturational proteinase, is distinguished from the other
206                   For these latter proteins, maturational proteolysis by the adenoviral protease lead
207 affolding proteins and cellular chaperonins, maturational proteolysis, and conformational changes on
208  of Lp82 in the lens may be to retard normal maturational proteolysis.
209 , viral late protein synthesis occurred, but maturational proteolytic processing was inhibited, and t
210 blish that Cav1.2(KO) OPCs display a reduced maturational rate through the entire remyelination proce
211                                  Significant maturational rates of increasing fractional anisotropy (
212 ter layer of the Gag shell, (ii) directs the maturational rearrangements of the NTDs that yield a fun
213     Therefore we propose the function of the maturational refolding of the beta-hairpin in CA assembl
214 ce of Gag binding to CyP A was to block this maturational refolding, resulting in a 24-kDa CA protein
215 nal region in mature CA is also a product of maturational refolding.
216 n rat and human in the regional and temporal maturational regulation of neuronal and glial AMPAR expr
217 ue to the afferent neurons that arrest their maturational replacement by MyHCs associated with faster
218         In PSD-95/PSD-93 double-KO mice, the maturational replacement of NR2B- with NR2A-NMDARs fails
219  the effect of 17-beta-estradiol (E2) on the maturational response triggered by virus in human DCs an
220  effects of PLSCR1 on cell proliferative and maturational responses may also relate to alterations in
221 erences in antigen-TCR avidity encode unique maturational responses of lymphocytes and the influence
222 on is distinguished from differentiative and maturational responses to ecdysteroids by requiring toni
223                                 The possible maturational role of corticotectal projections in the ab
224 c activity may be able to compensate for the maturational role of TPO and lead to the formation of no
225 d that light stimulation is required for the maturational segregation of retinal ganglion cell (RGC)
226                    This study shows that the maturational sequence for new neurons in the adult monke
227           Herpesviruses encode an essential, maturational serine protease whose catalytic domain, ass
228  crucial long-term roles in the assembly and maturational shaping of the same networks as they develo
229                    These data imply that the maturational shift away from ADP-mediated respiratory co
230  with other brain systems are related to the maturational shift in behavior.
231 neonate, but does for the adult, indicates a maturational shift in the requirements for the developme
232 igate the factors that may contribute to the maturational shift of If, comparing neonatal rat ventric
233 g factor receptor (G-CSFR) proliferative and maturational signaling pathways are uncoupled.
234 in AML can uncouple G-CSFR proliferative and maturational signaling pathways.
235 (lck) constitutes an early step in conveying maturational signals after TCR ligation by a positively
236 duction of Ag presentation once APCs receive maturational signals.
237 logs of all herpes group viruses: one at the maturational site near the carboxyl end of the precursor
238                 We demonstrate that the next maturational stage after proT1 cells (proT2), but not pr
239  simply appear in SC neurons at a prescribed maturational stage but rather develops only after substa
240 e affinity/avidity of the TCR ligand and the maturational stage of the T cell are thought to be princ
241 mine the influence of leukemic cell apparent maturational stage on treatment outcomes in pediatric T-
242  that KIR acquisition remains dynamic at the maturational stage represented by the NK92 cell line.
243 ch the cortical slice is taken at an earlier maturational stage, one that corresponds to a time when
244 neage-selective determinants, in a cell- and maturational stage-specific context, has not yet been de
245 and mature DCs probably contribute to the DC maturational stage-specific glucocorticoid sensitivity.
246  bias already as thymocytes, at an HSA(high) maturational stage.
247 senchyme than r2 NCCs, irrespective of their maturational stage.
248 bstance use disorders or in developmental or maturational stage.
249 ng pathways have distinct roles according to maturational stage.
250 ions of hematopoietic precursors at multiple maturational stages and substantiate the previously unre
251 omposition of lysosomal MIIC at different DC maturational stages appear important for surface egressi
252  these data help to validate specific rodent maturational stages as appropriate models for evaluation
253 the dendrites of adult-born GCs at the early maturational stages depended on the activation of NMDA r
254                Isolation of cells at defined maturational stages has enhanced the understanding of th
255  distinct, progressively more differentiated maturational stages of CD4 memory subpopulations in heal
256  Thus, by using both CCR7 and CD27, distinct maturational stages of CD4 memory T cells with different
257                     At E11.5, we observe all maturational stages of erythroid precursors in the liver
258       Developing neurons undergo a series of maturational stages, and the timing of these events is c
259                                  At specific maturational stages, neural circuits enter sensitive per
260 nd of brain dynamics in relation to regional maturational stages, promise to yield a better understan
261 -born granule cells (GCs) at their different maturational stages, the mechanisms controlling the inte
262 ls generate thymocytes representative of all maturational stages.
263 age transition from the pre-pro-B to further maturational stages.
264 thus serve as markers for distinct proT cell maturational stages.
265 l dendrites of adult-born GCs at their early maturational stages.
266 ult-born GCs during their early but not late maturational stages.
267                                   Cell size, maturational state (as measured by the proportion of bin
268 nitively that ORs are expressed prior to the maturational state defined by OMP expression.
269                            Thus, ventricular maturational state influences the voltage dependence of
270  to antigen presentation is dependent on the maturational state of dendritic cells (DCs), we hypothes
271 and complete replication was impacted by the maturational state of the CD4 cell target or the specifi
272 ch progressively change in parallel with the maturational state of the cortex.
273 we found that the PMA effect depended on the maturational state of the synapses.
274 ts on hematopoietic cells depending on their maturational state, preventing and/or delaying the diffe
275 hout an effect on their synaptic strength or maturational state.
276 e an empirical basis to recognize equivalent maturational states across animals.
277 function acting in a manner dependent on the maturational states of neuronal networks.
278      The KC number, functional activity, and maturational status are directly related to the concentr
279                              Previously, the maturational status of CD8alpha-(myeloid) DCs has been s
280 ition to alteration in T cell responses, the maturational status of dendritic cells in lymph nodes wa
281  DNA methylation profile, preserved from the maturational status of the original cell.
282  infected thymocytes were analyzed to assess maturational status.
283 hibition of DC maturity that is resistant to maturational stimuli and modulates antigen-specific immu
284 en 2 and 3 weeks after birth coincident with maturational stress.
285 Previous studies in rats have shown that the maturational tempo of these afferents is highly responsi
286 ts the theta age curve parallels the earlier maturational thinning in 3-layer cortex, whereas the del
287 male life history characteristics, including maturational timing, reproductive hormones, adult size,
288  relatedness with clusters that have similar maturational timing.
289 te therapeutic target for correction of post-maturational trafficking defects in cystic fibrosis.
290 ficits in cortical thickness and areas whose maturational trajectories are altered in schizophrenia.
291 es composed of cortical regions with similar maturational trajectories for cortical thickness in typi
292                                          The maturational trajectories of cognitive and brain develop
293 pants' patterns of deviations from normative maturational trajectories were indicative of sustained a
294 ling in the postnatal cortex controlling the maturational trajectory across modalities.
295 tive hypothesis that these insults alter the maturational trajectory of SPNs.
296 ently delineated in 6-month-old infants, the maturational trajectory of these mechanisms remained unc
297 ed memories for experiences have a prolonged maturational trajectory.
298 posure of deprived mice to light confirmed a maturational transition regardless of visual input.
299 ropriately formed immature particles and the maturational transitions that create a functional virion
300 between -1253 and -1180 bp are necessary for maturational up-regulation of NR2A.

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